class @BatFire @VERSION = '0.1.0' class BatFire.Reference constructor: ({@path, @parent}) -> if @parent @ref = @parent.child(@path) else @ref = new Firebase(@path) child: (path) -> @ref.child(path) BatFire.AppMixin = initialize: -> @syncsWithFirebase = (@firebaseAppName) -> @firebaseURL = "https://#{@firebaseAppName}" @set 'firebase', new BatFire.Reference(path: @firebaseURL) @syncs = (keypathString, {as}={}) -> @_syncKeypaths ?= [] @_syncKeypaths.push(keypathString) firebasePath = keypathString.replace(/\./, '/') childRef = @get('firebase').child("syncs/#{firebasePath}") syncConstructorName = as @observe keypathString, (newValue, oldValue) => return if newValue is oldValue or Batman.typeOf(newValue) is 'Undefined' newValue = newValue.toJSON() if newValue?.toJSON childRef.set(newValue) childRef.on 'value', (snapshot) => value = snapshot.val() if syncConstructorName? syncConstructor = Batman.currentApp[syncConstructorName] value = new syncConstructor(value) @set(keypathString, value) @_updateFirebaseChild = (keypathString, newValue) -> firebasePath = keypathString.replace(/\./, '/') childRef = @get('firebase').child("syncs/#{firebasePath}") newValue = newValue.toJSON() if newValue?.toJSON childRef.set(newValue) appSet = @set @set = -> keypathString = arguments[0] value = arguments[1] firstKeypathPart = keypathString.split(".")[0] if firstKeypathPart in(@_syncKeypaths || []) @_updateFirebaseChild(keypathString, value) appSet.apply(@, arguments) Batman.App.classMixin(BatFire.AppMixin) class BatFire.Storage extends Batman.StorageAdapter constructor: -> super firebaseClass = Batman.helpers.pluralize(@model.storageKey || @model.resourceName) @model.encode(@model.get('primaryKey')) _BatFireClearLoaded = @model.clear @model.clear = => result = _BatFireClearLoaded.apply(@model) ref = @model.get('ref') ref?.off() @model.unset('ref') result @model.classAccessor 'firebasePath', -> children = ['records'] if @get('isScopedToCurrentUser') uid = Batman.currentApp.get('currentUser.uid') if !uid? throw "#{firebaseClass} is scoped to currentUser -- you must be logged in to access it!" children.push('scoped') children.push(uid) children.push(firebaseClass) children.join("/") @model.accessor 'firebasePath', -> children = ['records'] if @get('isScopedToCurrentUser') uid = if @get('isNew') Batman.currentApp.get('currentUser.uid') else @get('created_by_uid') if !uid? throw "#{firebaseClass} #{@get("id") || 'record'} is scoped to currentUser -- you must be logged in to access them!" children.push('scoped') children.push(uid) children.push(firebaseClass) if !@isNew() children.push(@get('id')) children.join("/") @model.encodesTimestamps = -> @accessor('_encodesTimestamps', -> true) @encode('created_at', 'updated_at', { encode: (value) -> value.toISOString() decode: (value) -> new Date(value) }) _createRef: (env) -> try firebaseChildPath = env.subject.get('firebasePath') ref = Batman.currentApp.get('firebase').child(firebaseChildPath) if env.action is 'create' ref = ref.push() catch e env.error = e ref _listenToList: (ref, callback) -> return if @model.get('ref') ref.on 'child_added', (snapshot) => record = @model.createFromJSON(snapshot.val()) ref.on 'child_removed', (snapshot) => record = @model.createFromJSON(snapshot.val()) @model.get('loaded').remove(record) ref.on 'child_changed', (snapshot) => record = @model.createFromJSON(snapshot.val()) @model.set('ref', ref) @::before 'destroy', 'destroyAll', @skipIfError (env, next) -> if env.subject.get('hasUserOwnership') if env.action is 'destroyAll' env.error = new Error("You can't call destroyAll on these records because some may belong to other users.") if env.action is 'destroy' and !env.subject.get('isOwnedByCurrentUser') env.error = new Error("You can't destroy this record becasue it doesn't belong to you.") next() @::before 'create', 'update', 'read', 'destroy', 'readAll', 'destroyAll', @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.primaryKey = @model.primaryKey env.firebaseRef = @_createRef(env) next() @::after 'create', 'update', 'read', 'destroy', @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.result = env.subject next() create: @skipIfError (env, next) -> firebaseId = env.subject._withoutDirtyTracking -> if env.subject.get('_encodesTimestamps') @set('created_at', new Date) @set('updated_at', new Date) if env.subject.get('_belongsToCurrentUser') for attr in BatFire.AuthModelMixin.CREATED_BY_FIELDS @set("created_by_#{attr}", Batman.currentApp.get('currentUser').get(attr)) @set(env.primaryKey, firebaseId) env.firebaseRef.set env.subject.toJSON(), (err) -> if err env.error = err next() read: @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.firebaseRef.once 'value', (snapshot) => data = snapshot.val() if !data? env.error = new @constructor.NotFoundError else env.subject._withoutDirtyTracking -> @fromJSON(data) next() update: @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.subject._withoutDirtyTracking -> if env.subject.get('_encodesTimestamps') @set('updated_at', new Date) env.firebaseRef.set env.subject.toJSON(), (err) -> if err env.error = err next() destroy: @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.firebaseRef.remove (err) -> if err env.error = err next() readAll: @skipIfError (env, next) -> @_listenToList(env.firebaseRef) env.firebaseRef.once 'value', (listSnapshot) => listData = listSnapshot.val() env.result = (env.subject.createFromJSON(item) for id, item of listData) next() destroyAll: @skipIfError (env, next) -> env.firebaseRef.remove (err) -> if err env.error = err next() class BatFire.User extends Batman.Object BatFire.AuthAppMixin = initialize: -> @authorizesWithFirebase = (@providers...) -> @set 'currentUser', new BatFire.User @on 'run', => @set 'auth', new FirebaseSimpleLogin @get('firebase.ref'), (err, user) => if err? throw err else @_updateCurrentUser(user) @_updateCurrentUser = (attrs={}) -> @set("currentUser", new BatFire.User(attrs)) @login = (provider, options={}) -> if @providers.length is 1 provider ?= @providers[0] if (@providers.length) and (provider not in @providers) throw "Auth provider #{provider} not in whitelisted providers [#{@providers.join(", ")}]" @get('auth').login(provider, options) @logout = -> @get('auth').logout() Batman._scopedModels ?= [] model.clear() for model in Batman._scopedModels @_updateCurrentUser({}) @classAccessor 'loggedIn', -> !!@get('currentUser.uid') @classAccessor 'loggedOut', -> !@get('loggedIn') Batman.App.classMixin(BatFire.AuthAppMixin) class BatFire.CurrentUserValidator extends Batman.Validator @triggers 'ownedByCurrentUser' validateEach: (errors, record, key, callback) -> if !record.get('isNew') # these are only set after create if !record.get('hasOwner') errors.add('base', "This record doesn't have an owner!") else if !record.get('isOwnedByCurrentUser') errors.add('base', "You don't own this record!") else if !Batman.currentApp.get('loggedIn') errors.add('base', "You must be logged in to create this!") callback() Batman.Validators.push(BatFire.CurrentUserValidator) BatFire.AuthModelMixin = CREATED_BY_FIELDS: ['uid', 'email', 'username'] initialize: -> @belongsToCurrentUser = ({scoped, ownership}={})-> for attr in BatFire.AuthModelMixin.CREATED_BY_FIELDS do (attr) => accessorName = "created_by_#{attr}" @accessor(accessorName, Batman.Model.defaultAccessor) # uses default accessor @encode(accessorName) @accessor 'hasOwner', -> @get('created_by_uid')? @accessor 'isOwnedByCurrentUser', -> @get('hasOwner') and @get('created_by_uid') is Batman.currentApp.get('currentUser.uid') # used by the storage adapter: @set('_belongsToCurrentUser', true) @accessor('_belongsToCurrentUser', -> true) if ownership @validate('created_by_uid',{ownedByCurrentUser: true}) @set('hasUserOwnership', true) # picked up in the storage adapter @accessor 'hasUserOwnership', -> true # picked up in the storage adapter @encode('hasUserOwnership', as: 'has_user_ownership') if scoped Batman._scopedModels ?= [] Batman._scopedModels.push(@) @set('isScopedToCurrentUser', true) # picked up by storage adapter @accessor 'isScopedToCurrentUser', -> @constructor.get('isScopedToCurrentUser') Batman.Model.classMixin(BatFire.AuthModelMixin)