--- title: About Poirot url: {lib: libraries} highlighter: prettify hitheme: twitter-bootstrap framework: purus mode: selfcontained --- &lead [Poirot](http://github.com/ramnathv/blogify) is an elegant, blog aware, static site generator to create, manage and publish websites with reproducible content using [R Markdown](http://www.r-project.org). --- **Installing Poirot** Poirot is still under development and can be installed from github using [devtools](http:github.com/hadley/devtools). You will also need to install the development versions of [slidify](http://github.com/ramnathv/slidify) and [slidifyLibraries](http://github.com/ramnathv/slidifyLibraries). ```{r eval = F} require(devtools) install_github('poirot', 'ramnathv') install_github('slidify', 'ramnathv', ref = 'dev') install_github('slidifyLibraries', 'ramnathv') ``` Poirot uses **markdown** for text content, **knitr** for code chunks and **mustache** for templating. Poirot is highly extensible using widgets. As a publishing framework for data scientists, Poirot comes pre-equipped with support for math, visualization and tables. **Reproducing this Blog** Once you have installed Poirot, you can reproduce this blog by cloning this git repository, running `blogify`, opening a web server and navigating to `http://localhost:8080/posts` on your browser. ```bash $ git clone git@github.com:ramnathv/poirotBlog $ cd poirotBlog $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 $ open localhost:8080/posts ``` You can generate your own posts by clearing out all files from the `posts` folder (except for `config.yml`), tweaking `site.yml` and `posts/config.yml` and running `blogify("posts")` from the root directory. **How to contribute** You can [fork the repository](https://github.com/ramnathv/blogify) on Github. **Copyright** All the content in this blog is licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). This site is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com) Pages and uses a modified version of [purus theme](https://github.com/mertemin/purus).