" Source repo: http://github.com/rking/vim-detailed " " So many 256-color schemes merely shift the palette around, displaying only 8 " colors (even though they're a *different* set of 8 colors than default). " " This scheme is more detailed than that. " " Your eyes will learn to pick up on subtler patterns without requiring as " much from your conscious mind. Instead of the goal being merely looking " cool, the goal is to maximize info bandwidth from the computer to the brain. " The regexes, for example, are much easier to pick out. The overall feel of a " given file becomes much more intuitively recognizeable (you'll know you're " in foo.rb, not bar.rb, without having to read any text). Certain bits will " "pop" into being the right colors, such as the difference between " "RUBY_VERISON" and "RUBY_VERSION", or # encoding: utf-8 " " ## 256 Color Requirement " " If you aren't getting 256 colors, you aren't getting detailed.vim. " Typically, you'll have to make sure your `$TERM` variable is set right. This " can get un-set by some programs, such as tmux. So you can force it to " something like: " " export TERM=screen-256color " # or: " export TERM=xterm-256color " " If these are unavailable on the target system, you might have to place a " terminfo file in `~/.terminfo/` -or- you can be totally gross and force it " with `:set &t_Co=256` in vim. But don't be gross. It's uncouth. " " ## Download " " If using Pathogen, " " cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone https://github.com/rking/vim-detailed " " If using no vim plugin manager: " " mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors/ && cd $_ && wget https://raw.github.com/rking/vim-detailed/master/colors/detailed.vim " " ## Setup " " In your ~/.vimrc (or ~/.vim/plugin/colorscheme.vim if you like to organize): " " colo detailed " " This enables it globally. If you want to just do it for a trial, as long as " you have done one of the steps in the "Download" section, above, you can do: " " vim foo.rb +colo\ detailed " " Or, from within vim: " " :colo detailed let colors_name = 'detailed' " Prevent any screwy setting from causing errors: let s:save_cpo = &cpo | set cpo&vim " Turn on moar syntaks! let ruby_operators = 1 " If you don't have this, rails.vim will zap the matchers when it resets " syntax for its own additions: au Syntax * call s:fatpacked_rainbow_parens() au Syntax * call s:detailed_syntax_addtions() au Syntax ruby call s:ruby_syntax_and_highlights() au Syntax c call s:c_syntax_and_highlights() au Syntax diff call s:diff_syntax_and_highlights() au Syntax vim call s:vim_syntax_and_highlights() au Syntax javascript call s:javascript_syntax_and_highlights() au Syntax go call s:go_syntax_and_highlights() " Show detailed syntax stack nmap dets :call SynStack() fun! SynStack() echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfun " Color Palette {{{ " Boring ctermfg ⇒ guifg map {{{ let s:cterm_gui_map = { \0: '000000', \1: 'ff0000', \2: '00ff00', \3: 'ffff00', \4: '0000ff', \5: 'ff00ff', \6: '00ffff', \16: '000000', \17: '00005f', \18: '000087', \19: '0000af', \20: '0000d7', \21: '0000ff', \22: '005f00', \23: '005f5f', \24: '005f87', \25: '005faf', \26: '005fd7', \27: '005fff', \28: '008700', \29: '00875f', \30: '008787', \31: '0087af', \32: '0087d7', \33: '0087ff', \34: '00af00', \35: '00af5f', \36: '00af87', \37: '00afaf', \38: '00afd7', \39: '00afff', \40: '00d700', \41: '00d75f', \42: '00d787', \43: '00d7af', \44: '00d7d7', \45: '00d7ff', \46: '00ff00', \47: '00ff5f', \48: '00ff87', \49: '00ffaf', \50: '00ffd7', \51: '00ffff', \52: '5f0000', \53: '5f005f', \54: '5f0087', \55: '5f00af', \56: '5f00d7', \57: '5f00ff', \58: '5f5f00', \59: '5f5f5f', \60: '5f5f87', \61: '5f5faf', \62: '5f5fd7', \63: '5f5fff', \64: '5f8700', \65: '5f875f', \66: '5f8787', \67: '5f87af', \68: '5f87d7', \69: '5f87ff', \70: '5faf00', \71: '5faf5f', \72: '5faf87', \73: '5fafaf', \74: '5fafd7', \75: '5fafff', \76: '5fd700', \77: '5fd75f', \78: '5fd787', \79: '5fd7af', \80: '5fd7d7', \81: '5fd7ff', \82: '5fff00', \83: '5fff5f', \84: '5fff87', \85: '5fffaf', \86: '5fffd7', \87: '5fffff', \88: '870000', \89: '87005f', \90: '870087', \91: '8700af', \92: '8700d7', \93: '8700ff', \94: '875f00', \95: '875f5f', \96: '875f87', \97: '875faf', \98: '875fd7', \99: '875fff', \100: '878700', \101: '87875f', \102: '878787', \103: '8787af', \104: '8787d7', \105: '8787ff', \106: '87af00', \107: '87af5f', \108: '87af87', \109: '87afaf', \110: '87afd7', \111: '87afff', \112: '87d700', \113: '87d75f', \114: '87d787', \115: '87d7af', \116: '87d7d7', \117: '87d7ff', \118: '87ff00', \119: '87ff5f', \120: '87ff87', \121: '87ffaf', \122: '87ffd7', \123: '87ffff', \124: 'af0000', \125: 'af005f', \126: 'af0087', \127: 'af00af', \128: 'af00d7', \129: 'af00ff', \130: 'af5f00', \131: 'af5f5f', \132: 'af5f87', \133: 'af5faf', \134: 'af5fd7', \135: 'af5fff', \136: 'af8700', \137: 'af875f', \138: 'af8787', \139: 'af87af', \140: 'af87d7', \141: 'af87ff', \142: 'afaf00', \143: 'afaf5f', \144: 'afaf87', \145: 'afafaf', \146: 'afafd7', \147: 'afafff', \148: 'afd700', \149: 'afd75f', \150: 'afd787', \151: 'afd7af', \152: 'afd7d7', \153: 'afd7ff', \154: 'afff00', \155: 'afff5f', \156: 'afff87', \157: 'afffaf', \158: 'afffd7', \159: 'afffff', \160: 'd70000', \161: 'd7005f', \162: 'd70087', \163: 'd700af', \164: 'd700d7', \165: 'd700ff', \166: 'd75f00', \167: 'd75f5f', \168: 'd75f87', \169: 'd75faf', \170: 'd75fd7', \171: 'd75fff', \172: 'd78700', \173: 'd7875f', \174: 'd78787', \175: 'd787af', \176: 'd787d7', \177: 'd787ff', \178: 'd7af00', \179: 'd7af5f', \180: 'd7af87', \181: 'd7afaf', \182: 'd7afd7', \183: 'd7afff', \184: 'd7d700', \185: 'd7d75f', \186: 'd7d787', \187: 'd7d7af', \188: 'd7d7d7', \189: 'd7d7ff', \190: 'd7ff00', \191: 'd7ff5f', \192: 'd7ff87', \193: 'd7ffaf', \194: 'd7ffd7', \195: 'd7ffff', \196: 'ff0000', \197: 'ff005f', \198: 'ff0087', \199: 'ff00af', \200: 'ff00d7', \201: 'ff00ff', \202: 'ff5f00', \203: 'ff5f5f', \204: 'ff5f87', \205: 'ff5faf', \206: 'ff5fd7', \207: 'ff5fff', \208: 'ff8700', \209: 'ff875f', \210: 'ff8787', \211: 'ff87af', \212: 'ff87d7', \213: 'ff87ff', \214: 'ffaf00', \215: 'ffaf5f', \216: 'ffaf87', \217: 'ffafaf', \218: 'ffafd7', \219: 'ffafff', \220: 'ffd700', \221: 'ffd75f', \222: 'ffd787', \223: 'ffd7af', \224: 'ffd7d7', \225: 'ffd7ff', \226: 'ffff00', \227: 'ffff5f', \228: 'ffff87', \229: 'ffffaf', \230: 'ffffd7', \231: 'ffffff', \232: '080808', \233: '121212', \234: '1c1c1c', \235: '262626', \236: '303030', \237: '3a3a3a', \238: '444444', \239: '4e4e4e', \240: '585858', \241: '626262', \242: '6c6c6c', \243: '767676', \244: '808080', \245: '8a8a8a', \246: '949494', \247: '9e9e9e', \248: 'a8a8a8', \249: 'b2b2b2', \250: 'bcbcbc', \251: 'c6c6c6', \252: 'd0d0d0', \253: 'dadada', \254: 'e4e4e4', \255: 'eeeeee', \} " }}} let s:c = { \'basic8_red (TODO: use this)': 1, \'basic8_green': 2, \'basic8_yellow': 3, \'basic8_blue (TODO: use this)': 4, \'basic8_magenta': 5, \'basic8_cyan': 6, \'basic8_black': 0, \'red52': 52, \'red88': 88, \'red124': 124, \'red160': 160, \'red161': 161, \'red196': 196, \'yellow58': 58, \'yellow100': 100, \'yellow136 (TODO: use this)': 136, \'yellow142 (TODO: use this)': 142, \'yellow148': 148, \'yellow149': 149, \'yellow190': 190, \'yellow220 (TODO: use this)': 220, \'yellow228': 228, \'orange208': 208, \'orange178': 178, \'orange180': 180, \'orange222': 222, \'light_yellow230': 229, \'graygreen (TODO: use this)': 23, \'green22': 22, \'green23': 23, \'green28': 28, \'green34': 34, \'green37': 37, \'green71': 71, \'green76': 76, \'green84': 84, \'green114': 114, \'green123': 123, \'seafoam': 30, \'seafoam2 (TODO: use this)': 35, \'teal50': 50, \'blue17 (TODO: use this)': 17, \'blue19 (TODO: use this)': 19, \'blue20 (TODO: use this)': 20, \'blue25': 25, \'blue27': 27, \'blue33': 33, \'blue37': 37, \'blue75': 75, \'blue87': 87, \'lavender104': 104, \'purple53': 53, \'purple89 (TODO: use this)': 89, \'purple90': 90, \'purple95 (TODO: use this)': 95, \'purple99 (TODO: use this)': 79, \'purple125': 125, \'purple126': 126, \'purple127': 127, \'purple131': 131, \'purple132': 132, \'purple139': 139, \'purple134': 134, \'purple141 (TODO: use this)': 141, \'purple161 (TODO: use this)': 161, \'purple201': 201, \'purple224': 224, \'purple225': 225, \'gray16': 16, \'gray232': 232, \'gray233': 233, \'gray234': 234, \'gray235': 235, \'gray236': 236, \'gray237': 237, \'gray238': 238, \'gray239': 239, \'gray240': 240, \'gray241': 241, \'gray242': 242, \'gray243': 243, \'gray244': 244, \'gray245': 245, \'gray246': 246, \'gray247': 247, \'gray248': 248, \'gray249': 249, \'gray250': 250, \'gray251': 251, \'gray252': 252, \'gray253': 253, \'gray254': 254, \'gray255': 255, \} " }}} " :hi funcs {{{ fun! s:color_for(id, fgbg) let num = s:c[a:id] let gui = s:cterm_gui_map[l:num] return 'cterm'.a:fgbg.'='.l:num.' gui'.a:fgbg.'=#'.l:gui endfun fun! s:fg(group, fg) exe 'hi '.a:group.' '.s:color_for(a:fg,'fg') endfun fun! s:bg(group, bg) exe 'hi '.a:group.' '.s:color_for(a:bg,'bg') endfun fun! s:fgbg(group, fg, bg) exe 'hi '.a:group.' '.s:color_for(a:fg,'fg').' '.s:color_for(a:bg,'bg') endfun fun! s:bold(group) exe 'hi '.a:group.' cterm=bold gui=bold' endfun fun! s:bold_fg(group, fg) call s:fg(a:group, a:fg) call s:bold(a:group) endfun fun! s:bold_fgbg(group, fg, bg) call s:fgbg(a:group, a:fg, a:bg) call s:bold(a:group) endfun fun! s:underline_fgbg(group, fg, bg) exe 'hi '.a:group.' ctermfg='.s:c[a:fg].' ' \s:color_for(a:bg,'bg').' cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold' endfun fun! s:make_obvious(group) call s:fgbg(a:group, 'green84', 'red160') endfun " }}} " For now, force darkness. If you're a big fan of white bg's, let me know, and " we can collaborate on a solution. set bg=dark call s:fgbg('Normal', 'gray254', 'gray232') " Basic/Default-like Palette {{{ hi SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=81 