Version: 2011-06-29 The Java Content Repository specification is targeted at strongly typed languages. PHP is weak typed. PHPCR is meant to implement JCR in the spirit of PHP, not literally. This page documents where PHPCR diverges from the JCR 283 API. Short Summary of the important changes ************************************** * Get rid of Value and ValueFactory. They are only relevant with strong typing * Mark Node, Property and NamespaceRegistry with the Traversable interface for ease of use with foreach. * Drop the RangeIterator and Sub-Interfaces in favor of declaring return types implementing PHP iterators. The type specific iterators again are only relevant with strong typing. * Provide shortcut methods Node::getPropertyValue and Node::getPropertiesValues to avoid instantiating property objects when not needed. * NOTE: All deprecated methods coming from JSR-170 have been completely left out Basic conversion **************** Most PHP coding standards require that interfaces have the Interface in their name. This has been followed, thus Node becomes NodeInterface and so on. PHP does not allow method overloading (having the same method name with different parameter numbers and/or types). PHP uses optional parameters with default values instead. Wherever this was encountered in JCR, the methods are mapped to one. For example, ItemVisitor::visit is only one method expecting ItemInterface instead of two visit methods expecting Node and Property. The implementing visitor will have to do a type-check. * In PHP you can not have a class method called "clone" because it is a reserved keyword. Workspace::clone is named Workspace::cloneFrom as it clones a node from a workspace into the current workspace. * For PHP streams (resources) are used. For java.util.Calendar we use the DateTime class. For the java.math.BigDecimal, strings are used that can be used with the bcmath PHP extension. For some notes about value conversion, see the Value section below. Note that the effort for implementing PHPCR can be reduced by relying on which provides several helpers, f.e. for property value conversion and UUID generation. This repository also provides high level features like classes to walk a PHPCR tree, a fluent QOM interface, support for CND files and CLI scripts to manage workspaces and PHPCR trees. Iterators ********* JCR defines many iterators with the single purpose of avoiding class-casting: RangeIterator, NodeIterator, PropertyIterator, NodeTypeIterator, VersionIterator, AccessControlPolicyIterator, RowIterator, EventIterator, EventListenerIterator We loose nothing by dropping them. EventJournal is a special case, containing "skipTo($date)". This iterator is the only one that is kept. (Probably JCR would better use a parametrized class for that anyway, available since Java 1.5.) Wherever the iterators are used, PHPCR requires iterators implementing SeekableIterator and Countable. Together, those iterators have the same expressiveness as the JCR RangeIterator. Note: Plain PHP arrays would be even simpler than any interfaces, while still allowing to use foreach. But they would have the major drawback that no lazy loading is possible, all data has to be instantiated immediately. If an implementation does not want lazy loading, it can just create an ArrayIterator from the array. Client code must not forget however that the API does *not* require the ArrayAccess interface with random access by key. Additionally, API elements have been declared as Traversable where it makes sense. This allows to directly use the objects in a foreach statement. The implementation either has to implement IteratorAggregate::getIterator to return a suitable iterator, or be an iterator itself. PHP NOTE: When implementing the interfaces, you have to declare either implements Iterator or IteratorAggregate explicitly in your class signature. Do NOT put 'implements Traversable' into the class signature, it confuses PHP. * NodeInterface iterates over all children (like getNodes() without filters) The keys are the node names, the values the node objects. * PropertyInterface iterates over all values of that property. (Except for multivalue properties, there is exactly 1 value. The iterator keys have no significant meaning. * NamespaceRegistryInterface iterates over all namespaces. Keys are the prefixes, values are the URIs. * Lock/LockManagerInterface iterates over all lock tokens (like getLockTokens()). The iterator keys have no significant meaning. * NodeType/NodeTypeManager iterates over all node types (like getAllNodeTypes()). The iterator keys have no significant meaning. * Observation/ObservationManagerInterface iterates over all registered event listeners (like getRegisteredEventListeners()). The iterator keys have no significant meaning. * Query/QueryResultInterface iterates over the rows (node is only a special case) * Query/RowInterface iterates over all row values, like getValues(). Keys are the column names, values the corresponding values. * Security/AccessControlEntryInterface iterates over all privileges, like getPrivileges(). The iterator keys have no significant meaning. * Security/AccessControlListInterface iterates over all entries, like getAccessControlEntries(). The iterator keys have no significant meaning. For