#!/bin/bash ver="1.6" echo "$0 ver $ver written by Claude Pageau" cd ~ if [ ! -f /usr/bin/rclone -o ! -z "$1" ]; then echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" wget -O rclone.zip https://downloads.rclone.org/rclone-current-linux-arm.zip echo "unzip rclone.zip to folder rclone-tmp" unzip -o -j -d rclone-tmp rclone.zip echo "Install files and man pages" cd rclone-tmp sudo cp rclone /usr/bin/ sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/rclone sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/rclone sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1 sudo cp rclone.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/ sudo mandb cd .. echo "Deleting rclone.zip and Folder rclone-tmp" rm rclone.zip rm -r rclone-tmp fi if [ -f /usr/bin/rclone ]; then echo "rclone is installed at /usr/bin/rclone" rclone -V mkdir -p rpi-sync cd rpi-sync wget -O rclone-sync.sh https://raw.github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi/master/rclone-sync.sh wget -O Readme.md https://raw.github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi/master/Readme.md wget -O rclone-install.sh https://raw.github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi/master/rclone-install.sh chmod +x *sh else echo "ERROR - Problem Installing rclone. Please Investigate" fi echo "rclone installed at /usr/bin/rclone" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " INSTRUCTIONS Google Drive Example 1 You will be required to have a login account on the remote storage service Open putty SSH login session to RPI and execute command below rclone config Follow rclone prompts. For more Details See https://github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi/wiki/Home 2 At name> prompt specify a reference name eg gdmedia 3 At storage> prompt Enter a remote storage number from List 4 Select Auto Config, At Link: prompt, left click and highlight rclone url link (do not hit enter) 5 on computer web browser url bar right click paste and go. 6 On computer web browser security page, Confirm access. 7 Copy web browser access security token and paste into RPI SSH session rclone prompt. Enter to accept 8 To test remote service access. Execute the following where gdmedia is the name you gave your remote service rclone ls gdmedia:/ Example sync command make source identical to destination rclone sync -v /home/pi/rpi-sync gdmedia:/rpi-sync To upgrade cd rpi-sync ./rclone-install.sh upgrade For more Details See https://github.com/pageauc/rclone4pi/wiki/Home Bye "