guifg=Cyan hi NonText term=bold ctermfg=12 gui=bold guifg=Blue hi Directory term=bold ctermfg=159 guifg=Cyan hi ErrorMsg term=standout ctermfg=15 ctermbg=1 guifg=White guibg=Red hi IncSearch term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse hi MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=121 gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen hi ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold hi LineNr gui=NONE term=NONE guifg=#005f87 ctermfg=24 hi CursorLineNr term=bold ctermfg=11 gui=bold guifg=Yellow hi Question term=standout ctermfg=121 gui=bold guifg=Green hi StatusLine term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=bold,reverse hi StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse hi VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse hi Title term=bold ctermfg=225 gui=bold guifg=Magenta hi WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=224 guifg=Red hi WildMenu term=standout ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11 guifg=Black guibg=Yellow hi FoldColumn term=standout ctermfg=14 ctermbg=242 guifg=Cyan guibg=Grey hi SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=9 gui=undercurl guisp=Red hi SpellCap term=reverse ctermbg=12 gui=undercurl guisp=Blue hi SpellRare term=reverse ctermbg=13 gui=undercurl guisp=Magenta hi SpellLocal term=underline ctermbg=14 gui=undercurl guisp=Cyan hi TabLine term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=15 ctermbg=242 gui=underline guibg=DarkGrey hi TabLineSel term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold hi TabLineFill term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse hi CursorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=242 guibg=Grey40 hi Constant term=underline ctermfg=13 guifg=#ffa0a0 hi Special term=bold ctermfg=224 guifg=Orange hi Identifier term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=14 guifg=#40ffff hi Statement term=bold ctermfg=11 gui=bold guifg=#ffff60 hi PreProc term=underline ctermfg=81 guifg=#ff80ff hi Type term=underline ctermfg=121 gui=bold guifg=#60ff60 hi Underlined term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=81 gui=underline guifg=#80a0ff hi Ignore ctermfg=0 guifg=bg hi Error term=reverse ctermfg=15 ctermbg=9 guifg=White guibg=Red hi Todo term=standout ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11 guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow call s:fg('Comment', 'gray242') " In my books, comments should be quiet. " }}} " Generic links {{{ hi link String detailedString hi link Character Constant hi link Number detailedInteger hi link Boolean detailedBoolean hi link Float detailedFloat hi link Function Identifier hi link Conditional Statement hi link Repeat detailedRepeat hi link Label Statement hi link Operator Statement hi link Keyword Statement hi link Include PreProc hi link Define PreProc hi link Macro PreProc hi link PreCondit PreProc hi link StorageClass Type hi link Structure Type hi link Typedef Type hi link Tag Special hi link SpecialChar Special hi link Delimiter Special hi link SpecialComment Special hi link Debug Special "}}} " s:detailed_colors — the good stuff {{{ fun! s:detailed_colors() call s:diff_syntax_and_highlights() " For vimdiff, which uses other filetypes call s:underline_fgbg('MatchParen', 