define(function () { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; return { templateInsertedCallback: function () {'[data-event]')) .forEach(function (node) { var parent = node; // Make sure the node is not nested in another component. while ((parent = parent.parentNode)) { if (parent.nodeName.indexOf('-') !== -1) { if (parent !== this) { return; } break; } } if (!parent) { return; } // Value is of type 'name:value,name:value', // with the :value part optional. node.dataset.event.split(',').forEach(function (pair) { var evtName, method, parts = pair.split(':'); if (!parts[1]) { parts[1] = parts[0]; } evtName = parts[0].trim(); method = parts[1].trim(); if (typeof this[method] !== 'function') { throw new Error('"' + method + '" is not a function, cannot bind with data-event'); } node.addEventListener(evtName, function(evt) { // Treat these events as private to the // custom element. evt.stopPropagation(); return this[method](evt); }.bind(this), false); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } }; });