#Goto-CSS-Declaration **v0.3** - 99% refactoring **v0.2.1** - Fix empty view.file_name --- ## Goto CSS declaration in an open \*.css (.less, .sass, .other) file from other file (\*.html, \*.js, \*.other_extantion) **Forum Thread** http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4397 ![Goto-CSS-Declaration](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Goto-CSS-Declaration/raw/master/goto_css_declaration.gif) ### Example **html:**
^ |-cursor **js:** $(".box").click(...); ^ |-cursor Pressing the key `super+right` or `super+left` go to the **first** CSS declaration of `box` (.class or #id => .box or #box), in this example the id `#box` #box .box-shadow { background: url(../img/box.jpg); } #box-shadow .box-shadow-1 { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ff0; } .box__inner { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #f00; } and if then press (in CSS file) `super+right` goes to the **next** CSS declaration of `box`, in this example the class `.box-shadow`, and next => `#box-shadow`, and next => `.box-shadow-1`, and next => `.box__inner` also you can press (in CSS file) `super+left` and goes to the **previous** CSS declaration of `box`. ### [goto_css_declaration.sublime-settings](https://github.com/rmaksim/Sublime-Text-2-Goto-CSS-Declaration/blob/master/goto_css_declaration.sublime-settings) { "css_files": [".css", ".sass", ".less"] } ### Default (Linux).sublime-keymap super + right super + left ### Default (Windows).sublime-keymap super + . super + , ### Copyright **Copyright (c) 2011 Razumenko Maksim ** MIT License, see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT