#!/usr/bin/python # # NOTE: This is a compilation of multiple Python files. # See below for details on individual segments. # import base64, imp, os, sys, StringIO, zlib __FILES = {} __os_path_exists = os.path.exists __builtin_open = open def __comb_open(filename, *args, **kwargs): if filename in __FILES: return StringIO.StringIO(__FILES[filename]) else: return __builtin_open(filename, *args, **kwargs) def __comb_exists(filename, *args, **kwargs): if filename in __FILES: return True else: return __os_path_exists(filename, *args, **kwargs) open = __comb_open os.path.exists = __comb_exists sys.path[0:0] = ['.SELF/'] ############################################################################### __FILES[".SELF/../HttpdLite/HttpdLite.py"] = """\ #!/usr/bin/python # # httpd_lite.py, Copyright 2012, Bjarni R. Einarsson # # A very light-weight boilerplate HTTP daemon. # ################################################################################ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see: # ################################################################################ # import cgi import socket import tempfile import threading import time import traceback from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs import Cookie import SocketServer from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer, SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler class RequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler): rpc_paths = ( ) def setup(self): self.chunked = self.suppress_body = False SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.setup(self) def send_header(self, header, value): self.wfile.write('%s: %s\\r\\n' % (header, value)) def end_headers(self): self.wfile.write('\\r\\n') def sendStdHdrs(self, header_list=[], cachectrl='private', mimetype='text/html'): if not mimetype: mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' if mimetype.startswith('text/') and ';' not in mimetype: mimetype += '; charset=utf-8' self.send_header('Cache-Control', cachectrl) self.send_header('Content-Type', mimetype) for header in header_list: self.send_header(header[0], header[1]) self.end_headers() def sendChunk(self, chunk): if self.chunked: self.wfile.write('%x\\r\\n' % len(chunk)) self.wfile.write(chunk) self.wfile.write('\\r\\n') else: self.wfile.write(chunk) def sendEof(self): if self.chunked and not self.suppress_body: self.wfile.write('0\\r\\n\\r\\n') def sendResponse(self, message, code=200, msg='OK', mimetype='text/html', header_list=[], chunked=False, length=None, cachectrl='private'): self.server.logger.log_request(self, code, message and len(message) or '-') self.wfile.write('HTTP/1.1 %s %s\\r\\n' % (code, msg)) if code == 401: self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm=PK%d' % (time.time()/3600)) self.chunked = chunked if chunked: self.send_header('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked') else: if length: self.send_header('Content-Length', length) elif not chunked: self.send_header('Content-Length', len(message or '')) self.sendStdHdrs(header_list=header_list, mimetype=mimetype, cachectrl=cachectrl) if message and not self.suppress_body: self.sendChunk(message) def do_HEAD(self): self.suppress_body = True self.do_GET(command='HEAD') def do_GET(self, command='GET'): (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag) = urlparse(self.path) qs = parse_qs(query) self.post_data = None self.command = command try: if 'cookie' in self.headers: cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(self.headers['cookie']) else: cookies = {} return self.handleHttpRequest(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, None, cookies) except socket.error: pass except: print '%s' % traceback.format_exc() self.sendResponse('

Internal Error

\\n', code=500, msg='Error') def do_PUT(self): self.do_POST(command='PUT') def do_DELETE(self): self.do_POST(command='DELETE') def header(self, name, default=None): return self.headers.get(name) or self.headers.get(name.lower()) or default def do_POST(self, command='POST'): (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag) = urlparse(self.path) qs = parse_qs(query) self.command = command self.post_data = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.old_rfile = self.rfile try: # First, buffer the POST data to a file... clength = cleft = int(self.header('Content-Length')) while cleft > 0: rbytes = min(64*1024, cleft) self.post_data.write(self.rfile.read(rbytes)) cleft -= rbytes # Juggle things so the buffering is invisble. self.post_data.seek(0) self.rfile = self.post_data ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.header('Content-Type', '')) if ctype == 'multipart/form-data': self.post_data.seek(0) posted = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': if clength >= 50*1024*1024: raise Exception((\"Refusing to parse giant posted query \" \"string (%s bytes).\") % clength) posted = cgi.parse_qs(self.rfile.read(clength), 1) elif command == 'POST': # We wrap the XMLRPC request handler in _BEGIN/_END in order to # expose the request environment to the RPC functions. rci = self.server.xmlrpc return rci._END(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.do_POST(rci._BEGIN(self))) else: posted = {} posted[command.upper()] = self.rfile.read(clength) self.post_data.seek(0) except: print '%s' % traceback.format_exc() self.sendResponse('

