#!/usr/bin/env bash # ffmpeg windows cross compile helper/download script, see github repo README # Copyright (C) 2012 Roger Pack, the script is under the GPLv3, but output FFmpeg's executables aren't # set -x yes_no_sel () { unset user_input local question="$1" shift local default_answer="$1" while [[ "$user_input" != [YyNn] ]]; do echo -n "$question" read user_input if [[ -z "$user_input" ]]; then echo "using default $default_answer" user_input=$default_answer fi if [[ "$user_input" != [YyNn] ]]; then clear; echo 'Your selection was not vaild, please try again.'; echo fi done # downcase it user_input=$(echo $user_input | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') } set_box_memory_size_bytes() { if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then box_memory_size_bytes=20000000000 # 20G fake it out for now :| else local ram_kilobytes=`grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'` local swap_kilobytes=`grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'` box_memory_size_bytes=$[ram_kilobytes * 1024 + swap_kilobytes * 1024] fi } function sortable_version { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'; } at_least_required_version() { # params: required actual local sortable_required=$(sortable_version $1) sortable_required=$(echo $sortable_required | sed 's/^0*//') # remove preceding zeroes, which bash later interprets as octal or screwy local sortable_actual=$(sortable_version $2) sortable_actual=$(echo $sortable_actual | sed 's/^0*//') [[ "$sortable_actual" -ge "$sortable_required" ]] } apt_not_installed() { for x in "$@"; do if ! dpkg -l "$x" | grep -q '^.i'; then need_install="$need_install $x" fi done echo "$need_install" } check_missing_packages () { # We will need this later if we don't want to just constantly be grepping the /etc/os-release file if [ -z "${VENDOR}" ] && grep -E '(centos|rhel)' /etc/os-release &> /dev/null; then # In RHEL this should always be set anyway. But not so sure about CentOS VENDOR="redhat" fi # zeranoe's build scripts use wget, though we don't here... local check_packages=('ragel' 'curl' 'pkg-config' 'make' 'git' 'svn' 'gcc' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'yasm' 'cvs' 'flex' 'bison' 'makeinfo' 'g++' 'ed' 'pax' 'unzip' 'patch' 'wget' 'xz' 'nasm' 'gperf' 'autogen' 'bzip2' 'realpath' 'meson' 'clang' 'python') # autoconf-archive is just for leptonica FWIW # I'm not actually sure if VENDOR being set to centos is a thing or not. On all the centos boxes I can test on it's not been set at all. # that being said, if it where set I would imagine it would be set to centos... And this contition will satisfy the "Is not initially set" # case because the above code will assign "redhat" all the time. if [ -z "${VENDOR}" ] || [ "${VENDOR}" != "redhat" ] && [ "${VENDOR}" != "centos" ]; then check_packages+=('cmake') fi # libtool check is wonky... if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then check_packages+=('glibtoolize') # homebrew special :| else check_packages+=('libtoolize') # the rest of the world fi # Use hash to check if the packages exist or not. Type is a bash builtin which I'm told behaves differently between different versions of bash. for package in "${check_packages[@]}"; do hash "$package" &> /dev/null || missing_packages=("$package" "${missing_packages[@]}") done if [ "${VENDOR}" = "redhat" ] || [ "${VENDOR}" = "centos" ]; then if [ -n "$(hash cmake 2>&1)" ] && [ -n "$(hash cmake3 2>&1)" ]; then missing_packages=('cmake' "${missing_packages[@]}"); fi fi if [[ -n "${missing_packages[@]}" ]]; then clear echo "Could not find the following execs (svn is actually package subversion, makeinfo is actually package texinfo if you're missing them): ${missing_packages[*]}" echo 'Install the missing packages before running this script.' determine_distro apt_pkgs='subversion ragel curl texinfo g++ ed bison flex cvs yasm automake libtool autoconf gcc cmake git make pkg-config zlib1g-dev unzip pax nasm gperf autogen bzip2 autoconf-archive p7zip-full meson clang' [[ $DISTRO == "debian" ]] && apt_pkgs="$apt_pkgs libtool-bin ed" # extra for debian case "$DISTRO" in Ubuntu) echo "for ubuntu:" echo "$ sudo apt-get update" ubuntu_ver="$(lsb_release -rs)" if at_least_required_version "18.04" "$ubuntu_ver"; then apt_pkgs="$apt_pkgs python3-distutils" # guess it's no longer built-in, lensfun requires it... fi if at_least_required_version "20.04" "$ubuntu_ver"; then apt_pkgs="$apt_pkgs python-is-python3" # needed fi echo "$ sudo apt-get install $apt_pkgs -y" if uname -a | grep -q -- "-microsoft" ; then echo NB if you use WSL Ubuntu 20.04 you need to do an extra step: https://github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/issues/452 fi ;; debian) echo "for debian:" echo "$ sudo apt-get update" # Debian version is always encoded in the /etc/debian_version # This file is deployed via the base-files package which is the essential one - deployed in all installations. # See their content for individual debian releases - https://sources.debian.org/src/base-files/ # Stable releases contain a version number. # Testing/Unstable releases contain a textual codename description (e.g. bullseye/sid) # deb_ver="$(cat /etc/debian_version)" # Upcoming codenames taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_version_history # if [[ $deb_ver =~ bullseye ]]; then deb_ver="11" elif [[ $deb_ver =~ bookworm ]]; then deb_ver="12" elif [[ $deb_ver =~ trixie ]]; then deb_ver="13" fi if at_least_required_version "10" "$deb_ver"; then apt_pkgs="$apt_pkgs python3-distutils" # guess it's no longer built-in, lensfun requires it... fi if at_least_required_version "11" "$deb_ver"; then apt_pkgs="$apt_pkgs python-is-python3" # needed fi apt_missing="$(apt_not_installed "$apt_pkgs")" echo "$ sudo apt-get install $apt_missing -y" ;; *) echo "for OS X (homebrew): brew install ragel wget cvs yasm autogen automake autoconf cmake libtool xz pkg-config nasm bzip2 autoconf-archive p7zip coreutils meson llvm" # if edit this edit docker/Dockerfile also :| echo " and set llvm to your PATH if on catalina" echo "for RHEL/CentOS: First ensure you have epel repo available, then run $ sudo yum install ragel subversion texinfo libtool autogen gperf nasm patch unzip pax ed gcc-c++ bison flex yasm automake autoconf gcc zlib-devel cvs bzip2 cmake3 -y" echo "for fedora: if your distribution comes with a modern version of cmake then use the same as RHEL/CentOS but replace cmake3 with cmake." echo "for linux native compiler option: same as above, also add libva-dev" ;; esac exit 1 fi export REQUIRED_CMAKE_VERSION="3.0.0" for cmake_binary in 'cmake' 'cmake3'; do # We need to check both binaries the same way because the check for installed packages will work if *only* cmake3 is installed or # if *only* cmake is installed. # On top of that we ideally would handle the case where someone may have patched their version of cmake themselves, locally, but if # the version of cmake required move up to, say, 3.1.0 and the cmake3 package still only pulls in 3.0.0 flat, then the user having manually # installed cmake at a higher version wouldn't be detected. if hash "${cmake_binary}" &> /dev/null; then cmake_version="$( "${cmake_binary}" --version | sed -e "s#${cmake_binary}##g" | head -n 1 | tr -cd '[0-9.\n]' )" if at_least_required_version "${REQUIRED_CMAKE_VERSION}" "${cmake_version}"; then export cmake_command="${cmake_binary}" break else echo "your ${cmake_binary} version is too old ${cmake_version} wanted ${REQUIRED_CMAKE_VERSION}" fi fi done # If cmake_command never got assigned then there where no versions found which where sufficient. if [ -z "${cmake_command}" ]; then echo "there where no appropriate versions of cmake found on your machine." exit 1 else # If cmake_command is set then either one of the cmake's is adequate. if [[ $cmake_command != "cmake" ]]; then # don't echo if it's the normal default echo "cmake binary for this build will be ${cmake_command}" fi fi if [[ ! -f /usr/include/zlib.h ]]; then echo "warning: you may need to install zlib development headers first if you want to build mp4-box [on ubuntu: $ apt-get install zlib1g-dev] [on redhat/fedora distros: $ yum install zlib-devel]" # XXX do like configure does and attempt to compile and include zlib.h instead? sleep 1 fi # TODO nasm version :| # doing the cut thing with an assigned variable dies on the version of yasm I have installed (which I'm pretty sure is the RHEL default) # because of all the trailing lines of stuff export REQUIRED_YASM_VERSION="1.2.0" # export ??? local yasm_binary=yasm local yasm_version="$( "${yasm_binary}" --version |sed -e "s#${yasm_binary}##g" | head -n 1 | tr -dc '[0-9.\n]' )" if ! at_least_required_version "${REQUIRED_YASM_VERSION}" "${yasm_version}"; then echo "your yasm version is too old $yasm_version wanted ${REQUIRED_YASM_VERSION}" exit 1 fi local meson_version=`meson --version` if ! at_least_required_version "0.49.2" "${meson_version}"; then echo "your meson version is too old $meson_version wanted 0.49.2" exit 1 fi # also check missing "setup" so it's early LOL #check if WSL # check WSL for interop setting make sure its disabled # check WSL for kernel version look for version 4.19.128 current as of 11/01/2020 if uname -a | grep -iq -- "-microsoft" ; then if cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop | grep -q enabled ; then echo "windows WSL detected: you must first disable 'binfmt' by running this sudo bash -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop' then try again" #exit 1 fi export MINIMUM_KERNEL_VERSION="4.19.128" KERNVER=$(uname -a | awk -F'[ ]' '{ print $3 }' | awk -F- '{ print $1 }') function version { # for version comparison @ stackoverflow.com/a/37939589 echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }' } if [ $(version $KERNVER) -lt $(version $MINIMUM_KERNEL_VERSION) ]; then echo "Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) detected - kernel not at minumum version required: $MINIMUM_KERNEL_VERSION Please update via windows update then try again" #exit 1 fi echo "for WSL ubuntu 20.04 you need to do an extra step https://github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/issues/452" fi } determine_distro() { # Determine OS platform from https://askubuntu.com/a/459425/20972 UNAME=$(uname | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") # If Linux, try to determine specific distribution if [ "$UNAME" == "linux" ]; then # If available, use LSB to identify distribution if [ -f /etc/lsb-release -o -d /etc/lsb-release.d ]; then export DISTRO=$(lsb_release -i | cut -d: -f2 | sed s/'^\t'//) # Otherwise, use release info file else export DISTRO=$(grep '^ID' /etc/os-release | sed 's#.*=\(\)#\1#') fi fi # For everything else (or if above failed), just use generic identifier [ "$DISTRO" == "" ] && export DISTRO=$UNAME unset UNAME } intro() { cat < failure [[ $i -eq $RETRIES_NO ]] && echo "Failed to execute git cmd $repo_url $to_dir after $RETRIES_NO retries" && exit 1 echo "sleeping before retry git" sleep ${RETRY_DELAY} done # prevent partial checkout confusion by renaming it only after success mv $to_dir.tmp $to_dir echo "done git cloning to $to_dir" } do_git_checkout() { local repo_url="$1" local to_dir="$2" if [[ -z $to_dir ]]; then to_dir=$(basename $repo_url | sed s/\.git/_git/) # http://y/abc.git -> abc_git fi local desired_branch="$3" if [ ! -d $to_dir ]; then retry_git_or_die $repo_url $to_dir cd $to_dir else cd $to_dir if [[ $git_get_latest = "y" ]]; then git fetch # want this for later... else echo "not doing git get latest pull for latest code $to_dir" # too slow'ish... fi fi # reset will be useless if they didn't git_get_latest but pretty fast so who cares...plus what if they changed branches? :) old_git_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` if [[ -z $desired_branch ]]; then # Check for either "origin/main" or "origin/master". if [ $(git show-ref | grep -e origin\/main$ -c) = 1 ]; then desired_branch="origin/main" elif [ $(git show-ref | grep -e origin\/master$ -c) = 1 ]; then desired_branch="origin/master" else echo "No valid git branch!" exit 1 fi fi echo "doing git checkout $desired_branch" git -c 'advice.detachedHead=false' checkout "$desired_branch" || (git_hard_reset && git -c 'advice.detachedHead=false' checkout "$desired_branch") || (git reset --hard "$desired_branch") || exit 1 # can't just use merge -f because might "think" patch files already applied when their changes have been lost, etc... # vmaf on 16.04 needed that weird reset --hard? huh? if git show-ref --verify --quiet "refs/remotes/origin/$desired_branch"; then # $desired_branch is actually a branch, not a tag or commit git merge "origin/$desired_branch" || exit 1 # get incoming changes to a branch fi new_git_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` if [[ "$old_git_version" != "$new_git_version" ]]; then echo "got upstream changes, forcing re-configure. Doing git clean" git_hard_reset else echo "fetched no code changes, not forcing reconfigure for that..." fi cd .. } git_hard_reset() { git reset --hard # throw away results of patch files git clean -fx # throw away local changes; 'already_*' and bak-files for instance. } get_small_touchfile_name() { # have to call with assignment like a=$(get_small...) local beginning="$1" local extra_stuff="$2" local touch_name="${beginning}_$(echo -- $extra_stuff $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS | /usr/bin/env md5sum)" # md5sum to make it smaller, cflags to force rebuild if changes touch_name=$(echo "$touch_name" | sed "s/ //g") # md5sum introduces spaces, remove them echo "$touch_name" # bash cruddy return system LOL } do_configure() { local configure_options="$1" local configure_name="$2" if [[ "$configure_name" = "" ]]; then configure_name="./configure" fi local cur_dir2=$(pwd) local english_name=$(basename $cur_dir2) local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_configured "$configure_options $configure_name") if [ ! -f "$touch_name" ]; then # make uninstall # does weird things when run under ffmpeg src so disabled for now... echo "configuring $english_name ($PWD) as $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH PATH=$mingw_bin_path:\$PATH $configure_name $configure_options" # say it now in case bootstrap fails etc. echo "all touch files" already_configured* touchname= "$touch_name" echo "config options "$configure_options $configure_name"" if [ -f bootstrap ]; then ./bootstrap # some need this to create ./configure :| fi if [[ ! -f $configure_name && -f bootstrap.sh ]]; then # fftw wants to only run this if no configure :| ./bootstrap.sh fi if [[ ! -f $configure_name ]]; then echo "running autoreconf to generate configure file for us..." autoreconf -fiv # a handful of them require this to create ./configure :| fi rm -f already_* # reset nice -n 5 "$configure_name" $configure_options || { echo "failed configure $english_name"; exit 1;} # less nicey than make (since single thread, and what if you're running another ffmpeg nice build elsewhere?) touch -- "$touch_name" echo "doing preventative make clean" nice make clean -j $cpu_count # sometimes useful when files change, etc. #else # echo "already configured $(basename $cur_dir2)" fi } do_make() { local