#!/bin/sh ############################################################################### # # A script to secure a standalone Zenoss installation. # # This script should be run after installing Zenoss, but before starting the # zenoss service for the first time. # # Example steps: # # yum -y --nogpgcheck --enablerepo=epel localinstall zenoss_core-4.2.3-1697.el6.x86_64.rpm # su - zenoss # sh secure_zenoss.sh # exit # service zenoss start # ############################################################################### cat << END_OF_CHANGELOG > /dev/null 2013-01-06 Daniel Robbins * Make etc/ perm fix always enabled (wouldn't enable properly on some builds) 2013-01-04 Chet Luther * Initial revision * ZEN-4836: Set 0600 permission on all configuration files * ZEN-4837: Use a randomized secure password everywhere * ZEN-????: Zenoss install should help secure MySQL root user * ZEN-1847: Restrict zeneventserver to only listen on END_OF_CHANGELOG ### Prerequisites ############################################################# if [ -z "$ZENHOME" ] then echo "ZENHOME not set. Login as the zenoss user before running this script." exit 1 fi if ! openssl --version >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "This script requires the openssl command line tool to be installed." exit 2 fi ### ZEN-4837: Set 0600 permission on all configuration files (ZEN-4836) ####### echo "Restricting permissions on $ZENHOME/etc/*.conf*" chmod 0600 $ZENHOME/etc/*.conf* ### ZEN-4837: Use a randomized secure password everywhere ##################### # Generate a random secure password. Must replace / to make later sed simpler. RANDOM_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 15 | sed 's/\//x/') # Ensure that global.conf exists. Otherwise zenglobalconf fails. if [ ! -f $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf ] then cp $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf.example $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf fi # Update global.conf passwords only if they haven't already been set. GLOBAL_CONF_PWD_PROPERTIES=" zodb-password amqppassword zep-password hubpassword " for PWD_PROP in $GLOBAL_CONF_PWD_PROPERTIES do # To set properties that don't exist (i.e. hubpassword) if ! zenglobalconf -p $PWD_PROP > /dev/null then echo "Assigning secure password for global.conf:$PWD_PROP" zenglobalconf -u $PWD_PROP=$RANDOM_PASSWORD # To set properties that have default value (i.e. everything else) elif [ "$(zenglobalconf -p $PWD_PROP)" == "zenoss" ] then echo "Assigning secure password for global.conf:$PWD_PROP" zenglobalconf -u $PWD_PROP=$RANDOM_PASSWORD fi done # Get the current secure password in case we didn't set it on this run. RANDOM_PASSWORD=$(zenglobalconf -p hubpassword) # Update hubpasswd only if it hasn't been changed from the default. if ! grep -q "^admin:${RANDOM_PASSWORD}\$" $ZENHOME/etc/hubpasswd then echo "Assigning secure password for hubpassword:admin" sed -i "s/admin:.*/admin:${RANDOM_PASSWORD}/" $ZENHOME/etc/hubpasswd fi ### ZEN-????: Zenoss install should help secure MySQL root user ############### MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(zenglobalconf -p zodb-admin-password) if [ -z "$(zenglobalconf -p zodb-admin-password)" ] then if mysql -uroot mysql -e "select 1" >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "MySQL is configured with a blank root password." if [ -t 1 ] then printf "Configure a secure MySQL root password? [Yn]: " read YESNO if echo "$YESNO" | egrep -iq Y then while [ 1 ] do printf " Enter new MySQL root password: " stty -echo ; read MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_1 ; stty echo echo printf "Confirm new MySQL root password: " stty -echo ; read MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_2 ; stty echo echo if [ -z "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_1" ] then echo "A blank password is not acceptable." continue fi if [ "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_1" != "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_2" ] then echo "Passwords don't match. Try again." continue fi break done echo "Changing MySQL root password." mysqladmin -uroot -h localhost password "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_1" for ROOT_PWD_PROP in zodb-admin-password zep-admin-password do echo "Assigning MySQL root password for global.conf:$ROOT_PWD_PROP" zenglobalconf -u $ROOT_PWD_PROP="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_1" done fi fi # Using a blank MySQL root password failed. else echo "Zenoss needs root MySQL access to create its databases." if [ -t 1 ] then printf "Enter the MySQL root user password: " stty -echo ; read MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD ; stty echo echo for ROOT_PWD_PROP in zodb-admin-password zep-admin-password do echo "Assigning MySQL root password for global.conf:$ROOT_PWD_PROP" zenglobalconf -u $ROOT_PWD_PROP="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" done fi fi fi ### ZEN-1847: Restrict zeneventserver to only listen on ############# if ! grep -q 'Djetty.host=localhost' ~/.bashrc then echo "Forcing zeneventserver to only listen on" echo 'export DEFAULT_ZEP_JVM_ARGS="-Djetty.host=localhost -server"' >> ~/.bashrc fi