/*! PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine for HTML Licensed under the MIT licenses. More information at: http://www.opensource.org Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Michael Cvilic - BeeBole.com Thanks to Rog Peppe for the functional JS jump revision: 2.86 */ var $p = function(){ var args = arguments, sel = args[0], ctxt = false; if(typeof sel === 'string'){ ctxt = args[1] || false; }else if(sel && !sel[0] && !sel.length){ sel = [sel]; } return $p.core(sel, ctxt); }, pure = $p; $p.core = function(sel, ctxt, plugins){ //get an instance of the plugins var templates = [], i, ii, // set the signature string that will be replaced at render time Sig = '_s' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000 ) + '_', // another signature to prepend to attributes and avoid checks: style, height, on[events]... attPfx = '_a' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000 ) + '_', // rx to parse selectors, e.g. "+tr.foo[class]" selRx = /^(\+)?([^\@\+]+)?\@?([^\+]+)?(\+)?$/, // set automatically attributes for some tags autoAttr = { IMG:'src', INPUT:'value' }, // check if the argument is an array - thanks salty-horse (Ori Avtalion) isArray = Array.isArray ? function(o) { return Array.isArray(o); } : function(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object Array]"; }; plugins = plugins || getPlugins(); //search for the template node(s) switch(typeof sel){ case 'string': templates = plugins.find(ctxt || document, sel); if(templates.length === 0) { error('The template "' + sel + '" was not found'); } break; case 'undefined': error('The root of the template is undefined, check your selector'); break; default: templates = sel; } for( i = 0, ii = templates.length; i < ii; i++){ plugins[i] = templates[i]; } plugins.length = ii; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * core functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ // error utility function error(e){ if(typeof console !== 'undefined'){ console.log(e); //debugger; } throw 'pure error: ' + e; } //return a new instance of plugins function getPlugins(){ var plugins = $p.plugins, f = function(){}; f.prototype = plugins; // do not overwrite functions if external definition f.prototype.compile = plugins.compile || compile; f.prototype.render = plugins.render || render; f.prototype.autoRender = plugins.autoRender || autoRender; f.prototype.find = plugins.find || find; // give the compiler and the error handling to the plugin context f.prototype._compiler = compiler; f.prototype._error = error; return new f(); } // returns the outer HTML of a node function outerHTML(node){ // if IE, Chrome take the internal method otherwise build one return /*node.outerHTML || */( function(n){ return document.createElement('div').appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) ).parentNode.innerHTML; /*var div = document.createElement('div'), h; div.appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) ); h = div.innerHTML; div = null; return h;*/ }(node)); } // returns the string generator function function wrapquote(qfn, f){ return function(ctxt){ return qfn( String( f.call(ctxt.item || ctxt.context, ctxt) ) ) ; }; } // default find using querySelector when available on the browser function find(n, sel){ if(typeof n === 'string'){ sel = n; n = false; } return (n||document).querySelectorAll( sel ); } // create a function that concatenates constant string // sections (given in parts) and the results of called // functions to fill in the gaps between parts (fns). // fns[n] fills in the gap between parts[n-1] and parts[n]; // fns[0] is unused. // this is the inner template evaluation loop. function concatenator(parts, fns){ return function(ctxt){ var strs = [ parts[ 0 ] ], n = parts.length, fnVal, pVal, attLine, pos, i; try{ for(i = 1; i < n; i++){ fnVal = fns[i].call( this, ctxt ); pVal = parts[i]; // if the value is empty and attribute, remove it if(fnVal === ''){ attLine = strs[ strs.length - 1 ]; if( ( pos = attLine.search( /[^\s]+=\"?$/ ) ) > -1){ strs[ strs.length - 1 ] = attLine.substring( 0, pos ); pVal = pVal.substr( 1 ); } } strs[ strs.length ] = fnVal; strs[ strs.length ] = pVal; } return strs.join(''); }catch(e){ if(console && console.log){ console.log( e.stack || e.message + ' (' + e.type + ( e['arguments'] ? ', ' + e['arguments'].join('-') : '' ) + '). Use Firefox or Chromium/Chrome to get a full stack of the error. ' ); } return ''; } }; } // parse and check the loop directive function parseloopspec(p){ var m = p.match( /^(\w+)\s*<-\s*(\S+)?