@include "base.fgd" @include "halflife2.fgd" @include "garrysmod.fgd" @PointClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles) = theater_screen : "Reference for theater screen placement." [ name(string) : "Theater Name" : "Theater" : "Name of the theater to be displayed" flags(choices) : "Flags" : 2 : "Name of the theater to be displayed" = [ 0 : "None - Theater isn't replicated or private." 1 : "Private - Theater may be owned by a player and isn't replicated." 2 : "Replicated - Theater is visible in the scoreboard and is publically available." 4 : "Privileged - Theater is only accessible by privileged players (eg. VIP players)." ] width(float) : "Screen Width" : 480 : "Width of the theater screen in hammer units" height(float) : "Screen Height" : 360 : "Height of the theater screen in hammer units" target(string) : "Thumbnail" : "" : "Targetname of the theater_thumbnail entity used by the theater" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles) studioprop( "models/sunabouzu/thumbnail_case.mdl" ) = theater_thumbnail : "Thumbnail entity for theaters to relay data." [ ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles) studioprop() = theater_door : "Door to teleport players between locations" [ teleportentity(target_destination) : "Teleport To" : : "The name of the teleport entity." opendoorsound(sound) : "Door Open sound" : : "The sound the door will make when it opens." closedoorsound(sound) : "Door Close sound" : : "The sound the door will make when it closes." lockdoorsound(sound) : "Door Locked sound" : : "The sound the door will make when it's locked(Or attempted at)." unlockdoorsound(sound) : "Door Unlocked sound" : : "The sound the door will make when it's unlocked." loadingscreen(string) : "Loading Screen" : : "Overrides the random loading screen" output OnTeleport(void) : "Fires on Teleport" output OnUnlock(void) : "Fires when the door is unlocked" output OnUse(void) : "Fires when an Entity uses this" input Teleport(void) : "Teleport the activator" input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the door" input Lock(void) : "Lock the door" ]