/* Version: v1.00 for corona 1.0 final Written by Pavel Vojacek codepoint.eu license MIT Copyright (c) 2015 Pavel Vojacek Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ fn coronaConvertProxiesDialog = ( ::createCoronaMtl rollout coronaProxyConverterRL "corona Proxy converter" ( local outdir timer tmcheckconv interval:1000 active:false checkbox cbConvertMats "Convert materials" checked:true label lblWarn1 "For material conversion" label lblWarn2 "run coronaConverter first" group "VRP import options" ( checkbox cbWeldVerts "Weld vertices in result" checkbox cbExpNorm "Use explicit normals" ) checkbox cbcache "Cache In RAM" checked:false group "Output Folder" ( button btnSelDir "Same as original" width:140 ) group "Viewport visualization:" ( dropdownlist ddlPreviz "Method" items:#("Solid BB", "Wire BB","Point cloud","Full mesh") selection:3 spinner spnPCD "Point Cloud %" range:[0,100,2] ) checkbox cbSelOnly "Selection only" button btnAction "Convert" width:155 height:30 function checkconv = ( if createCoronaMtl==undefined then ( cbConvertMats.enabled = false cbConvertMats.checked = false tmcheckconv.active = true ) else ( cbConvertMats.enabled = true cbConvertMats.checked = true lblWarn1.visible = false lblWarn2.visible = false tmcheckconv.active = false ) ) fn convertVRPtoCP obj = ( if classof obj==vrayproxy then ( ExpNorm = if cbExpNorm.checked then 1 else 0 WeldVerts = if cbWeldVerts.checked then 1 else 0 mmesh = vrayMeshImport proxy:obj explicitNormals:ExpNorm weldVertices:WeldVerts cfilename = (if outdir==undefined then getfilenamepath obj.filename else outdir)+ "\\" + getfilenamefile obj.filename + ".cproxy" cprx = CProxy cacheInRam:cbcache.checked previzType:(ddlPreviz.selection-1) pointcloudDensity:spnPCD.value CProxy.ProxyFp.fromScene cprx mmesh[1] cfilename delete mmesh cprx ) ) fn convertScene = ( for o in geometry where classof o == vrayproxy and (not cbSelOnly.checked or o.isselected)do ( InstanceMgr.GetInstances o &instances cpr = convertVRPtoCP o if cbConvertMats.checked then ( newmat = createCoronaMtl o.material cpr.material = newmat ) sca = o.proxy_scale replaceInstances o cpr for p in instances do scale p [sca,sca,sca] delete cpr ) ) on btnAction pressed do ( undo "corona Proxy conversion" on convertscene() ) on coronaProxyConverterRL open do ( checkconv() ) on tmcheckconv tick do ( checkconv() ) on btnSelDir pressed do ( outdir = getSavePath caption:"Corona Proxy Output Folder" if outdir!=undefined then btnSelDir.caption = outdir else btnSelDir.caption = "Same as original" ) ) createDialog coronaProxyConverterRL ) coronaConvertProxiesDialog()