$/ ); if(m === null){ error('bad loop spec: "' + p + '"'); } if(m[1] === 'item'){ error('"item<-..." is a reserved word for the current running iteration.\n\nPlease choose another name for your loop.'); } if( !m[2] || m[2].toLowerCase() === 'context' ){ //undefined or space(IE) m[2] = function(ctxt){return ctxt.context;}; }else if( m[2] && m[2].indexOf('context') === 0 ){ //undefined or space(IE) m[2] = dataselectfn( m[2].replace(/^context\.?/, '') ); } return {name: m[1], sel: m[2]}; } // parse a data selector and return a function that // can traverse the data accordingly, given a context. function dataselectfn (sel){ if( typeof(sel) === 'function' ){ //handle false values in function directive return function ( ctxt ){ var r = sel.call( ctxt.item || ctxt.context || ctxt, ctxt ); return !r && r !== 0 ? '' : r; }; } //check for a valid js variable name with hyphen(for properties only), $, _ and : var m = sel.match(/^[\da-zA-Z\$_\@\#][\w\$:\-\#]*(\.[\w\$:\-\#]*[^\.])*$/), found = false, s = sel, parts = [], pfns = [], i = 0, retStr; if(m === null){ // check if literal if(/\'|\"/.test( s.charAt(0) )){ if(/\'|\"/.test( s.charAt(s.length-1) )){ retStr = s.substring(1, s.length-1); return function(){ return retStr; }; } }else{ // check if literal + #{var} while((m = s.match(/#\{([^{}]+)\}/)) !== null){ found = true; parts[i++] = s.slice(0, m.index); pfns[i] = dataselectfn(m[1]); s = s.slice(m.index + m[0].length, s.length); } } if(!found){ //constant, return it return function(){ return sel; }; } parts[i] = s; return concatenator(parts, pfns); } m = sel.split('.'); return function(ctxt){ var data = ctxt.context || ctxt, v = ctxt[m[0]], i = 0, n, dm; if(v && typeof v.item !== 'undefined'){ i += 1; if(m[i] === 'pos'){ //allow pos to be kept by string. Tx to Adam Freidin return v.pos; } data = v.item; } n = m.length; while( i < n ){ if(!data){break;} dm = data[ m[i] ]; //if it is a function call it data = typeof dm === 'function' ? dm.call( data ) : dm; i++; } if( typeof data === 'string' ){ data = data.replace(//g, '>');//mitigate basic XSS } return !data && data !== 0 ? '' : data; }; } // wrap in an object the target node/attr and their properties function gettarget(dom, sel, isloop){ var osel, prepend, selector, attr, append, target = [], m, setstr, getstr, quotefn, isStyle, isClass, attName, setfn; if( typeof sel === 'string' ){ osel = sel; m = sel.match(selRx); if( !m ){ error( 'bad selector syntax: ' + sel ); } prepend = m[1]; selector = m[2]; attr = m[3]; append = m[4]; if(selector === '.' || !selector && attr ){ target[0] = dom; }else{ target = plugins.find(dom, selector); } if(!target || target.length === 0){ return error('The node "' + sel + '" was not found in the template:\n' + outerHTML(dom).replace(/\t/g,' ')); } }else{ // autoRender node prepend = sel.prepend; attr = sel.attr; append = sel.append; target = [dom]; } if( prepend || append ){ if( prepend && append ){ error('append/prepend cannot take place at the same time'); }else if( isloop ){ error('no append/prepend/replace modifiers allowed for loop target'); }else if( append && isloop ){ error('cannot append with loop (sel: ' + osel + ')'); } } if(attr){ isStyle = /^style$/i.test(attr); isClass = /^class$/i.test(attr); attName = isClass ? 'className' : attr; setstr = function(node, s) { node.setAttribute(attPfx + attr, s); if ( node[attName] && !isStyle) { try{node[attName] = '';}catch(e){} //FF4 gives an error sometimes } if (node.nodeType === 1) { node.removeAttribute(attr); if(isClass){ node.removeAttribute(attName); } } }; if (isStyle || isClass) {//IE no quotes special care if(isStyle){ getstr = function(n){ return n.style.cssText; }; }else{ getstr = function(n){ return n.className; }; } }else { getstr = function(n){ return n.getAttribute(attr); }; } quotefn = function(s){ return s.replace(/\"/g, '"'); }; if(prepend){ setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, s + getstr( node )); }; }else if(append){ setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, getstr( node ) + s); }; }else{ setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, s ); }; } }else{ if (isloop) { setfn = function(node, s) { var pn = node.parentNode; if (pn) { //replace node with s pn.