=encoding utf8 =head1 TITLE DRAFT: Synopsis 32: Setting Library - Exceptions =head1 VERSION Created: 26 Feb 2009 Last Modified: 28 Dec 2013 Version: 27 The document is a draft. =head1 Roles and Classes All built-in exceptions save for the base class C live in the C namespace. Generally error classes are supposed to provide the objects involved with the error, and only convert them to a string form when producing the error message. This does not apply to compile errors that involve types which have not been fully composed yet; in that case just the name of the incomplete type is included in the exception object. Names of error classes should describe the problem in some way, or at least mention the operation that went wrong. If an error can only occur in relation to a certain type, the error types should be under C. =head2 Exception All built-in exceptions inherit from C, which provides some basic behavior: storing a backtrace and providing an interface for the backtrace printer. class Exception { has $.backtrace; method message() { ... } # an actual stub method gist { "$.message\n$.backtrace" } method throw() { } method fail() { } method resumable() { } method resume() { } } All direct subclasses are supposed to override method C. =head2 X::OS role X::OS { has $.os-error } for all errors that are triggered by some error reported by the operating system (failed IO, system calls, fork, memory allocation). =head2 X::IO role X::IO does X::OS { } For IO related errors =head3 X::IO::Rename Thrown when a file rename fails. TODO: maybe unify with X::IO::Copy? my class X::IO::Rename does X::IO is Exception { has $.from; has $.to; method message() { "Failed to rename '$.from' to '$.to': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Copy Thrown when a file copy operation fails my class X::IO::Copy does X::IO is Exception { has $.from; has $.to; method message() { "Failed to copy '$.from' to '$.to': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Mkdir Thrown when an C operation fails. my class X::IO::Mkdir does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; has $.mode; method message() { "Failed to create directory '$.path' with mode '0o{$.mode.fmt("%03o")}': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Chdir Thrown when a C fails my class X::IO::Chdir does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; method message() { "Failed to change the working directory to '$.path': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Dir Thrown when a C fails my class X::IO::Dir does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; method message() { "Failed to get the directory contents of '$.path': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Cwd Thrown when unable to determine the current directory. my class X::IO::Cwd does X::IO is Exception { method message() { "Failed to get the working directory: $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Rmdir Thrown when C fails. my class X::IO::Rmdir does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; method message() { "Failed to remove the directory '$.path': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Unlink Thrown when C fails. my class X::IO::Unlink does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; method message() { "Failed to remove the file '$.path': $.os-error" } } =head3 X::IO::Chmod Thrown when C fails. my class X::IO::Chmod does X::IO is Exception { has $.path; has $.mode; method message() { "Failed to set the mode of '$.path' to '0o{$.mode.fmt("%03o")}': $.os-error" } } =head2 X::NYI class X::NYI is Exception { has $.feature; method message() { "$.feature is not yet implemented. Sorry. " } } For errors that stem from incomplete implementations of the Perl 6 language. A full Perl 6.0 implementation should not throw such errors. =head2 X::AdHoc class X::AdHoc is Exception { has $.payload handles ; method message() { $.payload.Str } } If you call C<&die> with non-C arguments, what the user finds in his C<$!> variables is an object of type C. So C<&die> could be written as multi sub die(Exception $e) is hidden-from-backtrace { $e.throw } multi sub die($payload) is hidden-from-backtrace { X::AdHoc.new(:$payload).throw; } =head2 Compile-time errors =head3 X::Comp role X::Comp { has $.filename; has $.line; has $.column; } For errors that arise from compiling code. Note that in this case the backtrace shows how the compilation was triggered (through C, Cs etc.). The actual location of the error does not appear in the backtrace, but rather in the attributes defined in this role. For exceptions that can occur both at run time and at compile time, the base exception type should not do C, but it should be mixed in into the exception object when thrown at compile time. =head3 X::Placeholder::Block Thrown when a placeholder variable is used in a block that does not allow a signature (for example C. my class X::Placeholder::Block does X::Comp { has $.placeholder; method message() { "Placeholder variable $.placeholder may not be used here because the surrounding block takes no signature"; } } =head3 X::Placeholder::Mainline Thrown when a placeholder variable is used in the mainline, ie outside of any explicit block. my class X::Placeholder::Mainline is X::Placeholder::Block { method message() { "Cannot use placeholder parameter $.placeholder in the mainline" } } =head3 X::Redeclaration Thrown when a symbol is redeclared my class X::Redeclaration does X::Comp { has $.symbol; has $.postfix = ''; has $.what = 'symbol'; method message() { "Redeclaration of $.what $.symbol$.postfix"; } } =head3 X::Undeclared Occurs when a symbol is being referenced that needs to be declared, but isn't. my class X::Undeclared does X::Comp { has $.what = 'Variable'; has $.symbol; method message() { "$.what $.symbol is not declared"; } } =head3 X::Attribute::Undeclared Thrown when an undeclared attribute is being referenced. my class X::Attribute::Undeclared is X::Undeclared { has $.package-kind; has $.package-name; method message() { "Attribute $.name not declared in $.package-kind $.package-name"; } } =head3 X::Phaser::Multiple Thrown when multiple phasers of the same type occur in a block, but only one is allowed (for example C or C). my class X::Phaser::Multiple does X::Comp { has $.block; method message() { "Only one $.block block is allowed" } } =head3 X::Parameter::Default Thrown when a parameter has a default, but isn't allowed to have one, for example on mandatory parameters. my class X::Parameter::Default does X::Comp { has $.how; has $.parameter; method message() { $.parameter ?? "Cannot put default on $.how parameter $.parameter" !! "Cannot put default on anonymous $.how parameter"; } } =head3 X::Parameter::Placeholder Thrown when the user tries to use a placeholder as a formal parameter. (Usually C<:$foo> misspelled as C<$:foo>). my class X::Parameter::Placeholder does X::Comp { has $.parameter; has $.right; method message() { "In signature parameter, placeholder variables like $.parameter are illegal\n" ~ "you probably meant a named parameter: '$.right'"; } } =head3 X::Parameter::Twigil Thrown when an illegal twigil is used in a formal parameter. my class X::Parameter::Twigil does X::Comp { has $.parameter; has $.twigil; method message() { "In signature parameter $.parameter, it is illegal to use the $.twigil twigil"; } } =head3 X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints Thrown for multiple prefix type constraints like C. my class X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints does X::Comp { has $.parameter; method message() { qq[{"Parameter $.parameter" || 'A parameter'} may only have one prefix type constraint]; } } =head3 X::Parameter::WrongOrder Thrown when parameters are listed in a signature in the wrong order (for example optional before mandatory parameters). my class X::Parameter::WrongOrder does X::Comp { has $.misplaced; has $.parameter; has $.after; method message() { "Cannot put $.misplaced parameter $.parameter after $.after parameters"; } } =head3 X::Signature::NameClash Thrown when multiple named parameters have the same name. my class X::Signature::NameClash does X::Comp { has $.name; method message() { "Name $.name used for more than one named parameter"; } } =head3 X::Method::Private::Permission Thrown when attempting to call a private method outside the current class or role without a fitting trust relation. my class X::Method::Private::Permission does X::Comp { has $.method; has $.source-package; has $.calling-package; method message() { "Cannot call private method '$.method' on package $.source-package because it does not trust $.calling-package"; } } =head3 X::Method::Private::Unqualified Thrown when attempting to call a method on something else than C without fully qualifying the class. my class X::Method::Private::Unqualified does X::Comp { has $.method; method message() { "Private method call to $.method must be fully qualified with the package containing the method"; } } =head3 X::Bind::NativeType Thrown when trying to bind to a natively typed variable TODO: inherit from X::Bind? my class X::Bind::NativeType does X::Comp { has $.name; method message() { "Cannot bind to natively typed variable '$.name'; use assignment instead' } } =head3 X::Attribute::Package Thrown when trying to declare an attribute inside a package which doesn't support attributes. my class X::Attribute::Package does X::Comp { has $.package-kind; method message() { "A $.package-kind cannot have attributes" } } =head3 X::Attribute::NoPackage Thrown when an attribute is declared where it does not make sense (for example in the mainline) my class X::Attribute::NoPackage does X::Comp { method message() { "You cannot declare an attribute here; maybe you'd like a class or a role?" } } =head3 X::Value::Dynamic Thrown when a value must be known at compile time, but is not. my class X::Value::Dynamic does