extra_make_options="$1" extra_make_options="$extra_make_options -j $cpu_count" local cur_dir2=$(pwd) local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_ran_make "$extra_make_options" ) if [ ! -f $touch_name ]; then echo echo "Making $cur_dir2 as $ PATH=$mingw_bin_path:\$PATH make $extra_make_options" echo if [ ! -f configure ]; then nice make clean -j $cpu_count # just in case helpful if old junk left around and this is a 're make' and wasn't cleaned at reconfigure time fi nice make $extra_make_options || exit 1 touch $touch_name || exit 1 # only touch if the build was OK else echo "Already made $(dirname "$cur_dir2") $(basename "$cur_dir2") ..." fi } do_make_and_make_install() { local extra_make_options="$1" do_make "$extra_make_options" do_make_install "$extra_make_options" } do_make_install() { local extra_make_install_options="$1" local override_make_install_options="$2" # startingly, some need/use something different than just 'make install' if [[ -z $override_make_install_options ]]; then local make_install_options="install $extra_make_install_options" else local make_install_options="$override_make_install_options $extra_make_install_options" fi local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_ran_make_install "$make_install_options") if [ ! -f $touch_name ]; then echo "make installing $(pwd) as $ PATH=$mingw_bin_path:\$PATH make $make_install_options" nice make $make_install_options || exit 1 touch $touch_name || exit 1 fi } do_cmake() { extra_args="$1" local build_from_dir="$2" if [[ -z $build_from_dir ]]; then build_from_dir="." fi local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_ran_cmake "$extra_args") if [ ! -f $touch_name ]; then rm -f already_* # reset so that make will run again if option just changed local cur_dir2=$(pwd) echo doing cmake in $cur_dir2 with PATH=$mingw_bin_path:\$PATH with extra_args=$extra_args like this: if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then local command="${build_from_dir} -DENABLE_STATIC_RUNTIME=1 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM=NEVER -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY=ONLY -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE=ONLY -DCMAKE_RANLIB=${cross_prefix}ranlib -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${cross_prefix}gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${cross_prefix}g++ -DCMAKE_RC_COMPILER=${cross_prefix}windres -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix $extra_args" else local command="${build_from_dir} -DENABLE_STATIC_RUNTIME=1 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix $extra_args" fi echo "doing ${cmake_command} -G\"Unix Makefiles\" $command" nice -n 5 ${cmake_command} -G"Unix Makefiles" $command || exit 1 touch $touch_name || exit 1 fi } do_cmake_from_build_dir() { # some sources don't allow it, weird XXX combine with the above :) source_dir="$1" extra_args="$2" do_cmake "$extra_args" "$source_dir" } do_cmake_and_install() { do_cmake "$1" do_make_and_make_install } do_meson() { local configure_options="$1 --unity=off" local configure_name="$2" local configure_env="$3" local configure_noclean="" if [[ "$configure_name" = "" ]]; then configure_name="meson" fi local cur_dir2=$(pwd) local english_name=$(basename $cur_dir2) local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_built_meson "$configure_options $configure_name $LDFLAGS $CFLAGS") if [ ! -f "$touch_name" ]; then if [ "$configure_noclean" != "noclean" ]; then make clean # just in case fi rm -f already_* # reset echo "Using meson: $english_name ($PWD) as $ PATH=$PATH ${configure_env} $configure_name $configure_options" #env "$configure_name" $configure_options || exit 1 touch -- "$touch_name" make clean # just in case else echo "Already used meson $(basename $cur_dir2)" fi } generic_meson() { local extra_configure_options="$1" mkdir -pv build do_meson "--prefix=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix} --libdir=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib --buildtype=release --default-library=static --cross-file=${top_dir}/meson-cross.mingw.txt $extra_configure_options . build" } generic_meson_ninja_install() { generic_meson "$1" do_ninja_and_ninja_install } do_ninja_and_ninja_install() { local extra_ninja_options="$1" do_ninja "$extra_ninja_options" local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_ran_make_install "$extra_ninja_options") if [ ! -f $touch_name ]; then echo "ninja installing $(pwd) as $PATH=$PATH ninja -C build install $extra_make_options" ninja -C build install || exit 1 touch $touch_name || exit 1 fi } do_ninja() { local extra_make_options=" -j $cpu_count" local cur_dir2=$(pwd) local touch_name=$(get_small_touchfile_name already_ran_make "${extra_make_options}") if [ ! -f $touch_name ]; then echo echo "ninja-ing $cur_dir2 as $ PATH=$PATH ninja -C build "${extra_make_options}" echo ninja -C build "${extra_make_options} || exit 1 touch $touch_name || exit 1 # only touch if the build was OK else echo "already did ninja $(basename "$cur_dir2")" fi } apply_patch() { local url=$1 # if you want it to use a local file instead of a url one [i.e. local file with local modifications] specify it like file://localhost/full/path/to/filename.patch local patch_type=$2 if [[ -z $patch_type ]]; then patch_type="-p0" # some are -p1 unfortunately, git's default fi local patch_name=$(basename $url) local patch_done_name="$patch_name.done" if [[ ! -e $patch_done_name ]]; then if [[ -f $patch_name ]]; then rm $patch_name || exit 1 # remove old version in case it has been since updated on the server... fi curl -4 --retry 5 $url -O --fail || echo_and_exit "unable to download patch file $url" echo "applying patch $patch_name" patch $patch_type < "$patch_name" || exit 1 touch $patch_done_name || exit 1 # too crazy, you can't do do_configure then apply a patch? # rm -f already_ran* # if it's a new patch, reset everything too, in case it's really really really new #else # echo "patch $patch_name already applied" # too chatty fi } echo_and_exit() { echo "failure, exiting: $1" exit 1 } # takes a url, output_dir as params, output_dir optional download_and_unpack_file() { url="$1" output_name=$(basename $url) output_dir="$2" if [[ -z $output_dir ]]; then output_dir=$(basename $url | sed s/\.tar\.*//) # remove .tar.xx fi if [ ! -f "$output_dir/unpacked.successfully" ]; then echo "downloading $url" # redownload in case failed... if [[ -f $output_name ]]; then rm $output_name || exit 1 fi # From man curl # -4, --ipv4 # If curl is capable of resolving an address to multiple IP versions (which it is if it is IPv6-capable), # this option tells curl to resolve names to IPv4 addresses only. # avoid a "network unreachable" error in certain [broken Ubuntu] configurations a user ran into once # -L means "allow redirection" or some odd :| curl -4 "$url" --retry 50 -O -L --fail || echo_and_exit "unable to download $url" echo "unzipping $output_name ..." tar -xf "$output_name" || unzip "$output_name" || exit 1 touch "$output_dir/unpacked.successfully" || exit 1 rm "$output_name" || exit 1 fi } generic_configure() { build_triple="${build_triple:-$(gcc -dumpmachine)}" local extra_configure_options="$1" if [[ -n $build_triple ]]; then extra_configure_options+=" --build=$build_triple"; fi do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --disable-shared --enable-static $extra_configure_options" } # params: url, optional "english name it will unpack to" generic_download_and_make_and_install() { local url="$1" local english_name="$2" if [[ -z $english_name ]]; then english_name=$(basename $url | sed s/\.tar\.*//) # remove .tar.xx, take last part of url fi local extra_configure_options="$3" download_and_unpack_file $url $english_name cd $english_name || exit "unable to cd, may need to specify dir it will unpack to as parameter" generic_configure "$extra_configure_options" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } do_git_checkout_and_make_install() { local url=$1 local git_checkout_name=$(basename $url | sed s/\.git/_git/) # http://y/abc.git -> abc_git do_git_checkout $url $git_checkout_name cd $git_checkout_name generic_configure_make_install cd .. } generic_configure_make_install() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo "cant pass parameters to this method today, they'd be a bit ambiguous" echo "The following arguments where passed: ${@}" exit 1 fi generic_configure # no parameters, force myself to break it up if needed do_make_and_make_install } gen_ld_script() { lib=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/$1 lib_s="$2" if [[ ! -f $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/lib$lib_s.a ]]; then echo "Generating linker script $lib: $2 $3" mv -f $lib $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/lib$lib_s.a echo "GROUP ( -l$lib_s $3 )" > $lib fi } build_dlfcn() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/dlfcn-win32/dlfcn-win32.git cd dlfcn-win32_git if [[ ! -f Makefile.bak ]]; then # Change CFLAGS. sed -i.bak "s/-O3/-O2/" Makefile fi do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix" # rejects some normal cross compile options so custom here do_make_and_make_install gen_ld_script libdl.a dl_s -lpsapi # dlfcn-win32's 'README.md': "If you are linking to the static 'dl.lib' or 'libdl.a', then you would need to explicitly add 'psapi.lib' or '-lpsapi' to your linking command, depending on if MinGW is used." cd .. } build_bzip2() { download_and_unpack_file https://sourceware.org/pub/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.8.tar.gz cd bzip2-1.0.8 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/bzip2-1.0.8_brokenstuff.diff if [[ ! -f ./libbz2.a ]] || [[ -f $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libbz2.a && ! $(/usr/bin/env md5sum ./libbz2.a) = $(/usr/bin/env md5sum $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libbz2.a) ]]; then # Not built or different build installed do_make "$make_prefix_options libbz2.a" install -m644 bzlib.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/bzlib.h install -m644 libbz2.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libbz2.a else echo "Already made bzip2-1.0.8" fi cd .. } build_liblzma() { download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/lzmautils/files/xz-5.2.5.tar.xz cd xz-5.2.5 generic_configure "--disable-xz --disable-xzdec --disable-lzmadec --disable-lzmainfo --disable-scripts --disable-doc --disable-nls" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_zlib() { download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/v1.2.11.tar.gz zlib-1.2.11 cd zlib-1.2.11 local make_options if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC" # For some reason glib needs this even though we build a static library else export ARFLAGS=rcs # Native can't take ARFLAGS; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21396988/zlib-build-not-configuring-properly-with-cross-compiler-ignores-ar fi do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --static" do_make_and_make_install "$make_prefix_options ARFLAGS=rcs" if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then reset_cflags else unset ARFLAGS fi cd .. } build_iconv() { download_and_unpack_file https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.16.tar.gz cd libiconv-1.16 generic_configure "--disable-nls" do_make "install-lib" # No need for 'do_make_install', because 'install-lib' already has install-instructions. cd .. } build_sdl2() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.12.tar.gz cd SDL2-2.0.12 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/SDL2-2.0.12_lib-only.diff if [[ ! -f configure.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "s/ -mwindows//" configure # Allow ffmpeg to output anything to console. fi export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DDECLSPEC=" # avoid SDL trac tickets 939 and 282 [broken shared builds] if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then unset PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR # Allow locally installed things for native builds; libpulse-dev is an important one otherwise no audio for most Linux fi generic_configure "--bindir=$mingw_bin_path" do_make_and_make_install if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR= fi if [[ ! -f $mingw_bin_path/$host_target-sdl2-config ]]; then mv "$mingw_bin_path/sdl2-config" "$mingw_bin_path/$host_target-sdl2-config" # At the moment FFmpeg's 'configure' doesn't use 'sdl2-config', because it gives priority to 'sdl2.pc', but when it does, it expects 'i686-w64-mingw32-sdl2-config' in 'cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/bin'. fi reset_cflags cd .. } build_amd_amf_headers() { # was https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF.git too big # or https://github.com/DeadSix27/AMF smaller # but even smaller! do_git_checkout https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF.git amf_headers_git cd amf_headers_git if [ ! -f "already_installed" ]; then #rm -rf "./Thirdparty" # ?? plus too chatty... if [ ! -d "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/AMF" ]; then mkdir -p "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/AMF" fi cp -av "amf/public/include/." "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/AMF" touch "already_installed" fi cd .. } build_nv_headers() { if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n6.0"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n5.1"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n5.0"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.4"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.3"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.2"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.1"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n3.4"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n3.2"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n2.8"* ]]; then # nv_headers for old versions do_git_checkout https://github.com/FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers.git nv-codec-headers_git n12.0.16.1 else do_git_checkout https://github.com/FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers.git fi cd nv-codec-headers_git do_make_install "PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" # just copies in headers cd .. } build_intel_quicksync_mfx() { # i.e. qsv, disableable via command line switch... do_git_checkout https://github.com/lu-zero/mfx_dispatch.git mfx_dispatch_git 2cd279f # lu-zero?? oh well seems somewhat supported... cd mfx_dispatch_git if [[ ! -f "configure" ]]; then autoreconf -fiv || exit 1 automake --add-missing || exit 1 fi if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" && $OSTYPE != darwin* ]]; then unset PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR # allow mfx_dispatch to use libva-dev or some odd...not sure for OS X so just disable it :) generic_configure_make_install export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR= else generic_configure_make_install fi cd .. } build_libleptonica() { build_libjpeg_turbo do_git_checkout https://github.com/DanBloomberg/leptonica.git leptonica_git 1.82.0 cd leptonica_git export CPPFLAGS="-DOPJ_STATIC" generic_configure_make_install reset_cppflags cd .. } build_libtiff() { build_libjpeg_turbo # auto uses it? generic_download_and_make_and_install http://download.osgeo.org/libtiff/tiff-4.1.0.tar.gz sed -i.bak 's/-ltiff.