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(s), node.nextSibling); pn.removeChild(node); }else{ error('The template root, can\'t be looped.'); } }; } else { if (prepend) { setfn = function(node, s) { node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(s), node.firstChild); }; } else if (append) { setfn = function(node, s) { node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));}; } else { setfn = function(node, s) { while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); }; } } quotefn = function(s) { return s; }; } return { attr: attr, nodes: target, set: setfn, sel: osel, quotefn: quotefn }; } function setsig(target, n){ var sig = Sig + n + ':', i; for(i = 0; i < target.nodes.length; i++){ // could check for overlapping targets here. target.set( target.nodes[i], sig ); } } // read de loop data, and pass it to the inner rendering function function loopfn(name, dselect, inner, sorter, filter){ return function(ctxt){ var a = dselect(ctxt), old = ctxt[name], temp = { items : a }, filtered = 0, length, strs = [], buildArg = function(idx, temp, ftr, len){ //keep the current loop. Tx to Adam Freidin var save_pos = ctxt.pos, save_item = ctxt.item, save_items = ctxt.items; ctxt.pos = temp.pos = idx; if( typeof a[ idx ] === 'string' ){ a[ idx ] = a[ idx ].replace(//g, '>');//mitigate basic XSS } ctxt.item = temp.item = a[ idx ]; ctxt.items = a; //if array, set a length property - filtered items if(typeof len !== 'undefined'){ ctxt.length = len; } //if filter directive if(typeof ftr === 'function' && ftr.call(ctxt.item, ctxt) === false){ filtered++; return; } strs.push( inner.call(ctxt.item, ctxt ) ); //restore the current loop ctxt.pos = save_pos; ctxt.item = save_item; ctxt.items = save_items; }, cmv = function(p){ if( ctxt[ p ] ){ delete ctxt[ p ]; } }, prop, i, ii; ctxt[name] = temp; if( isArray(a) ){ length = a.length || 0; // if sort directive if(typeof sorter === 'function'){ a.sort(function(a, b){ return sorter.call(ctxt, a, b); }); } //loop on array for(i = 0, ii = length; i < ii; i++){ buildArg(i, temp, filter, length - filtered); } }else{ if(a && typeof sorter !== 'undefined'){ error('sort is only available on arrays, not objects'); } //loop on collections for( prop in a ){ if( a.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ){ buildArg(prop, temp, filter); } } } if( typeof old !== 'undefined'){ ctxt[ name ] = old; }else{ cmv( name ); } return strs.join(''); }; } // generate the template for a loop node function loopgen(dom, sel, loop, fns){ var already = false, ls, sorter, filter, prop, dsel, spec, itersel, target, nodes, node, inner; for(prop in loop){ if(loop.hasOwnProperty(prop)){ if(prop === 'sort'){ sorter = loop.sort; }else if(prop === 'filter'){ filter = loop.filter; }else if(already){ error('cannot have more than one loop on a target'); }else{ ls = prop; already = true; } } } if(!ls){ error('Error in the selector: ' + sel + '\nA directive action must be a string, a function or a loop(<-)'); } dsel = loop[ls]; // if it's a simple data selector then we default to contents, not replacement. if(typeof dsel === 'string' || typeof dsel === 'function'){ loop = {}; loop[ls] = {root: dsel}; return loopgen(dom, sel, loop, fns); } spec = parseloopspec(ls); itersel = dataselectfn(spec.sel); target = gettarget(dom, sel, true); nodes = target.nodes; for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ node = nodes[i]; inner = compiler(node, dsel); fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, loopfn(spec.name, itersel, inner, sorter, filter)); target.nodes = [node]; // N.B. side effect on target. setsig(target, fns.length - 1); } return target; } function getAutoNodes(n, data){ var ns = n.getElementsByTagName('*'), an = [], openLoops = {a:[],l:{}}, cspec, isNodeValue, i, ii, j, jj, ni, cs, cj; //for each node found in the template for(i = -1, ii = ns.length; i < ii; i++){ ni = i > -1 ?ns[i]:n; if(ni.nodeType === 1 && ni.className !== ''){ //when a className is found cs = ni.className.split(' '); // for each className for(j = 0, jj=cs.length;j -1 || isNodeValue){ ni.className = ni.className.replace('@'+cspec.attr, ''); if(isNodeValue){ cspec.attr = false; } } an.push({n:ni, cspec:cspec}); } } } } function checkClass(c, tagName){ // read the class var ca = c.match(selRx), attr = ca[3] || autoAttr[tagName], cspec = {prepend:!!ca[1], prop:ca[2], attr:attr, append:!!ca[4], sel:c}, i, ii, loopi, loopil, val; // check in existing open loops for(i = openLoops.a.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ loopi = openLoops.a[i]; loopil = loopi.l[0]; val = loopil && loopil[cspec.prop]; if(typeof val !