lohit-gujarati Current Version :- 2.92.4 * Wed Apr 26 2017 Pravin Satpute - 2.92.4 - Added appstream metadata file io.pagure.lohit.devanagari.font.metainfo.xml * Thu Mar 02 2017 Pravin Satpute - 2.92.3 - PR for python2 to 3 from ShaguftaMethwani and mandarvaze. - Updated Makefile to call script from fontforge rather than python. * Thu Jan 02 2014 Pravin Satpute - 2.92.2 - Resolved issue #31: ttf Error - not valid font - corrected direction and fixed open contour issue * Thu Dec 12 2013 Pravin Satpute - 2.92.1 - Added 12 imatra glyphs - Fixes "DHA + HALANT + RA" ligature #issues16 - Improved test file * Fri Dec 06 2013 Pravin Satpute - 2.92.0 - Added 32 imatra glyphs to match variable characters width. - Improved consistency in glyph naming, #issue29 - Improved shape of half character DHA-ધ (U+0AA7) #issues16 - Fixed ligature rules for છ્ય #issues17 - Added ligatures for ivowelsignguj + reph "ર્થિં" #issues18 - Fixed imatra િ (0ABF) issues on W7 with MS office 7# #issues19 - Fixed rendering of some ligature on W8 #issues25 - Fixed regression issues of ડ્ય (0AA1 + 0ACD + 0AAF) #issues27 - Proper imatra for શ્વિ ligature #issues28 * Sun Nov 17 2013 Pravin Satpute - 2.91.0 - First release of Gujarati after re-writing all rules - Open type rules are available in .fea file for easy reusability. - Supports 'gjr2' and 'gujr' both. - Follows AGL guidelines - Testing done with Harbufzz and Uniscribe - Removed the rakkar glyphs for "cha","tta","ttha","dda","ddha" & written rule seperately for them for trakkar form(ra_virama_uvowel & ra_virama_uuvowel) - added iivowelsigngujarati EMatras to match glyph widths. - Removed + ligatures. - Test file available with tarball. * Fri Dec 21 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.5.3 - Dropping RFN from OFL.txt - Improved shape of Dha U+0AA7 #892305 * Thu Nov 22 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.5.2 - Resolved #872942 - Corrected panose values * Wed Feb 29 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.5.1 - improved asterisk shape * Wed Sep 21 2011 Pravin Satpute - 2.5.0 - relicensing to OFL 1.1 * Tue Oct 27 2009 Pravin Satpute - 2.4.5 - updated in .conf file - added Indian Rupee Symbol - removed hinting instructoins, for more information see rh bugzilla #682667 * Tue Oct 27 2009 Pravin Satpute - 2.4.4 - updated latin digit positions - fix rh bug #530943 * Fri Aug 28 2009 Pravin Satpute - 2.4.3 - first release with split tarball - check http://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/lohit.git/tree/ChangeLog for older changes