rewrite_urls) ){ return; } ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&'); foreach($page->rewrite_urls as $key => $value){ output_add_rewrite_var($key,$value); } } /** * Send only messages and the content buffer to the client * @static */ static function Flush(){ global $page; self::StandardHeaders(); echo GetMessages(); echo $page->contentBuffer; } static function Content(){ global $page; self::StandardHeaders(); echo GetMessages(); $page->GetGpxContent(); } static function StandardHeaders(){ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); Header('Vary: Accept,Accept-Encoding');// for proxies } /** * Send only the messages and content as a simple html document * @static */ static function BodyAsHTML(){ global $page; $page->head_script .= 'var gp_bodyashtml = true;'; gpOutput::TemplateSettings(); self::StandardHeaders(); echo ''; gpOutput::getHead(); echo ''; $class = 'gpbody'; if( common::RequestType() == 'admin' ){ $class .= ' gp_full_size'; } echo ''; echo GetMessages(); $page->GetGpxContent(); echo ''; echo ''; gpOutput::HeadContent(); } /** * Send all content according to the current layout * @static * */ static function Template(){ global $page, $GP_ARRANGE, $GP_STYLES, $get_all_gadgets_called, $addon_current_id, $GP_MENU_LINKS, $GP_MENU_CLASS, $GP_MENU_CLASSES, $GP_MENU_ELEMENTS; $get_all_gadgets_called = false; if( isset($page->theme_addon_id) ){ $addon_current_id = $page->theme_addon_id; } gpOutput::TemplateSettings(); self::StandardHeaders(); $path = $page->theme_dir.'/template.php'; $return = IncludeScript($path,'require',array('page','GP_ARRANGE','GP_MENU_LINKS','GP_MENU_CLASS','GP_MENU_CLASSES','GP_MENU_ELEMENTS')); //return will be false if there's a fatal error with the template.php file if( $return === false ){ gpOutput::BodyAsHtml(); } gpPlugin::ClearDataFolder(); gpOutput::HeadContent(); } /** * Get the settings for the current theme if settings.php exists * @static */ static function TemplateSettings(){ global $page; $path = $page->theme_dir.'/settings.php'; IncludeScript($path,'require_if',array('page','GP_GETALLGADGETS')); } /** * Add a Header to the response * The header will be discarded if it's an ajax request or similar * @static */ static function AddHeader($header, $replace = true, $code = false){ if( !empty($_REQUEST['gpreq']) ){ return false; } if( $code ){ common::status_header($code,$header); }else{ header($header,$replace); } return true; } /* * * Content Area Functions * */ static function GetContainerID($name,$arg=false){ static $indices; $name = str_replace(array('+','/','='),array('','',''),base64_encode($name)); if( !isset($indices[$name]) ){ $indices[$name] = 0; }else{ $indices[$name]++; } return $name.'_'.$indices[$name]; } /** * Fetch the output and return as a string * */ static function Fetch($default,$arg=''){ ob_start(); gpOutput::Get($default,$arg); return ob_get_clean(); } static function Get($default='',$arg=''){ global $page,$gpLayouts,$gpOutConf; $outSet = false; $outKeys = false; $layout_info =& $gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]; //container id $container_id = $default.':'.substr($arg,0,10); $container_id = self::GetContainerID($container_id); if( isset($layout_info) && isset($layout_info['handlers']) ){ $handlers =& $layout_info['handlers']; if( isset($handlers[$container_id]) ){ $outKeys = $handlers[$container_id]; $outSet = true; } } //default values if( !$outSet && isset($gpOutConf[$default]) ){ $outKeys[] = trim($default.':'.$arg,':'); } gpOutput::ForEachOutput($outKeys,$container_id); } static function ForEachOutput($outKeys,$container_id){ if( !is_array($outKeys) || (count($outKeys) == 0) ){ $info = array(); $info['gpOutCmd'] = ''; gpOutput::CallOutput($info,$container_id); return; } foreach($outKeys as $gpOutCmd){ $info = gpOutput::GetgpOutInfo($gpOutCmd); if( $info === false ){ trigger_error('gpOutCmd '.$gpOutCmd.' not set'); continue; } $info['gpOutCmd'] = $gpOutCmd; gpOutput::CallOutput($info,$container_id); } } /* static */ static function GetgpOutInfo($gpOutCmd){ global $gpOutConf,$config; $key = $gpOutCmd = trim($gpOutCmd,':'); $info = false; $arg = ''; $pos = mb_strpos($key,':'); if( $pos > 0 ){ $arg = mb_substr($key,$pos+1); $key = mb_substr($key,0,$pos); } if( isset($gpOutConf[$key]) ){ $info = $gpOutConf[$key]; }elseif( isset($config['gadgets'][$key]) ){ $info = $config['gadgets'][$key]; $info['is_gadget'] = true; }else{ return false; } $info['key'] = $key; $info['arg'] = $arg; $info['gpOutCmd'] = $gpOutCmd; return $info; } /* static */ static function GpOutLabel($key){ global $langmessage; $info = gpOutput::GetgpOutInfo($key); $label = $key; if( isset($info['link']) && isset($langmessage[$info['link']]) ){ $label = $langmessage[$info['link']]; } return str_replace(array(' ','_',':'),array(' ',' ',': '),$label); } static function CallOutput($info,$container_id){ global $GP_ARRANGE, $page, $langmessage, $GP_MENU_LINKS, $GP_MENU_CLASS, $GP_MENU_CLASSES, $gp_current_container; $gp_current_container = $container_id; self::$out_started = true; self::$edit_area_id = ''; if( isset($info['disabled']) ){ return; } //gpOutCmd identifies the output function used, there can only be one if( !isset($info['gpOutCmd']) ){ trigger_error('gpOutCmd not set for $info in CallOutput()'); return; } $param = $container_id.'|'.$info['gpOutCmd']; $class = 'gpArea_'.str_replace(array(':',','),array('_',''),trim($info['gpOutCmd'],':')); $permission = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Theme_Content'); ob_start(); //for theme content arrangement if( $GP_ARRANGE && $permission && isset($GLOBALS['GP_ARRANGE_CONTENT']) ){ $empty_container = empty($info['gpOutCmd']); //empty containers can't be removed and don't have labels $class .= ' gp_output_area'; echo ''; } //editable links only .. other editable_areas are handled by their output functions if( $permission ){ $menu_marker = false; if( isset($info['link']) ){ $label = $langmessage[$info['link']]; $edit_link = gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['edit'],'cmd=editlinks&layout='.urlencode($page->gpLayout).'&handle='.$param,' data-cmd="gpabox" title="'.$label.'" '); echo ''; echo $edit_link; echo common::Link('Admin_Menu',$langmessage['file_manager'],'',' class="nodisplay"'); echo ''; self::$edit_area_id = 'ExtraEditArea'.$edit_index; $menu_marker = true; }elseif( isset($info['key']) && ($info['key'] == 'CustomMenu') ){ $edit_link = gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['edit'],'cmd=editcustom&layout='.urlencode($page->gpLayout).'&handle='.$param,' data-cmd="gpabox" title="'.$langmessage['Links'].'" '); echo ''; echo $edit_link; echo common::Link('Admin_Menu',$langmessage['file_manager'],'',' class="nodisplay"'); echo ''; self::$edit_area_id = 'ExtraEditArea'.$edit_index; $menu_marker = true; } //for menu arrangement, admin_menu_new.js if( $menu_marker ){ echo ''; } } gpOutput::$editlinks .= ob_get_clean(); echo '
