{ # jsbundle config files are JSON files with hash-mark comments allowed. "defaults": { # These are default options that may overridden by JSBUNDLE_ENV-specific options. "entryFile": # The file where bundling should start. Also the first module executed when the bundle is executed. "test/fixtures/abc.js", # Resolved relative to this config file. If this value is not defined, the "main" file # from the package.json or a file named "index.js" will be used. "devRequire": true, # Expose a window.devRequire function which allows requiring modules by name from the console. "mangleNames": false, # Leave module ids as absolute file paths on the local filesystem. # This will make the __filename variable behave as it does in Node. # "mangleNames": false implies "devRequire": true if "devRequire" is not otherwise explicitly set. "extraRequires": { # Modules to require in all of your modules. These will be added at the top of your modules as: "_": "underscore" # "var = require('');". In this example, every module gets this line prepended: # var _ = require('underscore'); # Extra requires are resolved relative to this config file. That is, as if this config file }, # contained a require('') statement. "excludeDirsFromExtraRequires": [ "/some/path" don't add the extraRequires above to files in these dirs ], "filters": [ # If a filter path begins with a '.', it is resolved relative to this config file. "logger" # Otherwise, it is resolved relative to the jsbundle filters/ subdirectory. ], "loggerLevel": "debug" # Filter out anything below "debug" logs (used by the logger filter). # Possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace. }, "production": { # Options that only apply when the JSBUNDLE_ENV is "production". "devRequire": false, # No window.devRequire function will be created. "mangleNames": true, # Use numeric ids instead of absolute file paths for the module.ids. "minify": true, # Minify code using uglifyjs "consolidate": true, # Consolidate static names before passing to minifier (has no effect if minify is not true) "loggerLevel": "warn", # Filter out all but "error" and "warn" logs in production mode (used by the logger filter). "loggerUrl": # Report logs to an external URL (used by the logger filter). "logging.png?m=", "bundleUrl": # Exposed in your code as module.bundleUrl. "//s3.amazonaws.com/example/bundle.js" } }