X::Comp { has $.what; method message() { "$.what value must be known at compile time" } } =head3 X::Declaration::Scope Thrown when a declaration does not harmonize with the declared scope (for example C. my class X::Declaration::Scope does X::Comp { has $.scope; has $.declaration; method message() { "Cannot use '$.scope' with $.declaration declaration" } } =head3 X::Declaration::Scope::Multi Thrown when a multi is declared with an incompatible scope, for example C. my class X::Declaration::Scope::Multi is X::Declaration::Scope { method message() { "Cannot use '$.scope' with individual multi candidates. Please declare an {$.scope}-scoped proto instead"; } } =head3 X::Anon::Multi Thrown when an anonymous multi is being declared. my class X::Anon::Multi does X::Comp { has $.multiness; has $.routine-type = 'routine'; method message() { "Cannot put $.multiness on anonymous $.routine-type" } } =head3 X::Anon::Augment Thrown when trying to augment an anonymous package. my class X::Anon::Augment does X::Comp { has $.package-kind; method message() { "Cannot augment anonymous $.package-kind" } } =head3 X::Augment::NoSuchType Thrown when trying to augment a type which doesn't exist. my class X::Augment::NoSuchType does X::Comp { has $.package-kind; has $.package; method message() { "You tried to augment $.package-kind $.package, but it does not exist" } } =head3 X::Package::Stubbed Thrown at C time when there are packages stubbed but not later defined. my class X::Package::Stubbed does X::Comp { has @.packages; # TODO: suppress display of line number method message() { "The following packages were stubbed but not defined:\n " ~ @.packages.join("\n "); } } =head3 X::Inheritance::Unsupported Thrown when trying to inherit from a type that does not support inheritance (like a package or an enum). my class X::Inheritance::Unsupported does X::Comp { # note that this exception is thrown before the child type object # has been composed, so it's useless to carry it around. Use the # name instead. has $.child-typename; has $.parent; method message { $.child-typename ~ ' cannot inherit from ' ~ $.parent.^name ~ ' because it is not inheritable'; } } =head2 Syntax Errors Note that the distinction between general compile-time errors and syntax errors is somewhat blurry and arbitrary. =head3 X::Syntax role X::Syntax does X::Comp { } Common role for all syntax errors. =head3 X::Syntax::Obsolete Thrown when obsolete (mostly Perl 5) syntax is detected. role X::Syntax::Obsolete does X::Syntax { has $.old; has $.replacement; # cannot call it 'new', # would collide with constructor has $.when = 'in Perl 6'; method message() { "Unsupported use of $.old; $.when please use $.replacement"; } } =head3 X::Syntax::Name::Null Thrown when a name component is empty, but shouldn't (for example C). my class X::Syntax::Name::Null does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Name component may not be null'; } } =head3 X::Syntax::UnlessElse Thrown when an C clause is followed by an C clause. my class X::Syntax::UnlessElse does X::Syntax { method message() { '"unless" does not take "else", please rewrite using "if"' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Reserved Thrown when a syntax is used which is reserved for future expansion. my class X::Syntax::Reserved does X::Syntax { has $.reserved; has $.instead = ''; method message() { "The $.reserved is reserved$.instead" } } =head3 X::Syntax::P5 Thrown when some piece of syntax is clearly Perl 5, not Perl 6. my class X::Syntax::P5 does X::Syntax { method message() { 'This appears to be Perl 5 code' } } =head3 X::Syntax::NegatedPair Thrown when a negated pair has a value, for example C<:!foo($val)>. my class X::Syntax::NegatedPair does X::Syntax { has $.key; method message() { "Argument not allowed on negated pair with keys '$.key'" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric Thrown on C and the likes. my class X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric does X::Syntax { has $.what = 'variable'; method message() { "Cannot declare a numeric $.what" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Variable::Match Thrown on C<< my $ >> and the likes. my class X::Syntax::Variable::Match does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Cannot declare a match variable' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil Thrown on C and the likes my class X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil does X::Syntax { has $.twigil; has $.scope; method message() { "Cannot use $.twigil twigil on $.scope variable" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Variable::IndirectDeclaration Thrown on C and similar constructs. my class X::Syntax::Variable::IndirectDeclaration does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Cannot declare a variable by indirect name (use a hash instead?)' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping Thrown when C is used without C. my class X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping does X::Syntax { method message() { "augment not allowed without 'use MONKEY-TYPING'" }; } =head3 X::Syntax::Augment::Role Thrown when trying to augment a role. my class X::Syntax::Augment::Role does X::Syntax { has $.role-name; method message() { "Cannot augment role $.role-name, since roles are immutable" }; } =head3 X::Syntax::Placeholder Occurs when a placeholder is used in a block that already has a signature attached. TODO: report the placeholder variables. my class X::Signature::Placeholder does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Placeholder variable cannot override existing signature'; } } =head3 X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded Thrown when C<#`> is encountered and it is not followed by an opening bracket. my class X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded does X::Syntax { method message() { "Opening bracket required for #` comment" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Pod::BeginWithoutIdentifier Thrown when C<=begin> is encountered and no identifier comes after it. my class X::Syntax::Pod::BeginWithoutIdentifier does X::Syntax does X::Pod { method message() { '=begin must be followed by an identifier; (did you mean "=begin pod"?)' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Pod::BeginWithoutEnd Thrown when C<=begin identifier> is parsed without the matching C<=end identifier>. my class X::Syntax::Pod::BeginWithoutEnd does X::Syntax does X::Pod { method message() { '=begin without matching =end' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Confused The most general syntax error, if no more specific error message can be given. my class X::Syntax::Confused does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Confused' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Malformed Thrown when a parsed construct is malformed. my class X::Syntax::Malformed does X::Syntax { has $.what; method message() { "Malformed $.what" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Missing Thrown when the previous piece of syntax requires the existence of another piece of syntax, and that second piece is missing. my class X::Syntax::Missing does X::Syntax { has $.what; method message() { "Missing $.what" } } =head3 X::Syntax::SigilWithoutName Thrown when a sigil without a following name is encountered in a place where this is not allowed. my class X::Syntax::SigilWithoutName does X::Syntax { method message() { 'Non-declarative sigil is missing its name' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject Thrown when C is referenced in a place where no invocant is available. my class X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject does X::Syntax { method message() { "'self' used where no object is available" } } =head3 X::Syntax::VirtualCall Thrown when a C<$.foo> style virtual call appears before an object is fully constructed, for example C. my class X::Syntax::VirtualCall does X::Syntax { has $.call; method message() { "Virtual call $.call may not be used on partially constructed objects" } } =head3 X::Syntax::NoSelf Thrown when C<$.foo> style calls are used where no invocant is available. my class X::Syntax::NoSelf does X::Syntax { has $.variable; method message() { "Variable $.variable used where no 'self' is available" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange Thrown when the radix of a radix number is larger not allowed, like C<< :1<1> >> or C<< :42 >>. my class X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange does X::Syntax { has $.radix; method message() { "Radix $.radix out of range (allowed: 2..36)" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb Thrown when an unrecognized or illegal regex adverb is encountered (for example C). my class X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb does X::Syntax { has $.adverb; has $.construct; method message() { "Adverb $.adverb not allowed on $.construct" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier Thrown when a stand alone quantifier in a regex is encountered (for example C). my class X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier does X::Syntax { method message { 'Quantifier quantifies nothing' } } =head3 X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer Thrown when a backslash-variable is declared without initialization assignment. my class X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer does X::Syntax { method message { "Term definition requires an initializer" } } =head3 X::Syntax::AddCategorial::MissingSeparator Thrown when a circumfix operator is defined without separator between opening and closing terminators. my class X::Syntax::AddCategorial::MissingSeparator does X::Syntax { has $.opname; method message { "Unable to identify both starter and stopper from $.opname\nPerhaps you forgot to separate them with whitespace?" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker Thrown when the invocant in a signature is anywhere else than after the first parameter. my class X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker does X::Syntax { method message() { "Can only use : as invocant marker in a signature after the first parameter" } } =head3 X::Syntax::Extension::Category Thrown when a subroutine of name C<< category:() >> is encountered, and the category is not known. my class X::Syntax::Extension::Category does X::Syntax { has $.category; method message() { "Cannot add tokens of category '$.category'"; } } =head3 X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition Thrown when the parser expects a term, but finds an infix operator. my class X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition does X::Syntax { has $.infix; method message() { "Preceding context expects a term, but found infix $.infix instead"; } } =head2 X::Pod role X::Pod { } Common role for all Pod-related errors. =head2 Dispatch errors =head3 X::Method::NotFound Thrown when the user tries to call a method that isn't there, for example C<1.foo>. TODO: should hold the actual invocation, not the type name. Currently that's due to a limit in Rakudo and Parrot. my class X::Method::NotFound is Exception { has $.method; has $.typename; has Bool $.private = False; method message() { $.private ?? "No such private method '$.method' for invocant of type '$.typename'" !! "No such method '$.method' for invocant of type '$.typename'"; } } =head3 X::Method::InvalidQualifier Thrown when a method is call in the form C<$invocant.TheClass::method> if <$invocant> does not conform to C my class X::Method::InvalidQualifier is Exception { has $.method; has $.invocant; has $.qualifier-type; method message() { "Cannot dispatch to method $.method on {$.qualifier-type.^name} " ~ "because it is not inherited or done by {$.invocant.^name}"; } } =head2 X::OutOfRange General error when something (for example an array index) is out of an allowed range. my class X::OutOfRange is Exception { has $.what = 'Argument'; has $.got = ''; has $.range = ''; has $.comment; method message() { $.comment.defined ?? "$.what out of range. Is: $.got, should be in $.range.gist(); $.comment" !! "$.what out of range. Is: $.got, should be in $.range.gist()" } } =head2 X::Buf::AsStr Thrown when a C object is used as string. my class X::Buf::AsStr is Exception { has $.method; method message() { "Cannot use a Buf as a string, but you called the $.method method on it"; } } =head2 X::Buf::Pack Thrown when an unknown template/directive is encountered by C or C. my class X::Buf::Pack is Exception { has $.directive; method message() { "Unrecognized directive '$.directive'"; } } =head2 X::Buf::Pack::NonASCII Thrown when the C template/directive comes across a non-ASCII character. my class X::Buf::Pack::NonASCII is Exception { has $.char; method message() { "non-ASCII character '$.char' while processing an 'A' template in pack"; } } =head2 X::Bind Thrown when trying to bind to something which isn't a valid target for binding (except for some more special cases listed below). my class X::Bind is Exception { has $.target; method message() { $.target.defined ?? "Cannot bind to $.target" !! 'Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side' } } =head2 X::Bind::Slice Thrown when trying to bind to a slice. TODO: inherit from X::Bind? my class X::Bind::Slice is Exception { has $.type; method message() { "Cannot bind to {$.type.^name} slice"; } } =head2 X::Bind::ZenSlice Thrown when trying to bind to a Zen slice, eg C<@a[] := (1, 2)>. my class X::Bind::ZenSlice is X::Bind::Slice { method message() { "Cannot bind to {$.type.^name} zen slice"; } } =head2 X::Does::TypeObject Thrown when trying to use infix C (not the trait) on a type object. my class X::Does::TypeObject is Exception { method message() { "Cannot use 'does' operator with a type object." } } =head2 X::Role::Initialization Thrown when the C syntax is used, but SomeRole does not have exactly one public attribute. my class X::Role::Initialization is Exception { method message() { 'Can only supply an initialization value for a role if it has a single public attribute' } } =head2 X::Routine::Unwrap Thrown when C<&routine.unwrap> is called with an argument that is not a wrap handle. my class X::Routine::Unwrap is Exception { method message() { "Cannot unwrap routine: invalid wrap handle" } } =head2 X::Constructor::Positional Thrown from C when positional arguments are passed to it. my class X::Constructor::Positional is Exception { method message() { "Default constructor only takes named arguments" } } =head2 X::Hash::Store::OddNumber Thrown when hash assignment finds a trailing hash key with a value. my class X::Hash::Store::OddNumber is Exception { method message() { "Odd number of elements found where hash expected" } } =head2 X::Phaser::PrePost Thrown when the condition inside a C
 or C phaser evaluate to a
false value.