== 'undefined'){ cspec.prop = loopi.p + '.' + cspec.prop; if(openLoops.l[cspec.prop] === true){ val = val[0]; } break; } } // not found check first level of data if(typeof val === 'undefined'){ val = dataselectfn(cspec.prop)(isArray(data) ? data[0] : data); // nothing found return if(val === ''){ return false; } } // set the spec for autoNode if(isArray(val)){ openLoops.a.push( {l:val, p:cspec.prop} ); openLoops.l[cspec.prop] = true; cspec.t = 'loop'; }else{ cspec.t = 'str'; } return cspec; } return an; } // returns a function that, given a context argument, // will render the template defined by dom and directive. function compiler(dom, directive, data, ans){ var fns = [], j, jj, iii, cspec, n, target, nodes, itersel, node, inner, h, parts, pfns = [], p, classes = {}, doDirective = function( psel, pdirective ){ var ii = 0, dsel = pdirective[psel], sels = psel.split(/\s*,\s*/), //allow selector separation by quotes sl = sels.length; do{ if(typeof dsel === 'function' || typeof dsel === 'string'){ // set the value for the node/attr psel = sels[ii]; target = gettarget(dom, psel, false); setsig(target, fns.length); fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, dataselectfn(dsel)); }else{ // loop on node loopgen(dom, psel, dsel, fns); } }while(++ii < sl); }; // autoRendering nodes parsing -> auto-nodes ans = ans || data && getAutoNodes(dom, data); if(data){ // for each auto-nodes while(ans.length > 0){ cspec = ans[0].cspec; n = ans[0].n; ans.splice(0, 1); if(cspec.t === 'str'){ // if the target is a value target = gettarget(n, cspec, false); setsig(target, fns.length); fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, dataselectfn(cspec.prop)); }else{ // if the target is a loop itersel = dataselectfn(cspec.sel); target = gettarget(n, cspec, true); nodes = target.nodes; for(j = 0, jj = nodes.length; j < jj; j++){ node = nodes[j]; inner = compiler(node, false, data, ans); fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, loopfn(cspec.sel, itersel, inner)); target.nodes = [node]; setsig(target, fns.length - 1); } } } } // read directives for(sel in directive){ if( sel.indexOf('@class') >= 0 ){ //skip the classes and do it at the end to avoid selector errors of class not found classes[sel] = directive[sel]; continue; } doDirective( sel, directive ); } for( sel in classes ){ doDirective( sel, classes ); } // convert node to a string h = outerHTML(dom); // IE adds an unremovable "selected, value" attribute // hard replace while waiting for a better solution h = h.replace(/<([^>]+)\s(value\=""|selected)\s?([^>]*)>/ig, "<$1 $3>"); // remove attribute prefix h = h.split(attPfx).join(''); // slice the html string at "Sig" parts = h.split( Sig ); // for each slice add the return string of for(iii = 1; iii < parts.length; iii++){ p = parts[iii]; // part is of the form "fn-number:..." as placed there by setsig. pfns[iii] = fns[ parseInt(p, 10) ]; parts[iii] = p.substring( p.indexOf(':') + 1 ); } return concatenator(parts, pfns); } // compile the template with directive // if a context is passed, the autoRendering is triggered automatically // return a function waiting the data as argument function compile(directive, ctxt, template){ var rfn = compiler( ( template || this[0] ).cloneNode(true), directive, ctxt); return function(context){ return rfn({context:context}); }; } //compile with the directive as argument // run the template function on the context argument // return an HTML string // should replace the template and return this function render(ctxt, directive){ var fn = typeof directive === 'function' && directive, i, ii; for(i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++){ this[i] = replaceWith( this[i], (fn || plugins.compile( directive, false, this[i] ))( ctxt, false )); } return this; } // compile the template with autoRender // run the template function on the context argument // return an HTML string function autoRender(ctxt, directive){ var fn = plugins.compile( directive, ctxt, this[0] ), i, ii; for(i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++){ this[i] = replaceWith( this[i], fn( ctxt, false)); } return this; } function replaceWith(elm, html) { var ne, ep = elm.parentNode, depth = 0, tmp, db = document.body || document.getElementsByTagNameNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'body')[0];//DOM or XML body, thanks to https://github.com/peter-kehl if(!ep){ //if no parents ep = document.createElement('DIV'); ep.appendChild(elm); } switch (elm.tagName) { case 'BODY': //thanks to milan.adamovsky@gmail.com ep.removeChild(elm); ep.innerHTML += html; return ep.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0]; case 'TBODY': case 'THEAD': case 'TFOOT': html = '' + html + '
'; depth = 1; break; case 'TR': html = '' + html + '
'; depth = 2; break; case 'TD': case 'TH': html = '' + html + '
'; depth = 3; break; case 'OPTGROUP': case 'OPTION': html = ''; depth = 1; break; } tmp = document.createElement('SPAN'); if( tmp.style ){ //check if XML document tmp.style.display = 'none'; } db.appendChild(tmp); tmp.innerHTML = html; ne = tmp.firstChild; while (depth--) { ne = ne.firstChild; } ep.insertBefore(ne, elm); ep.removeChild(elm); db.removeChild(tmp); elm = ne; ne = ep = null; return elm; } return plugins; }; $p.plugins = {}; $p.libs = { dojo:function(){ return function(n, sel){ return dojo.query(sel, n); }; }, domassistant:function(){ DOMAssistant.attach({ publicMethods : [ 'compile', 'render', 'autoRender'], compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p([this]).compile(directive, ctxt); }, render:function(ctxt, directive){ return $( $p([this]).render(ctxt, directive) )[0]; }, autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return $( $p([this]).autoRender(ctxt, directive) )[0]; } }); return function(n, sel){ return $(n).cssSelect(sel); }; }, ext:function(){//Thanks to Greg Steirer return function(n, sel){ return Ext.query(sel, n); }; }, jquery:function(){ jQuery.fn.extend({ directives:function(directive){ this._pure_d = directive; return this; }, compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p(this).compile(this._pure_d || directive, ctxt); }, render:function(ctxt, directive){ return jQuery( $p( this ).render( ctxt, this._pure_d || directive ) ); }, autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return jQuery( $p( this ).autoRender( ctxt, this._pure_d || directive ) ); } }); return function(n, sel){ return jQuery(n).find(sel); }; }, mootools:function(){ Element.implement({ compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p(this).compile(directive, ctxt); }, render:function(ctxt, directive){ return $p([this]).render(ctxt, directive); }, autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return $p([this]).autoRender(ctxt, directive); } }); return function(n, sel){ return $(n).getElements(sel); }; }, prototype:function(){ Element.addMethods({ compile:function(element, directive, ctxt){ return $p([element]).compile(directive, ctxt); }, render:function(element, ctxt, directive){ return $p([element]).render(ctxt, directive); }, autoRender:function(element, ctxt, directive){ return $p([element]).autoRender(ctxt, directive); } }); return function(n, sel){ n = n === document ? n.body : n; return typeof n === 'string' ? $$(n) : $(n).select(sel); }; }, sizzle:function(){ return function(n, sel){ return Sizzle(sel, n); }; }, sly:function(){ return function(n, sel){ return Sly(sel, n); }; }, yui:function(){ //Thanks to https://github.com/soljin if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){ YUI().use("node",function(Y){ $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){ return Y.NodeList.getDOMNodes(Y.one(n).all(sel)); }; }); } YUI.add("pure-yui",function(Y){ Y.Node.prototype.directives = function(directive){ this._pure_d = directive; return this; }; Y.Node.prototype.compile = function(directive, ctxt){ return $p([this._node]).compile(this._pure_d || directive, ctxt); }; Y.Node.prototype.render = function(ctxt, directive){ return Y.one($p([this._node]).render(ctxt, this._pure_d || directive)); }; Y.Node.prototype.autoRender = function(ctxt, directive){ return Y.one($p([this._node]).autoRender(ctxt, this._pure_d || directive)); }; },"0.1",{requires:["node"]}); return true; } }; // get lib specifics if available (function(){ var libSel, libkey = typeof dojo !== 'undefined' && 'dojo' || typeof DOMAssistant !== 'undefined' && 'domassistant' || typeof Ext !== 'undefined' && 'ext' || typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && 'jquery' || typeof MooTools !== 'undefined' && 'mootools' || typeof Prototype !== 'undefined' && 'prototype' || typeof Sizzle !== 'undefined' && 'sizzle' || typeof Sly !== 'undefined' && 'sly' || typeof YUI !== 'undefined' && 'yui'; //add library methods if(libkey){ libSel = $p.libs[libkey](); } //if no native selector available if( typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined' ){ //take it from the JS lib if( typeof libSel === 'function' ){ $p.plugins.find = libSel; //if nothing throw an error }else if( !libSel ){ throw 'you need a JS library with a CSS selector engine'; } } //for node.js if(typeof exports !== 'undefined'){ exports.$p = $p; } }());