Profile Sharing Mobile Integration ================================== This section will show how to obtain a user's authorized consent for profile sharing from their PayPal account. _If you haven't already, see the [README](../ for an initial overview and instructions for adding the SDK to your project._ Overview -------- You must [obtain customer consent](#obtain-customer-consent) to share information from their PayPal account. How this works: * On the PayPal Developer site... 1. Specify the pieces of information that you wish your customers to share with you. * The PayPal iOS SDK... 1. Presents UI for your user to authenticate using their PayPal account. 2. Asks your user to consent to [OAuth access token scope]( to use PayPal for profile sharing. 3. Returns an OAuth2 authorization code to your app. * Your app... 1. Receives an OAuth2 authorization code from the SDK. 2. Sends the authorization code to your server, which then [exchanges the code for OAuth2 access and refresh tokens]( 3. Your server then [uses its OAuth2 tokens to request the relevant customer information from PayPal]( **Notes:** 1. See `PayPalOAuthScopes.h` for a complete list of scope-values available to the PayPal iOS SDK. 2. See [Log In with PayPal user attributes]( for a complete list of available scope attributes. Specify Desired Information for Sharing --------------------------------------- 1. Log in to the [PayPal Developer site]( 2. Select [your app]( 3. Under `APP CAPABILITIES` select `Log In with PayPal`, and click `Advanced options`. 4. Under `Information requested from customers` select the items ("scope attributes") you wish to have shared. 5. If you provide Privacy Policy and User Agreement URLs under `Links shown on customer consent page`, these will override the corresponding URLs that you provide below in the [`PayPalConfiguration` object](#obtain-customer-consent). Obtain Customer Consent ----------------------- 1. Initialize the SDK and provide your Client IDs. A typical place to do this is in your app delegate's `didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:` method. ```obj-c - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // ... [PayPalMobile initializeWithClientIdsForEnvironments:@{PayPalEnvironmentProduction : @"YOUR_CLIENT_ID_FOR_PRODUCTION", PayPalEnvironmentSandbox : @"YOUR_CLIENT_ID_FOR_SANDBOX"}]; // ... return YES; } ``` *Note: if you have not yet obtained a Client ID for the Live environment, you may omit the `PayPalEnvironmentProduction` entry.* 2. Create a class (such as a subclass of UIViewController) that conforms to `PayPalProfileSharingDelegate`. ```obj-c // SomeViewController.h #import "PayPalMobile.h" @interface SomeViewController : UIViewController // ... @end ``` 3. Create a `PayPalConfiguration` object. This object allows you to configure various aspects of the SDK. ```obj-c // SomeViewController.m @interface SomeViewController () // ... @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) PayPalConfiguration *payPalConfiguration; // ... @end @implementation SomeViewController - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]; if (self) { _payPalConfiguration = [[PayPalConfiguration alloc] init]; // See PayPalConfiguration.h for details and default values. // Minimally, you will need to set three merchant information properties. // These should be the same values that you provided to PayPal when you registered your app. _payPalConfiguration.merchantName = @"Ultramagnetic Omega Supreme"; _payPalConfiguration.merchantPrivacyPolicyURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; _payPalConfiguration.merchantUserAgreementURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; } return self; } ``` 4. Establish environment, and preconnect to PayPal's servers. We recommend doing this when you first display the view controller from which your users *might* initiate payment. (Do not preconnect significantly earlier than that, as the connection has a limited lifetime.) ```obj-c // SomeViewController.m - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated]; // Start out working with the mock environment. When you are ready, switch to PayPalEnvironmentProduction. [PayPalMobile preconnectWithEnvironment:PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork]; } ``` 5. Create and display a `PayPalProfileSharingViewController` with your `PayPalConfiguration` object and with the appropriate scope-values. ```obj-c // SomeViewController.m - (IBAction)obtainConsent { // Choose whichever scope-values apply in your case. See `PayPalOAuthScopes.h` for a complete list of available scope-values. NSSet *scopeValues = [NSSet setWithArray:@[kPayPalOAuth2ScopeOpenId, kPayPalOAuth2ScopeEmail, kPayPalOAuth2ScopeAddress, kPayPalOAuth2ScopePhone]]; PayPalProfileSharingViewController *psViewController; psViewController = [[PayPalProfileSharingViewController alloc] initWithScopeValues:scopeValues configuration:self.payPalConfiguration delegate:self]; // Present the PayPalProfileSharingViewController [self presentViewController:psViewController animated:YES completion:nil]; } ``` 6. Implement the `PayPalProfileSharingDelegate` delegate methods to receive either the authorization response on success, or notification that the user cancelled. Your implementation is responsible for dismissing the modal view controller. ```obj-c // SomeViewController.m #pragma mark - PayPalProfileSharingDelegate methods - (void)userDidCancelPayPalProfileSharingViewController:(PayPalProfileSharingViewController *)profileSharingViewController { // User cancelled login. Dismiss the PayPalProfileSharingViewController, breathe deeply. [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; } - (void)payPalProfileSharingViewController:(PayPalProfileSharingViewController *)profileSharingViewController userDidLogInWithAuthorization:(NSDictionary *)profileSharingAuthorization { // The user has successfully logged into PayPal, and has consented to profile sharing. // Your code must now send the authorization response to your server. [self sendAuthorizationToServer:profileSharingAuthorization]; // Be sure to dismiss the PayPalProfileSharingViewController. [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; } ``` 7. Send the authorization response to your server in order to complete the process. ```obj-c // SomeViewController.m - (void)sendAuthorizationToServer:(NSDictionary *)authorization { // Send the entire authorization reponse NSData *consentJSONData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:authorization options:0 error:nil]; // (Your network code here!) // // Send the authorization response to your server, where it can exchange the authorization code // for OAuth access and refresh tokens. // // Your server must then use these tokens to retrieve customer information from PayPal. } ``` Next Steps ---------- Read [Profile Sharing Server-Side Integration]( to exchange the authorization code for OAuth2 tokens and retrieve the customer information from PayPal.