    my class X::Phaser::PrePost is Exception {
        has $.phaser = 'PRE';
        has $.condition;
        method message {
            my $what = $.phaser eq 'PRE' ?? 'Precondition' !! 'Postcondition';
                ?? "$what '$.condition.trim()' failed"
                !! "$what failed";

=head2 X::Str::Numeric

Thrown (or wrapped in a C) when a conversion from string to number

    my class X::Str::Numeric is Exception {
        has $.source;
        has $.pos;
        has $.reason;
        method source-indicator {
            constant marker = chr(0x23CF);
            join '', "in '",
                    $.source.substr(0, $.pos),
                    "' (indicated by ",
        method message() {
            "Cannot convert string to number: $.reason $.source-indicator";

=head2 X::Str::Match::x

Thrown when C or C is called with an type of C<$x>
that is now allowed.

    my class X::Str::Match::x is Exception {
        has $.got;
        method message() {
            "in Str.match, got invalid value of type {$.got.^name} for :x, must be Int or Range"

=head2 X::Str::Trans::IllegalKey

Thrown when a Pair passed to C is of a type that the trans method
cannot work with (regexes and types derived from C are fine).

    my class X::Str::Trans::IllegalKey is Exception {
        has $.key;
        method message {
            "in Str.trans, got illegal substitution key of type {$.key.^name} (should be a Regex or Str)"

=head2 X::Str::Trans::InvalidArg

Thrown when an argument to C is not a C.

    my class X::Str::Trans::InvalidArg is Exception {
        has $.got;
        method message() {
            "Only Pair objects are allowed as arguments to Str.trans, got {$.got.^name}";

=head2 X::Range::InvalidArg

Thrown when an argument to C is a C.

    my class X::Range::InvalidArg is Exception {
        has $.got;
        method message() {
            "{$.got.^name} objects are not valid endpoints for Ranges";

=head2 X::Sequence::Deduction

Exception type when the C<...> sequence operator is being called without an
explicit closure, and the sequence cannot be deduced.

    my class X::Sequence::Deduction is Exception {
        method message() { 'Unable to deduce sequence' }

=head2 X::ControlFlow

Thrown when a control flow construct (such as C or C) is called
outside the dynamic scope of an enclosing construct that is supposed to catch

    my class X::ControlFlow is Exception {
        has $.illegal;   # something like 'next'
        has $.enclosing; # ....  outside a loop

        method message() { "$.illegal without $.enclosing" }

=head2 X::ControlFlow::Return

Thrown when a C is called from outside a routine.

    my class X::ControlFlow::Return is X::ControlFlow {
        method illegal()   { 'return'  }
        method enclosing() { 'Routine' }
        method message()   { 'Attempt to return outside of any Routine' }

=head2 X::Composition::NotComposable

Thrown when trying to compose a type into a target type, but the composer type
cannot be used for composition (roles and enums are generally OK).

    my class X::Composition::NotComposable is Exception {
        has $.target-name;
        has $.composer;
        method message() {
            $.composer.^name ~ " is not composable, so $.target-name cannot compose it";

=head2 X::TypeCheck

Thrown when a type check fails.

    my class X::TypeCheck is Exception {
        has $.operation;
        has $.got;
        has $.expected;
        method message() {
            "Type check failed in $.operation; expected '{$.expected.^name}' but got '{$.got.^name}'";


=head2 X::TypeCheck::Binding

Thrown when the type check of a binding operation fails.

TODO: figure out if we actually need that type

    my class X::TypeCheck::Binding is X::TypeCheck {
        method operation { 'binding' }

=head2 X::TypeCheck::Return

Thrown when a return type check fails.

TODO: figure out if we actually need that type

    my class X::TypeCheck::Return is X::TypeCheck {
        method operation { 'returning' }
        method message() {
            "Type check failed for return value; expected '{$.expected.^name}' but got '{$.got.^name}'";

=head2 X::NoDispatcher

Thrown when a redispatcher like C is called without being in the
dynamic scope of a call that could possible redispatch.

    my class X::NoDispatcher is Exception {
        has $.redispatcher;
        method message() {
            "$.redispatcher is not in the dynamic scope of a dispatcher";

=head2 X::Localizer::NoContainer

Thrown when C or C or a similar localizer are used on a
non-container, like C.

    my class X::Localizer::NoContainer is Exception {
        has $.localizer;
        method message() {
            "Can only use '$.localizer' on a container";

=head2 X::Mixin::NotComposable

Thrown when a mixin with infix C or C is done with a composer that
cannot be used for mixin.

