#!/usr/bin/ruby # == Synopsis # # flashpolicyd: Serve Adobe Flash Policy XML files to clients # # == Description # Server to serve up flash policy xml files for flash clients since # player version 9,0,124,0. (Player 9 update 3) # # See http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/fplayer9_security_04.html # for more information, this needs to run as root since it should listen on # port 843 which on a unix machine needs root to listen on that socket. # # == Signals # * USR1 signal prints a single line stat message, during # normal running this stat will be printed every 30 minutes by default, settable # using --logfreq # * USR2 signal dumps the current threads and their statusses # * HUP signal will toggle debug mode which will print more lines in the log file # * TERM signal will exit the process closing all the sockets # # == Usage # flashpolicyd [OPTIONS] # # --help, -h: # Show Help # # --verbose # Turns on verbose logging to log file - can also be turned on and off at runtime using -HUP signals # # --xml # XML File to Serve to clients, read at startup only # # --timeout, -t # If a request does not complete within this time, close the socket, # default is 10 seconds # # --logfreq, -l # How often to log stats to log file, default 1800 seconds # # --logfile # Where to write log lines too # # --user # Drops privileges after binding to the socket to this user # # --port # What port to listen on 843 by default # # --no-daemonize # Avoid daemonizing and run in the foreground # # == Download and Further Information # Latest versions, installation documentation and other related info can be found # at http://code.google.com/p/flashpolicyd # # == License # Released under the terms of the Apache 2 License, see the include COPYING file for full text of # this license. # # == Author # R.I.Pienaar require "socket" require "logger" require "ostruct" require "thread" require "timeout" require 'getoptlong' opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--xml', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--timeout', '-t', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], [ '--logfreq', '-l', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], [ '--user', '-u', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], [ '--logfile', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--port', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--no-daemonize', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ) # defaults before parsing command line @verbose = false @xmldata = "" @timeout = 10 @logfreq = 1800 @port = 843 @daemonize = true xmlfile = "" logfile = "" user = "" opts.each { |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' begin require 'rdoc/ri/ri_paths' require 'rdoc/usage' RDoc::usage rescue Exception => e puts("Install RDoc::usage or view the comments in the top of the script to get detailed help") end exit when '--xml' xmlfile = arg when '--user' user = arg when '--verbose' @verbose = true when '--maxclients' @maxclients = arg when '--logfreq' @logfreq = arg when '--timeout' @timeout = arg when '--port' @port = arg.to_i when '--logfile' logfile = arg when '--no-daemonize' @daemonize = false end } begin @logger = Logger.new(File.expand_path(logfile), 10, 102400) rescue Exception => e puts("Got #{e.class} #{e} while attempting to create logfile #{logfile}") exit end # Read the xml data into a string if (xmlfile.length > 0 and File.exists?(xmlfile)) begin @xmldata = IO.read(xmlfile) rescue Exception => e puts "Got exception #{e.class} #{e} while reading #{xmlfile}" exit end else puts("Pass the path to the xml file to serve using --xml, see --help for detailed help") exit end class PolicyServer # Generic logging method that takes a severity constant from the Logger class such as Logger::DEBUG def log(severity, msg) @logger.add(severity) { "#{Thread.current.object_id}: #{msg}" } end # Log a msg at level INFO def info(msg) log(Logger::INFO, msg) end # Log a msg at level WARN def warn(msg) log(Logger::WARN, msg) end # Log a msg at level DEBUG def debug(msg) log(Logger::DEBUG, msg) end # Log a msg at level FATAL def fatal(msg) log(Logger::FATAL, msg) end # Log a msg at level ERROR def error(msg) log(Logger::ERROR, msg) end # === Synopsis # Initializes the server # # === Args # +port+:: # The port to listen on, if the port is < 1024 server must run as roo # +host+:: # The host to listen on, use for all addresses # +xml+:: # The XML to serve to clients # +logger+:: # An instanse of the Ruby Standard Logger class # +timeout+:: # How long does client have to complete the whole process before the socket closes # and the thread terminates # +debug+:: # Set to true to enable DEBUG level logging from startup def initialize(port, host, xml, logger, timeout=10, debug=false) @logger = logger @connections = [] @@connMutex = Mutex.new @@clientsMutex = Mutex.new @@bogusclients = 0 @@totalclients = 0 @timeout = timeout @@starttime = Time.new @xml = xml @port = port @host = host if debug @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG debug("Starting in DEBUG mode") else @logger.level = Logger::INFO end end # If the logger instanse is in DEBUG mode, put it into INFO and vica versa def toggledebug if (@logger.debug?) @logger.level = Logger::INFO info("Set logging level to INFO") else @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG info("Set logging level to DEBUG") end end # Walks the list of active connections and dump them to the logger at INFO level def dumpconnections if (@connections.size == 0) info("No active connections to dump") else connections = @connections info("Dumping current #{connections.size} connections:") connections.each{ |c| addr = c.addr info("#{c.thread.object_id} started at #{c.timecreated} currently in #{c.thread.status} status serving #{addr[2]} [#{addr[3]}]") } end end # Dump the