*$/-ltiff -llzma -ljpeg -lz/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libtiff-4.pc # static deps } build_libtensorflow() { do_git_checkout_and_make_install https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git } build_glib() { export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DLIBXML_STATIC -liconv" # gettext build... generic_download_and_make_and_install https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.21.tar.gz reset_cppflags generic_download_and_make_and_install https://github.com/libffi/libffi/releases/download/v3.3/libffi-3.3.tar.gz # also dep download_and_unpack_file https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/archive/2.64.3/glib-2.64.3.tar.gz cd glib-2.64.3 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/glib-2.64.3_mingw-static.patch -p1 export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -pthread -DGLIB_STATIC_COMPILATION" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" # Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt export LDFLAGS="-L${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib" # For some reason the frexp configure checks fail without this as math.h isn't found when cross-compiling; no negative impact for native builds local meson_options="--prefix=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix} --libdir=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib --buildtype=release --default-library=static -Dinternal_pcre=true -Dforce_posix_threads=true . build" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then get_local_meson_cross_with_propeties # Need to add flags to meson properties; otherwise ran into some issues meson_options+=" --cross-file=meson-cross.mingw.txt" fi do_meson "$meson_options" do_ninja_and_ninja_install if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then sed -i.bak 's/-lglib-2.0.*$/-lglib-2.0 -pthread -lm -liconv/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/glib-2.0.pc else sed -i.bak 's/-lglib-2.0.*$/-lglib-2.0 -lintl -pthread -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lm -liconv -lole32/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/glib-2.0.pc fi reset_cppflags unset CXXFLAGS unset LDFLAGS cd .. } build_lensfun() { build_glib do_git_checkout https://github.com/lensfun/lensfun.git lensfun_git v0.3.3 cd lensfun_git export CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS='-lws2_32 -pthread' do_cmake "-DBUILD_STATIC=on -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" do_make do_make_install sed -i.bak 's/-llensfun/-llensfun -lstdc++/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/lensfun.pc" unset CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS cd .. } build_libtesseract() { build_libtiff # no disable configure option for this in tesseract? odd... build_libleptonica do_git_checkout https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git tesseract_git 4.1.1 cd tesseract_git sed -i.bak 's/libcurl/libbcurl_disabled/g' configure.ac # --disable-curl hard disable, sometimes it's here but they link it wrong so punt... if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then apply_patch file://$patch_dir/tesseract-4.1.1_mingw-std-threads.patch generic_configure "--disable-openmp" do_make_and_make_install sed -i.bak 's/-ltesseract.*$/-ltesseract -lstdc++ -lws2_32 -llept -ltiff -llzma -ljpeg -lz/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/tesseract.pc # why does it needs winsock? LOL plus all of libtiff's else generic_configure_make_install sed -i.bak 's/-ltesseract.*$/-ltesseract -lstdc++ -llept -ltiff -llzma -ljpeg -lz -lgomp/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/tesseract.pc # see above, gomp for linux native fi cd .. } build_libzimg() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/sekrit-twc/zimg.git zimg_git cd zimg_git generic_configure_make_install cd .. } build_libopenjpeg() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg.git openjpeg_git v2.5.0 cd openjpeg_git do_cmake_and_install "-DBUILD_CODEC=0" cd .. } build_glew() { download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/glew/files/glew/2.2.0/glew-2.2.0.tgz glew-2.2.0 cd glew-2.2.0/build local cmake_params="" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then cmake_params+=" -DWIN32=1" fi do_cmake_from_build_dir ./cmake "$cmake_params" # "-DWITH_FFMPEG=0 -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=1 -DHAVE_DSHOW=0" do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_glfw() { download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/glfw/glfw/releases/download/3.3.2/glfw-3.3.2.zip glfw-3.3.2 cd glfw-3.3.2 do_cmake_and_install cd .. } build_libpng() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/glennrp/libpng.git cd libpng_git generic_configure do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libwebp() { do_git_checkout https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp.git libwebp_git v1.2.4 cd libwebp_git export LIBPNG_CONFIG="$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/libpng-config --static" # LibPNG somehow doesn't get autodetected. generic_configure "--disable-wic" do_make_and_make_install unset LIBPNG_CONFIG cd .. } build_harfbuzz() { local new_build=false do_git_checkout https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz.git harfbuzz_git "origin/main" if [ ! -f harfbuzz_git/already_done_harf ]; then # Not done or new master, so build new_build=true fi # basically gleaned from https://gist.github.com/roxlu/0108d45308a0434e27d4320396399153 build_freetype "--without-harfbuzz" $new_build # Check for initial or new freetype or force rebuild if needed local new_freetype=$? if $new_build || [ $new_freetype = 0 ]; then # 0 is true rm -f harfbuzz_git/already* # Force rebuilding in case only freetype has changed # cmake no .pc file generated so use configure :| cd harfbuzz_git if [ ! -f configure ]; then ./autogen.sh # :| fi export LDFLAGS=-lpthread # :| generic_configure "--with-freetype=yes --with-fontconfig=no --with-icu=no" # no fontconfig, don't want another circular what? icu is #372 unset LDFLAGS do_make_and_make_install cd .. build_freetype "--with-harfbuzz" true # with harfbuzz now... touch harfbuzz_git/already_done_harf echo "Done harfbuzz" else echo "Already done harfbuzz" fi sed -i.bak 's/-lfreetype.*/-lfreetype -lharfbuzz -lpng -lbz2 -lpthread/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/freetype2.pc" # for some reason it lists harfbuzz as Requires.private only?? sed -i.bak 's/-lharfbuzz.*/-lfreetype -lharfbuzz -lpng -lbz2 -lpthread/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/harfbuzz.pc" # does anything even use this? sed -i.bak 's/libfreetype.la -lbz2/libfreetype.la -lharfbuzz -lpng -lbz2 -lpthread/' "${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib/libfreetype.la" # XXX what the..needed? sed -i.bak 's/libfreetype.la -lbz2/libfreetype.la -lharfbuzz -lpng -lbz2 -lpthread/' "${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib/libharfbuzz.la" } build_freetype() { local force_build=$2 local new_build=1 if [[ ! -f freetype-2.10.4/already_done_freetype || $force_build = true ]]; then download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/freetype/files/freetype2/2.10.4/freetype-2.10.4.tar.xz rm -f freetype-2.10.4/already* cd freetype-2.10.4 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/freetype2-crosscompiled-apinames.diff # src/tools/apinames.c gets crosscompiled and makes the compilation fail # harfbuzz autodetect :| generic_configure "--with-bzip2 $1" do_make_and_make_install touch already_done_freetype new_build=0 cd .. fi return $new_build # Give caller a way to know if a new build was done } build_libxml2() { download_and_unpack_file http://xmlsoft.org/sources/libxml2-2.9.10.tar.gz libxml2-2.9.10 cd libxml2-2.9.10 generic_configure "--with-ftp=no --with-http=no --with-python=no" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libvmaf() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/Netflix/vmaf.git vmaf_git v2.3.0 cd vmaf_git cd libvmaf export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pthread" export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pthread" export LDFLAGS="-pthread" # Needed here too for some reason mkdir build local meson_options="--prefix=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix} --libdir=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib --buildtype=release --default-library=static . build" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then get_local_meson_cross_with_propeties # Need to add flags to meson properties; otherwise ran into some issues meson_options+=" --cross-file=meson-cross.mingw.txt" fi do_meson "$meson_options" do_ninja_and_ninja_install reset_cflags unset CXXFLAGS unset LDFLAGS if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then # Can't find a way to not build these; meson is already set to --default-library=static but it still builds both rm -f ${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib/libvmaf.so else rm -f ${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib/libvmaf.dll.a fi sed -i.bak "s/Libs: .*/& -lstdc++/" "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libvmaf.pc" # .pc is still broken cd ../.. } build_fontconfig() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/fontconfig-2.13.92.tar.xz cd fontconfig-2.13.92 #export CFLAGS= # compile fails with -march=sandybridge ... with mingw 4.0.6 at least ... generic_configure "--enable-iconv --enable-libxml2 --disable-docs --with-libiconv" # Use Libxml2 instead of Expat. do_make_and_make_install #reset_cflags cd .. } build_gmp() { download_and_unpack_file https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gmp/gmp-6.2.1.tar.xz cd gmp-6.2.1 export CC_FOR_BUILD=/usr/bin/gcc # WSL seems to need this.. export CPP_FOR_BUILD=usr/bin/cpp generic_configure "ABI=$bits_target" unset CC_FOR_BUILD unset CPP_FOR_BUILD do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_librtmfp() { # needs some version of openssl... # build_openssl-1.0.2 # fails OS X build_openssl-1.1.1 do_git_checkout https://github.com/MonaSolutions/librtmfp.git cd librtmfp_git/include/Base do_git_checkout https://github.com/meganz/mingw-std-threads.git mingw-std-threads # our g++ apparently doesn't have std::mutex baked in...weird...this replaces it... cd ../../.. cd librtmfp_git if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then apply_patch file://$patch_dir/rtmfp.static.cross.patch -p1 # works e48efb4f apply_patch file://$patch_dir/rtmfp_capitalization.diff -p1 # cross for windows needs it if on linux... apply_patch file://$patch_dir/librtmfp_xp.diff.diff -p1 # cross for windows needs it if on linux... else apply_patch file://$patch_dir/rtfmp.static.make.patch -p1 fi do_make "$make_prefix_options GPP=${cross_prefix}g++" do_make_install "prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix PKGCONFIGPATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then sed -i.bak 's/-lrtmfp.*/-lrtmfp -lstdc++/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/librtmfp.pc" else sed -i.bak 's/-lrtmfp.*/-lrtmfp -lstdc++ -lws2_32 -liphlpapi/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/librtmfp.pc" fi cd .. } build_libnettle() { download_and_unpack_file https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/nettle/nettle-3.6.tar.gz cd nettle-3.6 local config_options="--disable-openssl --disable-documentation" # in case we have both gnutls and openssl, just use gnutls [except that gnutls uses this so...huh? if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then config_options+=" --libdir=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib" # Otherwise native builds install to /lib32 or /lib64 which gnutls doesn't find fi generic_configure "$config_options" # in case we have both gnutls and openssl, just use gnutls [except that gnutls uses this so...huh? https://github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/issues/25#issuecomment-28158515 do_make_and_make_install # What's up with "Configured with: ... --with-gmp=/cygdrive/d/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers-master/native_build/windows/ffmpeg_local_builds/sandbox/cross_compilers/pkgs/gmp/gmp-6.1.2-i686" in 'config.log'? Isn't the 'gmp-6.1.2' above being used? cd .. } build_unistring() { generic_download_and_make_and_install https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libunistring/libunistring-0.9.10.tar.xz } build_libidn2() { generic_download_and_make_and_install https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libidn/libidn2-2.3.0.tar.gz } build_gnutls() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/gnutls/v3.6/gnutls-3.6.15.tar.xz cd gnutls-3.6.15 # --disable-cxx don't need the c++ version, in an effort to cut down on size... XXXX test size difference... # --enable-local-libopts to allow building with local autogen installed, # --disable-guile is so that if it finds guile installed (cygwin did/does) it won't try and link/build to it and fail... # libtasn1 is some dependency, appears provided is an option [see also build_libnettle] # pks #11 hopefully we don't need kit apply_patch file://$patch_dir/gnutls-windows8.patch -p1 # defaults to win 8 kind of, either this or setWINNT_VER :| generic_configure "--disable-doc --disable-tools --disable-cxx --disable-tests --disable-gtk-doc-html --disable-libdane --disable-nls --enable-local-libopts --disable-guile --with-included-libtasn1 --without-p11-kit" do_make_and_make_install if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then # libsrt doesn't know how to use its pkg deps, so put them in as non-static deps :| https://github.com/Haivision/srt/issues/565 sed -i.bak 's/-lgnutls.*/-lgnutls -lcrypt32 -lnettle -lhogweed -lgmp -lidn2 -liconv -lunistring/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/gnutls.pc" if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then sed -i.bak 's/-lgnutls.