jui_filter_rules ================ jui_filter_rules is a jQuery plugin, useful to create or set filter rules as JSON object and get the relevant WHERE SQL. Project page: [https://pontikis.net/labs/jui_filter_rules][HOME] [HOME]: http://pontikis.net/labs/jui_filter_rules Copyright Christos Pontikis [http://pontikis.net][copyright] [copyright]: http://pontikis.net License [MIT][mit] [mit]: https://raw.github.com/pontikis/jui_filter_rules/master/MIT_LICENSE Release 1.0.7 (07 Apr 2015) -------------------------- * BUG fix: php class to use dacapo $sql_placeholder Release 1.0.6 (14 Feb 2015) -------------------------- * Critical Security issue in jui_filter_rules PHP part (FIXED - issue #16) - bug noticed by Timo Schmid ERNW GmbH www.ernw.de * Turkish translation added (by Şimşek Mert www.simsekmert.com) Release 1.0.5 (27 May 2014) -------------------------- * Set Rules functionality: If you define `filter_rules` option, `jui_filter_rules` will display default filters on startup. You can also apply a filter_rules set, using `setRules` method. * `onSetRules` event * bowser.js removed from dependencies (a CSS hack for IE8 added instead) * Default `filter_interface` * `filter_element_attributes` cannot missing * php class: is_empty BUG FIX (is_empty returned null instead of '') Release 1.0.4 (09 May 2014) -------------------------- * Twitter Bootstrap support (bootstarp_version option, one of: false, "2", "3"). The default is: false * php class: [Da Capo database wrapper][dacapo] is used (so MYSQLi and POSTGRES are supported at this time) [dacapo]: https://github.com/pontikis/dacapo Release 1.0.3 (19 Oct 2013) -------------------------- * php class: Set type of each bind param (prepared statements). One of string, int, float, null * php class: ajax_create_sql.dist.php, jui_filter_rules ajax creating sql template script Release 1.0.2 (16 Oct 2013) -------------------------- * Filter numberType property (number filters numberType: integer, double - required only for MySQLi with prepared statements) * php class: MYSQL support (use of this driver is not recommended in PHP - use MYSQLi or MYSQL_PDO instead) * php class: MYSQL_PDO support Release 1.0.1 (05 Oct 2013) -------------------------- * $.browser is not used anymore, as it removed in jQuery >= 1.9, so latest jquery can be used. Browser detection using bowser (https://github.com/ded/bowser). In next version browser detection will be probaly replaced by feature detection using Modernizr * php class: MySQLi support Release 1.00 (24 Jan 2013) -------------------------- * Create rules as JSON object * Create WHERE SQL from rules using prepared statements or not (available in php) * Support nested filter groups * Restrict operators per filter * Filter types: text, number, date * Supported form elements: input (text, radio, checkbox), select * Supported widgets: jquery ui autocomplete, slider, spinner, datepicker (and timepicker by Trent Richardson) * Filter default value supported * Filter value validation * Filter value conversion using javascript (or server side) function * Localization