'; gpOutput::ExecArea($info); echo '
'; $GP_ARRANGE = true; $gp_current_container = false; } static function ExecArea($info){ //retreive from gadget cache if set if( isset($info['gpOutCmd']) ){ $gadget = $info['gpOutCmd']; if( substr($gadget,0,7) == 'Gadget:' ){ $gadget = substr($gadget,7); } if( isset(self::$gadget_cache[$gadget]) ){ echo self::$gadget_cache[$gadget]; return; } } $info += array('arg'=>''); $args = array( $info['arg'],$info); gpOutput::ExecInfo($info,$args); } /** * Execute a set of directives for theme areas, hooks and special pages * */ static function ExecInfo($info,$args=array()){ global $dataDir, $addonFolderName, $installed_addon, $config, $page, $gp_overwrite_scripts; //addonDir is deprecated as of 2.0b3 if( isset($info['addonDir']) ){ if( gp_safe_mode ) return; gpPlugin::SetDataFolder($info['addonDir']); }elseif( isset($info['addon']) ){ if( gp_safe_mode ) return; gpPlugin::SetDataFolder($info['addon']); } //if addon was just installed if( $installed_addon && $installed_addon === $addonFolderName){ gpPlugin::ClearDataFolder(); return $args; } // check for fatal errors if( self::FatalNotice( 'exec', $info ) ){ return $args; } //data if( !empty($info['data']) ){ IncludeScript($dataDir.$info['data'],'include_if',array('page','dataDir','langmessage')); } //script $has_script = false; if( isset($info['script']) ){ if( is_array($gp_overwrite_scripts) && isset($gp_overwrite_scripts[$info['script']]) ){ $full_path = $gp_overwrite_scripts[$info['script']]; }else{ $full_path = $dataDir.$info['script']; } if( !file_exists($full_path) ){ $name =& $config['addons'][$addonFolderName]['name']; trigger_error('gpEasy Error: Addon hook script doesn\'t exist. Script: '.$info['script'].' Addon: '.$name); }elseif( IncludeScript($full_path,'include_once',array('page','dataDir','langmessage')) ){ $has_script = true; } } //class & method if( !empty($info['class']) ){ if( class_exists($info['class']) ){ $object = new $info['class']($args); if( !empty($info['method']) ){ if( method_exists($object, $info['method']) ){ $args[0] = call_user_func_array(array($object, $info['method']), $args ); }elseif( $has_script ){ trigger_error('gpEasy Error: Addon hook method doesn\'t exist. Script: '.$info['method']); } } }elseif( $has_script ){ $name =& $config['addons'][$addonFolderName]['name']; trigger_error('gpEasy Error: Addon hook class doesn\'t exist. Script: '.$info['class'].' Addon: '.$name); } }elseif( !empty($info['method']) ){ $callback = $info['method']; //object callbacks since gpEasy 3.0 if( is_string($callback) && strpos($callback,'->') !== false ){ $has_script = true; list($object,$method) = explode('->',$callback); if( isset($GLOBALS[$object]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$object]) && method_exists($GLOBALS[$object],$method) ){ $callback = array($GLOBALS[$object],$method); } } if( is_callable($callback) ){ $args[0] = call_user_func_array($callback,$args); $method_called = true; }elseif( $has_script ){ $name =& $config['addons'][$addonFolderName]['name']; trigger_error('gpEasy Error: Addon hook method doesn\'t exist. Script: '.$info['method'].' Addon: '.$name); } } gpPlugin::ClearDataFolder(); gpOutput::PopCatchable(); return $args; } /** * Check for fatal errors corresponing to $hash * Notify administrators of disabled components * */ static function FatalNotice( $type, $info ){ global $dataDir, $page; static $notified = array(); $info = (array)$info; $info['catchable_type'] = $type; $hash = $type.'_'.common::ArrayHash($info); self::$catchable[$hash] = $info; //no file = no fatal error $file = $dataDir.'/data/_site/fatal_'.$hash; if( !file_exists($file) ){ return false; } $error_info = $error_text = file_get_contents($file); $info_hash = md5($error_text); // if the file that caused the fatal error has been modified, treat as fixed if( $error_text[0] == '{' && $error_info = json_decode($error_text,true) ){ if( !empty($error_info['file']) && file_exists($error_info['file']) ){ //compare modified time if( array_key_exists('file_modified',$error_info) && filemtime($error_info['file']) != $error_info['file_modified'] ){ unlink($file); return false; } //compare file size if( array_key_exists('file_size',$error_info) && filesize($error_info['file']) != $error_info['file_size'] ){ unlink($file); return false; } } } //notify admin $message = 'Warning: A compenent of this page has been disabled because it caused fatal errors:'; if( !count(self::$fatal_notices) ){ error_log( $message ); } if( common::LoggedIn() ){ if( !isset(self::$fatal_notices[$info_hash]) ){ $message .= '
'.common::Link($page->title,'Enable Component','cmd=enable_component&hash='.$hash) //cannot be creq .'   Show Backtrace' .'
' .pre($error_text) .'
'; msg( $message ); self::$fatal_notices[$info_hash] = $error_text; } } self::PopCatchable(); //echo pre($info); //die(); return true; } static function PopCatchable(){ array_pop(self::$catchable); } static function ShowEditLink($permission=false){ global $GP_NESTED_EDIT; if( $permission ){ return !$GP_NESTED_EDIT && common::LoggedIn() && admin_tools::HasPermission($permission); } return !$GP_NESTED_EDIT && common::LoggedIn(); } static function EditAreaLink(&$index,$href,$label,$query='',$attr=''){ static $count = 0; $count++; $index = $count; //since &$index is passed by reference if( is_array($attr) ){ $attr += array('class'=>'ExtraEditLink nodisplay','id'=>'ExtraEditLink'.$index); }else{ $attr .= ' class="ExtraEditLink nodisplay" id="ExtraEditLink'.$index.'"'; } return common::Link($href,$label,$query,$attr); } /** * Unless the gadget area is customized by the user, this function will output all active gadgets * If the area has been reorganized, it will output the customized areas * This function is not called from gpOutput::Get('GetAllGadgets') so that each individual gadget area can be used as a drag area * */ static function GetAllGadgets(){ global $config, $page, $gpLayouts, $get_all_gadgets_called; $get_all_gadgets_called = true; //if we have handler info if( isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['handlers']['GetAllGadgets']) ){ gpOutput::ForEachOutput($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['handlers']['GetAllGadgets'],'GetAllGadgets'); return; } //show all gadgets if no changes have been made if( !empty($config['gadgets']) ){ $count = 0; foreach($config['gadgets'] as $gadget => $info){ if( isset($info['addon']) ){ $info['gpOutCmd'] = $info['key'] = $gadget; gpOutput::CallOutput($info,'GetAllGadgets'); $count++; } } if( $count ){ return; } } //Show the area as editable if there isn't anything to show $info = array(); $info['gpOutCmd'] = ''; gpOutput::CallOutput($info,'GetAllGadgets'); } /** * Get a Single Gadget * This method should be called using gpOutput::Fetch('Gadget',$gadget_name) * */ static function GetGadget($id){ global $config; if( !isset($config['gadgets'][$id]) ){ return; } gpOutput::ExecArea($config['gadgets'][$id]); } /** * Prepare the gadget content before getting template.php so that gadget functions can add css and js to the head * @return null */ static function PrepGadgetContent(){ global $page; $gadget_info = gpOutput::WhichGadgets($page->gpLayout); foreach($gadget_info as $gpOutCmd => $info){ if( !isset(self::$gadget_cache[$gpOutCmd]) ){ ob_start(); gpOutput::ExecArea($info); self::$gadget_cache[$gpOutCmd] = ob_get_clean(); } } } /** * Return information about the gadgets being used in the current layout * @return array */ static function WhichGadgets($layout){ global $config,$gpLayouts; $gadget_info = $temp_info = array(); if( !isset($config['gadgets']) ){ return $gadget_info; } $layout_info = & $gpLayouts[$layout]; $GetAllGadgets = true; if( isset($layout_info['all_gadgets']) && !