'gray255', 'gray243') " For :set colorcolumn=80 call s:fgbg('ColorColumn', 'gray254', 'gray233') " For the Syntastic and quickfixsigns plugins: call s:bg('SignColumn', 'gray233') "* Distinguish between each of TODO/FIXME/XXX call s:fgbg('detailedTodo', 'green76', 'gray238') call s:fgbg('detailedFixme', 'gray232', 'orange208') call s:fgbg('detailedXxx', 'gray235', 'red196') call s:fgbg('Error', 'gray235', 'red196') call s:underline_fgbg('Search', 'gray254', 'gray235') call s:fgbg('Folded', 'blue37', 'gray237') " ^P (completion) menu call s:fgbg('Pmenu', 'gray232', 'gray246') call s:fgbg('PmenuSel', 'gray232', 'green28') call s:bg('PmenuSbar', 'gray234') call s:bg('PmenuThumb', 'gray232') " Visual selections call s:bg('Visual', 'green22') hi VisualNOS term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=bold,underline " Tone this one down a bit. The color lowers contrast and is too obtrusive. call s:bg('Conceal', 'gray235') " https://github.com/bitc/vim-bad-whitespace call s:fgbg('BadWhitespace', 'gray238', 'yellow58') call s:fg('detailedConstant', 'green34') call s:bold_fg('detailedClass', 'purple126') call s:fg('detailedModule', 'purple126') call s:fg('detailedDefine', 'green23') call s:fg('detailedInclude', 'purple53') call s:fg('detailedDeclaration', 'yellow100') " Originally for go lang call s:fg('detailedDeclType', 'green37') " Originally for go lang call s:bold_fg('detailedFunction', 'blue27') call s:fg('detailedInstanceVariable', 'blue75') call s:fgbg('detailedString', 'purple125', 'gray233') call s:fgbg('detailedInterpolatedString', 'purple126', 'gray233') call s:bold_fgbg('detailedExecutedString', 'green34', 'purple53') call s:fgbg('detailedRawString', 'red160', 'gray233') call s:fg('detailedStringDelimiter', 'blue33') call s:fg('detailedInterpolationDelimiter', 'gray244') call s:fg('detailedRegexpSpecial', 'seafoam') call s:fg('detailedRegexpCharClass', 'basic8_green') call s:fg('detailedRegexpQuantifier', 'yellow148') call s:bold_fg('detailedRegexpEscape', 'purple90') call s:fg('detailedRegexpAnchor', 'purple90') call s:fg('detailedRegexpDot', 'green34') call s:bold_fg('detailedRegexpDelimiter', 'red88') call s:fgbg('rubyRegexp', 'red160', 'gray233') call s:fg('detailedASCIICode', 'green71') call s:fg('detailedPseudoVariable', 'purple125') call s:fg('detailedInteger', 'purple134') call s:fg('detailedFloat', 'purple132') call s:bold_fg('detailedImaginary', 'purple139') call s:fg('detailedBlockArgument', 'blue87') call s:fg('detailedSymbol', 'lavender104') call s:bold_fg('detailedBlockParameter', 'basic8_cyan') call s:fg('detailedBlockParameterList', 'blue25') call s:bold_fg('detailedPredefinedConstant', 'green22') call s:bold_fg('detailedPredefinedVariable', 'blue37') call s:fg('detailedBoolean', 'purple131') call s:fg('detailedOperator', 'green123') call s:fg('detailedAccess', 'yellow100') call s:fg('detailedAttribute', 'orange178') " attr_{accessor,reader,writer} call s:fg('detailedEval', 'yellow190') " Blocks: " (basic) call s:fg('detailedMethodBlock', 'green114') call s:fg('detailedBlock', 'purple225') call s:fg('detailedBlockExpression', 'orange180') " (conditionals) call s:fg('detailedControl', 'orange178') call s:bold_fg('Conditional', 'basic8_yellow') call s:bold_fg('detailedConditionalModifier', 