*/-lgnutls -framework Security -framework Foundation/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/gnutls.pc" fi fi cd .. } build_openssl-1.0.2() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2p.tar.gz cd openssl-1.0.2p apply_patch file://$patch_dir/openssl-1.0.2l_lib-only.diff export CC="${cross_prefix}gcc" export AR="${cross_prefix}ar" export RANLIB="${cross_prefix}ranlib" local config_options="--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix zlib " if [ "$1" = "dllonly" ]; then config_options+="shared " else config_options+="no-shared no-dso " fi if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then config_options+="mingw" # Build shared libraries ('libeay32.dll' and 'ssleay32.dll') if "dllonly" is specified. local arch=x86 else config_options+="mingw64" # Build shared libraries ('libeay64.dll' and 'ssleay64.dll') if "dllonly" is specified. local arch=x86_64 fi do_configure "$config_options" ./Configure if [[ ! -f Makefile_1 ]]; then sed -i_1 "s/-O3/-O2/" Makefile # Change CFLAGS (OpenSSL's 'Configure' already creates a 'Makefile.bak'). fi if [ "$1" = "dllonly" ]; then do_make "build_libs" mkdir -p $cur_dir/redist # Strip and pack shared libraries. archive="$cur_dir/redist/openssl-${arch}-v1.0.2l.7z" if [[ ! -f $archive ]]; then for sharedlib in *.dll; do ${cross_prefix}strip $sharedlib done sed "s/$/\r/" LICENSE > LICENSE.txt 7z a -mx=9 $archive *.dll LICENSE.txt && rm -f LICENSE.txt fi else do_make_and_make_install fi unset CC unset AR unset RANLIB cd .. } build_openssl-1.1.1() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1.tar.gz cd openssl-1.1.1 export CC="${cross_prefix}gcc" export AR="${cross_prefix}ar" export RANLIB="${cross_prefix}ranlib" local config_options="--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix zlib " if [ "$1" = "dllonly" ]; then config_options+="shared no-engine " else config_options+="no-shared no-dso no-engine " fi if [[ `uname` =~ "5.1" ]] || [[ `uname` =~ "6.0" ]]; then config_options+="no-async " # "Note: on older OSes, like CentOS 5, BSD 5, and Windows XP or Vista, you will need to configure with no-async when building OpenSSL 1.1.0 and above. The configuration system does not detect lack of the Posix feature on the platforms." (https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Compilation_and_Installation) fi if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then config_options+="darwin64-x86_64-cc " else config_options+="linux-generic64 " fi local arch=native elif [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then config_options+="mingw" # Build shared libraries ('libcrypto-1_1.dll' and 'libssl-1_1.dll') if "dllonly" is specified. local arch=x86 else config_options+="mingw64" # Build shared libraries ('libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll' and 'libssl-1_1-x64.dll') if "dllonly" is specified. local arch=x86_64 fi do_configure "$config_options" ./Configure if [[ ! -f Makefile.bak ]]; then # Change CFLAGS. sed -i.bak "s/-O3/-O2/" Makefile fi do_make "build_libs" if [ "$1" = "dllonly" ]; then mkdir -p $cur_dir/redist # Strip and pack shared libraries. archive="$cur_dir/redist/openssl-${arch}-v1.1.0f.7z" if [[ ! -f $archive ]]; then for sharedlib in *.dll; do ${cross_prefix}strip $sharedlib done sed "s/$/\r/" LICENSE > LICENSE.txt 7z a -mx=9 $archive *.dll LICENSE.txt && rm -f LICENSE.txt fi else do_make_install "" "install_dev" fi unset CC unset AR unset RANLIB cd .. } build_libogg() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/ogg.git cd ogg_git generic_configure_make_install cd .. } build_libvorbis() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/vorbis.git cd vorbis_git generic_configure "--disable-docs --disable-examples --disable-oggtest" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libopus() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/opus.git opus_git origin/main cd opus_git generic_configure "--disable-doc --disable-extra-programs --disable-stack-protector" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libspeexdsp() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/speexdsp.git cd speexdsp_git generic_configure "--disable-examples" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libspeex() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/speex.git cd speex_git export SPEEXDSP_CFLAGS="-I$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include" export SPEEXDSP_LIBS="-L$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib -lspeexdsp" # 'configure' somehow can't find SpeexDSP with 'pkg-config'. generic_configure "--disable-binaries" # If you do want the libraries, then 'speexdec.exe' needs 'LDFLAGS=-lwinmm'. do_make_and_make_install unset SPEEXDSP_CFLAGS unset SPEEXDSP_LIBS cd .. } build_libtheora() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xiph/theora.git cd theora_git generic_configure "--disable-doc --disable-spec --disable-oggtest --disable-vorbistest --disable-examples --disable-asm" # disable asm: avoid [theora @ 0x1043144a0]error in unpack_block_qpis in 64 bit... [OK OS X 64 bit tho...] do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libsndfile() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/libsndfile/libsndfile.git cd libsndfile_git generic_configure "--disable-sqlite --disable-external-libs --disable-full-suite" do_make_and_make_install if [ "$1" = "install-libgsm" ]; then if [[ ! -f $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libgsm.a ]]; then install -m644 src/GSM610/gsm.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/gsm.h || exit 1 install -m644 src/GSM610/.libs/libgsm.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libgsm.a || exit 1 else echo "already installed GSM 6.10 ..." fi fi cd .. } build_mpg123() { do_svn_checkout svn://scm.orgis.org/mpg123/trunk mpg123_svn r5008 # avoid Think again failure cd mpg123_svn generic_configure do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_lame() { do_svn_checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/lame/svn/trunk/lame lame_svn cd lame_svn sed -i.bak '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' libmp3lame/i386/nasm.h # Remove a UTF-8 BOM that breaks nasm if it's still there; should be fixed in trunk eventually https://sourceforge.net/p/lame/patches/81/ generic_configure "--enable-nasm --enable-libmpg123" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_twolame() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/njh/twolame.git twolame_git "origin/main" cd twolame_git if [[ ! -f Makefile.am.bak ]]; then # Library only, front end refuses to build for some reason with git master sed -i.bak "/^SUBDIRS/s/ frontend.*//" Makefile.am || exit 1 fi cpu_count=1 # maybe can't handle it http://betterlogic.com/roger/2017/07/mp3lame-woe/ comments generic_configure_make_install cpu_count=$original_cpu_count cd .. } build_fdk-aac() { local checkout_dir=fdk-aac_git if [[ ! -z $fdk_aac_git_checkout_version ]]; then checkout_dir+="_$fdk_aac_git_checkout_version" do_git_checkout "https://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac.git" $checkout_dir "refs/tags/$fdk_aac_git_checkout_version" else do_git_checkout "https://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac.git" $checkout_dir fi cd $checkout_dir if [[ ! -f "configure" ]]; then autoreconf -fiv || exit 1 fi generic_configure_make_install cd .. } build_libopencore() { generic_download_and_make_and_install https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/opencore-amr/opencore-amr-0.1.5.tar.gz generic_download_and_make_and_install https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/vo-amrwbenc/vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3.tar.gz } build_libilbc() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/TimothyGu/libilbc.git libilbc_git v2.0.2 cd libilbc_git generic_configure_make_install cd .. } build_libmodplug() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/Konstanty/libmodplug.git cd libmodplug_git sed -i.bak 's/__declspec(dllexport)//' "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/libmodplug/modplug.h" #strip DLL import/export directives sed -i.bak 's/__declspec(dllimport)//' "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include/libmodplug/modplug.h" if [[ ! -f "configure" ]]; then autoreconf -fiv || exit 1 automake --add-missing || exit 1 fi generic_configure_make_install # or could use cmake I guess cd .. } build_libgme() { # do_git_checkout https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu.git download_and_unpack_file https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/downloads/game-music-emu-0.6.3.tar.xz cd game-music-emu-0.6.3 do_cmake_and_install "-DENABLE_UBSAN=0" cd .. } build_mingw_std_threads() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/meganz/mingw-std-threads.git # it needs std::mutex too :| cd mingw-std-threads_git cp *.h "$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include" cd .. } build_opencv() { build_mingw_std_threads #do_git_checkout https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git # too big :| download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/3.4.5.zip opencv-3.4.5 mkdir -p opencv-3.4.5/build cd opencv-3.4.5 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/opencv.detection_based.patch cd .. cd opencv-3.4.5/build # could do more here, it seems to think it needs its own internal libwebp etc... cpu_count=1 do_cmake_from_build_dir .. "-DWITH_FFMPEG=0 -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=1 -DHAVE_DSHOW=0" # https://stackoverflow.com/q/40262928/32453, no pkg config by default on "windows", who cares ffmpeg do_make_and_make_install cp unix-install/opencv.pc $PKG_CONFIG_PATH cpu_count=$original_cpu_count cd ../.. } build_facebooktransform360() { build_opencv do_git_checkout https://github.com/facebook/transform360.git cd transform360_git apply_patch file://$patch_dir/transform360.pi.diff -p1 cd .. cd transform360_git/Transform360 do_cmake "" sed -i.bak "s/isystem/I/g" CMakeFiles/Transform360.dir/includes_CXX.rsp # weird stdlib.h error do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_libbluray() { unset JDK_HOME # #268 was causing failure do_git_checkout https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libbluray.git cd libbluray_git if [[ ! -d .git/modules ]]; then git submodule update --init --remote # For UDF support [default=enabled], which strangely enough is in another repository. else local local_git_version=`git --git-dir=.git/modules/contrib/libudfread rev-parse HEAD` local remote_git_version=`git ls-remote -h https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libudfread.git | sed "s/[[:space:]].*//"` if [[ "$local_git_version" != "$remote_git_version" ]]; then echo "detected upstream udfread changed, attempted to update submodules" # XXX use do_git_checkout here instead somehow? git submodule foreach -q 'git clean -fx' # Throw away local changes; 'already_configured_*' and 'udfread.c.bak' in this case. rm -f contrib/libudfread/src/udfread-version.h git submodule update --remote -f # Checkout even if the working tree differs from HEAD. fi fi if [[ ! -f jni/win32/jni_md.h.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "/JNIEXPORT/s/ __declspec.*//" jni/win32/jni_md.h # Needed for building shared FFmpeg libraries. fi cd contrib/libudfread if [[ ! -f src/udfread.c.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "/WIN32$/,+4d" src/udfread.c # Fix WinXP incompatibility. fi if [[ ! -f src/udfread-version.h ]]; then generic_configure # Generate 'udfread-version.h', or building Libbluray fails otherwise. fi cd ../.. generic_configure "--disable-examples --disable-bdjava-jar" do_make_and_make_install "CPPFLAGS=\"-Ddec_init=libbr_dec_init\"" cd .. } build_libbs2b() { download_and_unpack_file https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/bs2b/libbs2b/3.1.0/libbs2b-3.1.0.tar.gz cd libbs2b-3.1.0 sed -i.bak "s/AC_FUNC_MALLOC//" configure.ac # #270 export LIBS=-lm # avoid pow failure linux native generic_configure_make_install unset LIBS cd .. } build_libsoxr() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/chirlu/soxr.git soxr_git cd soxr_git do_cmake_and_install "-DHAVE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN_EXITCODE=0 -DWITH_OPENMP=0 -DBUILD_TESTS=0 -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=0" cd .. } build_libflite() { # download_and_unpack_file http://www.festvox.org/flite/packed/flite-2.1/flite-2.1-release.tar.bz2 # original link is not working so using a substitute # from a trusted source download_and_unpack_file http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/f/flite/flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2 flite-2.1-release cd flite-2.1-release apply_patch file://$patch_dir/flite-2.1.0_mingw-w64-fixes.patch if [[ ! -f main/Makefile.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "s/cp -pd/cp -p/" main/Makefile # friendlier cp for OS X fi generic_configure do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libsnappy() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/google/snappy.git snappy_git 1.1.8 # got weird failure once cd snappy_git do_cmake_and_install "-DBUILD_BINARY=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSNAPPY_BUILD_TESTS=OFF" # extra params from deadsix27 and from new cMakeLists.txt content rm -f $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libsnappy.dll.a # unintall shared :| cd .. } build_vamp_plugin() { download_and_unpack_file https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/attachments/download/2691/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10.0.tar.gz cd vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10.0 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10_static-lib.diff if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" && ! -f src/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "s/#include /#include /" src/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp fi if [[ ! -f configure.bak ]]; then # Fix for "'M_PI' was not declared in this scope" (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/29264536). sed -i.bak "s/c++11/gnu++11/" configure sed -i.bak "s/c++11/gnu++11/" Makefile.in fi do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --disable-programs" do_make "install-static" # No need for 'do_make_install', because 'install-static' already has install-instructions. cd .. } build_fftw() { download_and_unpack_file http://fftw.org/fftw-3.3.8.tar.gz cd fftw-3.3.8 generic_configure "--disable-doc" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libsamplerate() { # I think this didn't work with ubuntu 14.04 [too old automake or some odd] :| do_git_checkout https://github.com/erikd/libsamplerate.git cd libsamplerate_git generic_configure do_make_and_make_install cd .. # but OS X can't use 0.1.9 :| # rubberband can use this, but uses speex bundled by default [any difference? who knows!] } build_librubberband() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/breakfastquay/rubberband.git rubberband_git 18c06ab8c431854056407c467f4755f761e36a8e cd rubberband_git apply_patch file://$patch_dir/rubberband_git_static-lib.diff # create install-static target do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --disable-ladspa" do_make "install-static AR=${cross_prefix}ar" # No need for 'do_make_install', because 'install-static' already has install-instructions. sed -i.bak 's/-lrubberband.