$layout_info['all_gadgets'] ){ $GetAllGadgets = false; } if( isset($layout_info['handlers']) ){ foreach($layout_info['handlers'] as $handler => $out_cmds){ //don't prep even if GetAllGadgets is set in the layout's config if( $handler == 'GetAllGadgets' && !$GetAllGadgets ){ continue; } foreach($out_cmds as $gpOutCmd){ $temp_info[$gpOutCmd] = gpOutput::GetgpOutInfo($gpOutCmd); } } } //add all gadgets if $GetAllGadgets is true and the GetAllGadgets handler isn't overwritten if( $GetAllGadgets && !isset($layout_info['handlers']['GetAllGadgets']) ){ foreach($config['gadgets'] as $gadget => $temp){ if( isset($temp['addon']) ){ $temp_info[$gadget] = gpOutput::GetgpOutInfo($gadget); } } } foreach($temp_info as $gpOutCmd => $info){ if( isset($info['is_gadget']) && $info['is_gadget'] && !isset($info['disabled']) ){ $gadget_info[$gpOutCmd] = $info; } } return $gadget_info; } /** * @param string $arg comma seperated argument list: $top_level, $bottom_level, $options * $top_level (int) The upper level of the menu to show, if deeper (in this case > ) than 0, only the submenu is shown * $bottom_level (int) The lower level of menu to show * $expand_level (int) The upper level from where to start expanding sublinks, if -1 no expansion * $expand_all (int) Whether or not to expand all levels below $expand_level (defaults to 0) * $source_menu (string) Which menu to use * */ static function CustomMenu($arg,$title=false){ global $page, $gp_index; //from output functions if( is_array($title) ){ $title = $page->title; } $title_index = false; if( isset($gp_index[$title]) ){ $title_index = $gp_index[$title]; } $args = explode(',',$arg); $args += array( 0=>0, 1=>3, 2=>-1, 3=>1, 4=>'' ); //defaults list($top_level,$bottom_level,$expand_level,$expand_all,$source_menu) = $args; //get menu array $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($source_menu); //reduce array to $title => $level $menu = array(); foreach($source_menu_array as $temp_key => $titleInfo){ if( !isset($titleInfo['level']) ){ break; } $menu[$temp_key] = $titleInfo['level']; } //Reduce for expansion //first reduction //message('expand level: '.$expand_level); if( (int)$expand_level >= 1 ){ if( $expand_all ){ $menu = gpOutput::MenuReduce_ExpandAll($menu,$expand_level,$title_index,$top_level); }else{ $menu = gpOutput::MenuReduce_Expand($menu,$expand_level,$title_index,$top_level); } } //Reduce if $top_level >= 0 //second reduction if( (int)$top_level > 0 ){ //echo 'top level: '.$top_level; //message('top: '.$top_level); $menu = gpOutput::MenuReduce_Top($menu,$top_level,$title_index); }else{ $top_level = 0; } //Reduce by trimming off titles below $bottom_level // last reduction : in case the selected link is below $bottom_level if( $bottom_level > 0 ){ //message('bottom: '.$bottom_level); $menu = gpOutput::MenuReduce_Bottom($menu,$bottom_level); } gpOutput::OutputMenu($menu,$top_level,$source_menu_array); } /** * Return the data for the requested menu, return the main menu if the requested menu doesn't exist * @param string $id String identifying the requested menu * @return array menu data */ static function GetMenuArray($id){ global $dataDir, $gp_menu, $config; $menu_file = $dataDir.'/data/_menus/'.$id.'.php'; if( !file_exists($menu_file) ){ return gpPlugin::Filter('GetMenuArray',array($gp_menu)); } $menu = array(); $fileVersion = false; require($menu_file); if( $fileVersion && version_compare($fileVersion,'3.0b1','<') ){ $menu = gpOutput::FixMenu($menu); } return gpPlugin::Filter('GetMenuArray',array($menu)); } /** * Update menu entries to gpEasy 3.0 state * .. htmlspecialchars label for external links * @since 3.0b1 */ static function FixMenu($menu){ //fix external links, prior to 3.0, escaping was done when the menu was output foreach($menu as $key => $value){ if( !isset($value['url']) ){ continue; } //make sure it has a label if( empty($value['label']) ){ $menu[$key]['label'] = $value['url']; } //make sure the title attr is escaped if( !empty($value['title_attr']) ){ $menu[$key]['title_attr'] = htmlspecialchars($menu[$key]['title_attr']); } //make sure url and label are escape $menu[$key]['url'] = htmlspecialchars($menu[$key]['url']); $menu[$key]['label'] = htmlspecialchars($menu[$key]['label']); } return $menu; } static function MenuReduce_ExpandAll($menu,$expand_level,$curr_title_key,$top_level){ $result_menu = array(); $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ if( $level < $expand_level ){ $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; } if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ $foundGroup = true; $result_menu = $result_menu + $submenu; //not using array_merge because of numeric indexes } if( $foundGroup ){ $result_menu[$title_key] = $level; }elseif( $level < $expand_level ){ $result_menu[$title_key] = $level; }else{ $submenu[$title_key] = $level; } } return $result_menu; } //Reduce titles deeper than $expand_level || $current_level static function MenuReduce_Expand($menu,$expand_level,$curr_title_key,$top_level){ $result_menu = array(); $submenu = array(); //if $top_level is set, we need to take it into consideration $expand_level = max( $expand_level, $top_level); //titles higher than the $expand_level $good_titles = array(); foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ if( $level < $expand_level ){ $good_titles[$title_key] = $level; } } if( isset($menu[$curr_title_key]) ){ $curr_level = $menu[$curr_title_key]; $good_titles[$curr_title_key] = $menu[$curr_title_key]; //titles below selected // cannot use $submenu because $foundTitle may require titles above the $submenu threshold $foundTitle = false; foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ $foundTitle = true; continue; } if( !