Internal Error

\\n', code=500, msg='Error') self.rfile = self.old_rfile self.post_data = None return try: if 'cookie' in self.headers: cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie(self.headers['cookie']) else: cookies = {} return self.handleHttpRequest(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, posted, cookies) except socket.error: pass except: print '%s' % traceback.format_exc() self.sendResponse('

Internal Error

\\n', code=500, msg='Error') self.rfile = self.old_rfile self.post_data = None def handleHttpRequest(self, scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, posted, cookies): return self.server.boss.handleHttpRequest(self, scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, posted, cookies) class XmlRpcInterface: \"\"\"Base class for handling XML-RPC methods.\"\"\" def __init__(self, boss): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.request = None self.boss = boss def _BEGIN(self, request_object): self.lock.acquire() self.request = request_object return request_object def _END(self, rv=None): if self.request: self.request = None self.lock.release() return rv class Boss: \"\"\"Stub boss class.\"\"\" def handleHttpRequest(self, request_handler, scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, posted, cookies): request_handler.sendResponse('

Hello world

') class Logger: \"\"\"Stub logger class.\"\"\" def log_message(self, request_handler, message): if request_handler: return request_handler.log_message(message) print '*** %s' % message def log_request(self, request_handler, code, message): return request_handler.log_request(code, message) class Server(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SimpleXMLRPCServer): \"\"\"Basic HTTP daemon class.\"\"\" def __init__(self, sspec, boss, handler=RequestHandler, logger=Logger, xmlrpc=None): SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, sspec, handler) self.boss = boss self.handler = handler self.logger = logger() if xmlrpc: self.xmlrpc = xmlrpc(boss) self.register_introspection_functions() self.register_instance(self.xmlrpc) else: self.xmlrpc = None def finish_request(self, request, client_address): try: SimpleXMLRPCServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address) except socket.error: pass if __name__ == \"__main__\": Server( ('localhost', 7890), Boss() ).serve_forever() """ sys.modules["HttpdLite"] = imp.new_module("HttpdLite") sys.modules["HttpdLite"].open = __comb_open exec __FILES[".SELF/../HttpdLite/HttpdLite.py"] in sys.modules["HttpdLite"].__dict__ ############################################################################### #!/usr/bin/python # # Unhosted.py, Copyright 2012, Bjarni R. Einarsson # # This is an "instant" personal Unhosted.org remoteStorage server. # ################################################################################ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see: # ################################################################################ # import hashlib import json import os import random import re import time import urllib import HttpdLite html_escape_table = { "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", ">": ">", "<": "<", } def html_escape(text): """Produce entities within text.""" return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text) def sha1sig(parts): h = hashlib.sha1() h.update(('-'.join(parts)).encode('utf-8')) return h.digest().encode('base64').replace('+', '^').replace('=', '').strip() class RequestHandler(HttpdLite.RequestHandler): def do_OPTIONS(self): return self.do_GET(command='OPTIONS') class Unhosted: def __init__(self, db_path): self.db_path = db_path self.db_metadata = {} self.db_password = '%x-%x' % (os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 0xFFFF)) self.listen_on = ('localhost', 6789) def stop(self): pass METADATA_FILE = '_RS_METADATA.js' METADATA_TARGET_SIZE = 256*1024 METADATA_NO_INLINE_RE = re.compile('^..*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,5}$') CORS_HEADERS = [ ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'), ('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, PUT, DELETE'), ('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'content-length, authorization') ] HOST_META = """ """ WEBFINGER = """ """ def handleHttpRequest(self, req, scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag, qs, posted, cookies, user=None): if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] path_url = path path = urllib.unquote(path).decode('utf-8') # Defaults, may be overridden by individual response pages code = 200 headers = self.CORS_HEADERS[:] cachectrl = 'no-cache' data = None # Shared values for rendering templates host = req.header('Host', 'unknown') page = { 'proto': 'https', # FIXME 'host': host, } page['unhosted_url'] = '%(proto)s://%(host)s' % page # host meta if req.command == 'GET' and path == '.well-known/host-meta': mime_type = 'application/xrd+xml' template = self.HOST_META elif req.command == 'GET' and path == 'webfinger': # FIXME: Does user really exist? page['subject'] = subject = qs['uri'][0] page['user'] = subject.split(':', 1)[-1].replace('@'+host, '') mime_type = 'application/xrd+xml' template = self.WEBFINGER.replace('\n', '\r\n') elif path == 'oauth': return self.handleOAuth(req, page, qs, posted) elif path.startswith('storage/'): return self.handleStorage(req, path[8:], page, qs, posted) else: code = 404 mime_type = 'text/html' template = '