*$/-lrubberband -lfftw3 -lsamplerate -lstdc++/' $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/rubberband.pc cd .. } build_frei0r() { #do_git_checkout https://github.com/dyne/frei0r.git #cd frei0r_git download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/dyne/frei0r/archive/refs/tags/v2.3.0.tar.gz frei0r-2.3.0 cd frei0r-2.3.0 sed -i.bak 's/-arch i386//' CMakeLists.txt # OS X https://github.com/dyne/frei0r/issues/64 do_cmake_and_install "-DWITHOUT_OPENCV=1" # XXX could look at this more... mkdir -p $cur_dir/redist # Strip and pack shared libraries. if [ $bits_target = 32 ]; then local arch=x86 else local arch=x86_64 fi archive="$cur_dir/redist/frei0r-plugins-${arch}-$(git describe --tags).7z" if [[ ! -f "$archive.done" ]]; then for sharedlib in $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/frei0r-1/*.dll; do ${cross_prefix}strip $sharedlib done for doc in AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING README.md; do sed "s/$/\r/" $doc > $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/frei0r-1/$doc.txt done 7z a -mx=9 $archive $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/frei0r-1 && rm -f $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/frei0r-1/*.txt touch "$archive.done" # for those with no 7z so it won't restrip every time fi cd .. } build_svt-hevc() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-HEVC.git mkdir -p SVT-HEVC_git/release cd SVT-HEVC_git/release do_cmake_from_build_dir .. "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=AMD64" do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_svt-vp9() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-VP9.git cd SVT-VP9_git cd Build do_cmake_from_build_dir .. "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=AMD64" do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_svt-av1() { do_git_checkout https://gitlab.com/AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1.git cd SVT-AV1_git cd Build do_cmake_from_build_dir .. "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=AMD64" do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_vidstab() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/georgmartius/vid.stab.git vid.stab_git cd vid.stab_git do_cmake_and_install "-DUSE_OMP=0" # '-DUSE_OMP' is on by default, but somehow libgomp ('cygwin_local_install/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/omp.h') can't be found, so '-DUSE_OMP=0' to prevent a compilation error. cd .. } build_libmysofa() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/hoene/libmysofa.git libmysofa_git "origin/main" cd libmysofa_git local cmake_params="-DBUILD_TESTS=0" if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then cmake_params+=" -DCODE_COVERAGE=0" fi do_cmake "$cmake_params" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libcaca() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca.git libcaca_git 813baea7a7bc28986e474541dd1080898fac14d7 cd libcaca_git apply_patch file://$patch_dir/libcaca_git_stdio-cruft.diff -p1 # Fix WinXP incompatibility. cd caca sed -i.bak "s/__declspec(dllexport)//g" *.h # get rid of the declspec lines otherwise the build will fail for undefined symbols sed -i.bak "s/__declspec(dllimport)//g" *.h cd .. generic_configure "--libdir=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib --disable-csharp --disable-java --disable-cxx --disable-python --disable-ruby --disable-doc --disable-cocoa --disable-ncurses" do_make_and_make_install if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then sed -i.bak "s/-lcaca.*/-lcaca -lX11/" $PKG_CONFIG_PATH/caca.pc fi cd .. } build_libdecklink() { local url=https://notabug.org/RiCON/decklink-headers.git git ls-remote $url if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # If NotABug.org server is down , Change to use GitLab.com . # https://gitlab.com/m-ab-s/decklink-headers url=https://gitlab.com/m-ab-s/decklink-headers.git fi do_git_checkout $url cd decklink-headers_git do_make_install PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix cd .. } build_zvbi() { download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/zapping/files/zvbi/0.2.35/zvbi-0.2.35.tar.bz2 cd zvbi-0.2.35 if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then apply_patch file://$patch_dir/zvbi-win32.patch fi apply_patch file://$patch_dir/zvbi-no-contrib.diff # weird issues with some stuff in contrib... generic_configure " --disable-dvb --disable-bktr --disable-proxy --disable-nls --without-doxygen --without-libiconv-prefix" # Without '--without-libiconv-prefix' 'configure' would otherwise search for and only accept a shared Libiconv library. do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_fribidi() { download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/fribidi/fribidi/releases/download/v1.0.9/fribidi-1.0.9.tar.xz # Get c2man errors building from repo cd fribidi-1.0.9 generic_configure "--disable-debug --disable-deprecated --disable-docs" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libsrt() { # do_git_checkout https://github.com/Haivision/srt.git # might be able to use these days...? download_and_unpack_file https://github.com/Haivision/srt/archive/v1.4.1.tar.gz srt-1.4.1 cd srt-1.4.1 if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then apply_patch file://$patch_dir/srt.app.patch -p1 fi # CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:893 (message): # On MinGW, some C++11 apps are blocked due to lacking proper C++11 headers # for . FIX IF POSSIBLE. do_cmake "-DUSE_GNUTLS=ON -DENABLE_SHARED=OFF -DENABLE_CXX11=OFF" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libass() { do_git_checkout_and_make_install https://github.com/libass/libass.git } build_libaribb24() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/nkoriyama/aribb24 cd aribb24 generic_configure_make_install cd .. } build_libaribcaption() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/xqq/libaribcaption cd libaribcaption mkdir build cd build do_cmake_from_build_dir .. "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_libxavs() { do_svn_checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xavs/code/trunk xavs_svn cd xavs_svn if [[ ! -f Makefile.bak ]]; then sed -i.bak "s/O4/O2/" configure # Change CFLAGS. fi do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix" # see https://github.com/rdp/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/issues/3 do_make_and_make_install "$make_prefix_options" rm -f NUL # cygwin causes windows explorer to not be able to delete this folder if it has this oddly named file in it... cd .. } build_libxavs2() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/pkuvcl/xavs2.git cd xavs2_git/build/linux do_configure "--cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-pic" do_make_and_make_install cd ../../.. } build_libdavs2() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/pkuvcl/davs2.git cd davs2_git/build/linux if [[ $host_target == 'i686-w64-mingw32' ]]; then do_configure "--cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-pic --disable-asm" else do_configure "--cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-pic" fi do_make_and_make_install cd ../../.. } build_libxvid() { download_and_unpack_file https://downloads.xvid.com/downloads/xvidcore-1.3.7.tar.gz xvidcore cd xvidcore/build/generic apply_patch file://$patch_dir/xvidcore-1.3.7_static-lib.patch do_configure "--host=$host_target --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" # no static option... do_make_and_make_install cd ../../.. } build_libvpx() { do_git_checkout https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libvpx.git libvpx_git "origin/main" cd libvpx_git apply_patch file://$patch_dir/vpx_160_semaphore.patch -p1 # perhaps someday can remove this after 1.6.0 or mingw fixes it LOL if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then local config_options="" elif [[ "$bits_target" = "32" ]]; then local config_options="--target=x86-win32-gcc" else local config_options="--target=x86_64-win64-gcc" fi export CROSS="$cross_prefix" # VP8 encoder *requires* sse3 support do_configure "$config_options --prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --enable-ssse3 --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-examples --disable-tools --disable-docs --disable-unit-tests --enable-vp9-highbitdepth --extra-cflags=-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables --extra-cflags=-mstackrealign" # fno for Error: invalid register for .seh_savexmm do_make_and_make_install unset CROSS cd .. } build_libaom() { do_git_checkout https://aomedia.googlesource.com/aom aom_git if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then local config_options="" elif [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then local config_options="-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../build/cmake/toolchains/x86-mingw-gcc.cmake -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=x86" else local config_options="-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../build/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-mingw-gcc.cmake -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=x86_64" fi mkdir -p aom_git/aom_build cd aom_git/aom_build do_cmake_from_build_dir .. $config_options do_make_and_make_install cd ../.. } build_dav1d() { do_git_checkout https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d.git libdav1d cd libdav1d if [[ $bits_target == 32 || $bits_target == 64 ]]; then # XXX why 64??? apply_patch file://$patch_dir/david_no_asm.patch -p1 # XXX report fi cpu_count=1 # XXX report :| local meson_options="--prefix=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix} --libdir=${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}/lib --buildtype=release --default-library=static . build" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then meson_options+=" --cross-file=${top_dir}/meson-cross.mingw.txt" fi do_meson "$meson_options" do_ninja_and_ninja_install cp build/src/libdav1d.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1 # avoid 'run ranlib' weird failure, possibly older meson's https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4138 :| cpu_count=$original_cpu_count cd .. } build_avisynth() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlus.git avisynth_git mkdir -p avisynth_git/avisynth-build cd avisynth_git/avisynth-build do_cmake_from_build_dir .. -DHEADERS_ONLY:bool=on do_make "$make_prefix_options VersionGen install" cd ../.. } build_libx265() { local checkout_dir=x265 local remote="https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265_git" if [[ ! -z $x265_git_checkout_version ]]; then checkout_dir+="_$x265_git_checkout_version" do_git_checkout "$remote" $checkout_dir "$x265_git_checkout_version" else if [[ $prefer_stable = "n" ]]; then checkout_dir+="_unstable" do_git_checkout "$remote" $checkout_dir "origin/master" fi if [[ $prefer_stable = "y" ]]; then do_git_checkout "$remote" $checkout_dir "origin/stable" fi fi cd $checkout_dir local cmake_params="-DENABLE_SHARED=0" # build x265.exe # Apply x86 noasm detection fix on newer versions if [[ $x265_git_checkout_version != *"3.5"* ]] && [[ $x265_git_checkout_version != *"3.4"* ]] && [[ $x265_git_checkout_version != *"3.3"* ]] && [[ $x265_git_checkout_version != *"3.2"* ]] && [[ $x265_git_checkout_version != *"3.1"* ]]; then git apply "$patch_dir/x265_x86_noasm_fix.patch" fi if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then cmake_params+=" -DWINXP_SUPPORT=1" # enable windows xp/vista compatibility in x86 build, since it still can I think... fi mkdir -p 8bit 10bit 12bit # Build 12bit (main12) cd 12bit local cmake_12bit_params="$cmake_params -DENABLE_CLI=0 -DHIGH_BIT_DEPTH=1 -DMAIN12=1 -DEXPORT_C_API=0" if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then cmake_12bit_params="$cmake_12bit_params -DENABLE_ASSEMBLY=OFF" # apparently required or build fails fi do_cmake_from_build_dir ../source "$cmake_12bit_params" do_make cp libx265.a ../8bit/libx265_main12.a # Build 10bit (main10) cd ../10bit local cmake_10bit_params="$cmake_params -DENABLE_CLI=0 -DHIGH_BIT_DEPTH=1 -DENABLE_HDR10_PLUS=1 -DEXPORT_C_API=0" if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then cmake_10bit_params="$cmake_10bit_params -DENABLE_ASSEMBLY=OFF" # apparently required or build fails fi do_cmake_from_build_dir ../source "$cmake_10bit_params" do_make cp libx265.a ../8bit/libx265_main10.a # Build 8 bit (main) with linked 10 and 12 bit then install cd ../8bit cmake_params="$cmake_params -DENABLE_CLI=1 -DEXTRA_LINK_FLAGS=-L. -DLINKED_10BIT=1 -DLINKED_12BIT=1" if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" && $OSTYPE != darwin* ]]; then cmake_params+=" -DENABLE_SHARED=0 -DEXTRA_LIB='$(pwd)/libx265_main10.a;$(pwd)/libx265_main12.a;-ldl'" # Native multi-lib CLI builds are slightly broken right now; other option is to -DENABLE_CLI=0, but this seems to work (https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/issues/520) else cmake_params+=" -DEXTRA_LIB='$(pwd)/libx265_main10.a;$(pwd)/libx265_main12.a'" fi do_cmake_from_build_dir ../source "$cmake_params" do_make mv libx265.a libx265_main.a if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" && $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then libtool -static -o libx265.a libx265_main.a libx265_main10.a libx265_main12.a 2>/dev/null else ${cross_prefix}ar -M < unstable fi unset LAVF_LIBS unset LAVF_CFLAGS unset SWSCALE_LIBS cd .. } build_lsmash() { # an MP4 library do_git_checkout https://github.com/l-smash/l-smash.git l-smash cd l-smash do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix" do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libdvdread() { build_libdvdcss download_and_unpack_file http://dvdnav.mplayerhq.hu/releases/libdvdread-4.9.9.tar.xz # last revision before 5.X series so still works with MPlayer cd libdvdread-4.9.9 # XXXX better CFLAGS here... generic_configure "CFLAGS=-DHAVE_DVDCSS_DVDCSS_H LDFLAGS=-ldvdcss --enable-dlfcn" # vlc patch: "--enable-libdvdcss" # XXX ask how I'm *supposed* to do this to the dvdread peeps [svn?] do_make_and_make_install sed -i.bak 's/-ldvdread.*/-ldvdread -ldvdcss/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/dvdread.pc" cd .. } build_libdvdnav() { download_and_unpack_file http://dvdnav.mplayerhq.hu/releases/libdvdnav-4.2.1.tar.xz # 4.2.1. latest revision before 5.x series [?] cd libdvdnav-4.2.1 if [[ ! -f ./configure ]]; then ./autogen.sh fi generic_configure_make_install sed -i.bak 's/-ldvdnav.*/-ldvdnav -ldvdread -ldvdcss -lpsapi/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/dvdnav.pc" # psapi for dlfcn ... [hrm?] cd .. } build_libdvdcss() { generic_download_and_make_and_install https://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/libdvdcss/1.2.13/libdvdcss-1.2.13.tar.bz2 } build_libjpeg_turbo() { do_git_checkout https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo libjpeg-turbo_git "origin/main" cd libjpeg-turbo_git local cmake_params="-DENABLE_SHARED=0 -DCMAKE_ASM_NASM_COMPILER=yasm" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then cmake_params+=" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake" local target_proc=AMD64 if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then target_proc=X86 fi cat > toolchain.cmake << EOF set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ${target_proc}) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${cross_prefix}gcc) set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER ${cross_prefix}windres) EOF fi do_cmake_and_install "$cmake_params" cd .. } build_libproxy() { # NB this lacks a .pc file still download_and_unpack_file https://libproxy.googlecode.com/files/libproxy-0.4.11.tar.gz cd libproxy-0.4.11 sed -i.bak "s/= recv/= (void *) recv/" libmodman/test/main.cpp # some compile failure do_cmake_and_install cd .. } build_lua() { download_and_unpack_file https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.3.3.tar.gz cd lua-5.3.3 export AR="${cross_prefix}ar rcu" # needs rcu parameter so have to call it out different :| do_make "CC=${cross_prefix}gcc RANLIB=${cross_prefix}ranlib generic" # generic == "generic target" and seems to result in a static build, no .exe's blah blah the mingw option doesn't even build liblua.a unset AR do_make_install "INSTALL_TOP=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" "generic install" cp etc/lua.pc $PKG_CONFIG_PATH cd .. } build_libcurl() { download_and_unpack_file https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.86.0.tar.gz cd curl-7.86.0 generic_configure "--without-ssl" # XXX use --with-gnutls but it needed pkg-config or some odd? do_make_and_make_install cd .. } build_libhdhomerun() { exit 1 # still broken unfortunately, for cross compile :| download_and_unpack_file https://download.