$foundTitle ){ continue; } if( ($curr_level+1) == $level ){ $good_titles[$title_key] = $level; }elseif( $curr_level < $level ){ continue; }else{ break; } } //$start_time = microtime(); //reduce the menu to the current group $submenu = gpOutput::MenuReduce_Group($menu,$curr_title_key,$expand_level,$curr_level); //message('group: ('.count($submenu).') '.showArray($submenu)); // titles even-with selected title within group $even_temp = array(); $even_group = false; foreach($submenu as $title_key => $level){ if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ $even_group = true; $good_titles = $good_titles + $even_temp; continue; } if( $level < $curr_level ){ if( $even_group ){ $even_group = false; //done }else{ $even_temp = array(); //reset } } if( $level == $curr_level ){ if( $even_group ){ $good_titles[$title_key] = $level; }else{ $even_temp[$title_key] = $level; } } } // titles above selected title, deeper than $expand_level, and within the group gpOutput::MenuReduce_Sub($good_titles,$submenu,$curr_title_key,$expand_level,$curr_level); gpOutput::MenuReduce_Sub($good_titles,array_reverse($submenu),$curr_title_key,$expand_level,$curr_level); //message('time: '.microtime_diff($start_time,microtime())); } //rebuild $good_titles in order // array_intersect_assoc() would be useful here, it's php4.3+ and there's no indication if the order of the first argument is preserved foreach($menu as $title => $level){ if( isset($good_titles[$title]) ){ $result_menu[$title] = $level; } } return $result_menu; } // reduce the menu to the group static function MenuReduce_Group($menu,$curr_title_key,$expand_level,$curr_level){ $result = array(); $group_temp = array(); $found_title = false; foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ //back at the top if( $level < $expand_level ){ $group_temp = array(); $found_title = false; } if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ $found_title = true; $result = $group_temp; } if( $level >= $expand_level ){ if( $found_title ){ $result[$title_key] = $level; }else{ $group_temp[$title_key] = $level; } } } return $result; } // titles above selected title, deeper than $expand_level, and within the group static function MenuReduce_Sub(&$good_titles,$menu,$curr_title_key,$expand_level,$curr_level){ $found_title = false; $test_level = $curr_level; foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ $found_title = true; $test_level = $curr_level; continue; } //after the title is found if( !$found_title ){ continue; } if( $level < $expand_level ){ break; } if( ($level >= $expand_level) && ($level < $test_level ) ){ $test_level = $level+1; //prevent showing an adjacent menu trees $good_titles[$title_key] = $level; } } } //Reduce the menu to titles deeper than ($show_level-1) static function MenuReduce_Top($menu,$show_level,$curr_title_key){ $result_menu = array(); $foundGroup = false; //current title not in menu, so there won't be a submenu if( !isset($menu[$curr_title_key]) ){ return $result_menu; } $top_level = $show_level-1; foreach($menu as $title_key => $level){ //no longer in subgroup, we can stop now if( $foundGroup && ($level <= $top_level) ){ //message('no long in subgroup: '.$title_key); break; } if( $title_key == $curr_title_key ){ //message('found: '.$title_key); $foundGroup = true; } //we're back at the $top_level, start over if( $level <= $top_level ){ $result_menu = array(); //message('start over: '.$title_key); //message('start over: '.showArray($result_menu)); continue; } //we're at the correct level, put titles in $result_menu in case $page->title is found if( $level > $top_level ){ $result_menu[$title_key] = $level; } } if( !$foundGroup ){ return array(); } return $result_menu; } //Reduce the menu to titles above $bottom_level value static function MenuReduce_Bottom($menu,$bottom_level){ $result_menu = array(); foreach($menu as $title => $level){ if( $level < $bottom_level ){ $result_menu[$title] = $level; } } return $result_menu; } static function GetExtra($name='Side_Menu',$info=array()){ global $dataDir,$langmessage; includeFile('tool/SectionContent.php'); $name = str_replace(' ','_',$name); $extra_content = self::ExtraContent( $name, $file_stats ); $wrap = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Extra'); if( $wrap ){ ob_start(); $edit_link = gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Extra',$langmessage['edit'],'cmd=edit&file='.$name,array('title'=>$name,'data-cmd'=>'inline_edit_generic')); echo ''; echo $edit_link; echo common::Link('Admin_Extra',$langmessage['theme_content'],'',' class="nodisplay"'); echo ''; gpOutput::$editlinks .= ob_get_clean(); echo '
'; // class="edit_area" added by javascript echo section_content::RenderSection($extra_content,0,'',$file_stats); echo '
'; }else{ echo section_content::RenderSection($extra_content,0,'',$file_stats); } } static function ExtraContent( $title, &$file_stats = array() ){ global $dataDir; $file = $dataDir.'/data/_extra/'.$title.'.php'; $extra_content = array(); if( file_exists($file) ){ ob_start(); include($file); $extra_content_string = ob_get_clean(); if( !count($extra_content) ){ $extra_content['content'] = $extra_content_string; } } return $extra_content + array('type'=>'text','content'=>''); } static function GetImage($src,$attributes = array()){ global $page,$dataDir,$langmessage,$gpLayouts; //$width,$height,$attributes = '' $attributes = (array)$attributes; $attributes += array('class'=>''); unset($attributes['id']); //default image information $img_rel = dirname($page->theme_rel).'/'.ltrim($src,'/'); //container id $container_id = 'Image:'.$src; $container_id = gpOutput::GetContainerID($container_id); //select custom image $image = false; if( isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]) && isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images']) && isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images'][$container_id]) && is_array($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images'][$container_id]) ){ //echo showArray($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images'][$container_id]); //shuffle($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images'][$container_id]); //Does not make sense ? There will always be only 1 entry in for this container as it is per img element $image = $gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['images'][$container_id][0]; //call to current also not needed, there will only be 1 entry $img_full = $dataDir.$image['img_rel']; if( file_exists($img_full) ){ $img_rel = $image['img_rel']; $attributes['width'] = $image['width']; $attributes['height'] = $image['height']; } } //attributes if( !isset($attributes['alt']) ){ $attributes['alt'] = ''; } //edit options $editable = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Theme_Content'); if( $editable ){ $edit_link = gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Theme_Content/'.