\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} % % This file uses the ethuebung LaTeX package for ETH exercise sheets, which is % located and maintained at % % https://github.com/phfaist/ethuebung % % For more info, please refer to the quick guide or the user's manual which is % located there (see README.txt). % % Please feel free to contact me for any comments, general feedback, questions, % requests or just to say hi at pfaist@ethz.ch. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Load the ETHUEBUNG package. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % NOTE: The same LaTeX file will compile both the exercise sheet and the solutions % sheet. To select which sheet to generate, uncomment the relevant line below. % % Alternatively, you may download the helper application which will allow you to compile % the different sheet versions without editing this LaTeX file each time. See: % % https://github.com/phfaist/ethuebung/releases/ % \usepackage{ethuebung} % comment this and uncomment the next line for solutions %\usepackage[sol]{ethuebung} % uncomment for solutions % % Include other packages that you would wish here. % % NOTE: you do NOT have to explicitely include the packages `babel', `geometry', % `graphicx' `amssymb', `amsmath', `hyperref', `xcolor`/`color`, `enumitem', `ifpdf' or % `pdfpages'; they are automatically included by default. If you have problems with these % packages, such as conflicts with other packages or with their options, there exist % package options for ethuebung that disable loading of these packages; refer to the % User's Manual for more details or just contact me. % \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{nicefrac} % Note: if you want your own package options for xcolor, simply include your % \usepackage... directive here, e.g.: %\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set up the exercise sheet: Lecture, Semester, Sheet Number, etc. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Sheet language. Defaults to English. Specify here `Deutsch' or `English'. This % command will also automatically load the `babel' package for that % language. Alternatively, you may also use the [deutsch] package option (i.e. % \usepackage[deutsch]{ethuebung}), which has exactly the same effect as the line % below. % % [TIP: when changing language, if you get an error, try to insist by re-running latex, % or remove the AUX file.] % %\UebungLanguage{Deutsch} % % Lecture title. % \UebungLecture{Quantum Mechanics II.} % % Professors giving the lecture. Use several \UebungProf{} commands for multiple % professors. \UebungLecturer{} is exactly the same as \UebungProf{} % \UebungProf{Prof. Renato Renner} %\UebungProf{Prof. Second Professor} % % The Semester this lecture is given in. % \UebungSemester{FS 2012} % % optional: Abgabe date % %\UebungDueBy{before the next earthquake} % % if you don't like the default title "Series" and "Solutions" ... (you can use both these % commands at the same time below, and the relevant one will take effect depending on % which sheet is being generated) % %\UebungsblattTitleSeries{Exercise Sheet} %\UebungsblattTitleSolutions{Solutions Sheet} % % You can also remove the trailing dot in the title with with: % %\UebungStyle{NoDotInTitle} % % If you want a special title without numbering, e.g. "Midterm Exam", use the following % syntax: % %\UebungsblattTitleSeries{Midterm Exam} % Title of what is handed out to students %\UebungsblattTitleSolutions{Midterm Exam: Solutions} % The corresponding solutions sheet %\UebungsblattNumber{} % Don't provide number (remember: comment out similar line below) % % Change the sheet appearance in some way, e.g., you prefer a larger solutions font; see % the user's manual for possible styles. % %\UebungStyle{LargeSolutions} %\UebungStyle{ETHUniZH} \ETHUNIBesprechung{that day}{another day} % % This usually increases by one every week ... % \UebungsblattNumber{10} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Additional definitions for this sheet: edit & change at wish % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\ee}{{\mathrm{e}}} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\lvert#1\rvert} \newcommand{\xabs}[1]{\left\lvert#1\right\rvert} \let\ReOrig\Re % the old \Re is still available as \ReOrig \DeclareMathOperator{\Realpart}{Re} \renewcommand{\Re}{\Realpart}% \Re now gives "Re" instead of a gothic "R" \newcommand{\ket}[1]{\lvert#1\rangle} \newcommand{\bra}[1]{\langle#1\vert} \newcommand{\braket}[2]{\langle#1\hspace{0.25mm}|\hspace{0.25mm}#2\rangle} \newcommand{\matrixel}[3]{\langle\hspace{0.15mm}#1\hspace{0.25mm}\vert\hspace{0.25mm} #2 \hspace{0.25mm}\vert\hspace{0.25mm}#3\hspace{0.15mm}\rangle} \DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{tr} % Use \tr for trace \newcommand{\xdd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} \newcommand{\dd}[1]{\frac{\partial}{\partial #1}} \newcommand{\ddd}[1]{\frac{\partial^2}{\partial #1^2}} % yep I want some bold vectors... \newcommand{\boldx}{{\boldsymbol x}} \newcommand{\boldy}{{\boldsymbol y}} \newcommand{\boldr}{{\boldsymbol r}} \newcommand{\boldk}{{\boldsymbol k}} \newcommand{\boldq}{{\boldsymbol q}} \newcommand{\nodagger}{{\vphantom{\dagger}}} % no-op, but aligns subscript like the operators that have a dagger % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Now, let's get on to serious stuff. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} % % Generate the exercise sheet header. If you wish to change the exercise sheet % appearance, have a look the User's Manual and place the relevant % \UebungStyle{} or \Uebung***{} commands above in the preamble. % \MakeUebungHeader % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Exercise 1: Loosely adapted from Blatter QM2 SS06, Series 10 Ex 1 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Note: \uebung{} and \exercise{} are exactly the same command. use one or the other at % will. % Note: You can also use \uebung{...}[3 points] or \exercise{...}[3 points] to add an % annotation or a number of points the exercise is worth. \exercise{Free Electron Gas.} % Providing keywords is important, as it will ease future searches within the exercise % database. Please take time to think about all subjects that someone might search for, % and for which this exercise would be relevant. \keywords{electron gas, Fermi, free electrons, Fermi level, second quantization, annihilation operator, creation operator, Bogoliubov transformation, commutation relations, fermion, electron, hole, excitations} The Hamiltonian of a gas of $N$ free electrons is written in the second quantization formalism as \begin{align} \label{eq:HamiltonianFreeElectronGas} H = \sum_{\boldk,s} \xi_k\, c_{\boldk,s}^\dagger c^\nodagger_{\boldk,s}\ , \end{align} where $c_{\boldk,s}$ (resp. $c_{\boldk,s}^\dagger$) is the annihilation (resp. creation) operator of the electron mode $\boldk,s$ of energy $\xi_k = \epsilon_k - \mu$. (Here $\varepsilon_k=\hbar^2 k^2/(2m)$ and $\mu$ is the chemical potential, $\mu=E_F$ at $T=0$.) The index $s$ distinguishes the two spin components. Let's look at excitations that are holes under the Fermi level and electrons above the Fermi level. We would like to rewrite the Hamiltonian in a form which involves explicitly only these excitations. We define the creation and annihilation operators of an excitation $\alpha^\dagger_{\boldk,s}$, $\alpha_{\boldk,s}$ by \begin{align} \label{eq:Alphas} \alpha_{\boldk,\uparrow} = \begin{cases} c_{\boldk,\uparrow} & \text{for $k>k_F$} \\ c_{-\boldk,\downarrow}^\dagger & \text{for $kk_F$} \\ c_{-\boldk,\uparrow}^\dagger & \text{for $k