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/libhdhomerun_20150826.tgz libhdhomerun cd libhdhomerun do_make CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_prefix OS=Windows_NT cd .. } build_dvbtee_app() { build_iconv # said it needed it build_libcurl # it "can use this" so why not # build_libhdhomerun # broken but possible dependency apparently :| do_git_checkout https://github.com/mkrufky/libdvbtee.git libdvbtee_git cd libdvbtee_git # checkout its submodule, apparently required if [ ! -e libdvbpsi/bootstrap ]; then rm -rf libdvbpsi # remove placeholder do_git_checkout https://github.com/mkrufky/libdvbpsi.git cd libdvbpsi_git generic_configure_make_install # library dependency submodule... TODO don't install it, just leave it local :) cd .. fi generic_configure do_make # not install since don't have a dependency on the library cd .. } build_qt() { build_libjpeg_turbo # libjpeg a dependency [?] unset CFLAGS # it makes something of its own first, which runs locally, so can't use a foreign arch, or maybe it can, but not important enough: http://stackoverflow.com/a/18775859/32453 XXXX could look at this #download_and_unpack_file http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7.tar.gz/d990ee66bf7ab0c785589776f35ba6ad/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7.tar.gz # untested #cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7 # download_and_unpack_file http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.1/5.1.1/submodules/qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1.tar.xz qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1 # not officially supported seems...so didn't try it download_and_unpack_file http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz/1864987bdbb2f58f8ae8b350dfdbe133/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/imageformats.patch apply_patch file://$patch_dir/qt-win64.patch # vlc's configure options...mostly do_configure "-static -release -fast -no-exceptions -no-stl -no-sql-sqlite -no-qt3support -no-gif -no-libmng -qt-libjpeg -no-libtiff -no-qdbus -no-openssl -no-webkit -sse -no-script -no-multimedia -no-phonon -opensource -no-scripttools -no-opengl -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -opensource -no-s60 -host-little-endian -confirm-license -xplatform win32-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_prefix -prefix $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix -prefix-install -nomake examples" if [ ! -f 'already_qt_maked_k' ]; then make sub-src -j $cpu_count make install sub-src # let it fail, baby, it still installs a lot of good stuff before dying on mng...? huh wuh? cp ./plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1 # I think vlc's install is just broken to need this [?] cp ./plugins/accessible/libqtaccessiblewidgets.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib || exit 1 # this feels wrong... # do_make_and_make_install "sub-src" # sub-src might make the build faster? # complains on mng? huh? touch 'already_qt_maked_k' fi # vlc needs an adjust .pc file? huh wuh? sed -i.bak 's/Libs: -L${libdir} -lQtGui/Libs: -L${libdir} -lcomctl32 -lqjpeg -lqtaccessiblewidgets -lQtGui/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/QtGui.pc" # sniff cd .. reset_cflags } build_vlc() { # currently broken, since it got too old for libavcodec and I didn't want to build its own custom one yet to match, and now it's broken with gcc 5.2.0 seemingly # call out dependencies here since it's a lot, plus hierarchical FTW! # should be ffmpeg 1.1.1 or some odd? echo "not building vlc, broken dependencies or something weird" return # vlc's own dependencies: build_lua build_libdvdread build_libdvdnav build_libx265 build_libjpeg_turbo build_ffmpeg build_qt # currently vlc itself currently broken :| do_git_checkout https://github.com/videolan/vlc.git cd vlc_git #apply_patch file://$patch_dir/vlc_localtime_s.patch # git revision needs it... # outdated and patch doesn't apply cleanly anymore apparently... #if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then # apply_patch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gcsx/ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers/patch-5/patches/priorize_avcodec.patch #fi if [[ ! -f "configure" ]]; then ./bootstrap fi export DVDREAD_LIBS='-ldvdread -ldvdcss -lpsapi' do_configure "--disable-libgcrypt --disable-a52 --host=$host_target --disable-lua --disable-mad --enable-qt --disable-sdl --disable-mod" # don't have lua mingw yet, etc. [vlc has --disable-sdl [?]] x265 disabled until we care enough... Looks like the bluray problem was related to the BLURAY_LIBS definition. [not sure what's wrong with libmod] rm -f `find . -name *.exe` # try to force a rebuild...though there are tons of .a files we aren't rebuilding as well FWIW...:| rm -f already_ran_make* # try to force re-link just in case... do_make # do some gymnastics to avoid building the mozilla plugin for now [couldn't quite get it to work] #sed -i.bak 's_git://git.videolan.org/npapi-vlc.git_https://github.com/rdp/npapi-vlc.git_' Makefile # this wasn't enough...following lines instead... sed -i.bak "s/package-win-common: package-win-install build-npapi/package-win-common: package-win-install/" Makefile sed -i.bak "s/.*cp .*builddir.*npapi-vlc.*//g" Makefile make package-win-common # not do_make, fails still at end, plus this way we get new vlc.exe's echo " vlc success, created a file like ${PWD}/vlc-xxx-git/vlc.exe " cd .. unset DVDREAD_LIBS } reset_cflags() { export CFLAGS=$original_cflags } reset_cppflags() { export CPPFLAGS=$original_cppflags } build_meson_cross() { local cpu_family="x86_64" if [ $bits_target = 32 ]; then cpu_family="x86" fi rm -fv meson-cross.mingw.txt cat >> meson-cross.mingw.txt << EOF [binaries] c = '${cross_prefix}gcc' cpp = '${cross_prefix}g++' ld = '${cross_prefix}ld' ar = '${cross_prefix}ar' strip = '${cross_prefix}strip' pkgconfig = '${cross_prefix}pkg-config' nm = '${cross_prefix}nm' windres = '${cross_prefix}windres' [host_machine] system = 'windows' cpu_family = '$cpu_family' cpu = '$cpu_family' endian = 'little' EOF mv -v meson-cross.mingw.txt ../.. } get_local_meson_cross_with_propeties() { local local_dir="$1" local c_args= local cpp_args= local link_args= if [[ -z $local_dir ]]; then local_dir="." fi cp ${top_dir}/meson-cross.mingw.txt "$local_dir" if [[ -n "$CFLAGS" ]]; then c_args="'$(echo ${CFLAGS} | sed "s/ /\',\'/g")'" fi if [[ -n "$CXXFLAGS" ]]; then cpp_args="'$(echo ${CXXFLAGS} | sed "s/ /\',\'/g")'" fi if [[ -n "$LDFLAGS" ]]; then link_args="'$(echo ${LDFLAGS} | sed "s/ /\',\'/g")'" fi cat >> meson-cross.mingw.txt << EOF [properties] c_args = [$c_args] c_link_args = [$link_args] cpp_args = [$cpp_args] cpp_link_args = [$link_args] EOF } build_mplayer() { # pre requisites build_libjpeg_turbo build_libdvdread build_libdvdnav download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/mplayer-edl/files/mplayer-export-snapshot.2014-05-19.tar.bz2 mplayer-export-2014-05-19 cd mplayer-export-2014-05-19 do_git_checkout https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg ffmpeg d43c303038e9bd # known compatible commit export LDFLAGS='-lpthread -ldvdnav -ldvdread -ldvdcss' # not compat with newer dvdread possibly? huh wuh? export CFLAGS=-DHAVE_DVDCSS_DVDCSS_H do_configure "--enable-cross-compile --host-cc=cc --cc=${cross_prefix}gcc --windres=${cross_prefix}windres --ranlib=${cross_prefix}ranlib --ar=${cross_prefix}ar --as=${cross_prefix}as --nm=${cross_prefix}nm --enable-runtime-cpudetection --extra-cflags=$CFLAGS --with-dvdnav-config=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/dvdnav-config --disable-dvdread-internal --disable-libdvdcss-internal --disable-w32threads --enable-pthreads --extra-libs=-lpthread --enable-debug --enable-ass-internal --enable-dvdread --enable-dvdnav --disable-libvpx-lavc" # haven't reported the ldvdcss thing, think it's to do with possibly it not using dvdread.pc [?] XXX check with trunk # disable libvpx didn't work with its v1.5.0 some reason :| unset LDFLAGS reset_cflags sed -i.bak "s/HAVE_PTHREAD_CANCEL 0/HAVE_PTHREAD_CANCEL 1/g" config.h # mplayer doesn't set this up right? touch -t 201203101513 config.h # the above line change the modify time for config.h--forcing a full rebuild *every time* yikes! # try to force re-link just in case... rm -f *.exe rm -f already_ran_make* # try to force re-link just in case... do_make cp mplayer.exe mplayer_debug.exe ${cross_prefix}strip mplayer.exe echo "built ${PWD}/{mplayer,mencoder,mplayer_debug}.exe" cd .. } build_mp4box() { # like build_gpac # This script only builds the gpac_static lib plus MP4Box. Other tools inside # specify revision until this works: https://sourceforge.net/p/gpac/discussion/287546/thread/72cf332a/ do_git_checkout https://github.com/gpac/gpac.git mp4box_gpac_git cd mp4box_gpac_git # are these tweaks needed? If so then complain to the mp4box people about it? sed -i.bak "s/has_dvb4linux=\"yes\"/has_dvb4linux=\"no\"/g" configure # XXX do I want to disable more things here? # ./sandbox/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-sdl-config generic_configure " --cross-prefix=${cross_prefix} --target-os=MINGW32 --extra-cflags=-Wno-format --static-build --static-bin --disable-oss-audio --extra-ldflags=-municode --disable-x11 --sdl-cfg=${cross_prefix}sdl-config" ./check_revision.sh # I seem unable to pass 3 libs into the same config line so do it with sed... sed -i.bak "s/EXTRALIBS=.*/EXTRALIBS=-lws2_32 -lwinmm -lz/g" config.mak cd src do_make "$make_prefix_options" cd .. rm -f ./bin/gcc/MP4Box* # try and force a relink/rebuild of the .exe cd applications/mp4box rm -f already_ran_make* # ?? do_make "$make_prefix_options" cd ../.. # copy it every time just in case it was rebuilt... cp ./bin/gcc/MP4Box ./bin/gcc/MP4Box.exe # it doesn't name it .exe? That feels broken somehow... echo "built $(readlink -f ./bin/gcc/MP4Box.exe)" cd .. } build_libMXF() { download_and_unpack_file https://sourceforge.net/projects/ingex/files/1.0.0/libMXF/libMXF-src-1.0.0.tgz "libMXF-src-1.0.0" cd libMXF-src-1.0.0 apply_patch file://$patch_dir/libMXF.diff do_make "MINGW_CC_PREFIX=$cross_prefix" # # Manual equivalent of make install. Enable it if desired. We shouldn't need it in theory since we never use libMXF.a file and can just hand pluck out the *.exe files already... # #cp libMXF/lib/libMXF.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libMXF.a #cp libMXF++/libMXF++/libMXF++.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libMXF++.a #mv libMXF/examples/writeaviddv50/writeaviddv50 libMXF/examples/writeaviddv50/writeaviddv50.exe #mv libMXF/examples/writeavidmxf/writeavidmxf libMXF/examples/writeavidmxf/writeavidmxf.exe #cp libMXF/examples/writeaviddv50/writeaviddv50.exe $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/writeaviddv50.exe #cp libMXF/examples/writeavidmxf/writeavidmxf.exe $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/bin/writeavidmxf.exe cd .. } build_ffmpeg() { local extra_postpend_configure_options=$2 local build_type=$1 if [[ -z $3 ]]; then local output_dir="ffmpeg_git" else local output_dir=$3 fi if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then output_dir+="_with_fdk_aac" fi if [[ $build_intel_qsv == "n" ]]; then output_dir+="_xp_compat" fi if [[ $enable_gpl == 'n' ]]; then output_dir+="_lgpl" fi if [[ ! -z $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version ]]; then local output_branch_sanitized=$(echo ${ffmpeg_git_checkout_version} | sed "s/\//_/g") # release/4.3 to release_4.3 output_dir+="_$output_branch_sanitized" else # If version not provided, assume master branch desired ffmpeg_git_checkout_version="master" fi local postpend_configure_opts="" local install_prefix="" # can't mix and match --enable-static --enable-shared unfortunately, or the final executable seems to just use shared if the're both present if [[ $build_type == "shared" ]]; then output_dir+="_shared" install_prefix="$(pwd)/${output_dir}" # install them to their a separate dir else install_prefix="${mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix}" # don't really care since we just pluck ffmpeg.exe out of the src dir for static, but x264 pre wants it installed... fi # allow using local source directory version of ffmpeg if [[ -z $ffmpeg_source_dir ]]; then do_git_checkout $ffmpeg_git_checkout $output_dir $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version || exit 1 else output_dir="${ffmpeg_source_dir}" install_prefix="${output_dir}" fi if [[ $build_type == "shared" ]]; then postpend_configure_opts="--enable-shared --disable-static --prefix=${install_prefix}" # I guess this doesn't have to be at the end... else postpend_configure_opts="--enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=${install_prefix}" fi if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.4"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.3"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.2"* ]]; then postpend_configure_opts="${postpend_configure_opts} --disable-libdav1d " # dav1d has diverged since so isn't compat with older ffmpegs fi cd $output_dir apply_patch file://$patch_dir/frei0r_load-shared-libraries-dynamically.diff if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then local arch=x86 else local arch=x86_64 fi init_options="--pkg-config=pkg-config --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-version=ffmpeg-windows-build-helpers --enable-version3 --disable-debug --disable-w32threads" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then init_options+=" --arch=$arch --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix" else if [[ $OSTYPE != darwin* ]]; then unset PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR # just use locally packages for all the xcb stuff for now, you need to install them locally first... init_options+=" --enable-libv4l2 --enable-libxcb --enable-libxcb-shm --enable-libxcb-xfixes --enable-libxcb-shape " fi fi if [[ `uname` =~ "5.1" ]]; then init_options+=" --disable-schannel" # Fix WinXP incompatibility by disabling Microsoft's Secure Channel, because Windows XP doesn't support TLS 1.1 and 1.2, but with GnuTLS or OpenSSL it does. XP compat! fi config_options="$init_options --enable-libcaca --enable-gray --enable-libtesseract --enable-fontconfig --enable-gmp --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libflite --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopus --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libwebp --enable-libzimg --enable-libzvbi --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenh264 --enable-libvmaf --enable-libsrt --enable-libxml2 --enable-opengl --enable-libdav1d --enable-gnutls" if [[ "$bits_target" != "32" ]]; then if [[ $build_svt_hevc = y ]]; then # SVT-HEVC # Apply the correct patches based on