#!BPY '''blender add-on Loads and visualizes YASim FMD geometry. ''' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update to Blender 2.80: enrogue@gmail.com #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Port for Blender 2.5/6/7: # # Copyright 2012-2015 Cem Aydin # # E-Mail: cem.aydin@gmx.ch #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Original script for Blender 2.45 # Original name: utils_Modeller_YASim_import.py #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2009 Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at > # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Blender info # (needed for addon functionality) bl_info = { 'name': 'Simple YASim XML Import', 'author': 'Cem Aydin', 'version': (0, 7, 1), 'blender': (3, 0, 1), 'api': 'unknown', "location": "View3D > UI panel > YASim XML Importer", 'description': 'Loads and visualizes YASim FDM geometry', 'warning': 'Experimental. May cause blender crashes or other unexpected behaviour.', 'wiki_url': 'http://wiki.flightgear.org/Blender_YASim_import', 'tracker_url': 'http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17267', 'category': 'Import-Export'} # Imports import bpy, math, os, bmesh from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper from bpy.props import EnumProperty, BoolProperty from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Euler from xml.sax import handler, make_parser # Gobals ORIGIN = Vector((0,0,0)) X = Vector((1,0,0)) Y = Vector((0,1,0)) Z = Vector((0,0,1)) DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180 RAD2DEG = 180 / math.pi # csys change matrix definition ! MATRIX_FGCSYS = Matrix(([-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])) # Functions def change_csys(): '''Change csys from YASim to FG and back.''' # get all items all_items = bpy.data.objects.keys() for name in all_items: # check for YASim elements is_yasim = name.startswith("YASim_") if is_yasim: # get the current matrix matrix_current = bpy.data.objects[name].matrix_world # set the new matrix which is the current times the csys matrix ! bpy.data.objects[name].matrix_world = MATRIX_FGCSYS @ matrix_current ### Show / Clear item names def show_item_names(): '''Show item names.''' # get all items all_items = bpy.data.objects.keys() for name in all_items: is_yasim = name.startswith("YASim_") if is_yasim: bpy.data.objects[name].show_name = True def clear_item_names(): '''Clear item names.''' # get all items all_items = bpy.data.objects.keys() for name in all_items: is_yasim = name.startswith("YASim_") if is_yasim: bpy.data.objects[name].show_name = False ### Lock Transformations def lock_transformations(lock=True): '''Lock Transformations. True or False.''' for obj_name in bpy.data.objects.keys(): if obj_name.startswith("YASim_"): obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name] if lock: set_list = [True, True, True] elif not lock: set_list = [False, False, False] else: print("Something went wrong.") return obj.lock_location = set_list obj.lock_rotation = set_list obj.lock_scale = set_list ### Mirror / Unmirror function for symetrical elements def mirror_sym(obj_list): '''Mirror symetrical elements.''' for object in obj_list: center = object.location # adaption for the FG CSYS if bpy.context.scene.csys == '0': center.x = -center.x center.y = -center.y # object.data ==> get's the object's mesh !!!!!!!! mesh = object.data # transform the vertices by a matrix mesh.transform(Matrix.Translation(center)) mesh.update() object.location = (0,0,0) # set object active bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = object # add mirror modifier bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='MIRROR') # set the correct axis #object.modifiers['Mirror'].use_x = False #object.modifiers['Mirror'].use_y = True #object.modifiers['Mirror'].use_z = False object.modifiers['Mirror'].use_axis = (False,True,False) def unmirror_sym(obj_list): '''Unmirror symetrical elements.''' for object in obj_list: mesh = object.data # remove the mirror modifier # set object active bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = object bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier='Mirror') # the first vertice gives us the coordinates for the backtransformation v = Vector((mesh.vertices[0].co[0], mesh.vertices[0].co[1], mesh.vertices[0].co[2])) # backtransformation mesh.transform(Matrix.Translation(-v)) #recalculate !!!!!!! odd behaviour if not done !!!!!!! mesh.update() # set location point back # adaption for FG CSYS if bpy.context.scene.csys == '1': object.location = (v) elif bpy.context.scene.csys == '0': u = v.copy() u.x = -u.x u.y = -u.y object.location = u ### Function for clearing up all drawn items (all items named YASim_*) def delete_all_yasim(): '''Clear up (delete) all YASim_* items.''' # using built-in select pattern functions: # 1) deselect all bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # 2) select all YASim items bpy.ops.object.select_pattern(pattern="YASim_*") # 3) delete the selected bpy.ops.object.delete() # clear the sym. obj. list !