#!/bin/sh # # This script prepares avrdude for raspduino. # # This script is copyright 2012 (C) BitWizard B.V. # You're granted the right to use this script with your # raspduino that you buy from BitWizard B.V. You have the # right to look at this copyright message at the top and # then decide that you're not allowed to run or copy it. # All other rights reserved. # myid=`id -u` if [ $myid -ne 0 ] ; then echo "You need to run this script as root. e.g. sudo $0" exit 1 fi echo "---------- checking required packages ---------" need_update=true required_programs="avrdude arduino" for i in $required_programs ; do if [ ! -f /usr/bin/$i ] ; then # $i is not installed, lets install it. echo "----- Installing $i -----" if [ -z `which apt-get` ] ; then # Lets hope this works! (on arch). pacman -S --noconfirm $i else if $need_update ; then apt-get update need_update=false fi apt-get -y install $i fi else echo "OK: You already have $i installed " fi done echo "----------- checking/updating avrdude -----------" avrdudefile=`file /usr/bin/avrdude` case "$avrdudefile" in *"ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM"*) # echo "Replacing avrdude with script to reset raspduino" if [ ! -f /usr/bin/avrdude.bin ] ; then mv /usr/bin/avrdude /usr/bin/avrdude.bin else echo "Avrdude.bin already exists. Cannot continue." exit 1 fi cat << EOF > /usr/bin/avrdude #!/bin/sh # This script replaces avrdude and resets the raspduino # in case you don't have the software DTR patch. [ -f /etc/have_software_DTR ] || sudo reset_raspduino avrdude.bin "\$@" EOF chmod 755 /usr/bin/avrdude ;; *"POSIX shell script"*) echo "OK: It seems this script has already been run. No changes. Done!" ;; *) echo "Your avrdude is weird. Not an arm executeable but neither a shell script. " echo "cannot continue." exit 1 ;; esac echo ---------- checking reset_raspduino ---------------- file=/usr/bin/reset_raspduino if [ ! -f $file ] ; then echo "Creating reset_raspduino" cat << EOF > $file #!/bin/sh gpio_num=18 echo \$gpio_num > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio\$gpio_num/direction echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio\$gpio_num/value sleep 0.05 echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio\$gpio_num/value echo \$gpio_num > /sys/class/gpio/unexport EOF chmod 755 $file else echo "OK: you allready have a reset_raspduino. " fi echo ------------- checking raspduino.rules ----------------- file=/etc/udev/rules.d/80-raspduino.rules if [ ! -f $file ] ; then echo "creating 80 raspduino rules (link ttyAMA to ttyS0)." echo 'KERNEL=="ttyAMA0", SYMLINK+="ttyS0",GROUP="dialout",MODE:=0666' \ > $file else echo "OK: You already have a raspduino.rules." fi echo ------------- checking inittab ----------------- file=/etc/inittab if grep -q ttyAMA0 $file ; then # ttyAMA0 is present in inittab... if grep -q ^[^#].*ttyAMA0 $file ; then # ... and not commented out. Lets do that. echo "removing getty entry for ttyAMA0 from /etc/inittab" cp -p $file "$file".orig sed -e 's/\(.*\)ttyAMA0/#\1ttyAMA0/' "$file".orig > $file else echo "OK: You already have ttyAMA commented out. Good." fi else # No ttyAMA in inittab echo "OK: You have no ttyAMA in your inittab. That's weird for a Raspberry pi system." # Lets assume that's ok. fi echo ------------- checking upstart ----------------- file=/etc/init/ttyAMA0.conf if [ -f $file ] ; then if ! grep -q manual $file ; then echo "Disable autostart of ttyAMA getty." # the .orig extension causes the file to be ignored by upstart. cp $file $file.orig echo manual >> $file else echo "OK: Your ttyAMA upstart config is already disabled. Good." fi else echo "OK: You seem to not have ttyAMA0 upstart config. Fine." fi echo ------------- checking cmdline.txt ----------------- if grep -q ttyAMA0 /boot/cmdline.txt ; then echo "removing ttyAMA0 as console from cmdline." mv /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.orig # remove ttyAMA references from cmdline.txt. Usually console= and kgdboc= . sed -e 's/[^ ]*ttyAMA0[^ ]*//g' /boot/cmdline.txt.orig > /boot/cmdline.txt else echo "OK: Your ttyAMA was already removed from cmdline.txt" fi echo ------------- checking boards.txt ----------------- file=/usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt if ! grep -q raspduino $file ; then echo "... adding raspduino to arduino hardware list. " cp $file $file.orig cat <<EOF >> $file ############################################################## raspduino.name=Raspduino raspduino.upload.protocol=arduino raspduino.upload.maximum_size=30720 raspduino.upload.speed=57600 raspduino.bootloader.low_fuses=0xff raspduino.bootloader.high_fuses=0xda raspduino.bootloader.extended_fuses=0x05 raspduino.bootloader.path=atmega raspduino.bootloader.file=ATmegaBOOT_328_diecimila.hex raspduino.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F raspduino.bootloader.lock_bits=0x0F raspduino.build.mcu=atmega328p raspduino.build.f_cpu=16000000L raspduino.build.core=arduino raspduino.build.variant=standard EOF else echo "OK: your boards.txt already has raspduino" fi