current thread list def dumpthreads Thread.list.each {|t| info("Thread: #{t.object_id} status #{t.status}") } end # Prints some basic stats about the server so far, bogus client are ones that timeout or otherwise cause problems def printstats u = sec2dhms(Time.new - @@starttime) info("Had #{@@totalclients} clients and #{@@bogusclients} bogus clients. Uptime #{u[0]} days #{u[1]} hours #{u[2]} min. #{@connections.size} connection(s) in use now.") end # Logs a message passed to it and increment the bogus client counter inside a mutex def bogusclient(msg, client) addr = client.addr warn("Client #{addr[2]} #{msg}") @@clientsMutex.synchronize { @@bogusclients += 1 } end # The main logic of client handling, waits for @timeout seconds to receive a null terminated # request containing "policy-file-request" and sends back the data, else marks the client as # bogus and close the connection. # # Any exception caught during this should mark a client as bogus def serve(connection) client = connection.client # Flash clients send a null terminate request $/ = "\000" # run this in a timeout block, clients will have --timeout seconds to complete the transaction or go away begin timeout(@timeout.to_i) do loop do request = client.gets if request =~ /policy-file-request/ client.puts(@xml) debug("Sent xml data to client") break end end end rescue Timeout::Error bogusclient("connection timed out after #{@timeout} seconds", connection) rescue Errno::ENOTCONN => e warn("Unexpected disconnection while handling request") rescue Errno::ECONNRESET => e warn("Connection reset by peer") rescue Exception => e bogusclient("Unexpected #{e.class} exception: #{e}", connection) end end # === Synopsis # Starts the main loop of the server and handles connections, logic is more or less: # # 1. Opens the port for listening # 1. Create a new thread so the connection handling happens seperate from the main loop # 1. Create a loop to accept new sessions from the socket, each new sesison gets a new thread # 1. Increment the totalclient variable for stats handling # 1. Create a OpenStruct structure with detail about the current connection and put it in the @connections array # 1. Pass the connection to the serve method for handling # 1. Once handling completes, remove the connection from the active list and close the socket def start begin # Disable reverse lookups, makes it all slow down BasicSocket::do_not_reverse_lookup=true server = TCPServer.new(@host, @port) rescue Exception => e fatal("Can't open server: #{e.class} #{e}") exit end begin @serverThread = Thread.new { while (session = server.accept) Thread.new(session) do |client| begin debug("Handling new connection from #{client.peeraddr[2]}, #{Thread.list.size} total threads ") @@clientsMutex.synchronize { @@totalclients += 1 } connection = OpenStruct.new connection.client = client connection.timecreated = Time.new connection.thread = Thread.current connection.addr = client.peeraddr @@connMutex.synchronize { @connections << connection debug("Pushed connection thread to @connections, now #{@connections.size} connections") } debug("Calling serve on connection") serve(connection) client.close @@connMutex.synchronize { @connections.delete(connection) debug("Removed connection from @connections, now #{@connections.size} connections") } rescue Errno::ENOTCONN => e warn("Unexpected disconnection while handling request") rescue Errno::ECONNRESET => e warn("Connection reset by peer") rescue Exception => e error("Unexpected #{e.class} exception while handling client connection: #{e}") error("Unexpected #{e.class} exception while handling client connection: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") client.close end # block around main logic end # while end # around Thread.new for client connections } # @serverThread rescue Exception => e fatal("Got #{e.class} exception in main listening thread: #{e}") end end end # Goes into the background, chdir's to /tmp, and redirect all input/output to null # Beginning Ruby p. 489-490 def run_server if @daemonize fork do Process.setsid exit if fork Dir.chdir('/tmp') STDIN.reopen('/dev/null') STDOUT.reopen('/dev/null', 'a') STDERR.reopen('/dev/null', 'a') trap("TERM") { @logger.debug("Caught TERM signal") exit } yield end else yield end end # Returns an array of days, hrs, mins and seconds given a second figure # The Ruby Way - Page 227 def sec2dhms(secs) time = secs.round sec = time % 60 time /= 60 mins = time % 60 time /= 60 hrs = time % 24 time /= 24 days = time [days, hrs, mins, sec] end # Go into the background and initalizes the server, sets up some signal handlers and print stats # every @logfreq seconds, any exceptions gets logged and exits the server run_server do begin @logger.info("Starting server on port #{@port} in process #{$$}") server = PolicyServer.new(@port, "", @xmldata, @logger, @timeout, @verbose) server.start # change user after binding to port if user.length > 0 require 'etc' uid = Etc.getpwnam(user).uid gid = Etc.getpwnam(user).gid # Change process ownership Process.initgroups(user, gid) Process::GID.change_privilege(gid) Process::UID.change_privilege(uid) end # Send HUP to toggle debug mode or not for a running server trap("HUP") { server.toggledebug } # send a USR1 signal for a full connection list dump trap("USR1") { server.dumpconnections server.printstats } # Send USR2 to dump all threads trap("USR2") { server.dumpthreads } # Cycle and print stats every now and then loop do sleep @logfreq.to_i server.printstats end rescue SystemExit => e @logger.fatal("Shutting down main daemon thread due to: #{e.class} #{e}") rescue Exception => e @logger.fatal("Unexpected exception #{e.class} from main loop: #{e}") @logger.fatal("Unexpected exception #{e.class} from main loop: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end @logger.info("Server process #{$$} shutting down") end