@echo off cls REM WindowsAgentSetup.exe can be downloaded from N-able by Manual Add Device xcopy /y /e \\%pathtonableinstaller%\137WindowsAgentSetup.exe c:\Temp\137WindowsAgentSetup.exe* title Installing N-able Remote Monitoring Software SET "server=%nableserverAddress%" REM Can be found by going to the root of your N-able , Administration Tab on the Left then Customer SET "customerID=%CUSTOMERID%" SET "installerLocation=c:\Temp" SET "alreadyInstalled=The N-able Agent is already installed" SET "notInstalled=The N-able Agent is not yet installed, installing it now..." SET "programFiles=c:\program files" REM Check to see if its x86 or x64 IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU AMD64 ( SET "programFiles=%programFiles% (x86)" ) REM Debug Information echo %server% echo %customerID% echo %installerLocation% echo %programFiles% IF NOT EXIST "%programFiles%\N-Able Technologies\Windows Agent\bin\agent.exe" ( GOTO INSTALL ) else ( GOTO AlreadyInstalled ) GOTO: END :INSTALL echo %notInstalled% %installerLocation%\137WindowsAgentSetup.exe /s /v" /qn CUSTOMERID=%customerID% CUSTOMERSPECIFIC=1 SERVERPROTOCOL=HTTPS SERVERADDRESS=%server% SERVERPORT=443" GOTO END :AlreadyInstalled echo %AlreadyInstalled% GOTO END :END