port-tick-period: 1
notify-tick-period: 100

  port-list: "&eAvailable ports: %1$s"
  no-ports-defined: "&eThere are no ports defined yet."

    enter: "&bWelcome! This %1$s will depart in %2$s."
    leave: "&bPlease come again soon!"
    notify: "&bThis %1$s will depart in %2$s."
    depart: "&bWhoosh!"
    no-destination: "&eThis %1$s has no destination."
    no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this %1$s."
    no-ticket: "&cYou do not have the ticket required to use this %1$s."
    ticket-taken: "&7Your ticket has been taken."
    cooldown: "&cYou must wait a further %1$s before you can use a port again."
    payment-taken: "&7Payment of %1$s has been taken."
    not-enough-money: "&cYou do not have enough money to use this %1$s (%2$s required)."