404 Not found

\n' if not data: for key in page.keys(): page['q_%s' % key] = urllib.quote(page[key]) return req.sendResponse(data or ((template % page).encode('utf-8')), code=code, mimetype=mime_type, header_list=headers, cachectrl=cachectrl) OAUTH_GRANT = """ OAuth: Grant access?

Grant access?

The app at %(h_client_id)s would like to read and write data for %(h_user)s. Please log in and tick all permissions you'd like to grant to this app. Note that some applications may fail if not all are granted.


Password: * check the console

""" OAUTH_SCOPE = """ %(scope)s""" def handleOAuth(self, req, page, qs, posted): page['user'] = subject = qs['user'][0] page['client_id'] = client_id = qs['client_id'][0] redirect_uri = qs['redirect_uri'][0] response_type = qs['response_type'][0] state = qs.get('state', [None])[0] scope = qs.get('scope', [None])[0] scope = scope and scope.split(',') or [] if posted: redirect = None if 'deny' in posted: redirect = '%s#error=invalid_client' % redirect_uri elif posted.get('password', [''])[0] == self.db_password: parts = [] print '%s' % posted for i in range(0, len(scope)): if ('r_%s' % i) in posted: parts.append('r_%s' % scope[i]) if ('w_%s' % i) in posted: parts.append('w_%s' % scope[i]) if parts: parts.extend([subject]) parts.append(sha1sig([self.db_password]+parts)) token = ','.join(parts) redirect = ('%s#access_token=%s&token_type=bearer' ) % (redirect_uri, token) else: redirect = '%s#error=invalid_request' % redirect_uri if redirect: req.sendResponse(('

Redirecting to %s

' ) % (redirect, redirect), code=302, header_list=[('Location', redirect)]) scope_html = [] for cat in range(0, len(scope)): scope_html.append(self.OAUTH_SCOPE % {'cat': cat, 'scope': html_escape(scope[cat])}) page['rw_scopes'] = ''.join(scope_html) print print '*** YOUR TEMPORARY PASSWORD: %s' % self.db_password print for key in page.keys(): page['h_%s' % key] = html_escape(page[key]) return req.sendResponse((self.OAUTH_GRANT % page).encode('utf-8'), code=500) def checkAuth(self, req, user): try: how, parts = req.header('Authorization', ' ').split() if how.lower() != 'bearer': raise ValueError(how) parts = parts.split(',') sig = parts.pop(-1) if sig != sha1sig([self.db_password]+parts): raise ValueError('sig') if parts.pop(-1) != user: raise ValueError(user) print 'Creds: %s' % parts return parts except (ValueError, KeyError), e: return ['r_public', 'error_%s' % e] def mkdir(self, path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): self.mkdir(dirname) os.mkdir(path) def getMetadata(self, dirname): if dirname in self.db_metadata: return self.db_metadata[dirname] try: fn = os.path.join(dirname, self.METADATA_FILE) md = json.load(open(fn, 'rb')) md[self.METADATA_FILE] = { 'bytes': os.path.getsize(fn) } self.db_metadata[dirname] = md except (OSError, IOError): md = {} return md def setMetadata(self, dirname, key, value): md = self.getMetadata(dirname) md[key] = value self.saveMetadata(dirname, md) def delMetadata(self, dirname, key, value): md = self.getMetadata(dirname) if key in md: del md[key] self.saveMetadata(dirname, md) def saveMetadata(self, dirname, md): # FIXME: Use zlib to make this smaller? # FIXME: Just mark dirty, move the actual writes to another thread. json.dump(md, open(os.path.join(dirname, self.METADATA_FILE), 'wb'), indent=2) def getFile(self, filename, authenticated): dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) metadata = self.getMetadata(dirname).get(basename, None) if not metadata: if authenticated and os.path.isdir(filename): return '{}', 'application/json', 200 # FIXME: Directory listing? else: return '