version. Logic (n4.4 patch for n4.2, n4.3 and n4.4) based on patch notes here: # https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-HEVC/commit/b5587b09f44bcae70676f14d3bc482e27f07b773#diff-2b35e92117ba43f8397c2036658784ba2059df128c9b8a2625d42bc527dffea1 if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.4"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.3"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.2"* ]]; then git apply "$work_dir/SVT-HEVC_git/ffmpeg_plugin/n4.4-0001-lavc-svt_hevc-add-libsvt-hevc-encoder-wrapper.patch" git apply "$patch_dir/SVT-HEVC-0002-doc-Add-libsvt_hevc-encoder-docs.patch" # upstream patch does not apply on current ffmpeg master elif [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.1"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n3.4"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n3.2"* ]] || [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n2.8"* ]]; then : # too old... else # newer: git apply "$work_dir/SVT-HEVC_git/ffmpeg_plugin/master-0001-lavc-svt_hevc-add-libsvt-hevc-encoder-wrapper.patch" fi config_options+=" --enable-libsvthevc" fi if [[ $build_svt_vp9 = y ]]; then # SVT-VP9 # Apply the correct patches based on version. Logic (n4.4 patch for n4.2, n4.3 and n4.4) based on patch notes here: # https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-VP9/tree/master/ffmpeg_plugin if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.3.1"* ]]; then git apply "$work_dir/SVT-VP9_git/ffmpeg_plugin/n4.3.1-0001-Add-ability-for-ffmpeg-to-run-svt-vp9.patch" elif [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.2.3"* ]]; then git apply "$work_dir/SVT-VP9_git/ffmpeg_plugin/n4.2.3-0001-Add-ability-for-ffmpeg-to-run-svt-vp9.patch" elif [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version == *"n4.2.2"* ]]; then git apply "$work_dir/SVT-VP9_git/ffmpeg_plugin/0001-Add-ability-for-ffmpeg-to-run-svt-vp9.patch" else # newer: git apply "$work_dir/SVT-VP9_git/ffmpeg_plugin/master-0001-Add-ability-for-ffmpeg-to-run-svt-vp9.patch" fi config_options+=" --enable-libsvtvp9" fi config_options+=" --enable-libsvtav1" fi # else doesn't work/matter with 32 bit config_options+=" --enable-libvpx" config_options+=" --enable-libaom" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec" # don't work OS X fi # the order of extra-libs switches is important (appended in reverse) config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lz" config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lpng" config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lm" # libflite seemed to need this linux native...and have no .pc file huh? config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lfreetype" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lshlwapi" # lame needed this, no .pc file? fi config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lmpg123" # ditto config_options+=" --extra-libs=-lpthread" # for some reason various and sundry needed this linux native config_options+=" --extra-cflags=-DLIBTWOLAME_STATIC --extra-cflags=-DMODPLUG_STATIC --extra-cflags=-DCACA_STATIC" # if we ever do a git pull then it nukes changes, which overrides manual changes to configure, so just use these for now :| if [[ $build_amd_amf = n ]]; then config_options+=" --disable-amf" # Since its autodetected we have to disable it if we do not want it. #unless we define no autodetection but.. we don't. else config_options+=" --enable-amf" # This is actually autodetected but for consistency.. we might as well set it. fi if [[ $build_intel_qsv = y && $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then # Broken for native builds right now: https://github.com/lu-zero/mfx_dispatch/issues/71 config_options+=" --enable-libmfx" else config_options+=" --disable-libmfx" fi if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n6.0"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n5.1"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n5.0"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.4"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.3"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.2"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.1"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n3.4"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n3.2"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n2.8"* ]]; then # Disable libaribcatption on old versions config_options+=" --enable-libaribcaption" # libaribcatption (MIT licensed) fi if [[ $enable_gpl == 'y' ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-gpl --enable-frei0r --enable-librubberband --enable-libvidstab --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-avisynth --enable-libaribb24" config_options+=" --enable-libxvid --enable-libdavs2" if [[ $host_target != 'i686-w64-mingw32' ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-libxavs2" fi if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-libxavs" # don't compile OS X fi fi local licensed_gpl=n # lgpl build with libx264 included for those with "commercial" license :) if [[ $licensed_gpl == 'y' ]]; then apply_patch file://$patch_dir/x264_non_gpl.diff -p1 config_options+=" --enable-libx264" fi # other possibilities: # --enable-w32threads # [worse UDP than pthreads, so not using that] for i in $CFLAGS; do config_options+=" --extra-cflags=$i" # --extra-cflags may not be needed here, but adds it to the final console output which I like for debugging purposes done config_options+=" $postpend_configure_opts" if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk-aac" if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then config_options+=" --enable-decklink" # Error finding rpc.h in native builds even if it's available fi # other possible options: --enable-openssl [unneeded since we already use gnutls] fi do_debug_build=n # if you need one for backtraces/examining segfaults using gdb.exe ... change this to y :) XXXX make it affect x264 too...and make it real param :) if [[ "$do_debug_build" = "y" ]]; then # not sure how many of these are actually needed/useful...possibly none LOL config_options+=" --disable-optimizations --extra-cflags=-Og --extra-cflags=-fno-omit-frame-pointer --enable-debug=3 --extra-cflags=-fno-inline $postpend_configure_opts" # this one kills gdb workability for static build? ai ai [?] XXXX config_options+=" --disable-libgme" fi config_options+=" $extra_postpend_configure_options" do_configure "$config_options" rm -f */*.a */*.dll *.exe # just in case some dependency library has changed, force it to re-link even if the ffmpeg source hasn't changed... rm -f already_ran_make* echo "doing ffmpeg make $(pwd)" do_make_and_make_install # install ffmpeg as well (for shared, to separate out the .dll's, for things that depend on it like VLC, to create static libs) # build ismindex.exe, too, just for fun if [[ $build_ismindex == "y" ]]; then make tools/ismindex.exe || exit 1 fi # XXX really ffmpeg should have set this up right but doesn't, patch FFmpeg itself instead... if [[ $1 == "static" ]]; then # nb we can just modify this every time, it getes recreated, above.. if [[ $build_intel_qsv = y && $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then # Broken for native builds right now: https://github.com/lu-zero/mfx_dispatch/issues/71 sed -i.bak 's/-lavutil -pthread -lm /-lavutil -pthread -lm -lmfx -lstdc++ -lmpg123 -lshlwapi /' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libavutil.pc" else sed -i.bak 's/-lavutil -pthread -lm /-lavutil -pthread -lm -lmpg123 -lshlwapi /' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libavutil.pc" fi fi sed -i.bak 's/-lswresample -lm.*/-lswresample -lm -lsoxr/' "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH/libswresample.pc" # XXX patch ffmpeg if [[ $non_free == "y" ]]; then if [[ $build_type == "shared" ]]; then echo "Done! You will find $bits_target-bit $1 non-redistributable binaries in $(pwd)/bin" else echo "Done! You will find $bits_target-bit $1 non-redistributable binaries in $(pwd)" fi else mkdir -p $cur_dir/redist archive="$cur_dir/redist/ffmpeg-$(git describe --tags --match N)-win$bits_target-$1" if [[ $original_cflags =~ "pentium3" ]]; then archive+="_legacy" fi if [[ $build_type == "shared" ]]; then echo "Done! You will find $bits_target-bit $1 binaries in $(pwd)/bin" # Some manual package stuff because the install_root may be cluttered with static as well... # XXX this misses the docs and share? if [[ ! -f $archive.7z ]]; then sed "s/$/\r/" COPYING.GPLv3 > bin/COPYING.GPLv3.txt # XXX we include this even if it's not a GPL build? cp -r include bin cd bin 7z a -mx=9 $archive.7z include *.exe *.dll *.lib COPYING.GPLv3.txt && rm -f COPYING.GPLv3.txt cd .. fi else echo "Done! You will find $bits_target-bit $1 binaries in $(pwd)" `date` if [[ ! -f $archive.7z ]]; then sed "s/$/\r/" COPYING.GPLv3 > COPYING.GPLv3.txt echo "creating distro zip..." # XXX opt in? 7z a -mx=9 $archive.7z ffmpeg.exe ffplay.exe ffprobe.exe COPYING.GPLv3.txt && rm -f COPYING.GPLv3.txt else echo "not creating distro zip as one already exists..." fi fi echo "You will find redistributable archive .7z file in $archive.7z" fi if [[ -z $ffmpeg_source_dir ]]; then cd .. else cd "$work_dir" fi } build_lsw() { # Build L-Smash-Works, which are AviSynth plugins based on lsmash/ffmpeg #build_ffmpeg static # dependency, assume already built since it builds before this does... build_lsmash # dependency do_git_checkout https://github.com/VFR-maniac/L-SMASH-Works.git lsw cd lsw/VapourSynth do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix --target-os=mingw" do_make_and_make_install # AviUtl is 32bit-only if [ "$bits_target" = "32" ]; then cd ../AviUtl do_configure "--prefix=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix --cross-prefix=$cross_prefix" do_make fi cd ../.. } find_all_build_exes() { local found="" # NB that we're currently in the sandbox dir... for file in `find . -name ffmpeg.exe` `find . -name ffmpeg_g.exe` `find . -name ffplay.exe` `find . -name ffmpeg` `find . -name ffplay` `find . -name ffprobe` `find . -name MP4Box.exe` `find . -name mplayer.exe` `find . -name mencoder.exe` `find . -name avconv.exe` `find . -name avprobe.exe` `find . -name x264.exe` `find . -name writeavidmxf.exe` `find . -name writeaviddv50.exe` `find . -name rtmpdump.exe` `find . -name x265.exe` `find . -name ismindex.exe` `find . -name dvbtee.exe` `find . -name boxdumper.exe` `find . -name muxer.exe ` `find . -name remuxer.exe` `find . -name timelineeditor.exe` `find . -name lwcolor.auc` `find . -name lwdumper.auf` `find . -name lwinput.aui` `find . -name lwmuxer.auf` `find . -name vslsmashsource.dll`; do found="$found $(readlink -f $file)" done # bash recursive glob fails here again? for file in `find . -name vlc.exe | grep -- -`; do found="$found $(readlink -f $file)" done echo $found # pseudo return value... } build_ffmpeg_dependencies() { if [[ $build_dependencies = "n" ]]; then echo "Skip build ffmpeg dependency libraries..." return fi echo "Building ffmpeg dependency libraries..." if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then # build some stuff that don't build native... build_dlfcn build_libxavs fi build_libdavs2 if [[ $host_target != 'i686-w64-mingw32' ]]; then build_libxavs2 fi build_meson_cross build_mingw_std_threads build_zlib # Zlib in FFmpeg is autodetected. build_libcaca # Uses zlib and dlfcn (on windows). build_bzip2 # Bzlib (bzip2) in FFmpeg is autodetected. build_liblzma # Lzma in FFmpeg is autodetected. Uses dlfcn. build_iconv # Iconv in FFmpeg is autodetected. Uses dlfcn. build_sdl2 # Sdl2 in FFmpeg is autodetected. Needed to build FFPlay. Uses iconv and dlfcn. if [[ $build_amd_amf = y ]]; then build_amd_amf_headers fi if [[ $build_intel_qsv = y && $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then # Broken for native builds right now: https://github.com/lu-zero/mfx_dispatch/issues/71 build_intel_quicksync_mfx fi build_nv_headers build_libzimg # Uses dlfcn. build_libopenjpeg build_glew build_glfw #build_libjpeg_turbo # mplayer can use this, VLC qt might need it? [replaces libjpeg] (ffmpeg seems to not need it so commented out here) build_libpng # Needs zlib >= 1.0.4. Uses dlfcn. build_libwebp # Uses dlfcn. build_harfbuzz # harf does now include build_freetype # Uses zlib, bzip2, and libpng. build_libxml2 # Uses zlib, liblzma, iconv and dlfcn. build_libvmaf build_fontconfig # Needs freetype and libxml >= 2.6. Uses iconv and dlfcn. build_gmp # For rtmp support configure FFmpeg with '--enable-gmp'. Uses dlfcn. #build_librtmfp # mainline ffmpeg doesn't use it yet build_libnettle # Needs gmp >= 3.0. Uses dlfcn. build_unistring build_libidn2 # needs iconv and unistring build_gnutls # Needs nettle >= 3.1, hogweed (nettle) >= 3.1. Uses libidn2, unistring, zlib, and dlfcn. #if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then # build_openssl-1.0.2 # Nonfree alternative to GnuTLS. 'build_openssl-1.0.2 "dllonly"' to build shared libraries only. # build_openssl-1.1.1 # Nonfree alternative to GnuTLS. Can't be used with LibRTMP. 'build_openssl-1.1.1 "dllonly"' to build shared libraries only. #fi build_libogg # Uses dlfcn. build_libvorbis # Needs libogg >= 1.0. Uses dlfcn. build_libopus # Uses dlfcn. build_libspeexdsp # Needs libogg for examples. Uses dlfcn. build_libspeex # Uses libspeexdsp and dlfcn. build_libtheora # Needs libogg >= 1.1. Needs libvorbis >= 1.0.1, sdl and libpng for test, programs and examples [disabled]. Uses dlfcn. build_libsndfile "install-libgsm" # Needs libogg >= 1.1.3 and libvorbis >= 1.2.3 for external support [disabled]. Uses dlfcn. 'build_libsndfile "install-libgsm"' to install the included LibGSM 6.10. build_mpg123 build_lame # Uses dlfcn, mpg123 build_twolame # Uses libsndfile >= 1.0.0 and dlfcn. build_libopencore # Uses dlfcn. build_libilbc # Uses dlfcn. build_libmodplug # Uses dlfcn. build_libgme build_libbluray # Needs libxml >= 2.6, freetype, fontconfig. Uses dlfcn. build_libbs2b # Needs libsndfile. Uses dlfcn. build_libsoxr build_libflite build_libsnappy # Uses zlib (only for unittests [disabled]) and dlfcn. build_vamp_plugin # Needs libsndfile for 'vamp-simple-host.exe' [disabled]. build_fftw # Uses dlfcn. build_libsamplerate # Needs libsndfile >= 1.0.6 and fftw >= 0.15.0 for tests. Uses dlfcn. build_librubberband # Needs libsamplerate, libsndfile, fftw and vamp_plugin. 