@prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix oac: . @prefix ass: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix ins: . @prefix gawd: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix dc: . # =========================================================================== # about this file starts # =========================================================================== # # The triples contained in this file are an attempt to make some semantic # assertions about a Roman inscription from Tripolitania. That inscription # was most recently published in the digital version of Joyce Reynold's # Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania at this URL: # # http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009/IRT264.html # # No RDF was included with the publication, so we're just making assertions # from outside the publishing context. # about this file ends # =========================================================================== # Bibliographic description with Dublin Core and Bibliographic Ontology # =========================================================================== # # Dublin Core Metadata Terms: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/ # Bibliographic Ontology: http://bibliontology.com/ # a bibo:Webpage ; dcterms:format “text/html” ; dcterms:creator “Joyce Reynolds” ; dcterms:creator “J.B. Ward Perkins” ; dcterms:title “IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius” ; dcterms:date “2009” ; dcterms:license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/ . # bibliographic description with Dublin Core and Bibo ends # =========================================================================== # Adding Graph of Ancient World Data terms # =========================================================================== # # GAWD is a a controlled vocabulary for expressing classes of relationships # (or even assertions) between web-based resources in the context of Linked # Data and Atom+GeoRSS feed applications. Its original version was a project # deliverable for the NEH- and JISC-funded Concordia Project (2008-2009). # See further: http://gawd.atlantides.org/terms/ # # first example, commented out, shows use with string literals for objects; # second example uses Pleiades URIs # # # gawd:findspot “Lepcis Magna” ; # gawd:attestsTo “Nicomedia” . # gawd:findspot ; gawd:attestsTo . # =========================================================================== # Pelagios annotation with OAC # =========================================================================== # # Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC): http://www.openannotation.org/ # Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/ # ass:a1 oac:Annotation ; dc:title ”IRT 264 mentions Nicomedia” ; dcterms:creator ; oac:hasBody ; oac:hasTarget . ass:a2 oac:Annotation; dc:title ”IRT 264 was found at Lepcis Magna” ; dcterms:creator ; oac:hasBody ; oac:hasTarget . # Pelagios annotation with OAC ends