############################################################################### # sky.properties ############################################################################### # Sample sky.properties file for use with MCPatcher's Better Skies mod. # # This file is offered without any copyright restrictions. Please copy and # modify it to suit your needs. # # Place the file at # /terrain/sky0/sky1.properties # /terrain/sky0/sky2.properties # ... etc. # in your texture pack. Each file represents one layer of sky. MCPatcher will # continue loading them until a .properties file is not found. The order is # the order in which they will be rendered in game. # # NOTE: The "sky0" in the path refers to the overworld. If there were other # worlds with skies (the Nether and End do not use the standard sky rendering # methods), they would be in /terrain/sky. # # You only need to provide values for the properties you wish to change. The # default Minecraft values for each property are given below for convenience. # # Property names are case-sensitive. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Sky properties ############################################################################### # (Optional) Name of source texture. This can be anywhere in your texture pack # and multiple .properties files can share the same source. If not specified, # /terrain/sky0/sky.png is used. source= # (Required) Fade in/out times. All times are in hh:mm 24-hour format. For # reference, # Sunrise = 6:00 = /time set 0 # Noon = 12:00 = /time set 6000 # Sunset = 18:00 = /time set 12000 # Midnight = 0:00 = /time set 18000 # The fade times control the brightness when blending. # between startFadeIn and endFadeIn: 0 up to 1 # between endFadeIn and startFadeOut: always 1 # between startFadeOut and endFadeOut: 1 down to 0 # between endFadeOut and startFadeIn: always 0 # Note that you do not need to specify startFadeOut; its value is uniquely # determined by the other three. startFadeIn=hh:mm endFadeIn=hh:mm endFadeOut=hh:mm # (Optional) Blending method. Here "previous" can refer to the default sky or # to the previous custom sky defined by sky.properties. Supported # blending methods are # add: Add this sky bitmap to the previous. # subtract: # multiply: Multiply the previous RGBA values by the RGBA values in the # current bitmap. # dodge: # burn: # screen: # replace: Replace the previous entirely with the current bitmap. There is # no gradual fading with this method; if brightness computed from # the fade times is > 0, the full pixel value is used. # The default method is add. blend=add # (Optional) Rotation. Whether or not the bitmap should rotate with the time # of day. The default is true. The speed and direction of rotation can also # be controlled. rotate=true # (Optional) Rotation speed as a multiple of the default of one 360-degree # cycle per game day. A value of 0.5 rotates every two days. Irrational # values can be useful to make clouds appear in different positions each day. # NOTE: This does not affect the fading in and out which always occurs on a # 24-hour cycle. speed=1.0 # (Optional) Axis of rotation. If a player is looking in the given direction, # the skybox will appear to be rotating clockwise around a fixed point straight # ahead. Default rotation is along the southern axis (rising in the east and # setting in the west). # For reference, the vectors corresponding to the six cardinal directions are # below. The rotation axis can be any vector, however, except all 0. # Down = 0 -1 0 # Up = 0 1 0 # North = 0 0 -1 # South = 0 0 1 # West = -1 0 0 # East = 1 0 0 axis=0.0 0.0 1.0