$page->gpLayout,$langmessage['edit'],'file='.rawurlencode($img_rel).'&container='.$container_id.'&time='.time(),'title="Edit Image" data-cmd="inline_edit_generic"'); gpOutput::$editlinks .= ''.$edit_link.''; $attributes['class'] .= ' editable_area'; $attributes['id'] = 'ExtraEditArea'.$edit_index; } //remove class if empty $attributes['class'] = trim($attributes['class']); if( empty($attributes['class']) ){ unset($attributes['class']); } //convert attributes to string $str = ''; foreach($attributes as $key => $value){ $str .= ' '.$key.'="'.htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false).'"'; } echo ''; } static function GetFullMenu($arg=''){ $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); gpOutput::OutputMenu($source_menu_array,0,$source_menu_array); } static function GetMenu($arg=''){ $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $sendMenu = array(); foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $info){ if( (int)$info['level'] !== 0 ){ continue; } $sendMenu[$key] = true; } gpOutput::OutputMenu($sendMenu,0,$source_menu_array); } static function GetSecondSubMenu($arg,$info){ gpOutput::GetSubMenu($arg,$info,1); } static function GetThirdSubMenu($arg,$info){ gpOutput::GetSubMenu($arg,$info,2); } static function GetSubMenu($arg='',$info=false,$search_level=false){ global $page; $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $reset_level = 0; if( !empty($search_level) ){ $reset_level = max(0,$search_level-1); } $menu = array(); $foundGroup = false; foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $titleInfo){ if( !isset($titleInfo['level']) ){ break; } $level = $titleInfo['level']; if( $foundGroup ){ if( $level <= $reset_level ){ break; } } if( $key == $page->gp_index ){ $foundGroup = true; } if( $level <= $reset_level ){ $menu = array(); continue; } if( empty($search_level) ){ $menu[$key] = $level; }elseif( $level == $search_level ){ $menu[$key] = $level; } } if( !$foundGroup ){ gpOutput::OutputMenu(array(),$reset_level+1,$source_menu_array); }else{ gpOutput::OutputMenu($menu,$reset_level+1,$source_menu_array); } } static function GetTopTwoMenu($arg=''){ $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $sendMenu = array(); foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $titleInfo){ if( $titleInfo['level'] >= 2 ){ continue; } $sendMenu[$key] = true; } gpOutput::OutputMenu($sendMenu,0,$source_menu_array); } static function GetBottomTwoMenu($arg=''){ $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $sendMenu = array(); foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $titleInfo){ $level = $titleInfo['level']; if( ($level == 1) || ($level == 2) ){ $sendMenu[$key] = true; } } gpOutput::OutputMenu($sendMenu,1,$source_menu_array); } static function GetExpandLastMenu($arg=''){ global $page; $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $menu = array(); $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $titleInfo){ $level = $titleInfo['level']; if( ($level == 0) || ($level == 1) ){ $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; } if( $key == $page->gp_index ){ $foundGroup = true; $menu = $menu + $submenu; //not using array_merge because of numeric indexes } if( $foundGroup ){ $menu[$key] = $level; }elseif( ($level == 0) || ($level == 1) ){ $menu[$key] = $level; }else{ $submenu[$key] = $level; } } gpOutput::OutputMenu($menu,0,$source_menu_array); } static function GetExpandMenu($arg=''){ global $page; $source_menu_array = gpOutput::GetMenuArray($arg); $menu = array(); $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; foreach($source_menu_array as $key => $info){ $level = $info['level']; if( $level == 0 ){ $submenu = array(); $foundGroup = false; } if( $key == $page->gp_index ){ $foundGroup = true; $menu = $menu + $submenu; //not using array_merge because of numeric indexes } if( $foundGroup ){ $menu[$key] = $level; }elseif( $level == 0 ){ $menu[$key] = $level; }else{ $submenu[$key] = $level; } } gpOutput::OutputMenu($menu,0,$source_menu_array); } /** * Output a navigation menu * @static */ static function OutputMenu( $menu, $start_level, $source_menu=false ){ global $page, $gp_menu, $gp_titles, $GP_MENU_LINKS, $GP_MENU_CLASS, $GP_MENU_CLASSES; //source menu if( $source_menu === false ){ $source_menu =& $gp_menu; } //menu classes if( !is_array($GP_MENU_CLASSES) ){ $GP_MENU_CLASSES = array(); } if( empty($GP_MENU_CLASS) ){ $GP_MENU_CLASS = 'menu_top'; } $GP_MENU_CLASSES += array( 'menu_top' => $GP_MENU_CLASS, 'selected' => 'selected', 'selected_li' => 'selected_li', 'childselected' => 'childselected', 'childselected_li' => 'childselected_li', 'li_' => 'li_', 'li_title' => 'li_title', 'haschildren' => 'haschildren', 'haschildren_li' => '', 'child_ul' => '', ); if( empty($GP_MENU_LINKS) ){ $GP_MENU_LINKS = '{$label}'; } $clean_attributes = array( 'attr'=>'', 'class'=>array(), 'id'=>'' ); $clean_attributes_a = array('href' => '', 'attr' => '', 'value' => '', 'title' => '', 'class' =>array() ); // opening ul $attributes_ul = $clean_attributes; $attributes_ul['class']['menu_top'] = $GP_MENU_CLASSES['menu_top']; if( self::$edit_area_id ){ $attributes_ul['id'] = self::$edit_area_id; $attributes_ul['class']['editable_area'] = 'editable_area'; } if( !count($menu) ){ $attributes_ul['class']['empty_menu'] = 'empty_menu'; $result[] = self::FormatMenuElement('div',$attributes_ul).''; //an empty '; $prev_level--; } if( $open ){ $result[] = ''; } }elseif( $open ){ $result[] = ''; } //external if( isset($menu_info['url']) ){ if( empty($menu_info['title_attr']) ){ $menu_info['title_attr'] = strip_tags($menu_info['label']); } $attributes_a['href'] = $menu_info['url']; $attributes_a['value'] = $menu_info['label']; $attributes_a['title'] = $menu_info['title_attr']; if( isset($menu_info['new_win']) ){ $attributes_a['target'] = '_blank'; } //internal link }else{ $title = common::IndexToTitle($menu_key); $attributes_a['href'] = common::GetUrl($title); $attributes_a['value'] = common::GetLabel($title); $attributes_a['title'] = common::GetBrowserTitle($title); if( !empty($gp_titles[$menu_key]['rel']) ){ $attributes_a['rel'] = $gp_titles[$menu_key]['rel']; } } $result[] = self::FormatMenuElement('li',$attributes_li); $result[] = self::FormatMenuElement('a',$attributes_a); $prev_level = $this_level; $open = true; } while( $start_level <= $prev_level){ $result[] = ''; $result[] = ''; $prev_level--; } echo implode('',$result); //don't separate by spaces so css inline can be more functional } static function FormatMenuElement( $node, $attributes){ global $GP_MENU_LINKS, $GP_MENU_ELEMENTS; // build attr foreach($attributes as $key => $value){ if( $key == 'title' || $key == 'href' || $key == 'value' ){ continue; } if( is_array($value) ){ $value = array_filter($value); $value = implode(' ',$value); } if( empty($value) ){ continue; } $attributes['attr'] .= ' '.