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can cause blender to crash if not done :-o Symetric.obj_list = [] ### Helper drawing functions def mesh_create(name, obj_loc, verts, edges, faces): '''Create a mesh out of given vertices. mesh_creation('NAME', (x,y,z), [(x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)], [(n1,n2),(n3,n4)], []) either edges or faces has to be [] Returns the mesh object.''' # create a new mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name+'_mesh') # create a new object object = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh) # set the object location #object.location = obj_loc # link the object to the actual scene bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(object) # create the mesh with the above definitions mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces) # too see the edges the mesh has to be updated mesh.update(calc_edges=True) # moving it by a matrix instead with obj.location object.matrix_world = Matrix.Translation(obj_loc) # return the object to the caller return object def mesh_create_empty(name, obj_loc): '''Create an empty mesh object. Returns it.''' # create a new mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name+'_mesh') # create a new object object = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh) # set the object location #object.location = obj_loc # link the object to the actual scene bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(object) # moving it by a matrix instead with obj.location object.matrix_world = Matrix.Translation(obj_loc) # return the object to the caller return object def draw_arrow(mesh, start, end): '''Draw an arrow.''' # Create a bmesh representation bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty bmesh # create arrow, really, I don't understand what's done here... # basically it's creating a transformation matrix I would say # (a nicer way to make this a one liner like in the original script would be nice, # but I didn't found a working way yet...) v = end q = v.to_track_quat('X', 'Z') m1 = q.to_matrix() m2 = m1.to_4x4() m = m2 # .resize4x4() in the original script, did not work when testing ==> .to_4x4 v = v.length * X n = len(bm.verts) # "head" bm.verts.new((ORIGIN)) bm.verts.new((v)) bm.verts.new(((v - 0.1 * X + 0.1 * Y))) bm.verts.new(((v - 0.1 * X - 0.1 * Y))) # "base" bm.verts.new(((ORIGIN + 0.1 * Y))) bm.verts.new(((ORIGIN - 0.1 * Y))) # use before accessing bm.verts[] with blender 2.73 if hasattr(bm.verts, "ensure_lookup_table"): bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # edges bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n], bm.verts[n + 1]]) bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n + 1], bm.verts[n + 2]]) bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n + 1], bm.verts[n + 3]]) bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n + 4], bm.verts[n + 5]]) bm.transform(Matrix.Translation(start) @ m) # add the existing mesh bm.from_mesh(mesh) # write the bmesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update() def draw_circle(mesh, numpoints, radius, matrix): '''Draw a circle.''' # bmesh repr. bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(mesh) # get the number of verts already in the mesh n = len(bm.verts) # make the verts for i in range(numpoints): angle = 2.0 * math.pi * i / numpoints v = Vector((radius * math.cos(angle), radius * math.sin(angle), 0)) bm.verts.new((v @ matrix)) # use before accessing bm.verts[] with blender 2.73 if hasattr(bm.verts, "ensure_lookup_table"): bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # make the edges for i in range(numpoints): i1 = (i + 1) % numpoints bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n + i], bm.verts[n + i1]]) # write the bmesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update() def draw_dashed_line(mesh, start, end): '''Draw a dashed line.''' # Create a bmesh representation bm = bmesh.new() # create an empty bmesh bm.from_mesh(mesh) # fill it with the above mesh # modify the mesh here w = 0.04 step = w * (end - start).normalized() n = len(bm.verts) for i in range(int(1 + 0.5 * (end - start).length / w)): a = start + 2 * i * step b = a + step if (b - end).length < step.length: b = end bm.verts.new(a) bm.verts.new(b) # use before accessing bm.verts[] with blender 2.73 if hasattr(bm.verts, "ensure_lookup_table"): bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() bm.edges.new([bm.verts[n + 2 * i], bm.verts[n + 2 * i + 1]]) # write the bmesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update() ### The drawing classes, instantiated ("called") by the parser # Class for all items class Item(): # Materials attrs: Name, colorsRGBA def set_material(name, color): # Check if material exists already (otherwise we get dozends of materials # when reloading, which is just not very nice) if bpy.data.materials.find(name) != -1: # if yes then use it bpy.context.object.data.materials.append(bpy.data.materials[name]) # if not create a new material else: mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name) mat.diffuse_color = color mat.use_sss_translucency = True bpy.context.object.data.materials.append(mat) # set the trancparency (checkbox) true (in object props !! # this is a fake transparency for the viewport, though # it uses the alpha value from the material !!) bpy.context.object.show_transparent = True # show a label in the viewport # if checkbox is checked if bpy.context.scene.show_names == True: bpy.context.object.show_name = True # lock the transformations if bpy.context.scene.lock_transformations == True: set_list = [True, True, True] bpy.context.object.lock_location = set_list bpy.context.object.lock_rotation = set_list bpy.context.object.lock_scale = set_list # One class per item class Cockpit(Item): def __init__(self, center): # define the rotation and scale rotation = (0, 0, math.radians(90)) scale = (0.12, 0.12, 0.12) # define the mesh mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add # insert the mesh at location, rotation mesh(location=center, rotation=rotation) # rescale it to a nice size bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(scale)) # name it appropriately # (give name here, there is only ONE cockpit element !) bpy.context.object.name = 'YASim_Cockpit' # set material, attr: Name, colorsRGBA Item.set_material('red', (1,0,0,1)) class Tank(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, capacity): # mesh (primitive) rot = (0, 0, 0) scale = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add mesh(location=center, rotation=rot) bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=scale) # naming # would be nice to have some more info... leaving for later implementation. # (for example: + ' (' + capacity + 'lb)')) bpy.context.object.name = name # set material Item.set_material('blue', (0,0,1,1)) class Ballast(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, mass): # mesh (primitive) rot = (0, 0, 0) scale = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15) verts = 8 mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add mesh(location=center, rotation=rot, vertices=verts) bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=scale) # set the name of the object # would be nice to have some more info... leaving for later implementation. # (for example: + ' (' + capacity + 'lb)')) bpy.context.object.name = name # set material Item.set_material('grey', (0.8,0.8,0.8,1)) class Weight(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): # mesh (primitive) rot = (math.radians(180), 0, 0) scale = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15) verts = 8 mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add mesh(location=center, rotation=rot, vertices=verts) bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=scale) # naming bpy.context.object.name = name # set material Item.set_material('pink', (0.8, 0.0, 0.8,1)) class Gear(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, upcomp): ## create the data for the mesh # two vertices, one at origin one at end of compr. verts = [(0,0,0),upcomp] # one edge, between the two vertices edge = [(0,1)] # now call the mesh creation func gear_obj = mesh_create(name, center, verts, edge, []) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = gear_obj # set material Item.set_material('grey2', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) class Hook(Item): def __init__(self, center, length, up_angle, dn_angle): # define the name # (there is only one hook element) name = 'YASim_Hook' # Calculate the points for the mesh up = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z dn = ORIGIN - length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z # create the hook (extended/down position) hook_obj = mesh_create(name, center, [ORIGIN, dn, dn + 0.05*Y, dn - 0.05*Y], [(0,1), (2,3)], []) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = hook_obj # now draw the dashed line for retr./up position # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, up) # set material Item.set_material('grey2', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) class Launchbar(Item): def __init__(self, lb, lb_length, up_angle, dn_angle, hb, hb_length): # define the name # (there is only one launchbar element) --> isn't it ? name = 'YASim_Launchbar' # Calculate points for the mesh # here in the original script hb = hb - lb # --> seems to be tuple - vector, that is not working # assuming: (this step is necessary to get from global to local coordinates !!) hb = hb - Vector(lb) lb_tip = ORIGIN + lb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z hb_tip = hb - hb_length * math.cos(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(dn_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z # create the mesh: launchbar and holdback extended position lb_obj = mesh_create(name, lb, [ORIGIN, lb_tip, hb, hb_tip, lb_tip+0.05*Y, lb_tip-0.05*Y, hb_tip+0.05*Y, hb_tip-0.05*Y], [(0,1),(0,2),(2,3),(4,5),(6,7)], []) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = lb_obj # draw dashed lines for the retracted position # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data lb_up = lb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - lb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z hb_up = hb - hb_length * math.cos(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * X - hb_length * math.sin(up_angle * DEG2RAD) * Z draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, lb_up) draw_dashed_line(mesh, hb, hb_up) # set material Item.set_material('grey2', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) class Hitch(Item): def __init__(self, name, center): # mesh (primitive) rot = (math.radians(90), 0, 0) radius = 0.1 verts = 16 mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_circle_add mesh(location=center, rotation=rot, vertices=verts, radius=radius) # name it appropriately bpy.context.object.name = name # set material, attr: Name, colorsRGBA Item.set_material('grey2', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) class Thruster(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, thrustvector): # create an empty mesh object empty_obj = mesh_create_empty(name, center) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = empty_obj # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data # in the original script here's the following line #draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, a) # but the thruster element has no actionpt subelement # therefor leaving this out !! # also all the crazy actionpt operations above are obsolete !!! # ==> This should really be adapted !!!!!! This is a simple element # and should be simple here too, really --> doing so. draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, thrustvector.normalized()) # set material, attr: Name, colorsRGBA Item.set_material('grey3', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) # moving it to it's location by matrix instead locate above empty_obj # Here we must make some annoing actions cause we need the actionpt # (which is a subtag in thruster/jet..) before we can initiate/create # the thruster/jet # # Alternative idea just had: make the jet/thruster.. with a default # actionpt = center, really create it and if a custom actionpt is set # move it in the mesh !? therefor we could avoid these issues below: # creation with the __del__ function etc., that's odd # anyways doing it like this for now ==> Trying to do so. #class Thrust: # def set_actionpt(self, p): # self.actionpt = p # # def set_dir(self, d): # self.thrustvector = d # a superclass to store the obj. name, ridiculous ;-), but still a lot simpler # than the original way class Thrust: def set_obj(obj_name): Thrust.obj_name = obj_name def set_center(center): Thrust.center = center class Jet(Item, Thrust): def __init__(self, name, center, rotate): # create the thrustvector # couldn't find a degtorad transformation in the orig. script for rotate # I think it should be done thrustvector = -X @ Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(rotate), 4, 'Y') # create an empty mesh object at center empty_obj = mesh_create_empty(name, center) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = empty_obj # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data # draw the thrust arrow draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, thrustvector.normalized()) # store the name in the superclass Thrust.set_obj(empty_obj) # and the center Thrust.set_center(center) # show name and set material Item.set_material('grey3', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) class Propeller(Item, Thrust): def __init__(self, name, center, radius): # propeller will always be vertical (for now) (?) # draw a line from center up prop_obj = mesh_create(name, center, [ORIGIN, (ORIGIN + radius * Z)], [(0,1)], []) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = prop_obj # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data # draw the thrustvector arrow (always straight backwards, for now) # maybe this could also be done in the actionpt function ? thrustvector = -X draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, thrustvector.normalized()) # draw the propeller circle # create a matrix q = thrustvector.to_track_quat('Z', 'X') m1 = q.to_matrix() matrix = m1.to_4x4() draw_circle(mesh, 128, radius, matrix) # store the name in the superclass Thrust.set_obj(prop_obj) # and the center Thrust.set_center(center) # show name and set material Item.set_material('grey3', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) # this one simply needs to be called after the jet/propeller # (is done so by the parser) class ActionPt(Thrust): def __init__(self, actionpt): # get the object name from superclass obj = Thrust.obj_name # set the created object active !!!!!!! ==> maybe there's a better way to do this ? bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data # adjust the actionpt ! (for local coordinates, again) actionpt = actionpt - Thrust.center # now move the thrustvector arrow from center to actionpt mesh.transform(Matrix.Translation(actionpt)) mesh.update() # and draw a dashed line from center to actionpt ! # that's it ! draw_dashed_line(mesh, ORIGIN, actionpt) class Fuselage(Item): def __init__(self, name, a, b, width, taper, midpoint): numvert = 12 angle = [] for i in range(numvert): alpha = i * 2 * math.pi / float(numvert) angle.append([math.cos(alpha), math.sin(alpha)]) axis = b - a length = axis.length # create a new mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name+'_mesh') # create a bmesh repr. bm = bmesh.new() for i in range(numvert): bm.verts.new((0, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1])) for i in range(numvert): bm.verts.new((midpoint * length, 0.5 * width * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * angle[i][1])) for i in range(numvert): bm.verts.new((length, 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][0], 0.5 * width * taper * angle[i][1])) # use before accessing bm.verts[] with blender 2.73 if hasattr(bm.verts, "ensure_lookup_table"): bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(numvert): i1 = (i + 1) % numvert bm.faces.new([bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i1], bm.verts[i1 + numvert], bm.verts[i + numvert]]) bm.faces.new([bm.verts[i + numvert], bm.verts[i1 + numvert], bm.verts[i1 + 2 * numvert], bm.verts[i + 2 * numvert]]) bm.verts.new((ORIGIN)) bm.verts.new((length * X)) # write bmesh back to mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update() # matrix transformation of the mesh v = axis q = v.to_track_quat('X', 'Y') m1 = q.to_matrix() m = m1.to_4x4() mesh.transform(m) mesh.update() # create obj. etc. # create a new object fus_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh) # set the object location, where to place this ? It's placed at point ax,ay,az ! # I'm assuming this is always the tip of the tube, otherways it might not be displayed correctly ? # ==> maybe find a solution for this... ? fus_obj.matrix_world = Matrix.Translation(a) # link the object to the actual scene bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(fus_obj) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = fus_obj # give this one a nice material: Item.set_material('tblue-1', (0.0,0.0,0.5,0.4)) class Rotor(Item): def __init__(self, name, center, up, fwd, numblades, radius, chord, twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw): # reworking the rotor element # mr_no's suggestion for the workflow # # 1) draw circles ((x,y,z), diameter, rel-len-blade-start) # 2) draw vector forward ((x,y,z,),(fx,fy,fz)) # 3) draw blade (diameter, chord) # 4) draw vector rotation direction (ccw) # 5) draw vector normal with nx=0, ny=0, nz=1 # 6) rotate the hole mesh with real n # ## draw blade same direction vector forward is ## use taper for drawing more accurate blade ## don't use twist, don't use phi0, ignore all other smaller values # currently we're drawing it the following way: # One blade is shown, where the initial angle phi0 is ignored. # The incidence is shown at the blade root, where chord is simply used for # the length. The blade tip is always flat (at a zero degree incidence). # When ccw = 0 the incidence angle is currently inverted. # However, it is unclear wheter this is correct (?). # The entire rotor is rotated according to the normal vector (pointing "up"). # Finally the forward vector is drawn, as it is defined. # drawing the blade first, this is easier, we can create the mesh with that twist *= DEG2RAD a = ORIGIN + rel_len_blade_start * radius * X b = ORIGIN + radius * X # adapted root line, twist is negative and taper should not be included here ! tw = 0.5 * chord * math.cos(twist) * Y + 0.5 * chord * math.sin(-twist) * Z # drawing the blade for ccw = 1 rot_obj = mesh_create(name, center, [ORIGIN, a, b, a + tw, a - tw, b + 0.5 * chord * Y * taper, b - 0.5 * chord * Y * taper], [(0,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (3,5), (4,6), (5,6)], []) # get the mesh mesh = rot_obj.data # draw ccw = 1 arrow draw_arrow(mesh, ((a+b)/2), Y) # transform the blade + ccw arrow according to real ccw if ccw == 0: # invert the Y axis tm = ([1,0,0,0],[0,-1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]) mesh.transform(tm) # (and rotate it around phi0, could be added here ?) # draw the normal arrow up the Z draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, Z) # draw the circles draw_circle(mesh, 64, rel_len_blade_start * radius, Matrix()) draw_circle(mesh, 128, radius, Matrix()) # rotate everything with real n (up) # (define the matrix here) q1 = up.to_track_quat('Z', 'X') m1 = q1.to_matrix() m = m1.to_4x4() mesh.transform(m) # draw the forward arrow (how it's defined) draw_arrow(mesh, ORIGIN, fwd) # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = rot_obj # set material Item.set_material('grey4', (0.3,0.3,0.3,1)) # finally, the wings # a superclass for symetric elements... class Symetric: obj_list = [] def list_append(obj): Symetric.obj_list.append(obj) class Wing(Item, Symetric): def __init__(self, name, root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral): # transform angles to rad sweep *= DEG2RAD twist *= DEG2RAD dihedral *= DEG2RAD incidence *=DEG2RAD # find out if it's a symetric element self.is_symetric = not name.startswith("YASim_vstab") # create the wing mesh object # the wing is first created at ORIGIN w/o incidence/dihedral base = ORIGIN basefore = ORIGIN + 0.5 * chord * X baseaft = ORIGIN - 0.5 * chord * X tip = ORIGIN + (math.cos(sweep) * length * Y) - (math.sin(sweep) * length * X) tipfore = tip + (0.5 * taper * chord * math.cos(twist) * X) + (0.5 * taper * chord * math.sin(twist) * Z) tipaft = tip + tip - tipfore # <1--0--2 # \ | / # 4-3-5 wing_obj = mesh_create(name, ORIGIN, [base, basefore, baseaft, tip, tipfore, tipaft], [], [(0, 1, 4, 3), (2, 0, 3, 5)]) # now transform the mesh # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = wing_obj # get the active mesh mesh = bpy.context.object.data # create a rotation matrix, for dihedral and incidence rotation e = Euler((dihedral, -incidence, 0)) m1 = e.to_matrix() m = m1.to_4x4() # rotate it mesh.transform(m) mesh.update() # position the object #wing_obj.location = root # use the matrix to position it wing_obj.matrix_world = Matrix.Translation(root) # assign materials if self.is_symetric: Item.set_material('tgreen-1', (0.0,0.5,0.0,0.5)) Symetric.list_append(wing_obj) else: Item.set_material('tred-1', (0.5,0.0,0.0,0.5)) # write out the vars for the flaps self.baseaft = baseaft self.basefore = basefore self.tipaft = tipaft self.tipfore = tipfore self.base = base self.tip = tip self.wing_obj = wing_obj self.mesh_matrix = m self.taper = taper def add_flap(self, name, start, end): # read in the vars from wing a = self.baseaft b = self.tipaft c = 0.25 * (self.base - a) * (1 - (start * (1 - self.taper))) d = 0.25 * (self.base - a) * (1 - (end * (1 - self.taper))) i0 = a + start * (b - a) i1 = a + end * (b - a) flap_obj = mesh_create(name, ORIGIN, [i0, i1, (i0 + c), (i1 + d)], [], [(0, 1, 3, 2)]) # get the wing obj matrix m = self.wing_obj.matrix_world # apply it to the flap_obj + the "wing mesh matrix" from above to get the rotations # separating mesh matrix out, getting incorrect mirrors mesh = flap_obj.data mesh.transform(self.mesh_matrix) flap_obj.matrix_world = m # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = flap_obj # set material Item.set_material('tyello-1', (0.8,0.8,0.0,0.9)) if self.is_symetric: Symetric.list_append(flap_obj) def add_slat(self, name, start, end): # read in the vars from wing a = self.basefore b = self.tipfore c = 0.25 * (self.base - a) * (1 - (start * (1 - self.taper))) d = 0.25 * (self.base - a) * (1 - (end * (1 - self.taper))) i0 = a + start * (b - a) i1 = a + end * (b - a) slat_obj = mesh_create(name, ORIGIN, [i0, i1, (i0 + c), (i1 + d)], [], [(0, 1, 3, 2)]) # get the wing obj matrix m = self.wing_obj.matrix_world # apply it to the slat_obj + the "wing mesh matrix" from above to get the rotations # separating mesh matrix out, getting incorrect mirrors mesh = slat_obj.data mesh.transform(self.mesh_matrix) slat_obj.matrix_world = m # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = slat_obj # set material Item.set_material('tyello-1', (0.8,0.8,0.0,0.9)) if self.is_symetric: Symetric.list_append(slat_obj) def add_spoiler(self, name, start, end): # read in the vars from wing a = self.base b = self.tip c = 0.25 * (self.baseaft - a) * (1 - (start * (1 - self.taper))) d = 0.25 * (self.baseaft - a) * (1 - (end * (1 - self.taper))) i0 = a + start * (b - a) i1 = a + end * (b - a) spoiler_obj = mesh_create(name, ORIGIN, [i0, i1, (i0 + c), (i1 + d)], [], [(0, 1, 3, 2)]) # get the wing obj matrix m = self.wing_obj.matrix_world # apply it to the spoiler_obj + the "wing mesh matrix" from above to get the rotations # separating mesh matrix out, getting incorrect mirrors mesh = spoiler_obj.data mesh.transform(self.mesh_matrix) spoiler_obj.matrix_world = m # set the created object active !!!!!!! bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = spoiler_obj # set material Item.set_material('tyello-1', (0.8,0.8,0.0,0.9)) if self.is_symetric: Symetric.list_append(spoiler_obj) ### This is the parser handling function ### It tells the parser what to do with the XML class Read_XML(handler.ContentHandler): # ignored not used by now #ignored = ["cruise", "approach", "control-input", "control-output", "control-speed", \ # "control-setting", "stall", "airplane", "piston-engine", "turbine-engine", \ # "rotorgear", "tow", "winch", "solve-weight"] # using this from original script def startDocument(self): self.tags = [] # not used for now self.counter = {} # used for counter ! self.items = [None] # used for the thrust/actionpt (xml subelement) ==> no longer, # but used for flap (xml subelement) # startElement, these names (startElement, endEl. etc.) are definded by # the sax parser, they have to be like this, attrs.get is used to get XML attributes # see the sax api def startElement(self, name, attrs): # Item instance item = None # setting the parent item parent = self.items[-1] # using this from original script (adapted) # trying to make a better counter for naming (better than mine was before) if name in self.counter: self.counter[name] += 1 else: self.counter[name] = 0 if name == "cockpit": # get the center of the item c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) # create a new instance of the class ! item = Cockpit(c) elif name == "tank": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) capacity = attrs.get("capacity") item = Tank("YASim_Tank_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, capacity) # testing counter for naming ==> it's working, making this the default #print("YASim_Tank_%d" % self.counter[name]) elif name == "ballast": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) mass = attrs.get("mass") item = Ballast("YASim_Ballast_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, mass) # testing counter for naming #print("YASim_Ballast_%d" % self.counter[name]) elif name == "weight": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) item = Weight("YASim_Weight_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c) elif name == "gear": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) # get the compression value, defaults is 1 compression = float(attrs.get("compression", 1)) # multiplying by Z to get a vector (a point) up = compression * Z # check if the direction of compression is set if attrs.