" .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. " `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' " " https://github.com/rafi/vim-config " Runtime and Plugins " ------------------------------------------------- if &compatible set nocompatible endif " Respect XDG if isdirectory($XDG_CONFIG_HOME.'/vim') let $VIMPATH=expand('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim') let $VARPATH=expand('$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim') else let $VIMPATH=expand('$HOME/.vim') let $VARPATH=expand('$HOME/.cache/vim') endif function! s:source_file(path) execute 'source' fnameescape($VIMPATH.'/config/'.a:path) endfunction " Initialize base requirements call s:source_file('init.vim') " NeoBundle start plugins {{{ call neobundle#begin(expand('$VARPATH/plugins')) if neobundle#load_cache() NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' call s:source_file('neobundle.vim') call neobundle#local(expand('$VARPATH/plugins/awesome-vim-colorschemes'), {}) if ! exists('g:vim_installing') NeoBundleSaveCache endif endif call neobundle#local(expand('$VIMPATH/dev'), {}) call s:source_file('plugins.vim') call neobundle#end() " }}} " Must be after plugins filetype plugin indent on syntax enable " Plugin installation check if ! has('vim_starting') NeoBundleCheck endif " Loading configuration modules {{{ call s:source_file('general.vim') call s:source_file('theme.vim') call s:source_file('filetype.vim') call s:source_file('terminal.vim') call s:source_file('utils.vim') call s:source_file('bindings.vim') call s:source_file('tabline.vim') if has('nvim') call s:source_file('neovim.vim') endif " }}} call neobundle#call_hook('on_source') set secure " vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=80 noet :