$key.'="'.$value.'"'; } // call template defined function if( !empty($GP_MENU_ELEMENTS) && is_callable($GP_MENU_ELEMENTS) ){ $return = call_user_func($GP_MENU_ELEMENTS, $node, $attributes); if( is_string($return) ){ return $return; } } switch($node){ case 'ul'; case 'li': case 'div'; return '<'.$node.$attributes['attr'].'>'; //links case 'a'; $search = array('{$href_text}','{$attr}','{$label}','{$title}'); return str_replace( $search, $attributes, $GP_MENU_LINKS ); } } /* * * Output Additional Areas * */ /* draggable html and editable text */ static function Area($name,$html){ global $gpOutConf; if( self::$out_started ){ trigger_error('gpOutput::Area() must be called before all other output functions'); return; } $name = '[text]'.$name; $gpOutConf[$name] = array(); $gpOutConf[$name]['method'] = array('gpOutput','GetAreaOut'); $gpOutConf[$name]['html'] = $html; } static function GetArea($name,$text){ $name = '[text]'.$name; gpOutput::Get($name,$text); } static function GetAreaOut($text,$info){ global $config,$langmessage,$page; $html =& $info['html']; $wrap = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Theme_Content'); if( $wrap ){ gpOutput::$editlinks .= gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['edit'],'cmd=edittext&key='.urlencode($text).'&return='.urlencode($page->title),' title="'.htmlspecialchars($text).'" data-cmd="gpabox" '); echo '
'; // class="edit_area" added by javascript } if( isset($config['customlang'][$text]) ){ $text = $config['customlang'][$text]; }elseif( isset($langmessage[$text]) ){ $text = $langmessage[$text]; } echo str_replace('%s',$text,$html); //in case there's more than one %s if( $wrap ){ echo '
'; } } /* * * editable text, not draggable * */ /* similar to ReturnText() but links to script for editing all addon texts */ // the $html parameter should primarily be used when the text is to be placed inside of a link or other element that cannot have a link and/or span as a child node static function GetAddonText($key,$html='%s'){ global $addonFolderName; if( !$addonFolderName ){ return gpOutput::ReturnText($key,$html); } $query = 'cmd=addontext&addon='.urlencode($addonFolderName).'&key='.urlencode($key); return gpOutput::ReturnTextWorker($key,$html,$query); } static function ReturnText($key,$html='%s'){ $query = 'cmd=edittext&key='.urlencode($key); return gpOutput::ReturnTextWorker($key,$html,$query); } static function ReturnTextWorker($key,$html,$query){ global $langmessage; $result = ''; $wrap = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Theme_Content'); if( $wrap ){ $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($key)); if( strlen($title) > 20 ){ $title = substr($title,0,20).'...'; //javscript may shorten it as well } gpOutput::$editlinks .= gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['edit'],$query,' title="'.$title.'" data-cmd="gpabox" '); $result .= ''; } $text = gpOutput::SelectText($key); $result .= str_replace('%s',$text,$html); //in case there's more than one %s if( $wrap ){ $result .= ''; } return $result; } /** * Returns the user translated string if it exists or $key (the untranslated string) if a translation doesn't exist * */ static function SelectText($key){ global $config,$langmessage; $text = $key; if( isset($config['customlang'][$key]) ){ $text = $config['customlang'][$key]; }elseif( isset($langmessage[$key]) ){ $text = $langmessage[$key]; } return $text; } /** * Generate and output the portion of the html document * */ static function GetHead(){ gpPlugin::Action('GetHead'); gpOutput::PrepGadgetContent(); echo ''; } static function HeadContent(){ global $config, $page, $gp_head_content, $wbMessageBuffer; //before ob_start() so plugins can get buffer content gpPlugin::Action('HeadContent'); ob_start(); if( common::LoggedIn() ){ common::AddColorBox(); } //always include javascript when there are messages if( $page->admin_js || !empty($page->jQueryCode) || !empty($wbMessageBuffer) || isset($_COOKIE['cookie_cmd']) ){ common::LoadComponents('gp-main'); } //defaults common::LoadComponents('jquery,gp-additional'); //get css and js info includeFile('combine.php'); $scripts = gp_combine::ScriptInfo( gpOutput::$components ); gpOutput::GetHead_TKD(); gpOutput::GetHead_CSS($scripts['css']); //css before js so it's available to scripts gpOutput::GetHead_Lang(); gpOutput::GetHead_JS($scripts['js']); gpOutput::GetHead_InlineJS(); //gadget info if( !empty($config['addons']) ){ foreach($config['addons'] as $addon_info){ if( !empty($addon_info['html_head']) ){ echo "\n"; echo $addon_info['html_head']; } } } if( !empty($page->head) ){ echo $page->head; } $gp_head_content .= ob_get_clean(); } /** * Output the title, keywords, description and other meta for the current html document * @static */ static function GetHead_TKD(){ global $config, $page, $gpLayouts; //charset if( $page->gpLayout && isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]) && isset($gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['doctype']) ){ echo $gpLayouts[$page->gpLayout]['doctype']; } //start keywords; $keywords = array(); if( count($page->meta_keywords) ){ $keywords = $page->meta_keywords; }elseif( !empty($page->TitleInfo['keywords']) ){ $keywords = explode(',',$page->TitleInfo['keywords']); } //title echo "\n"; $page_title = ''; if( !empty($page->TitleInfo['browser_title']) ){ $page_title = $page->TitleInfo['browser_title']; $keywords[] = $page->TitleInfo['browser_title']; }elseif( !empty($page->label) ){ $page_title = strip_tags($page->label); }elseif( isset($page->title) ){ $page_title = common::GetBrowserTitle($page->title); } echo $page_title; if( !empty($page_title) && !empty($config['title']) ){ echo ' - '; } echo $config['title'].''; if( !empty($page->TitleInfo['rel']) ){ echo "\n".''; } //keywords $keywords[] = strip_tags($page->label); $site_keywords = explode(',',$config['keywords']); $keywords = array_merge($keywords,$site_keywords); $keywords = array_unique($keywords); $keywords = array_diff($keywords,array('')); echo "\n"; //description $description = ''; if( !empty($page->meta_description) ){ $description .= $page->meta_description; }elseif( !empty($page->TitleInfo['description']) ){ $description .= $page->TitleInfo['description']; }else{ $description .= $page_title; } $description = gpOutput::EndPhrase($description); if( !empty($config['desc']) ){ $description .= htmlspecialchars($config['desc']); } $description = trim($description); if( !empty($description) ){ echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } /** * Prepare and output any inline Javascript for the current page * @static */ static function GetHead_InlineJS(){ global $page, $linkPrefix, $GP_INLINE_VARS; ob_start(); if( gpdebugjs ){ if( is_string(gpdebugjs) ){ $GP_INLINE_VARS['debugjs'] = 'send'; }else{ $GP_INLINE_VARS['debugjs'] = true; } } if( common::LoggedIn() ){ $GP_INLINE_VARS += array( 'isadmin' => true, 'gpBLink' => common::HrefEncode($linkPrefix,false), 'post_nonce' => common::new_nonce('post',true), 'admin_resizable' => true, ); gpsession::GPUIVars(); } if( count($GP_INLINE_VARS) > 0 ){ echo 'var '; $comma = ''; foreach($GP_INLINE_VARS as $key => $value){ echo $comma.