    my class X::Mixin::NotComposable is Exception {
        has $.target;
        has $.rolish;
        method message() {
            "Cannot mix in non-composable type {$.rolish.^name} into object of type {$.target.^name}";

=head2 X::Export::NameClash

Thrown when a symbol is exported twice.

    my class X::Export::NameClash is Exception {
        has $.symbol;
        method message() {
            "A symbol '$.symbol' has already been exported";

=head2 X::HyperOp::NonDWIM

Thrown when a non-DWIMy hyperop has lists of lengths that do not match.

    my class X::HyperOp::NonDWIM is Exception {
        has &.operator;
        has $.left-elems;
        has $.right-elems;
        method message() {
            "Lists on both side of non-dwimmy hyperop of &.operator.name() are not of the same length\n"
            ~ "left: $.left-elems elements, right: $.right-elems elements";

=head2 X::Set::Coerce

Thrown when C is called to coerce an object to a C, and
C does not know how to handle an object of such type.

    my class X::Set::Coerce is Exception {
        has $.thing;
        method message {
            "Cannot coerce object of type {$.thing.^name} to Set. To create a one-element set, pass it to the 'set' function";

=head2 X::Temporal

A common exception type for all errors related to C or C.

    my role X::Temporal is Exception { }

=head2 X::Temporal::InvalidFormat

Thrown when the C or C constructors get a string in a format
which is not a valid date format.

    my class X::Temporal::InvalidFormat is X::Temporal {
        has $.invalid-str;
        has $.target = 'Date';
        has $.format;
        method message() {
            "Invalid $.target string '$.invalid-str'; use $.format instead";

=head2 X::Temporal::Truncation

Thrown when C or C are called in a
way that doesn't make sense.

    my class X::Temporal::Truncation is X::Temporal {
        has $.class = 'DateTime';
        has $.error;
        method message() {
            "in $.class.truncated-to: $.error";

=head2 X::Eval::NoSuchLang

Thrown when C specifies a language that the compiler does
not know how to handle.

    my class X::Eval::NoSuchLang is Exception {
        has $.lang;
        method message() {
            "No compiler compiler available for language '$.lang'";

=head2 X::Numeric::Real

Occurs when an attempt to coerce a C to a C, C, C or
C fails (due to a number with a nonzero imaginary part, for instance).

    my class X::Numeric::Real is Exception {
        has $.source;
        has $.target;
        has $.reason;

        method message() {
            "Can not convert $.source to {$.target.^name}: $.reason";

=head2 X::StubCode

Occurs when a stub (created via C, or C<...> with C) is executed.

    my class X::StubCode is Exception {
        has $.message = 'Stub code executed';

=head1 Related types

=head2 Failure

    class Failure is Mu {
        has Bool $.handled is rw;
        has $.X;            # the actual exception object

An unthrown exception, usually produce by C.

(Conjecture: S04 implies that all exceptions have a C<$.handled> attribute.
Do we actually need that?)

=head2 Backtrace

    class Backtrace does Positional[Backtrace::Frame] {
        method Stringy() { ... }
        method full() { ... }
    class Backtrace::Frame {
        has $.file;
        has $.line;
        has $.code;
        has $.subname;

        method is-hidden () { ... }
        method is-routine() { ... }
        method is-setting() { ... }

Backtrace information, typically used (but not limited to) in exceptions.
Stringifies to

    in '$' at line $:$
    in '$' at line $:$

with two leading spaces on each line.

The default stringification includes blocks and routines from user-space
code, but from the setting only routines are shown [conjectural]. Routines
can be hidden from the default backtrace stringification by apply the
C trait:

    sub my-die(*@msg) is hidden-from-backtrace { }

the C method in C returns C for routines
with that trait.

The C method in C provides a string representation of the
backtrace that includes all available code objects, including hidden ones.

If a code object does not have a name, C<<  >> is used instead of the
routine name.

=head1 The Default Exception Printer

In case an exception does not get caught by any C or C block,
it is caught by a default handler in the setting.

This handler calls the C<.gist> method on the exception, prints the result,
and terminates the program. The exit code is determined as
C<$exception.?exit-code // 1>.

=head1 AUTHORS

    Moritz Lenz 

Authors of previous versions of this document:

    Tim Nelson 
    Larry Wall