'yellow148') " 'Yoda if' call s:fg('detailedConditionalExpression', 'light_yellow230') " (loops) call s:bold_fg('detailedRepeat', 'orange178') call s:bold_fg('detailedRepeatModifier', 'yellow149') " …while/until call s:fg('detailedRepeatExpression', 'orange222') call s:fg('detailedSharpBang', 'gray251') " hi rubyMultilineComment cleared call s:fg('detailedDataDirective', 'purple201') call s:fg('detailedData', 'gray245') call s:bold_fg('detailedDirective', 'green22') "* `fail`/`raise`/`exit` were yellow by default, but here a more warny orange. call s:fg('Exception', 'orange208') "* class `@@vars` get ugly, cautionary color: they are troublesome. call s:fgbg('rubyClassVariable', 'blue75', 'red52') "* global `$vars` also get a bit of ugliness. Everyone knows they're iffy. call s:fgbg('rubyGlobalVariable', 'red161', 'gray234') " rails.vim niceness: call s:fg('detailedRailsARAssociationMethod', 'teal50') " detailed.vim especialties: call s:fg('detailedInitialize', 'green84') hi link detailedEncodingDirective detailedDirective hi link detailedExits Exception endfun fun! s:diff_syntax_and_highlights() " vimdiff uses Diff* call s:bg('DiffChange', 'gray240') call s:bg('DiffText', 'gray232') call s:bg('DiffAdd', 'green23') call s:bg('DiffDelete', 'yellow58') " ft=diff syntax uses diff* call s:fg('diffAdded', 'green34') call s:fg('diffRemoved', 'yellow58') " diffFile endfun fun! s:c_syntax_and_highlights() hi link cRepeat detailedRepeat hi link cUserLabel detailedRepeat hi link cInclude detailedModule hi link cStatement detailedControl " return goto asm continue break hi link cConstant detailedConstant hi link cNumber detailedInteger " Since the C details came after Ruby, the names could be redone a bit: hi link cIncluded detailedString hi link cStructure detailedClass hi link cStorageClass detailedClass hi link cOperator detailedDefine endfun fun! s:go_syntax_and_highlights() " hi link goBlock detailedBlock hi link goDirective detailedDirective hi link goDeclaration detailedDeclaration hi link goDeclType detailedDeclType hi link goConstants detailedBoolean hi link goStatement detailedControl hi link goRawString detailedRawString hi link goImaginary detailedImaginary hi link goSpaceError BadWhitespace endfun fun! s:vim_syntax_and_highlights() hi link vimFuncKey detailedDefine hi link vimFunction detailedFunction "hi link vimFuncBody detailedDefine endfun fun! s:javascript_syntax_and_highlights() hi link javascriptFunction detailedDefine hi link javascriptIdentifier Type hi link javascriptRailsFunction detailedInstanceVariable endfun fun! s:detailed_syntax_addtions() call s:detailed_colors() " TODO - somehow make the detail{Todo,Fixme,Xxx} work for non-ruby langs. " E.g., shTodo overrides them, so it will need something like: " syn match rubyComment "#.*" contains=rubySharpBang,rubySpaceError, " \rubyFirstAndSecondCommentLine,detailedTodo,detailedFixme,detailedXxx,@Spell syn keyword detailedTodo TODO contained syn keyword detailedFixme FIXME contained syn keyword detailedXxx XXX contained endfun call s:detailed_syntax_addtions() " Hrm, can this not be done with aucmd? fun! s:ruby_syntax_and_highlights() " Steal this back from the too-generic 'rubyControl': syn match detailedExits "\<\%(exit!\|\%(abort\|at_exit\|exit\|fork\|trap\)\>[?!]\@!