title Obtaining Facebook OAuth Access Token participant "User's Browser" participant "XDI2 Web Interface" participant "Facebook OAuth Service" participant "XDI2 Server" User's Browser->XDI2 Web Interface: Open Web Interface activate "XDI2 Web Interface" note right of "XDI2 Web Interface": User wishes to\nassociate XDI2 Server\nwith Facebook account XDI2 Web Interface->User's Browser: Redirect to Authorization Endpoint URL (with client_id and scope) deactivate "XDI2 Web Interface" User's Browser->Facebook OAuth Service: Open Authorization Endpoint URL (with client_id and scope) activate "Facebook OAuth Service" note right of "Facebook OAuth Service": User reviews and\napproves permissions. note right of "Facebook OAuth Service": OAuth authorization\ncode is issued. Facebook OAuth Service->User's Browser: Redirect to Callback URL (with authorization code) deactivate "Facebook OAuth Service" User's Browser->XDI2 Web Interface: Open Callback URL (with authorization code) XDI2 Web Interface->Facebook OAuth Service: POST to Token Endpoint URL activate "Facebook OAuth Service" note right of "Facebook OAuth Service": OAuth access token\nis issued. Facebook OAuth Service->XDI2 Web Interface: POST Response (with access token) deactivate "Facebook OAuth Service" XDI2 Web Interface->XDI2 Server: XDI $add Request to store access token activate "XDI2 Server" note right of "XDI2 Server": OAuth access token\nis stored in user's graph. XDI2 Server->XDI2 Web Interface: XDI Response deactivate "XDI2 Server" XDI2 Web Interface->User's Browser: Display Confirmation Page