Contributing to the Optimizely Objective-C SDK We welcome contributions and feedback! All contributors must sign our [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)]( to be eligible to contribute. Please read the [README]( to set up your development environment, then read the guidelines below for information on submitting your code. ##Development process 1. Create a branch off of `master`: `git checkout -b YOUR_NAME/branch_name`. 2. Commit your changes. Make sure to add tests! 3. Run Objective-C linter (TBD). 4. `git push` your changes to GitHub. 5. Make sure that all unit tests are passing and that there are no merge conflicts between your branch and `devel`. 6. Open a pull request from `YOUR_NAME/branch_name` to `devel`. 7. A repository maintainer will review your pull request and, if all goes well, merge it! ##Pull request acceptance criteria * **All code must have test coverage.** We use unittest. Changes in functionality should have accompanying unit tests. Bug fixes should have accompanying regression tests. * Tests are located in `/OptimizelySDKCoreTests` with one file per class. * Please don't change the SDK Version. We'll take care of bumping the version when we next release. ##Style TBD ##Contact If you have questions, please contact