$key.'='.json_encode($value); $comma = ','; } echo ';'; } echo $page->head_script; if( !empty($page->jQueryCode) ){ echo '$(function(){'; echo $page->jQueryCode; echo '});'; } $inline = ob_get_clean(); if( !empty($inline) ){ echo "\n"; } } /** * Add language values to the current page * @static */ static function GetHead_Lang(){ global $langmessage, $GP_LANG_VALUES; if( !count($GP_LANG_VALUES) ){ return; } echo "\n"; } /** * Prepare and output the Javascript for the current page * @static */ static function GetHead_JS($scripts){ global $page, $config; $placeholder = ''; $keys_before = array_keys($scripts); $combine = $config['combinejs'] && !common::loggedIn() && ($page->pagetype !== 'admin_display'); //just jQuery if( !count($page->head_js) && count($scripts) < 2 ){ echo $placeholder; return; } //remote jquery if( $config['jquery'] != 'local' ){ echo $placeholder; unset($scripts['jquery']); } //jquery ui if( $config['jquery'] == 'jquery_ui' ){ $has_jquery_ui = false; foreach($scripts as $key => $script){ if( isset($script['package']) && $script['package'] == 'jquery_ui' ){ $has_jquery_ui = true; unset($scripts[$key]); } } if( $has_jquery_ui ){ echo "\n"; } } if( !$combine || $page->head_force_inline ){ echo "\n'; } if( is_array($page->head_js) ){ $scripts += $page->head_js; //other js files }else{ trigger_error('$page->head_js is not an array'); } gpOutput::CombineFiles($scripts,'js',$combine ); } /** * Prepare and output the css for the current page * @static */ static function GetHead_CSS($scripts){ global $page, $config, $dataDir; //remote jquery ui if( $config['jquery'] == 'jquery_ui' && isset($scripts['ui-theme']) ){ echo "\n"; unset($scripts['ui-theme']); } if( isset($page->css_user) && is_array($page->css_user) ){ $scripts = array_merge($scripts,$page->css_user); } // add theme css if( !empty($page->theme_name) && $page->get_theme_css === true ){ $scripts = array_merge( $scripts, self::LayoutStyleFiles() ); } //styles that need to override admin.css should be added to $page->css_admin; if( isset($page->css_admin) && is_array($page->css_admin) ){ $scripts = array_merge($scripts,$page->css_admin); } //convert .less files to .css foreach($scripts as $key => $script){ if( is_array($script) ){ $file = $script['file']; }else{ $file = $script; } //if it's not a less file if( strpos($file,'.less') !== (strlen($file)-5) ){ continue; } $scripts[$key] = gpOutput::CacheLess($dataDir.$file); } gpOutput::CombineFiles($scripts,'css',$config['combinecss']); } /** * Return a list of css files used by the current layout * */ static function LayoutStyleFiles(){ global $page, $dataDir; $files = array(); $custom_file = $dataDir.'/data/_layouts/'.$page->gpLayout.'/custom.css'; //css file if( file_exists($page->theme_dir . '/' . $page->theme_color . '/style.css') ){ $files[] = rawurldecode($page->theme_path).'/style.css'; if( $page->gpLayout && file_exists($custom_file) ){ $files[] = gpOutput::CacheLess( $custom_file ); } return $files; } //less file $files[] = $page->theme_dir . '/' . $page->theme_color . '/style.less'; //variables.less $var_file = $page->theme_dir . '/' . $page->theme_color . '/variables.less'; if( file_exists($var_file) ){ $files[] = $var_file; } if( $page->gpLayout && file_exists($custom_file) ){ $files[] = $custom_file; } $files = array( gpOutput::CacheLess($files) ); return $files; } /** * Combine the files in $files into a combine.php request * If $page->head_force_inline is true, resources will be included inline in the document * * @param array $files Array of files relative to $dataDir * @param string $type The type of resource being combined * */ static function CombineFiles($files,$type,$combine){ global $page; //only need file paths foreach($files as $key => $script){ if( is_array($script) ){ $files[$key] = $script['file']; } } $files = array_unique($files); $files = array_filter($files);//remove empty elements // Force resources to be included inline // CheckFile will fix the $file path if needed if( $page->head_force_inline ){ if( $type == 'css' ){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } return; } //files not combined except for script components if( !$combine || (isset($_REQUEST['no_combine']) && common::LoggedIn()) ){ foreach($files as $file_key => $file){ $html = "\n".''; if( strpos($file,'.less') !== false ){ $html = "\n".''; }elseif( $type == 'css' ){ $html = "\n".''; } gp_combine::CheckFile($file); if( common::LoggedIn() ){ $file .= '?v='.rawurlencode(gpversion); } echo sprintf($html,common::GetDir($file,true)); } return; } $html = "\n".''; if( $type == 'css' ){ $html = "\n".''; } //create combine request $combined_file = gp_combine::GenerateFile($files,$type); echo sprintf($html,common::GetDir($combined_file,true)); } /** * Complete the response by adding final content to the of the document * @static * @since 2.4.1 * @param string $buffer html content * @return string finalized response */ static function BufferOut($buffer){ global $config, $gp_head_content, $addonFolderName, $dataDir, $addon_current_id, $wbErrorBuffer; //add error notice if there was a fatal error if( !ini_get('display_errors') && function_exists('error_get_last') ){ //check for fatal error $fatal_errors = array( E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR ); $last_error = error_get_last(); if( is_array($last_error) && in_array($last_error['type'],$fatal_errors) ){ $last_error['request'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if( $addon_current_id ){ $last_error['addon_name'] = $config['addons'][$addonFolderName]['name']; $last_error['addon_id'] = $addon_current_id; } $last_error['file'] = realpath($last_error['file']);//may be redundant showError($last_error['type'], $last_error['message'], $last_error['file'], $last_error['line'], false); //send error to logger $reload = false; //disable execution if( count(self::$catchable) ){ $last_error['time'] = time(); $last_error['request_method'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if( !empty($last_error['file']) ){ $last_error['file_modified'] = filemtime($last_error['file']); $last_error['file_size'] = filesize($last_error['file']); } //error text, check for existing fatal notice if( count(self::$fatal_notices) ){ $content = end(self::$fatal_notices); reset(self::$fatal_notices); if( $content[0] == '{' && $temp = json_decode($content,true) ){ $last_error = $temp; } }else{ $content = json_encode($last_error); } //$buffer .= pre(self::$catchable).'
'; //$buffer .= '