\)" " TODO: also handle %(…), etc syn region detailedInterpolatedString matchgroup=detailedInterpolatedStringDelimiter start="\"" end="\"" skip="\\\\\|\\\"" contains=@rubyStringSpecial,@Spell fold " TODO: Also, %x(). Anything else? syn region detailedExecutedString matchgroup=detailedExecutedStringDelimiter start="`" end="`" skip="\\\\\|\\`" contains=@rubyStringSpecial fold " The default syntax/ruby.vim gets this way wrong (only does 2 chars and is " transparent): syn match rubyBlockArgument "&[_[:lower:]][_[:alnum:]]*" contains=NONE display " Bonus! syn match rubyInitialize '\' contained containedin=rubyMethodDeclaration syn match rubyEncodingDirective "\cencoding: *utf-8" contained " TODO - make this more elegant. syn match rubyFirstAndSecondCommentLine '\%^#.*' \ contains=rubyEncodingDirective contained syn match rubyFirstAndSecondCommentLine '\%^#.*\n#.*' \ contains=rubyEncodingDirective contained syn match rubyComment "#.*" contains=rubySharpBang,rubySpaceError, \rubyFirstAndSecondCommentLine,detailedTodo,detailedFixme,detailedXxx,@Spell hi link rubyConditional Conditional hi link rubyExceptional rubyConditional " No-show. hi link rubyMethodExceptional rubyDefine " And another. hi link rubyStringEscape Special hi link rubyQuoteEscape rubyStringEscape hi link rubyInvalidVariable Error hi link rubyNoInterpolation rubyString " E.g. \#{} inside a string. hi link rubyException Exception hi link rubyKeyword Keyword hi link rubyConstant detailedConstant hi link rubyEncodingDirective detailedEncodingDirective hi link rubyInitialize detailedInitialize hi link rubyRailsARAssociationMethod detailedRailsARAssociationMethod hi link rubySpaceError BadWhitespace hi link rubyData detailedData hi link rubyDataDirective detailedDataDirective hi link rubyDocumentation Comment hi link rubyComment Comment hi link rubyFirstAndSecondCommentLine rubySharpBang hi link rubySharpBang detailedSharpBang hi link rubyDoBlock rubyRepeatExpression hi link rubyRepeatExpression detailedRepeatExpression hi link rubyRepeatModifier detailedRepeatModifier hi link rubyRepeat detailedRepeat hi link rubyCaseExpression rubyConditionalExpression hi link rubyConditionalExpression detailedConditionalExpression hi link rubyConditionalModifier detailedConditionalModifier hi link rubyControl detailedControl hi link rubyBlockExpression detailedBlockExpression hi link rubyBlock detailedBlock hi link rubyMethodBlock detailedMethodBlock hi link rubyEval detailedEval hi link rubyAttribute detailedAttribute hi link rubyAccess detailedAccess hi link rubyBeginEnd Statement " TODO hi link rubyPseudoOperator rubyOperator " -= /= **= *= etc hi link rubyOperator detailedOperator hi link rubyBoolean detailedBoolean hi link rubyPredefinedVariable detailedPredefinedVariable hi link rubyPredefinedConstant detailedPredefinedConstant hi link rubyBlockParameterList detailedBlockParameterList hi link rubyBlockParameter detailedBlockParameter hi link rubySymbol detailedSymbol hi link rubyBlockArgument detailedBlockArgument hi link rubyFloat detailedFloat hi link rubyInteger detailedInteger hi link rubyPseudoVariable detailedPseudoVariable hi link rubyASCIICode detailedASCIICode hi link rubyRegexpDelimiter detailedRegexpDelimiter hi link rubyRegexpDot detailedRegexpDot hi link rubyRegexpAnchor