Generating keys --------------- Generates key pair {String} cmd keygen {String} type {RSA,DSA} {Integer} length Key length in bits {String} name Name of key owner {String} email Email address for key pair {String} passphrase Passphrase for private key Listing keys ------------ Lists keys in keyring {String} cmd keylist {Boolean} private Default false Deleting keys ------------- To delete keys, their key identifiers must be specified. If a public/private keypair has been created, a private key needs to be deleted before the public key can be deleted. {String} cmd keydel {Boolean} private Default false {String} fingerprint Fingerprint for key to delete Exporting keys -------------- For security reasons only public keys can be exported through pygpghttpd. {String} cmd keyexport {String} id ID or fingerprint for key to export Importing keys -------------- {String} cmd keyimport {String} key ASCII armored key Encryption ---------- {String} cmd encrypt {String} data Data to encrypt {String} recipients JSON encoded array containing recipient fingerprints {String} sign The fingerprint of a key which is used to sign the encrypted data. When not specified, the data is not signed {String} passphrase Passphrase for key used to sign the encrypted data. Required if data is being signed Decryption ---------- {String} cmd decrypt {String} data Data to decrypt {String} passphrase Passphrase for key used to decrypt the data Signing ------- {String} cmd sign {String} data Data to sign {String} keyid ID of private key to use {String} passphrase Passphrase of the private key Verification ------------ {String} cmd verify {String} data Data to verify