--- layout: post title: Test Post --- This is a test post writen in markdown and parsed into HTML by [Redcarpet 2](http://github.com/vmg/redcarpet). To learn more about markdown check out the [documentation](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) on [Daring Fireball](http://daringfireball.net/). ### Code Here is some inline code, `Face f = v.faces[0];`, and a code block: ``` java void removeFace(int n) { // link controlp5 removeFace button to the function manifold.removeFace(manifold.faces()[0]); } ``` The block above uses ~~Pygments~~[Rouge](http://rouge.jneen.net/) for syntax highlighting. Neat. ### Maths Here is some inline math: \\(e\^x\\). What about display math? \\[a + b = x\\] Awesome.