other interfaces, there is no obvious default iterator, so they are left without. Version/VersionHistoryInterface extends the NodeInterface. Even though iterating over the versions seems natural, we did not want to change the behaviour for this subclass of NodeInterface. Value and ValueFactory ********************** PHPCR got rid of both Value and ValueFactory. They only make sense in the context of strong typing. The PropertyInterface methods directly access the native property values. Type conversions are still possible with the type-specific getters. * PropertyInterface::getValue returns the value in its default format, dereferencing (WEAK)REFERENCES but not PATH properties. * Multivalue properties use getValue / getLength as well, they just return arrays instead of a single value. * The type specific getters return a native value or an array of such values in case of multivalue properties. * PropertyInterface::setValue got an optional parameter for specifying the desired type if wanted. The method takes all functionality of ValueFactory::createValue. (See Helpers below for the PropertyType type conversion helper methods) In all places where Value objects where used, this is changed to plain PHP variables. This is true even for the Binary interface, as it adds no value over plain streams. PropertyInterface::getBinaryStream returns a PHP resource which is compatible with fpassthru and stream_get_contents. If you need the data size, you can use the PropertyInterface::getLength method. To allow optimizing copying binary properties, PHPCR allows to use a PropertyInterface as $value argument, which will copy the property value. Implementations should optimize this case to avoid unnecessarily transferring binary data. Note that the boolean conversion follows PHP conventions, which are different from Java. java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(String) compares the String with "true", anything else is interpreted as false. In PHP, every value except false|0|null|"" is true. We chose to follow the PHP way to avoid confusion. When sharing data with a Jackrabbit backend, you should be aware of the difference when converting integer or string to boolean values. For the DECIMAL strings, bcmath can live with some character garbage and interprets that as 0, contrary to the more strict java.math.BigDecimal(String) constructor. The encoding must always encode using the C locale because of Dynamic re-binding of property types: Dropping the Value interface, the methods NodeInterface::setProperty() and PropertyInterface::setValue() got an additional parameter to force a type. If a change is attempted and the implementation does not support re-binding, it has to throw the UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException. Property ******** Instantiating property objects is often not needed. Instead of the JSR-333 getPropertyAs and getPropertyAsString and so on, we defined the getPropertyValue($name, $type=false) that returns the native property value (or array of values in case of a multivalue property). Additionally, we added the NodeInterface::getPropertiesValues() method with the same logic as NodeInterface::getProperties($filter) to get an array of all property name => property value (resp value array for multivalue properties). To further increase performance, an optional parameter allows to not dereference reference properties for this array. For performance reason, implementations should delay instantiating the PropertyInterface objects until they are actually needed. The getValues and getLengths methods for *multivalue properties* where dropped in favor of returning either a single value or an array of values in the same method. PropertyInterface::addValue() has been added to quickly append a value to multi-value properties instead of requiring getValue()/append/setValue(). Note: We discussed even completely dropping the Property interface. But the separation between Node and Property does make sense, plus allows for things like the ItemVisitor. NamespaceRegistry ***************** In PHP, arrays are actually hashmaps, that is keys can be any values. This makes it natural to have a getNamespaces method with the prefixes as keys and the URIs as values, in addition to the getURIs and getPrefixes methods. Import and export ***************** JCR uses the org.xml.sax.ContentHandler to allow import and export over SAX events. There is no matching generic interface in PHP, so we dropped the ContentHandler for now. Good and generic ideas are welcome, if it makes sense we happily add something for this. Repository ********** We changed getDescriptor() to return both single value descriptors and arrays. isSingleValueDescriptor() has been removed. getDescriptorValue() and getDescriptorValues() are removed too, see the Values topic. Note: The RepositoryFactory class uses the "Java Standard Edition Service Provider mechanism". There is no equivalent in PHP. However, having a defined way how to create the repository instance makes a lot of sense. It allows to easily use different implementations. We kept the getRepository method and added a getConfigurationKeys() method to allow for generic interactive setup. Transactions ************ As there is a standard for transactions