'configure' will fail otherwise. Eventhough librubberband doesn't necessarily need them (libsndfile only for 'rubberband.exe' and vamp_plugin only for "Vamp audio analysis plugin"). How to use the bundled libraries '-DUSE_SPEEX' and '-DUSE_KISSFFT'? build_frei0r # Needs dlfcn. could use opencv... if [[ "$bits_target" != "32" ]]; then if [[ $build_svt_hevc = y ]]; then build_svt-hevc fi if [[ $build_svt_vp9 = y ]]; then build_svt-vp9 fi build_svt-av1 fi build_vidstab #build_facebooktransform360 # needs modified ffmpeg to use it so not typically useful build_libmysofa # Needed for FFmpeg's SOFAlizer filter (https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#sofalizer). Uses dlfcn. if [[ "$non_free" = "y" ]]; then build_fdk-aac # Uses dlfcn. if [[ $compiler_flavors != "native" ]]; then build_libdecklink # Error finding rpc.h in native builds even if it's available fi fi build_zvbi # Uses iconv, libpng and dlfcn. build_fribidi # Uses dlfcn. build_libass # Needs freetype >= 9.10.3 (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freetype1/+bug/78573 o_O) and fribidi >= 0.19.0. Uses fontconfig >= 2.10.92, iconv and dlfcn. build_libxvid # FFmpeg now has native support, but libxvid still provides a better image. build_libsrt # requires gnutls, mingw-std-threads if [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n6.0"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n5.1"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n5.0"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.4"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.3"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.2"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n4.1"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n3.4"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n3.2"* ]] && [[ $ffmpeg_git_checkout_version != *"n2.8"* ]]; then build_libaribcaption fi build_libaribb24 build_libtesseract build_lensfun # requires png, zlib, iconv # build_libtensorflow # broken build_libvpx build_libx265 build_libopenh264 build_libaom build_dav1d build_avisynth build_libx264 # at bottom as it might internally build a copy of ffmpeg (which needs all the above deps... } build_apps() { if [[ $build_dvbtee = "y" ]]; then build_dvbtee_app fi # now the things that use the dependencies... if [[ $build_libmxf = "y" ]]; then build_libMXF fi if [[ $build_mp4box = "y" ]]; then build_mp4box fi if [[ $build_mplayer = "y" ]]; then build_mplayer fi if [[ $build_ffmpeg_static = "y" ]]; then build_ffmpeg static fi if [[ $build_ffmpeg_shared = "y" ]]; then build_ffmpeg shared fi if [[ $build_vlc = "y" ]]; then build_vlc fi if [[ $build_lsw = "y" ]]; then build_lsw fi } # set some parameters initial values top_dir="$(pwd)" cur_dir="$(pwd)/sandbox" patch_dir="$(pwd)/patches" cpu_count="$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)" # linux cpu count if [ -z "$cpu_count" ]; then cpu_count=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu | tr -d '\n'` # OS X cpu count if [ -z "$cpu_count" ]; then echo "warning, unable to determine cpu count, defaulting to 1" cpu_count=1 # else default to just 1, instead of blank, which means infinite fi fi set_box_memory_size_bytes if [[ $box_memory_size_bytes -lt 600000000 ]]; then echo "your box only has $box_memory_size_bytes, 512MB (only) boxes crash when building cross compiler gcc, please add some swap" # 1G worked OK however... exit 1 fi if [[ $box_memory_size_bytes -gt 2000000000 ]]; then gcc_cpu_count=$cpu_count # they can handle it seemingly... else echo "low RAM detected so using only one cpu for gcc compilation" gcc_cpu_count=1 # compatible low RAM... fi # variables with their defaults build_ffmpeg_static=y build_ffmpeg_shared=n build_dvbtee=n build_libmxf=n build_mp4box=n build_mplayer=n build_vlc=n build_lsw=n # To build x264 with L-Smash-Works. build_dependencies=y git_get_latest=y prefer_stable=y # Only for x264 and x265. build_intel_qsv=y # note: not windows xp friendly! build_amd_amf=y disable_nonfree=y # comment out to force user y/n selection original_cflags='-mtune=generic -O3' # high compatible by default, see #219, some other good options are listed below, or you could use -march=native to target your local box: original_cppflags='-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0' # Needed for mingw-w64 7 as FORTIFY_SOURCE is now partially implemented, but not actually working # if you specify a march it needs to first so x264's configure will use it :| [ is that still the case ?] #flags=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags) #if [[ $flags =~ "ssse3" ]]; then # See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html, https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19689014/gcc-difference-between-o3-and-os. # original_cflags='-march=core2 -O2' #elif [[ $flags =~ "sse3" ]]; then # original_cflags='-march=prescott -O2' #elif [[ $flags =~ "sse2" ]]; then # original_cflags='-march=pentium4 -O2' #elif [[ $flags =~ "sse" ]]; then # original_cflags='-march=pentium3 -O2 -mfpmath=sse -msse' #else # original_cflags='-mtune=generic -O2' #fi ffmpeg_git_checkout_version= build_ismindex=n enable_gpl=y build_x264_with_libav=n # To build x264 with Libavformat. ffmpeg_git_checkout="https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.git" ffmpeg_source_dir= build_svt_hevc=n build_svt_vp9=n # parse command line parameters, if any while true; do case $1 in -h | --help ) echo "available option=default_value: --build-ffmpeg-static=y (ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe and ffprobe.exe) --build-ffmpeg-shared=n (ffmpeg.exe (with libavformat-x.dll, etc., ffplay.exe, ffprobe.exe and dll-files) --ffmpeg-git-checkout-version=[master] if you want to build a particular version of FFmpeg, ex: n3.1.1 or a specific git hash --ffmpeg-git-checkout=[https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.git] if you want to clone FFmpeg from other repositories --ffmpeg-source-dir=[default empty] specifiy the directory of ffmpeg source code. When specified, git will not be used. --x265-git-checkout-version=[master] if you want to build a particular version of x265, ex: --x265-git-checkout-version=Release_3.2 or a specific git hash --fdk-aac-git-checkout-version= if you want to build a particular version of fdk-aac, ex: --fdk-aac-git-checkout-version=v2.0.1 or another tag --gcc-cpu-count=[cpu_cores_on_box if RAM > 1GB else 1] number of cpu cores this speeds up initial cross compiler build. --build-cpu-count=[cpu_cores_on_box] set to lower than your cpu cores if the background processes eating all your cpu bugs your desktop usage --disable-nonfree=y (set to n to include nonfree like libfdk-aac,decklink) --build-intel-qsv=y (set to y to include the [non windows xp compat.] qsv library and ffmpeg module. NB this not not hevc_qsv... --sandbox-ok=n [skip sandbox prompt if y] -d [meaning \"defaults\" skip all prompts, just build ffmpeg static with some reasonable defaults like no git updates] --build-libmxf=n [builds libMXF, libMXF++, writeavidmxfi.exe and writeaviddv50.exe from the BBC-Ingex project] --build-mp4box=n [builds MP4Box.exe from the gpac project] --build-mplayer=n [builds mplayer.exe and mencoder.exe] --build-vlc=n [builds a [rather bloated] vlc.exe] --build-lsw=n [builds L-Smash Works VapourSynth and AviUtl plugins] --build-ismindex=n [builds ffmpeg utility ismindex.exe] -a 'build all' builds ffmpeg, mplayer, vlc, etc. with all fixings turned on [many disabled from disuse these days] --build-svt-hevc=n [builds libsvt-hevc modules within ffmpeg etc.] --build-svt-vp9=n [builds libsvt-hevc modules within ffmpeg etc.] --build-dvbtee=n [build dvbtee.exe a DVB profiler] --compiler-flavors=[multi,win32,win64,native] [default prompt, or skip if you already have one built, multi is both win32 and win64] --cflags=[default is $original_cflags, which works on any cpu, see README for options] --git-get-latest=y [do a git pull for latest code from repositories like FFmpeg--can force a rebuild if changes are detected] --build-x264-with-libav=n build x264.exe with bundled/included "libav" ffmpeg libraries within it --prefer-stable=y build a few libraries from releases instead of git master --debug Make this script print out each line as it executes --enable-gpl=[y] set to n to do an lgpl build --build-dependencies=y [builds the ffmpeg dependencies. Disable it when the dependencies was built once and can greatly reduce build time. ] "; exit 0 ;; --sandbox-ok=* ) sandbox_ok="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --gcc-cpu-count=* ) gcc_cpu_count="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-cpu-count=* ) cpu_count="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --ffmpeg-git-checkout-version=* ) ffmpeg_git_checkout_version="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --ffmpeg-git-checkout=* ) ffmpeg_git_checkout="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --ffmpeg-source-dir=* ) ffmpeg_source_dir="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --x265-git-checkout-version=* ) x265_git_checkout_version="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --fdk-aac-git-checkout-version=* ) fdk_aac_git_checkout_version="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-libmxf=* ) build_libmxf="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-mp4box=* ) build_mp4box="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-ismindex=* ) build_ismindex="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --git-get-latest=* ) git_get_latest="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-amd-amf=* ) build_amd_amf="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-intel-qsv=* ) build_intel_qsv="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-x264-with-libav=* ) build_x264_with_libav="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-mplayer=* ) build_mplayer="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --cflags=* ) original_cflags="${1#*=}"; echo "setting cflags as $original_cflags"; shift ;; --build-vlc=* ) build_vlc="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-lsw=* ) build_lsw="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-dvbtee=* ) build_dvbtee="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --disable-nonfree=* ) disable_nonfree="${1#*=}"; shift ;; # this doesn't actually "build all", like doesn't build 10 high-bit LGPL ffmpeg, but it does exercise the "non default" type build options... -a ) compiler_flavors="multi"; build_mplayer=n; build_libmxf=y; build_mp4box=n; build_vlc=y; build_lsw=n; build_ffmpeg_static=y; build_ffmpeg_shared=y; disable_nonfree=n; git_get_latest=y; sandbox_ok=y; build_amd_amf=y; build_intel_qsv=y; build_dvbtee=y; build_x264_with_libav=y; shift ;; --build-svt-hevc=* ) build_svt_hevc="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-svt-vp9=* ) build_svt_vp9="${1#*=}"; shift ;; -d ) gcc_cpu_count=$cpu_count; disable_nonfree="y"; sandbox_ok="y"; compiler_flavors="win64"; git_get_latest="n"; shift ;; --compiler-flavors=* ) compiler_flavors="${1#*=}"; if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" && $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then build_intel_qsv=n echo "disabling qsv since os x" fi shift ;; --build-ffmpeg-static=* ) build_ffmpeg_static="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-ffmpeg-shared=* ) build_ffmpeg_shared="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --prefer-stable=* ) prefer_stable="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --enable-gpl=* ) enable_gpl="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --build-dependencies=* ) build_dependencies="${1#*=}"; shift ;; --debug ) set -x; shift ;; -- ) shift; break ;; -* ) echo "Error, unknown option: '$1'."; exit 1 ;; * ) break ;; esac done original_cpu_count=$cpu_count # save it away for some that revert it temporarily reset_cflags # also overrides any "native" CFLAGS, which we may need if there are some 'linux only' settings in there reset_cppflags # Ensure CPPFLAGS are cleared and set to what is configured check_missing_packages # do this first since it's annoying to go through prompts then be rejected intro # remember to always run the intro, since it adjust pwd install_cross_compiler export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR= # disable pkg-config from finding [and using] normal linux system installed libs [yikes] if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then # mac add some helper scripts mkdir -p mac_helper_scripts cd mac_helper_scripts if [[ ! -x readlink ]]; then # make some scripts behave like linux... curl -4 file://$patch_dir/md5sum.mac --fail > md5sum || exit 1 chmod u+x ./md5sum curl -4 file://$patch_dir/readlink.mac --fail > readlink || exit 1 chmod u+x ./readlink fi export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH cd .. fi original_path="$PATH" if [[ $compiler_flavors == "native" ]]; then echo "starting native build..." # realpath so if you run it from a different symlink path it doesn't rebuild the world... # mkdir required for realpath first time mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/native mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/native/bin mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/native)" mingw_bin_path="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/native/bin)" # sdl needs somewhere to drop "binaries"?? export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/pkgconfig" export PATH="$mingw_bin_path:$original_path" make_prefix_options="PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix" if [[ $(uname -m) =~ 'i686' ]]; then bits_target=32 else bits_target=64 fi # bs2b doesn't use pkg-config, sndfile needed Carbon :| export CPATH=$cur_dir/cross_compilers/native/include:/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Headers # C_INCLUDE_PATH export LIBRARY_PATH=$cur_dir/cross_compilers/native/lib work_dir="$(realpath $cur_dir/native)" mkdir -p "$work_dir" cd "$work_dir" build_ffmpeg_dependencies build_ffmpeg cd .. fi if [[ $compiler_flavors == "multi" || $compiler_flavors == "win32" ]]; then echo echo "Starting 32-bit builds..." host_target='i686-w64-mingw32' mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/$host_target mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/$host_target)" mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/bin mingw_bin_path="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-i686/bin)" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/pkgconfig" export PATH="$mingw_bin_path:$original_path" bits_target=32 cross_prefix="$mingw_bin_path/i686-w64-mingw32-" make_prefix_options="CC=${cross_prefix}gcc AR=${cross_prefix}ar PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix RANLIB=${cross_prefix}ranlib LD=${cross_prefix}ld STRIP=${cross_prefix}strip CXX=${cross_prefix}g++" work_dir="$(realpath $cur_dir/win32)" mkdir -p "$work_dir" cd "$work_dir" build_ffmpeg_dependencies build_apps cd .. fi if [[ $compiler_flavors == "multi" || $compiler_flavors == "win64" ]]; then echo echo "**************Starting 64-bit builds..." # make it have a bit easier to you can see when 32 bit is done host_target='x86_64-w64-mingw32' mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/$host_target mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/$host_target)" mkdir -p $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/bin mingw_bin_path="$(realpath $cur_dir/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/bin)" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/pkgconfig" export PATH="$mingw_bin_path:$original_path" bits_target=64 cross_prefix="$mingw_bin_path/x86_64-w64-mingw32-" make_prefix_options="CC=${cross_prefix}gcc AR=${cross_prefix}ar PREFIX=$mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix RANLIB=${cross_prefix}ranlib LD=${cross_prefix}ld STRIP=${cross_prefix}strip CXX=${cross_prefix}g++" work_dir="$(realpath $cur_dir/win64)" mkdir -p "$work_dir" cd "$work_dir" build_ffmpeg_dependencies build_apps cd .. fi echo "searching for all local exe's (some may not have been built this round, NB)..." for file in $(find_all_build_exes); do echo "built $file" done