detailedRegexpAnchor hi link rubyRegexpEscape detailedRegexpEscape hi link rubyRegexpQuantifier detailedRegexpQuantifier hi link rubyRegexpCharClass detailedRegexpCharClass hi link rubyRegexpComment Comment hi link rubyRegexpSpecial detailedRegexpSpecial hi link rubyInterpolationDelimiter detailedInterpolationDelimiter hi link rubyStringDelimiter detailedStringDelimiter hi link rubyInstanceVariable detailedInstanceVariable hi link rubyFunction detailedFunction hi link rubyInclude detailedInclude hi link rubyDefine detailedDefine hi link rubyModule detailedModule hi link rubyClass detailedClass " Only linked highlights, not actual syntax: " call s:make_obvious('rubyIdentifier') " call s:make_obvious('rubyError') " Pretty much just the leftover default: " call s:make_obvious('rubyLocalVariableOrMethod') " Gets all [{()}] within any {}'s. Not very useful AFAICT: " call s:make_obvious('rubyCurlyBlock') " These mess up on first ] of [a[1]]. Seems plain busted. " call s:make_obvious('rubyArrayDelimiter') " call s:make_obvious('rubyArrayLiteral') " Mere implementation details, AFAICT: " call s:make_obvious('rubyNestedParentheses') " call s:make_obvious('rubyNestedCurlyBraces') " call s:make_obvious('rubyNestedAngleBrackets') " call s:make_obvious('rubyNestedSquareBrackets') " call s:make_obvious('rubyDelimEscape') " call s:make_obvious('rubySymbolDelimiter') " No-show: call s:make_obvious('rubyMethodDeclaration') " Not quite sure why these don't show up: " call s:make_obvious('rubyRegexpParens') " call s:make_obvious('rubyRegexpBrackets') " XXX no clue why this wont show up: call s:make_obvious('rubyHeredocStart') " TODO: fix these: call s:make_obvious('rubyAliasDeclaration2') " call s:make_obvious('rubyAliasDeclaration') " TODO! call s:make_obvious('rubyClassDeclaration') " call s:make_obvious('rubyDeclaration') " call s:make_obvious('rubyModuleDeclaration') " TODO: call s:make_obvious('rubyOptionalDo') " TODO: call s:make_obvious('rubyOptionalDoLine') endfun " }}} " Rainbow-Parens Improved {{{ " Inlined from v2.3 of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4176 " 1. to remove the external dep, 2. to work around vim-rails resetting it. " Thanks! fun! s:fatpacked_rainbow_parens() let guifgs = exists('g:rainbow_guifgs')? g:rainbow_guifgs : [ \ 'DarkOrchid3', 'RoyalBlue3', 'SeaGreen3', \ 'DarkOrange3', 'FireBrick', \ ] " From Pharo Smalltalk: " Black, Green, Purple, Maroon, LightGreen, Orange, Red, Blue let ctermfgs = exists('g:rainbow_ctermfgs')? g:rainbow_ctermfgs : [ \ '241', '22', '56', '124', '72', '166', '126', '38', ] let max = has('gui_running')? len(guifgs) : len(ctermfgs) let cmd = 'syn region %s matchgroup=%s start=/%s/ end=/%s/ containedin=%s contains=%s' let str = 'TOP' for each in range(1, max) let str .= ',lv'.each endfor for [left , right] in [['(',')'],['\[','\]'],['{','}']] for each in range(1, max - 1) exe printf(cmd, 'lv'.each, 'lv'.each.'c', left, right, 'lv'.(each+1) , str) endfor exe printf(cmd, 'lv'.max, 'lv'.max.'c', left, right, 'lv1' , str) endfor for id in range(1 , max) let ctermfg = ctermfgs[(max - id) % len(ctermfgs)] let guifg = guifgs[(max - id) % len(guifgs)] exe 'hi default lv'.id.'c ctermfg='.ctermfg.' guifg='.guifg endfor endfun " }}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim:foldmethod=marker