Version 1.1.1 ??-???-2013 Core ATOMac changes: LDTP related changes: Version 1.1.0 13-Feb-2013 Core ATOMac changes: * [Nagappan Alagappan] Resolved a bug in getFrontmostApp that occurs when Google Chrome is running * [James Tatum] Calls to global keyboard events no longer try to get app PSN (issue 48) LDTP related changes: * [ebass] LDTP client updated to require Python 2.6 * [Nagappan Alagappan] Minor LDTP client and server bug fixes * [Nagappan Alagappan] LDTP debugging can be enabled by setting the LDTP_DEBUG environment variable * [Nagappan Alagappan] Fixed an LDTP error involving unicode strings in getapplist() * [Nagappan Alagappan] Added automatic object refreshing in getwindowlist() and getobjectlist() * [Nagappan Alagappan] Added LDTP support for new object types popup button and application * [Nagappan Alagappan] New LDTP process stat monitoring support (same as Linux) * [Nagappan Alagappan] Can now manipulate menus in applications that have no open window (by using appApplicationName as the window name) * [Nagappan Alagappan] Fixed doubleclick() * [Nagappan Alagappan] Resolved some issues with click() on 10.7 * [Nagappan Alagappan] gettextvalue() arguments updated for compatibility * [Nagappan Alagappan] AXColumn, AXHeading and AXGenericElement objects now supported in LDTP as col, tch and gen, respectively * [Nagappan Alagappan] Automatically click on menus when trying to access contents * [Nagappan Alagappan] Applications that also have a menu in the notification area can now be automated * [Nagappan Alagappan] Some applications with certain common UI elements that have poor accessibility implementations were throwing exceptions in _populate_appmap * [Satpal Chander] enterstring() now supports strings * [Satpal Chander] keyboard functions didn't work with uppercase characters * [Nagappan Alagappan] Python 3 support for LDTP client * [Nagappan Alagappan] closewindow(), minimizewindow(), maximizewindow(), and activatewindow() now supported * [Nagappan Alagappan] selectitem() and selectindex() now works with popup buttons * [Nagappan Alagappan] Windows that are closed and reopened now work properly * [Nagappan Alagappan] click() changed to use mouse events rather than accessibility * [Nagappan Alagappan] Added appundertest() which narrows down the search scope for UI elements to the specified application * ["John" Yingjun Li] Added getchild() which allows you to search the accessibility hierarchy for children of the specified element * [Nagappan Alagappan] Updated keyboard controls for parity with Linux LDTP * [Nagappan Alagappan] getaccesskey() added * [Nagappan Alagappan] Implemented verifyselect() and getcombovalue() Version 1.0.1 12-Oct-2012 * [Nagappan Alagappan] Fixing 'Connection refused' error when importing ldtp Version 1.0.0 12-Oct-2012 * [Nagappan Alagappan] Added LDTP client and server to ATOMac. See README for details. * [jonathanw] Fix sending function keys (issue 23) * [Andrew Wu] Documentation added (issue 20) * [Andrew Wu] sendKeys() now supports newlines (issue 22) * [James Tatum] Null attributes now return None rather than raising a atomac.Error exception (AXError -25212) (issue 27) * [James Tatum] CFRange attribute values like AXSelectedText are now supported (issue 29) * [James Tatum] Attribute values like AXSize and AXPosition now properly returned as floating point numbers * [Andrew Wu] atomac.getFrontmostApp() - New class method to return the frontmost app Version 0.9.3 09-Jul-2011 * New NativeUIElement convenience methods sliders() and slidersR() * Small update to Prefs to remove a seemingly unneeded exception handler * Project renamed from PyATOM to ATOMac - now listed in PyPI as atomac and module import matches - import atomac. Apologies for that. Version 0.9.2 06-Jul-2011 NativeUIElement: * floating point values can now be read and written (such as AXValue on a slider control) * fixed a couple of improperly handled error conditions Version 0.9.1 27-May-2011 NativeUIElement: * added sendGlobalKeyWithModifiers - used to press system wide shortcut keys * added terminateAppByBundleId * pressModifiers and ReleaseModifiers - hold modifier keys down rather than pressing them in concert with another key or mouse click * Small bug fixes Prefs: * New proxy class for manipulating application preferences before tests Thanks to: Andrew Wu, Ken Song, Julián Romero Version 0.9 29-Apr-2011 * Initial release