__contains__("upx"): # if yes: get it (a vector), normalize it (make it length of 1), mutliply by the compression up = Vector((float(attrs.get("upx")), float(attrs.get("upy")), float(attrs.get("upz")))).normalized()*compression item = Gear("YASim_Gear_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, up) elif name == "hook": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) # get the length and angles length = float(attrs.get("length", 1)) up_angle = float(attrs.get("up-angle", 0)) down_angle = float(attrs.get("down-angle", 70)) item = Hook(c, length, up_angle, down_angle) elif name == "launchbar": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) # get the length and angles length = float(attrs.get("length", 1)) up_angle = float(attrs.get("up-angle", -45)) down_angle = float(attrs.get("down-angle", 45)) holdback = Vector((float(attrs.get("holdback-x", c[0])), float(attrs.get("holdback-y", c[1])), float(attrs.get("holdback-z", c[2])))) holdback_length = float(attrs.get("holdback-length", 2)) item = Launchbar(c, length, up_angle, down_angle, holdback, holdback_length) elif name == "hitch": c = (float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z"))) item = Hitch("YASim_Hitch_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c) # leaving this out for now #elif name == "dir": # c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) # parent.set_dir(c) elif name == "thruster": c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) v = Vector((float(attrs.get("vx")), float(attrs.get("vy")), float(attrs.get("vz")))) item = Thruster("YASim_Thruster_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, v) elif name == "jet": c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) rotate = float(attrs.get("rotate", 0)) item = Jet("YASim_Jet_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, rotate) elif name == "actionpt": c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) #parent.set_actionpt(c) item = ActionPt(c) elif name == "propeller": c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) radius = float(attrs.get("radius")) item = Propeller("YASim_Propeller_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, radius) elif name == "fuselage": a = Vector((float(attrs.get("ax")), float(attrs.get("ay")), float(attrs.get("az")))) b = Vector((float(attrs.get("bx")), float(attrs.get("by")), float(attrs.get("bz")))) width = float(attrs.get("width")) taper = float(attrs.get("taper", 1)) midpoint = float(attrs.get("midpoint", 0.5)) item = Fuselage("YASim_Fuselage_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), a, b, width, taper, midpoint) elif name == "rotor": c = Vector((float(attrs.get("x", 0)), float(attrs.get("y", 0)), float(attrs.get("z", 0)))) norm = Vector((float(attrs.get("nx", 0)), float(attrs.get("ny", 0)), float(attrs.get("nz", 1)))) # --> what's this ? fwd = Vector((float(attrs.get("fx", 1)), float(attrs.get("fy", 0)), float(attrs.get("fz", 0)))) # --> what's this ? diameter = float(attrs.get("diameter", 10.2)) numblades = int(attrs.get("numblades", 4)) chord = float(attrs.get("chord", 0.3)) twist = float(attrs.get("twist", 0)) taper = float(attrs.get("taper", 1)) rel_len_blade_start = float(attrs.get("rel-len-blade-start", 0)) phi0 = float(attrs.get("phi0", 0)) ccw = not not int(attrs.get("ccw", 0)) # --> not not ? item = Rotor("YASim_Rotor_{:d}".format(self.counter[name]), c, norm, fwd, numblades, 0.5 * diameter, chord, \ twist, taper, rel_len_blade_start, phi0, ccw) elif name == "wing" or name == "hstab" or name == "vstab" or name == "mstab": root = Vector((float(attrs.get("x")), float(attrs.get("y")), float(attrs.get("z")))) length = float(attrs.get("length")) chord = float(attrs.get("chord")) incidence = float(attrs.get("incidence", 0)) twist = float(attrs.get("twist", 0)) taper = float(attrs.get("taper", 1)) sweep = float(attrs.get("sweep", 0)) dihedral = float(attrs.get("dihedral", [0, 90][name == "vstab"])) item = Wing("YASim_{:s}_{:d}".format(name, self.counter[name]), root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral) elif name == "flap0" or name == "flap1": start = float(attrs.get("start")) end = float(attrs.get("end")) parent.add_flap("YASim_{:s}_{:d}".format(name, self.counter[name]), start, end) elif name == "slat": start = float(attrs.get("start")) end = float(attrs.get("end")) parent.add_slat("YASim_{:s}_{:d}".format(name, self.counter[name]), start, end) elif name == "spoiler": start = float(attrs.get("start")) end = float(attrs.get("end")) parent.add_spoiler("YASim_{:s}_{:d}".format(name, self.counter[name]), start, end) # appending item to list # ==> only appending item to list if it's not None # this is necessary to get the correct parent item ! (parent = self.items[-1]) # don't know how/why this worked without this condition in the original script ???????? if item != None: self.items.append(item) # debug info #print(item) ### Load the XML, i.e. start the sax parser def load_XML(filepath): # call the clear function for load, to avoid overlaying imports, this confuses the # importer (the model already there does change_csys) and is therefor not supported at the moment # --> find a better solution for this ==> why, that's fine. delete_all_yasim() # define the parser, content handler and start it # the actions are defined in the above class Read_XML (which is the # "content handler") parser=make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(Read_XML()) parser.parse(open(filepath)) # adaption for the FG CSYS if bpy.context.scene.csys == '0': change_csys() # and make the mirror persistent if bpy.context.scene.mirror == '0': mirror_sym(Symetric.obj_list) ### File Dialog (from example), creating a button