--- tags: [linux, debian, multimedia, iso.wv, ogg, cue] author: qbbr --- ### install (debian): ```bash sudo aptitude install shntool vorbis-tools wavpack ``` ### using: ```bash wvunpack -cc file.iso.wv shnsplit -o 'cust ext=ogg oggenc -q9 - -o %f' -f file.cue -t %t file.wav ``` convert **.iso.wv** to **.ogg** with auto rename **.ogg** files: ```bash #!/bin/sh # ./isowv2ogg FILE=$1 TMP_DIR=tmp mkdir tmp wvunpack -cc $1 -o $TMP_DIR/ cd $TMP_DIR CUE=`find . -name '*.cue'` WAV=`find . -name '*.wav'` YEAR=`cat $CUE | grep DATE | awk '{ print $3 }'` ALBUM=`cat $CUE | grep TITLE | head -n 1 | sed 's/TITLE //' | sed 's/"//g'` echo $ALBUM shnsplit -o 'cust ext=ogg oggenc -q9 - -o %f' -f $CUE -t "%n - %p - %a - $YEAR - %t" $WAV rm -f $WAV cd .. mv $TMP_DIR "$YEAR-$ALBUM" echo '[DONE]' ``` script using: ```bash ./isowv2ogg file.iso.wv ```