# 🚀 VGG Example This is the documentation of a [toy VGG model](../../Tests/GrAIExamples/VGGExample.swift) (simplified from the VGG architecture), trained on the GPU. The dataset used is CIFAR 10. We want to train the model to discriminate between 2 labels (not the 10 available of the CIFAR 10 dataset): the 8 (ships) or the 5 (dogs). Here is a subset of images we find for the label 8 (ships) vs label 5 (dogs).
## Setup This example has some `Python` dependencies. In order to run the example, we first have to setup the environment: ```bash conda create --name graiexamples python=3.9 conda activate graiexamples cd Tests/GrAIExamples/Base pip install -e . ``` Now, let us run the tests from Xcode or a `bash` command (here with compiler optimization): ```bash swift test -c release --filter GrAIExamples ``` It is finally possible to clean the environment 🌍 ```bash conda deactivate conda env remove --name graiexamples ``` ## Steps 1. Dump the training and testing datasets. 1. Dump some images corresponding to the 2 labels we want to discriminate against. 1. Evaluate a random model on the testing dataset: watch a bad performance. 1. Train a model on the training dataset. 1. Evaluate the trained model on the testing dataset: watch a better performance.