etc. ### for now the UI Panel, right panel in the viewport (called by "n") ### is used, later, we may want it in the menu File --> Import ## UI PANEL class PANEL_PT_UIPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = "PANEL_PT_UIPanel" bl_label = "YASim XML Importer" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" bl_category = "YASim" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene layout.operator("yasim_xml.load") layout.prop(scene, "show_names") layout.prop(scene, "lock_transformations") #row = layout.row(align=True) # using enum property instead #row.operator("yasim_xml.mirror") #row.operator("yasim_xml.unmirror") layout.prop(scene, "mirror", expand=True) layout.prop(scene, "csys", expand=False) layout.operator("yasim_xml.reload") layout.operator("yasim_xml.delete") ## BUTTON (Reload) class OBJECT_OT_ReloadButton(bpy.types.Operator): '''Reload the last opened file. (Clears all present YASim_* elements first.)''' bl_idname = "yasim_xml.reload" bl_label = "Reload" def execute(self, context): # reload # call the clear func first delete_all_yasim() # call the load func with stored filepath stored_filepath = bpy.context.scene.filepath_last load_XML(stored_filepath) return {'FINISHED'} ## BUTTON (Load) class OBJECT_OT_LoadXmlButton(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper): '''Import YASim FDM configuration from XML (.xml)''' bl_idname = "yasim_xml.load" bl_label = "Load (.xml)" filename_ext = ".xml" filter_glob: bpy.props.StringProperty(default="*.xml", options={'HIDDEN'}) filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="File Path", maxlen=1024, default="") def execute(self, context): ## Call the LOAD XML func here load_XML(self.properties.filepath) # write filepath to property bpy.types.Scene.filepath_last = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Last Filepath", description="Last opened file (path)", default="") bpy.context.scene.filepath_last = self.properties.filepath return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} ## BUTTON (Clear) class OBJECT_OT_ClearYASimButton(bpy.types.Operator): '''Attention: This simply clears all objects named YASim_* !''' bl_idname = "yasim_xml.delete" bl_label = "Clear" def execute(self, context): ## Call the DELETE func here delete_all_yasim() return {'FINISHED'} ## BUTTONS Mirror def mirror_update(self, context): # get's called when one of the props changes state mirror = self.mirror mirror_lock = self.mirror_lock if mirror == '0' and mirror_lock == False: # call the mirror func mirror_sym(Symetric.obj_list) # set the lock bpy.context.scene.mirror_lock = True elif mirror == '1' and mirror_lock == True: # call the unmirror func unmirror_sym(Symetric.obj_list) # unset the lock bpy.context.scene.mirror_lock = False mirror_prop_items = [ ("0", "Mirror", "Mirror on. Object centers are moved to blender origin (0,0,0) !"), ("1", "One-sided", "Mirror off. Object centers are restored to the YASim xyz position.") ] bpy.types.Scene.mirror = EnumProperty(name="Mirror", description="Mirror the symetrical elements", default="1", items=mirror_prop_items, update=mirror_update) # boolean controller property bpy.types.Scene.mirror_lock = BoolProperty(name="Mirror lock", description="Mirror control variable", default=False) ## BUTTONS CSys def update_csys(self, context): csys = self.csys csys_lock = self.csys_lock if csys == '0' and csys_lock == False: change_csys() bpy.context.scene.csys_lock = True elif csys == '1' and csys_lock == True: change_csys() bpy.context.scene.csys_lock = False csys_prop_items = [ ("0", "FG", "Use the standard FlightGear coordinate system."), ("1", "YASim", "Use YASim's internal coordinate system.") ] bpy.types.Scene.csys = EnumProperty(name="CSys", description="Coordinate System to use", default="0", items=csys_prop_items, update=update_csys) # boolean controller property bpy.types.Scene.csys_lock = BoolProperty(name="CSys lock", description="CSys control variable", default=True) # show_items checkbox control def show_names_update(self, context): show_names = self.show_names if show_names == True: show_item_names() elif show_names == False: clear_item_names() bpy.types.Scene.show_names = BoolProperty(name="Show Item Names", description="Show YASim_* item names in the viewport", default=True, update=show_names_update) # lock transformations checkbox control def lock_transformations_update(self, context): setting = self.lock_transformations if setting == True: lock_transformations(True) elif setting == False: lock_transformations(False) bpy.types.Scene.lock_transformations = BoolProperty(name="Lock Location/Rotation", description="Lock YASim_* item tranformations", default=True, update=lock_transformations_update) ### Registration (necessary to show up buttons etc.) # (From blender cookbook) #def register(): # bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) #def unregister(): # bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) classes = ( PANEL_PT_UIPanel, OBJECT_OT_ReloadButton, OBJECT_OT_LoadXmlButton, OBJECT_OT_ClearYASimButton, ) def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for cls in classes: register_class(cls) def unregister(): from bpy.utils import unregister_class for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register() #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)