import Benchmark import Foundation import Parsing #if swift(>=5.8) struct DateTime: Parser { var body: some Parser { Parse(Date.init(year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanosecond:timeZone:)) { Digits(4) "-".utf8 Digits(2).filter { (1...12).contains($0) } "-".utf8 Digits(2).filter { (1...31).contains($0) } "T".utf8 Digits(2).filter { $0 < 24 } ":".utf8 Digits(2).filter { $0 < 60 } ":".utf8 Digits(2).filter { $0 <= 60 } Parse { ".".utf8 Prefix(1...9, while: (UInt8(ascii: "0")...UInt8(ascii: "9")).contains) .compactMap { n in Int(Substring(n)).map { $0 * Int(pow(10, 9 - Double(n.count))) } } } .replaceError(with: 0) OneOf { "Z" { 0 } Parse { OneOf { "+" { 1 } "-" { -1 } } Digits(2).filter { $0 < 24 }.map { $0 * 60 * 60 } ":".utf8 Digits(2).filter { $0 < 60 }.map { $0 * 60 } } .map { $0 * ($1 + $2) } } } } } extension Date { fileprivate init( year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int, nanosecond: Int, timeZone: Int ) { var components = tm( tm_sec: Int32(second), tm_min: Int32(minute), tm_hour: Int32(hour), tm_mday: Int32(day), tm_mon: Int32(month - 1), tm_year: Int32(year - 1900), tm_wday: 0, tm_yday: 0, tm_isdst: 0, tm_gmtoff: 0, tm_zone: nil ) let time = timegm(&components) var timeIntervalSince1970 = TimeInterval(time - timeZone) timeIntervalSince1970 += TimeInterval(nanosecond) / 1_000_000_000 self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: timeIntervalSince1970) } } #endif /// This benchmarks implements an [RFC-3339-compliant]( date /// parser in a relatively naive way and pits it against `DateFormatter` and `ISO8601DateFormatter`. /// /// Not only is the parser faster than both formatters, it is more flexible and accurate: it will /// parse fractional seconds and time zone offsets automatically, and it will parse to the /// nanosecond, while the formatters do not parse beyond the millisecond. let dateSuite = BenchmarkSuite(name: "Date") { suite in #if swift(>=5.8) let input = "1979-05-27T00:32:00Z" let expected = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 296_613_120) var output: Date! suite.benchmark("Parser") { output = try DateTime().parse(input) } tearDown: { precondition(output == expected) } let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'" dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)! suite.benchmark("DateFormatter") { output = input) } tearDown: { precondition(output == expected) } if #available(macOS 10.12, *) { let iso8601DateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter() iso8601DateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0) suite.benchmark("ISO8601DateFormatter") { output = input) } tearDown: { precondition(output == expected) } } #endif }