""" " -- here be dragons set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 " path where configs are stored let s:NEOVIM_CONFIG = '$HOME/dotfiles/conf/neovim/' " check if the system is macOS function! g:IsMacOS() if has('unix') let s:uname = system('uname') if s:uname ==? "Darwin\n" return 1 else return 0 endif endif endfunction " configs split up according to functionality let s:configs = [ \ 'plugins', \ 'settings', \ 'settings.plugins', \ 'mappings', \ 'mappings.plugins', \ 'ui', \ 'ui.statusline', \ 'ui.plugins', \ 'commands', \ ] " load all configs for s:config in s:configs let s:configPath = s:NEOVIM_CONFIG . s:config . '.vim' execute 'source ' . fnameescape(s:configPath) endfor