# Class PTPopupWebView PTPopupWebView is UIView contains webview, title, and buttons. Appearance of view can be changed by style class, [PTPopupWebViewStyle](PTPopupWebViewStyle.md). The button's style and action can be changed by setting class [PTPopupWebViewButton](PTPopupWebViewButton.md). Also, button's action can be changed, the web navigations which is predefined actions, and the custom action can use. ## Usage PTPopupWebView is instantiated with initializer init(), or access to [PTPopupWebViewController](PTPopupWebViewController.md)'s property `popupView` ```swift let popupView = PTPopupWebView() // or let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController() let popupView = popupvc.popupView ``` All properties are able to set by method chain *propertyName()*. ```swift popupView .URL(NSURL(string: "https://github.com/")) .style(style) ``` The method `addExternalLinkPattern()` is used to add URL pattern to open in iOS default behavior, and the method `addButton()` is used to add buttons. ```swift popupView .addExternalLinkPattern(.iTunes) .addExternalLinkPattern("^test:\\/\\/") .addButton(button) ``` Show PTPopupWebView are able to be added to view when directly use PTPopupWebView, or [PTPopupWebViewController](PTPopupWebViewController.md)'s method `show()`. And close are able to be used the method `close()`. ```swift // show popup view.addSubview(popupView) // directly use PTPopupWebView // or popupvc.show() // close popup popup.close() ``` ## Properties All properties are able to set by method chain *propertyName()*. |Property|Descrption|Default| |:---|:---|:---| |URL|URL of the page you want to display.|| |title|The specified title instead of web page's title. If valuse is set nil, displays web page's title.|| |content|The specified contents instead of web resources.|| |style|View style. Detail of style parameter, see [PTPopupWebViewStyle](#PTPopupWebViewStyle).|| ## Methods |Method Name|Arguments|Return Type|Descrption| |:---|:---|:---|:---| |addExternalLinkPattern|String|Self|Add URL pattern to open in iOS default behavior.| |addExternalLinkPattern|[PTPopupWebViewExternalLinkPattern](#PTPopupWebViewExternalLinkPattern)|Self|Add URL pattern to open in iOS default behavior.| |addButton|[PTPopupWebViewButton](PTPopupWebViewButton.md)|Self|Add button to popupView| |close||Void|Close the popup view.| ## PTPopupWebViewExternalLinkPattern Enum of PTPopupWebViewExternalLinkPattern is defined as below. |Definition|Value|Description| |:---|:---|:---| |URLScheme|"^(?!https?:\\/\\/)"|links not starts with "http://","https://"| |iTunes|"\\/\\/itunes\\.apple\\.com\\/"|iTunes related links|