import * as stdpath from ""; import { ActionArguments, ActionFlags, BaseConfig, } from ""; import { fn } from ""; import { ConfigArguments } from ""; import { ActionData } from ""; import * as u from ""; type Never = Record; type Params = Record; type GitStatusActionData = { status: string; path: string; worktree: string; }; export class Config extends BaseConfig { override config(args: ConfigArguments): Promise { args.setAlias("action", "tabopen", "open"); args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ ui: "ff", sourceOptions: { _: { ignoreCase: true, matchers: ["matcher_substring"], sorters: ["sorter_fzf"], converters: ["converter_hl_dir"], }, git_status: { converters: ["converter_git_status"], }, file: { ignoreCase: true, columns: ["icon_filename"], }, }, sourceParams: { file_external: { cmd: [ "fd", "--type", "f", "--hidden", "--follow", "--exclude", ".git", ], }, }, filterParams: { matcher_fzf: { highlightMatched: "DduSearchMatched" }, matcher_substring: { highlightMatched: "Search" }, }, kindOptions: { git_commit: { defaultAction: "yank" }, source: { defaultAction: "execute" }, git_status: { defaultAction: "open", actions: { diff: async (args) => { const action = args.items[0].action as GitStatusActionData; const path = stdpath.join(action.worktree, action.path); await"ddu#start", { name: "file:git_diff", sources: [ { name: "git_diff", options: { path, }, params: { ...(u.maybe(args.actionParams, u.isRecord) ?? {}), onlyFile: true, }, }, ], }); return ActionFlags.None; }, // fire GinPatch command to selected items // using patch: async (args: ActionArguments) => { for (const item of args.items) { const action = item.action as GitStatusActionData; await args.denops.cmd("tabnew"); await args.denops.cmd("tcd " + action.worktree); await args.denops.cmd("GinPatch ++no-head " + action.path); } return ActionFlags.None; }, }, }, file: { defaultAction: "open", actions: { grep: async (args: ActionArguments) => { const action = args.items[0]?.action as ActionData; await"ddu#start", { name:, push: true, sources: [ { name: "rg", options: { machers: [], volatile: true, }, params: { path: action.path, input: await fn.input(args.denops, "Pattern: "), }, }, ], }); return Promise.resolve(ActionFlags.None); }, uiCd: async (args: ActionArguments) => { const action = args.items[0]?.action as ActionData; await"ddu#ui#do_action", { name: "narrow", params: { path: action.path, }, }); return Promise.resolve(ActionFlags.None); }, }, }, "ai-review-request": { defaultAction: "open" }, "ai-review-log": { defaultAction: "resume" }, action: { defaultAction: "do", }, }, kindParams: { action: { quit: true, }, }, actionOptions: { narrow: { quit: false, }, tabopen: { quit: false, }, }, }); return Promise.resolve(); } }