--- title: Using ImpressJS with Slidify author: Ramnath Vaidyanathan mode : selfcontained framework: impressjs github: user: ramnathv repo: slidify twitter: text: "Slidify with impress.js!" --- .slide x:-1000 y:-1500 Aren't you just **bored** with all those slides-based presentations? --- .slide x:0 y:-1500 Don't you think that presentations given **in modern browsers** shouldn't **copy the limits** of 'classic' slide decks? --- .slide x:1000 y:-1500 Would you like to **impress your audience** with **stunning visualization** of your talk? --- #title x:0 y:0 scale:4 then you should try # impress.js^* ^* no rhyme intended --- #its x:850 y:3000 rot:45 scale:5 It's a **presentation tool**
inspired by the idea behind [prezi.com](http://prezi.com)
and based on the **power of CSS3 transforms and transitions** in modern browsers. --- #big x:3500 y:2100 rot:180 scale:6 visualize your big thoughts --- #tiny x:2825 y:2325 z:-3000 rot:300 scale:1 and **tiny** ideas --- #ing x:3500 y:-850 rot:270 scale:6 by positioning, rotating and scaling them on an infinite canvas --- #imagination x:6700 y:-300 scale:6 the only **limit** is your imagination --- #source x:6300 y:2000 rot:20 scale:4 want to know more? [use the source](http://github.com/bartaz/impress.js), Luke --- #one-more-thing x:6000 y:4000 scale:2 one more thing... --- #its-in-3d x:6200 y:4300 z:-100 rotx:-40 roty:-10 scale:2 have you noticed it's in 3D*? * beat that, prezi ;) --- #rstats x:-1000 y:5000 This deck was built using [Slidify](http://www.slidify.org) and styled with [impress.js](http://github.com/bartaz/impress.js). Click [here](https://raw.github.com/ramnathv/slidify/gh-pages/samples/impressjs/index.Rmd) to view the source!