# Options files live in your home directory or project repository, and can be # written in JSON or YAML. They can be used not just by JSLintMate, but also by # teammates' lint tools in other editors, continuous integration systems, # automated testing systems, and more. This is great for helping your team use # the same coding standards everywhere. # # To use this file, save a copy as `~/.jshintrc`. JSLintMate reads JSHint # options from this path by default, and detects whether it contains JSON or # YAML. If you want to change this path: # # 1. Save a copy of this file where you'd like it. For example: # # * If you want to keep a personal set of options, save it outside # of your project's directory, e.g., `~/Documents/jshint.yml`. # * If you want to share an options file with project collaborators, # save it in your project's directory, e.g., `config/jshint.yml`. # # 2. In TextMate's "Bundles" menu, select "Bundle Editor" > # "Show Bundle Editor" > "JavaScript JSLintMate" > "Options Files". # # 3. Change the value for `TM_JSLINTMATE_JSHINT_OPTIONS_FILE` to the path # for your options file. # # If your options file is within your project, the value should start # with the variable `$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY`, e.g., # `$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/config/jshint.yml`. # # 4. Close the "Bundle Editor" window. # # Tweak the options in your new options file, and you're done! # # More info: # - JSHint options: http://www.jshint.com/options/ # - JSLintMate: http://rondevera.github.com/jslintmate/ ### Globals ### # To ignore any custom global variables, enable the `predef` option and list # your variables beneath it. # # predef: # - myGlobalVar1 # - myGlobalVar2 ### Enforcing options ### # Set these to `true` to enforce, or `false` to relax. bitwise: true curly: true eqeqeq: true forin: true immed: true latedef: false newcap: true noarg: true noempty: true nonew: true plusplus: false regexp: false undef: true strict: false trailing: true ### Relaxing options ### # Set these to `true` to relax, or `false` to enforce. asi: false boss: true debug: false eqnull: true es5: true esnext: true evil: false expr: true funcscope: false globalstrict: false iterator: false lastsemic: false laxbreak: false laxcomma: false loopfunc: true multistr: false onecase: false proto: false regexdash: false scripturl: false shadow: true smarttabs: true sub: false supernew: false validthis: true ### Environments ### # Set each environment that you're using to `true`. browser: true couch: false devel: false dojo: false jquery: true mootools: false node: false nonstandard: false prototypejs: false rhino: false wsh: false ### Legacy from JSLint ### # Set these to `true` to enforce, or `false` to relax. nomen: false onevar: false passfail: false white: false