true Display system monitor icon Set to true to display system monitor icon in status bar.(NOTICE: The icon will be shown when none of the others is shown.) true Display memory Set to false to remove memory display in status bar 5000 Memory refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of memory 100 Memory graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'mem' Set to true to show 'mem' before memory display true Display Memory In Menu Set to true to show memory in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. false Display swap Set to false to remove swap display in status bar 5000 Swap refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of swap 100 Swap graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'swap' Set to true to show 'swap' before swap display true Display Swap In Menu Set to true to show swap in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. true Display cpu Set to false to remove cpu display in status bar 1500 Cpu refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of cpu 100 Cpu graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'cpu' Set to true to show 'cpu' before cpu display true Display Cpu In Menu Set to true to show cpu in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. false Display one graph per cpu core Set to true to display one graph per cpu core false Display GPU usage Set to false to remove GPU display in status bar 5000 Memory refresh time Time in ms between 2 refreshes of GPU usage 100 GPU usage graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'gpu' Set to true to show 'gpu' before GPU display false Display GPU In Menu Set to true to show GPU in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. false Display freq Set to false to remove freq display in status bar 1500 Cpu frequency refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of cpu 100 Cpu frequency graph width Graph width in pixel false Display freq' Set to true to show 'freq' before cpu frequency display false Display Freq In Menu Set to true to show freq in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. true Display net Set to false to remove net display in status bar 1000 Net refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of net 100 Net graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'net' Set to true to show 'net' before net display true Display Net In Menu Set to true to show net in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. false Show network speed in bits/sec false Display disk io speed Set to false to remove disk display in status bar 2000 Disk IO refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of Disk IO 100 Disk IO graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'disk' Set to true to show 'disk' before disk io display true Display Disk In Menu Set to true to show disk in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. 'pie' Choose the disk usage display style. false Display thermal Set to false to remove thermal display in status bar 5000 thermal refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of thermal 100 thermal graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'thermal' Set to true to show 'thermal' before thermal display true Display Temps In Menu Set to true to show thermal in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp' Sensor File Location of the sensor file for cpu temp 0 Thermal threshold When the temprature passes the threshold, the text is set to red as an alert. false Display fan Set to false to remove fan display in status bar 5000 fan refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of fan 100 fan graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'fan' Set to true to show 'fan' before fan display true Display Fans In Menu Set to true to show fan in pop-up menu 'graph' Choose the display style. '/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0/cur_state' Sensor File Location of the sensor file for fan '#f2002e' Color of fan in the chart false Display informations next to the clock True: Set information at the center, False: Set information in status bar (at top right) false Move the clock to the right when center-display is true True: Move the clock to the right, False: Keep it in center false Enable or disable the tooltip True: show tool tip on mouse hover 0 Tooltip delay Milliseconds to wait before showing/hiding a tooltip false Optimize view for small displays Optimize texts sizes to fit on a small display false Show on lockscreen Allow the extension to run while the screen is locked. Also avoids resetting graph history '#00b35b' Color of program memory in the chart '#00ff82' Color of buffer memory in the chart '#aaf5d0' Color of cache memory in the chart '#fce94f' Color of download speed in the chart '#fb74fb' Color of upload speed in the chart '#ff6e00' Color of download errors '#e0006e' Color of upload errors '#ff0000' Color of collisions '#0072b3' Color of user cpu in the chart '#0092e6' Color of system cpu in the chart '#00a3ff' Color of nice cpu in the chart '#002f3d' Color of iowait in the chart '#001d26' Color of other cpu in the chart '#001d26' Color of freq in the chart '#8b00c3' Color of used swap in the chart '#c65000' Color of disk reading speed in the chart '#ff6700' Color of disk writing speed in the chart '#00b35b' Color of program GPU usage in the chart '#00ff82' Color of program GPU memory in the chart '#f2002e' Color of user thermal in the chart false Display temperature in Fahrenheit Set to true to show temperature in Fahrenheit '#ffffff16' Color of background false Display battery Set to false to remove battery display in status bar 5000 thermal refresh time Time in ms between 2 refresh of thermal 100 thermal graph width Graph width in pixel true Display 'batt' Set to true to show 'batt' before net display false Display 'batt' Set to true to show battery in pop-up menu 'digit' Choose the display style. '#f2002e' Color of battery false Display battery time remaining rather than percentage false Hide system battery icon 0 Position in which to display the CPU display 1 Position in which to display the frequency display 2 Position in which to display the memory display 3 Position in which to display the swap display 4 Position in which to display the net display 5 Position in which to display the disk display 6 Position in which to display the GPU display 7 Position in which to display the thermal display 8 Position in which to display the fan display 9 Position in which to display the battery display