Not Found

\n', 'text/html', 404 if authenticated or 'r' in metadata.get('public', ''): mime_type = metadata.get('mime-type', 'text/plain') data = metadata.get('data', '') if 'file-name' in metadata: data = ''.join(open(os.path.join(dirname, metadata['file-name']), 'rb' ).readlines()) else: return '


\n', 'text/html', 401 return data, mime_type, 200 def inlineFile(self, filename, size, rs_meta): # Check if the data is too big rs_meta_size = rs_meta.get(self.METADATA_FILE, {}).get('bytes', 0) if size > (self.METADATA_TARGET_SIZE-rs_meta_size)/10: return False # Simple heuristic to see if we have foo.bar style name if self.METADATA_NO_INLINE_RE.match(filename): return False # Small with a weird name: inlining is OK. return True def putFile(self, filename, data, mime_type, authenticated): dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) rs_metadata = self.getMetadata(dirname) if authenticated: if not os.path.exists(dirname): self.mkdir(dirname) else: if 'w' not in rs_metadata.get(basename, {}).get('public', ''): return '


\n', 'text/html', 401 if data == '' and not mime_type: os.mkdir(filename) else: metadata = { 'mime-type': mime_type or 'application/octet-stream' } if not self.inlineFile(basename, len(data), rs_metadata): fn = metadata['file-name'] = urllib.quote(basename) fd = open(os.path.join(dirname, fn), 'wb') fd.write(data) fd.close() else: metadata['data'] = data self.setMetadata(dirname, basename, metadata) # FIXME: Return codes? return '', 'text/plain', 200 def delFile(self, filename, authenticated): dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) metadata = self.getMetadata(dirname).get(basename, None) if not metadata or not authenticated: return '

Not Found

\n', 'text/html', 404 if 'file-name' in metadata: os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, metadata['file-name'])) self.delMetadata(dirname, basename) return '', 'text/html', 200 def handleStorage(self, req, path, page, qs, posted): headers = self.CORS_HEADERS[:] cachectrl = 'no-cache' # Clean up our path a bit... if '..' in path: raise ValueError('Evil path: %s' % path) # Calculate our filename filename = os.path.normpath('/'.join([self.db_path, path])) # Strip user and category off the path user, category, path = path.split('/', 2) creds = self.checkAuth(req, user) if req.command == 'OPTIONS': data, mime_type, code = '', 'text/html', 200 elif req.command == 'GET': authenticated = ('r_%s' % category) in creds data, mime_type, code = self.getFile(filename, authenticated) elif req.command == 'PUT': authenticated = ('w_%s' % category) in creds data, mime_type, code = self.putFile(filename, posted['PUT'], req.header('Content-Type'), authenticated) elif req.command == 'DELETE': authenticated = ('w_%s' % category) in creds data, mime_type, code = self.delFile(filename, authenticated) else: data, mime_type, code = 'Unimplemented', 'text/html', 500 return req.sendResponse(data, code=code, mimetype=mime_type, header_list=headers, cachectrl=cachectrl) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.Unhosted.py') unhosted = Unhosted(db_path) except (IndexError, ValueError, OSError, IOError): print 'Usage: %s' % sys.argv[0] print print 'The file will create an database in: %s' % db_path print sys.exit(1) try: try: print 'This is Unhosted.py, listening on %s:%s' % unhosted.listen_on print 'Fork me on Github: https://github.com/pagekite/plugins-pyUnhosted' print HttpdLite.Server(unhosted.listen_on, unhosted, handler=RequestHandler).serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: unhosted.stop() except: unhosted.stop() raise #EOF#