Existing Fatal Notices

'; $temp = array_reverse(self::$catchable); foreach($temp as $error_hash => $info){ $file = $dataDir.'/data/_site/fatal_'.$error_hash; gpFiles::Save($file,$content); $reload = true; if( $info['catchable_type'] == 'exec' ){ break; } } } //reload non-logged in users automatically, display message to admins $buffer .= '

Oops, an error occurred while generating this page.

'; if( !common::LoggedIn() ){ if( $reload ){ $buffer .= 'Reloading... '; }else{ $buffer .= '

If you are the site administrator, you can troubleshoot the problem by changing php\'s display_errors setting to 1 in the gpconfig.php file.

' .'

If the problem is being caused by an addon, you may also be able to bypass the error by enabling gpEasy\'s safe mode in the gpconfig.php file.

' .'

More information is available in the gpEasy documentation.

' .'

Reload this page to continue.

' ; } }else{ $buffer .= '

Error Details

' .showArray($last_error) .'

Reload this page

'; if( $reload ){ $buffer .= '

Reload this page with the faulty component disabled

' . '

Reload this page with the faulty component enabled

'; } $buffer .= '

Note: Error details are only displayed for logged in administrators

' .common::ErrorBuffer(true,false); } } } //remove lock if( defined('gp_has_lock') && gp_has_lock ){ gpFiles::Unlock('write',gp_random); } //replace the placeholder with header content $placeholder = ''; $pos = strpos($buffer,$placeholder); if( $pos === false ){ return $buffer; } $buffer = substr_replace($buffer,$gp_head_content,$pos,strlen($placeholder)); //add jquery if needed $placeholder = ''; $pos = strpos($buffer,$placeholder); if( $pos !== false ){ $replacement = ''; if( strpos($buffer,'"; }else{ $replacement = "\n"; } } $buffer = substr_replace($buffer,$replacement,$pos,strlen($placeholder)); } //messages $pos = strpos($buffer,''); $len = strpos($buffer,'') - $pos; if( $pos && $len ){ $replacement = GetMessages(false); $buffer = substr_replace($buffer,$replacement,$pos,$len+20); } if( gpdebug_tools && function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') && ($pos = strpos($buffer,'',$pos); $max_used = memory_get_peak_usage(); //$limit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); //need to convert to byte value //$percentage = round($max_used/$limit,2); $replacement = "\n".'
' .'Debug Tools' .'' .'' .'' //.'' .'' .'' .'
Memory Usage: '.number_format(memory_get_usage()).'
Memory: '.number_format($max_used).'
% of Limit: '.$percentage.'%
Time (PHP): '.microtime_diff(gp_start_time,microtime()).'
Time (Request): '.microtime_diff($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'],microtime()).'
' .'
'; $buffer = substr_replace($buffer,$replacement,$pos+1,0); } return $buffer; } /** * Return true if the user agent is a search engine bot * Detection is rudimentary and shouldn't be relied on * @return bool */ static function DetectBot(){ $user_agent =& $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; return preg_match('#bot|yahoo\! slurp|ask jeeves|ia_archiver|spider#i',$user_agent); } /** * Return true if the current page is the home page */ static function is_front_page(){ global $gp_menu, $page; reset($gp_menu); return $page->gp_index == key($gp_menu); } /** * Outputs the sitemap link, admin login/logout link, powered by link, admin html and messages * @static */ static function GetAdminLink(){ global $config, $langmessage, $page; if( !isset($config['showsitemap']) || $config['showsitemap'] ){ echo ' '; echo common::Link('Special_Site_Map',$langmessage['site_map']); echo ''; } if( !isset($config['showlogin']) || $config['showlogin'] ){ echo ' '; } if( !isset($config['showgplink']) || $config['showgplink'] ){ echo ' '; echo 'Powered by gp|Easy CMS'; echo ''; } gpPlugin::Action('GetAdminLink'); echo GetMessages(); //global $gpLayouts; //echo pre($gpLayouts); //$included = get_included_files(); //echo pre($included); } /** * Add punctuation to the end of a string if it isn't already punctuated. Looks for !?.,;: characters * @static * @since 2.4RC1 */ static function EndPhrase($string){ $string = trim($string); if( empty($string) ){ return $string; } $len = strspn($string,'!?.,;:',-1); if( $len == 0 ){ $string .= '.'; } return $string.' '; } static function RunOut(){ global $page; $page->RunScript(); //decide how to send the content self::Prep(); switch(common::RequestType()){ // case 'flush': self::Flush(); break; // remote request // file browser case 'body': common::CheckTheme(); self::BodyAsHTML(); break; case 'admin': common::CheckTheme(); self::BodyAsHTML(); break; // // // case 'json': common::CheckTheme(); includeFile('tool/ajax.php'); gpAjax::Response(); break; case 'content': self::Content(); break; default: common::CheckTheme(); self::Template(); break; } //if logged in, prepare the admin content and don't send 304 response if( common::LoggedIn() ){ admin_tools::AdminHtml(); //empty edit links if there isn't a layout if( !$page->gpLayout ){ self::$editlinks = ''; } return; } /* attempt to send 304 response */ if( $page->fileModTime > 0 ){ global $wbMessageBuffer, $gp_head_content; $len = strlen($gp_head_content) + ob_get_length(); if( count($wbMessageBuffer) ){ $len += strlen( serialize($wbMessageBuffer) ); } common::Send304( common::GenEtag( $page->fileModTime, $len ) ); } } /** * Add one or more components to the page. Output the