in Java (Java Transaction API (JTA)) the JCR spec does not define any own methods to perform transactions but refers to the Java standard. So transactions are not part of the JCR spec. To give the user the ability for transactions PHPCR specifies it's own interface which is derived from the Java interface javax.transaction.UserTransaction. The JTA comes with two general approaches to transactions, container managed transactions and user managed transactions. Container managed transactions are completely left out in PHPCR even though it's required by the JCR spec. The PHPCR UserTransaction interface shall provide a transaction mechanism in a way the original Java UserTransaction interface can be used for transactions while working with the JCR API. Have a look at the JCR spec for an example how you can work with transactions. You can obtain a UserTransaction object by calling Workspace::getTransactionManager(). Main differences to the original Java UserTransaction: * The Java method getStatus() is named inTransaction(). * The Java method setRollbackOnly() is dropped. * Some exceptions specified by the Java spec are replaced by exceptions already specified by PHPCR: - NotSupportedException -> \PHPCR\UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - SystemException -> \PHPCR\RepositoryException - java.lang.SecurityException -> \PHPCR\AccessDeniedException * New PHPCR exception specified by the Java spec: - RollbackException -> \PHPCR\Transaction\RollbackException * Standard Java exception exchanged by SPL PHP exception: - java.lang.IllegalStateException -> LogicException * Two Java exceptions were dropped: - HeuristicMixedException - HeuristicRollbackException An implementation of the UserTransaction interface has to take care of that if a transaction is started every following request to the repository will be done in the transactions context. It shall also be possible to use the UserTransaction interface on a deeper level of a PHPCR implementation e.g. that a $session->save() automatically starts and ends a transaction before and after persisting all changes to the backend (if the session is not yet in a transaction). Locking ******* This works exactly as with JCR. For no timeout, instead of the java Long.MAX_VALUE the PHP constant PHP_MAX_INT is used. LockManager::lock has operator overloading in Java. For PHP, the variant with LockInfo is called lockWithInfo. Observation *********** JCR observation has two models: The event journal allows to poll for events, event listeners are callbacks that happen when an event happens. While the journal translates naturally to PHP, the event listeners do not at all. Events in PHPCR always are about all users of the repository, not only about the current session. To get and handle events from others without polling, the code would have to be multithreaded, which PHP usually is not. It is left to the PHPCR implementation how to implement event listeners. The easiest is probably to offer a "poll" method on the ObservationManager and let the application set up the listeners, then trigger the poll. This could be done in a cronjob, or a long running process, or with multiple threads. Security ******** JCR provides an ACL model built on top of the interface. The interfaces have been ported to PHPCR, and a PrincipalInterface similar to the Java one had to be added to PHPCR as well, as there is no equivalent in PHP. This chapter has not been implemented yet and might still need to be adjusted to fit PHP. Drawing the line **************** Further additions have been discussed but decided not to do. One example are hashmaps, the PHP key - value arrays. They could be stored as a multivalue property with keys. However, we decided not to support this as its too close to an unstructured child node with named properties. You can still serialize a hashmap into a property if you really need it. Another idea was to return a node with all its properties as an array instead of the node object. But with Node::getPropertiesValues, the implementation can instantiate just the Node and keep the overhead minimal, but preserve the expressiveness of the API. Changes & Improvements ********************** If you think something ought to be done better, you need good arguments. We are reluctant to change the API signatures. However, clarifications to the documentation will happily be made where necessary. At the time of this writing, some JCR features have not been implemented in any PHPCR implementation. In those areas, changes are more likely to happen, once implementation starts and people figure out what needs to be done. Those areas are: * Observation (partially) * Retention and Hold * Security Remark ****** If you don't agree with the choices of what was left out, you can re-add methods and classes in your implementation. Thanks to the weak typing, PHP won't complain when using those methods even if they are not declared in the PHPCR interfaces. Of course, your implementation would no longer be compatible with PHPCR and your client code not be able to use other PHPCR implementations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Contributors: * Karsten Dambekalns * David Buchmann * Lukas Kahwe Smith * Henri Bergius * Jordi Boggiano * Christian Stocker * And others: