# Implements the ->cmp method for Value objects.
# Otherwise known as MathObjects. This produces
# an answer checker appropriate for the type of object.
# Additional options can be passed to the cmp method to
# modify its action.
# Usage: $num = Real(3.45); # Real can be replaced by any other MathObject
# ANS($num->cmp(compareOptionName => compareOptionValue, ... ))
# The individual Value packages are modified below to add the
# needed methods.
package Value;
use PGcore;
# Context can add default values to the answer checkers by class;
$Value::defaultContext->{cmpDefaults} = {};
=head4 $mathObject->cmp_defaults()
# Internal use.
# Set default flags for the answer checker in this object
# showTypeWarnings => 1
# showEqualErrors => 1
# ignoreStrings => 1
# studentsMustReduceUnions => 1
# showUnionReduceWarnings => 1
sub cmp_defaults { (
showTypeWarnings => 1,
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1,
studentsMustReduceUnions => 1,
showUnionReduceWarnings => 1,
) }
# Special Context flags to be set for the student answer
sub cmp_contextFlags {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return (
StringifyAsTeX => 0, # reset this, just in case.
no_parameters => 1, # don't let students enter parameters
showExtraParens => 2, # make student answer painfully unambiguous
reduceConstants => 0, # don't combine student constants
reduceConstantFunctions => 0, # don't reduce constant functions
? (
reduceUnions => 0,
reduceSets => 0,
reduceUnionsForComparison => $ans->{showUnionReduceWarnings},
reduceSetsForComparison => $ans->{showUnionReduceWarnings}
: (
reduceUnions => 1,
reduceSets => 1,
reduceUnionsForComparison => 1,
reduceSetsForComparison => 1
($ans->{requireParenMatch} ? () : ignoreEndpointTypes => 1), # for Intervals
# Create an answer checker for the given type of object
sub cmp {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = new AnswerEvaluator;
my $correct = preformat($self->{correct_ans});
$correct = $self->correct_ans unless defined($correct);
my $correct_latex = $self->{correct_ans_latex_string};
$correct_latex = $self->correct_ans_latex unless defined($correct_latex);
$self->{context} = Value->context unless defined($self->{context});
type => "Value (" . $self->class . ")",
correct_ans => $correct,
correct_ans_latex_string => $correct_latex,
correct_value => $self,
%{ $self->{context}{cmpDefaults}{ $self->class } || {} }, # context-specified defaults
$ans->{debug} = $ans->{rh_ans}{debug};
$ans->install_evaluator(sub {
my $ans = shift;
$ans->{_filter_name} = "MathObjects answer checker";
$ans->install_pre_filter('erase') if $self->{ans_name}; # don't do blank check if answer_array
return $ans;
sub correct_ans { preformat(shift->string) }
sub correct_ans_latex { shift->TeX }
sub cmp_diagnostics { }
# Parse the student answer and compute its value,
# produce the preview strings, and then compare the
# student and professor's answers for equality.
sub cmp_parse {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
# Do some setup
my $context = $ans->{correct_value}{context} || $current;
Parser::Context->current(undef, $context); # change to correct answser's context
my $flags = contextSet($context, $self->cmp_contextFlags($ans)); # save old context flags
my $inputs = $self->getPG('$inputs_ref');
$ans->{isPreview} = $inputs->{previewAnswers} || (($inputs->{action} // '') =~ m/^Preview/);
$ans->{cmp_class} = $self->cmp_class($ans) unless $ans->{cmp_class};
$ans->{error_message} = $ans->{ans_message} = ''; # clear any old messages
$ans->{preview_latex_string} = $ans->{preview_text_string} = '';
$context->{answerHash} = $ans; # values here can override context flags
# Parse and evaluate the student answer
$ans->score(0); # assume failure
parseMathQuill => $context->flag("useMathQuill") && (!defined $context->{answerHash}{mathQuillOpts}
|| $context->{answerHash}{mathQuillOpts} !~ /^\s*disabled\s*$/i)
$ans->{student_value} = $ans->{student_formula} = Parser::Formula($ans->{student_ans});
$ans->{student_value} = Parser::Evaluate($ans->{student_formula})
if defined($ans->{student_formula}) && $ans->{student_formula}->isConstant;
$context->flags->set(parseMathQuill => 0);
# If it parsed OK, save the output forms and check if it is correct
# otherwise report an error
if (defined $ans->{student_value}) {
$ans->{student_value} = $self->Package("Formula")->new($ans->{student_value})
unless Value::isValue($ans->{student_value});
$ans->{student_value}{isStudent} = 1;
$ans->{preview_latex_string} = $ans->{student_formula}->TeX;
$ans->{preview_text_string} = preformat($ans->{student_formula}->string);
# Get the string for the student answer
for ($self->getFlag('formatStudentAnswer')) {
/evaluated/i and do { $ans->{student_ans} = preformat($ans->{student_value}->string); last };
/parsed/i and do { $ans->{student_ans} = $ans->{preview_text_string}; last };
/reduced/i and do {
my $oldFlags = contextSet($context, reduceConstants => 1, reduceConstantFunctions => 0);
$ans->{student_ans} = preformat($ans->{student_formula}->substitute()->string);
contextSet($context, %{$oldFags});
warn "Unknown student answer format |$ans->{formatStudentAnswer}|";
if ($self->cmp_collect($ans)) {
$self->cmp_postprocess($ans) if !$ans->{error_message} && !$ans->{typeError};
} else {
$ans->{student_ans} = protectHTML($ans->{student_ans});
$context->{answerHash} = undef;
contextSet($context, %{$flags}); # restore context values
return $ans;
# Check if the object has an answer array and collect the results
# Build the combined student answer and set the preview values
sub cmp_collect {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 1 unless $self->{ans_name};
$ans->{preview_latex_string} = $ans->{preview_text_string} = "";
my $OK = $self->ans_collect($ans);
$ans->{student_ans} = $self->format_matrix($ans->{student_formula}, @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1);
return 0 unless $OK;
my $array = $ans->{student_formula};
if ($self->{ColumnVector}) {
my @V = ();
foreach my $x (@{$array}) { push(@V, $x->[0]) }
$array = [@V];
} elsif (scalar(@{$array}) == 1) {
my @d = ($self->classMatch("Matrix") ? $self->dimensions : (1));
$array = $array->[0] if scalar(@d) == 1;
my $type = $self;
$type = $self->Package($self->{tree}->type) if $self->isFormula;
$ans->{student_formula} = eval { $type->new($array)->with(ColumnVector => $self->{ColumnVector}) };
if (!defined($ans->{student_formula}) || $self->context->{error}{flag}) {
return 0;
$ans->{student_formula}{tree}{open} = $self->{open} if $self->{open};
$ans->{student_formula}{tree}{close} = $self->{close} if $self->{close};
$ans->{student_value} = $ans->{student_formula};
$ans->{preview_text_string} = $ans->{student_ans};
$ans->{preview_latex_string} = $ans->{student_formula}->TeX;
return 0 if $ans->{typeError};
if (Value::isFormula($ans->{student_formula}) && $ans->{student_formula}->isConstant) {
$ans->{student_value} = Parser::Evaluate($ans->{student_formula});
return 0 unless $ans->{student_value};
return 1;
# Check if the parsed student answer equals the professor's answer
sub cmp_equal {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $correct = $ans->{correct_value};
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
if ($correct->typeMatch($student, $ans)) {
my $equal = $correct->cmp_compare($student, $ans);
if ($self->context->{error}{flag} != $CMP_MESSAGE
&& (defined($equal) || !$ans->{showEqualErrors}))
$ans->score(0 + $equal) if $equal;
} else {
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($student) || $student->type eq 'String');
$ans->{typeError} = 1;
$ans->{ans_message} = $ans->{error_message} =
"Your answer isn't " . lc($ans->{cmp_class}) . "\n" . "(it looks like " . lc($student->showClass) . ")"
if !$ans->{isPreview} && $ans->{showTypeWarnings} && !$ans->{error_message};
# Perform the comparison, either using the checker supplied
# by the answer evaluator, or the overloaded == operator.
our $CMP_ERROR = 2; # a fatal error was detected
our $CMP_WARNING = 3; # a warning was produced
our $CMP_MESSAGE = 4; # a message should be reported for this check
sub cmp_compare {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $nth = shift || '';
my $context = (Value::isValue($self) ? $self->context : Value->context);
return eval { $self == $other } unless ref($ans->{checker}) eq 'CODE';
my @equal = eval { &{ $ans->{checker} }($self, $other, $ans, $nth, @_) };
if (!defined($equal) && $@ ne '' && (!$context->{error}{flag} || $ans->{showAllErrors})) {
$nth = "" if ref($nth) eq 'AnswerHash';
"An error occurred while checking your$nth answer:\n"
. '
'', undef, undef,
warn "Please inform your instructor that an error occurred while checking your answer";
return (wantarray ? @equal : $equal[0]);
sub cmp_list_compare { Value::List::cmp_list_compare(@_) }
# Check if types are compatible for equality check
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return 1 unless ref($other);
$self->type eq $other->type && !$other->isFormula;
# Class name for cmp error messages
sub cmp_class {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $class = $self->showClass;
$class =~ s/Real //;
return $class if $class =~ m/Formula/;
return "an Interval, Set or Union" if $self->isSetOfReals;
return $class;
# Student answer evaluation failed.
# Report the error, with formatting, if possible.
sub cmp_error {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $error = $self->context->{error};
my $message = $error->{message};
if ($error->{pos}) {
my $string = $error->{string};
my ($s, $e) = @{ $error->{pos} };
$message =~ s/; see.*//; # remove the position from the message
$ans->{student_ans} =
protectHTML(substr($string, 0, $s))
. ''
. protectHTML(substr($string, $s, $e - $s))
. ''
. protectHTML(substr($string, $e));
$self->cmp_Error($ans, $message);
# Set the error message
sub cmp_Error {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return unless scalar(@_) > 0;
$ans->{ans_message} = $ans->{error_message} = join("\n", @_);
# Force a message into the results message column and die
# (To be used when overriding Parser classes that need
# to report errors to the student but can't do it in
# the overridden == since errors are trapped.)
sub cmp_Message {
my $message = shift;
my $context = Value->context;
$message = [ $message, @_ ] if scalar(@_) > 0;
$context->setError($message, '', undef, undef, $CMP_MESSAGE);
$message = $context->{error}{message};
die $message . traceback() if $context->flags('showTraceback');
die $message . getCaller();
# filled in by sub-classes
sub cmp_preprocess { }
sub cmp_postprocess { }
# Used to call an object's method as a pre- or post-filter.
# E.g.,
# $cmp->install_pre_filter(\&Value::cmp_call_filter,"cmp_prefilter");
sub cmp_call_filter {
my $ans = shift;
my $method = shift;
return $ans->{correct_value}->$method($ans, @_);
# Check for unreduced reduced Unions and Sets
sub cmp_checkUnionReduce {
my $self = shift;
my $student = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $nth = shift || '';
unless $ans->{studentsMustReduceUnions}
&& $ans->{showUnionReduceWarnings}
&& !$ans->{isPreview}
&& !Value::isFormula($student);
return unless $student->isSetOfReals;
my ($result, $error) = $student->isReduced;
return unless $error;
return {
"overlaps" => "Your$nth union contains overlapping intervals",
"overlaps in sets" => "Your$nth union contains sets and intervals that overlap",
"uncombined intervals" => "Your$nth union can be simplified by combining intervals",
"uncombined sets" => "Your$nth union can be simplified by combining some sets",
"repeated elements in set" => "Your$nth union contains sets with repeated elements",
"repeated elements" => "Your$nth set should have no repeated elements",
# create answer rules of various types
sub ans_rule { shift; pgCall('ans_rule', @_) }
sub named_ans_rule { shift; pgCall('NAMED_ANS_RULE', @_) }
sub named_ans_rule_extension { shift; pgCall('NAMED_ANS_RULE_EXTENSION', @_) }
sub ans_array { shift->ans_rule(@_) }
sub named_ans_array { shift->named_ans_rule(@_) }
sub named_ans_array_extension { shift->named_ans_rule_extension(@_) }
sub pgCall { my $call = shift; &{ WeBWorK::PG::Translator::PG_restricted_eval('\&' . $call) }(@_) }
sub pgRef { WeBWorK::PG::Translator::PG_restricted_eval('\&' . shift) }
our $answerPrefix = "MaTrIx";
# Lay out a matrix of answer rules
sub ans_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my $extend = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $rows = shift;
my $cols = shift;
my $size = shift;
my $open = shift;
my $close = shift;
my $sep = shift;
my $toplabels = shift;
my %options = @_;
#die(join(';',map {"$_ and $options{$_}"} keys %options));
my $named_extension = pgRef('NAMED_ANS_ARRAY_EXTENSION');
my $named_ans_rule = pgRef('NAMED_ANS_RULE');
my $HTML = "";
pgCall('RECORD_IMPLICIT_ANS_NAME', $name = pgCall('NEW_ANS_NAME')) unless $name;
my $ename = "${answerPrefix}_${name}";
$self->{ans_name} = $ename;
$self->{ans_rows} = $rows;
$self->{ans_cols} = $cols;
# warn "ans_matrix: ename=$ename answer_group_name=$options{answer_group_name}";
my @array = ();
foreach my $i (0 .. $rows - 1) {
my @row = ();
foreach my $j (0 .. $cols - 1) {
my $label;
if ($options{aria_label}) {
$label = $options{aria_label} . 'row ' . ($i + 1) . ' col ' . ($j + 1);
} else {
$label = pgCall('generate_aria_label', ANS_NAME($ename, $i, $j));
my $answer_group_name = $options{answer_group_name} // $name;
if ($i == 0 && $j == 0) {
if ($extend) {
$name, $size,
answer_group_name => $answer_group_name,
aria_label => $label
} else {
push(@row, &$named_ans_rule($name, $size, aria_label => $label));
} else {
ANS_NAME($ename, $i, $j), $size,
answer_group_name => $answer_group_name,
aria_label => $label
push(@array, [@row]);
open => $open,
close => $close,
sep => $sep,
top_labels => $toplabels,
ans_last_name => ANS_NAME($ename, $rows - 1, $cols - 1)
sub ANS_NAME {
my ($name, $i, $j) = @_;
$name . '_' . $i . '_' . $j;
# Lay out an arbitrary matrix
sub format_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my $array = shift;
my $displayMode = $self->getPG('$displayMode');
$array = [$array] unless ref($array->[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
return $self->format_matrix_tex($array, @_) if ($displayMode eq 'TeX');
return $self->format_matrix_PTX($array, @_) if ($displayMode eq 'PTX');
return $self->format_matrix_HTML($array, @_);
sub format_matrix_tex {
my $self = shift;
my $array = shift;
my %options = (open => '.', close => '.', sep => '', @_);
$self->{format_options} = [%options] unless $self->{format_options};
my ($open, $close, $sep) = ($options{open}, $options{close}, $options{sep});
my ($rows, $cols) = (scalar(@{$array}), scalar(@{ $array->[0] }));
my $tex = "";
my @rows = ();
$open = '\\' . $open if $open =~ m/[{}]/;
$close = '\\' . $close if $close =~ m/[{}]/;
$tex .= '\(\left' . $open . '\let\quad=\relax'; # WHY is there a \quad in the answer rule extension?
$tex .= '\setlength{\arraycolsep}{2pt}', $sep = '\,' . $sep if $sep;
$tex .= '\begin{array}{' . ('c' x $cols) . '}';
if ($options{top_labels}) {
push @rows, join($sep . '&', @{ $options{top_labels} });
foreach my $i (0 .. $rows - 1) { push(@rows, join($sep . '&', @{ $array->[$i] })) }
$tex .= join('\cr' . "\n", @rows);
$tex .= '\end{array}\right' . $close . '\)';
return $tex;
sub format_matrix_PTX {
my $self = shift;
my $array = shift;
my ($rows, $cols) = (scalar(@{$array}), scalar(@{ $array->[0] }));
my $ptx = ' 1;
$ptx .= qq( cols="$cols") if $cols > 1;
$ptx .= '/>';
return $ptx;
sub format_matrix_HTML {
my $self = shift;
my $array = shift;
my %options = (open => '', close => '', sep => '', tth_delims => 0, @_);
$self->{format_options} = [%options] unless $self->{format_options};
my ($open, $close, $sep) = ($options{open}, $options{close}, $options{sep});
my ($rows, $cols) = (scalar(@{$array}), scalar(@{ $array->[0] }));
my $HTML = "";
my $class = 'class="ans_array_cell"';
my $cell = "display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;";
my $pad = "padding:4px 0;";
if ($sep) { $sep = '' . $sep . '' }
else { $sep = '' }
$sep = '' . $sep . '';
if ($options{top_labels}) {
$HTML .=
. join($sep, @{ $options{top_labels} })
. '';
foreach my $i (0 .. $rows - 1) {
$HTML .=
. join($sep, EVALUATE(@{ $array->[$i] }))
. '';
$HTML = '' . $HTML . '';
$open = $self->format_delimiter($open, $rows, $options{tth_delims});
$close = $self->format_delimiter($close, $rows, $options{tth_delims});
if ($open ne '' || $close ne '') {
my $delim = "display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;";
. $open
. ''
. ''
. $close
. '';
return ''
. '';
map { (Value::isFormula($_) && $_->isConstant ? $_->eval : $_) } @_;
my $string = shift;
my $displayMode = Value->getPG('$displayMode');
$string = '\end{verbatim}' . $string . '\begin{verbatim}' if $displayMode eq 'TeX';
return $string;
# Create a tall delimiter to match the line height
sub format_delimiter {
my $self = shift;
my $delim = shift;
my $rows = shift;
my $tth = shift;
return '' if $delim eq '' || $delim eq '.';
my $displayMode = $self->getPG('$displayMode');
return $self->format_delimiter_tth($delim, $rows, $tth)
if $tth || $displayMode eq 'HTML_tth' || $displayMode !~ m/^HTML_/;
my $rule = '\vrule width 0pt height ' . $rows . 'em depth 0pt';
$rule = '\Rule{0pt}{' . (1.2 * $rows) . 'em}{0pt}' if $displayMode eq 'HTML_MathJax';
$rule = '\rule 0pt ' . (1.2 * $rows) . 'em 0pt' if $displayMode eq 'HTML_jsMath';
$delim = '\\' . $delim if $delim eq '{' || $delim eq '}';
return '\(\left' . $delim . $rule . '\right.\)';
# Data for tth delimiters [top,mid,bot,rep]
$tth_family = "symbol";
my %tth_delim = (
'[' => [ '⎡', '', '⎣', '⎢' ],
']' => [ '⎤', '', '⎦', '⎥' ],
'(' => [ '⎛', '', '⎝', '⎜' ],
')' => [ '⎞', '', '⎠', '⎟' ],
'{' => [ '⎧', '⎨', '⎩', '⎪' ],
'}' => [ '⎫', '⎬', '⎭', '⎪' ],
'|' => [ '|', '', '|', '|' ],
'<' => ['⟨'],
'>' => ['⟩'],
'\lgroup' => [ '⎧', '', '⎩', '⎪' ],
'\rgroup' => [ '⎫', '', '⎭', '⎪' ],
# Make delimiters as stacks of characters
sub format_delimiter_tth {
my $self = shift;
my $delim = shift;
my $rows = shift;
my $tth = shift;
return '' if $delim eq '' || !defined($tth_delim{$delim});
my $c = $delim;
$delim = $tth_delim{$delim};
$c = $delim->[0] if scalar(@{$delim}) == 1;
my $size = ($tth ? "" : "font-size:175%; ");
return '' . $c . ''
if $rows == 1 || scalar(@{$delim}) == 1;
my $HTML = "";
if ($delim->[1] eq '') {
$HTML = join('
', $delim->[0], ($delim->[3]) x (2 * ($rows - 1)), $delim->[2]);
} else {
$HTML = join('
$delim->[0], ($delim->[3]) x ($rows - 1),
$delim->[1], ($delim->[3]) x ($rows - 1),
return '' . $HTML . '
# Look up the values of the answer array entries, and check them
# for syntax and other errors. Build the student answer
# based on these, and keep track of error messages.
my @ans_cmp_defaults = (showCoodinateHints => 0, checker => sub {0});
sub ans_collect {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $inputs = $self->getPG('$inputs_ref');
my $blank = ($self->getPG('$displayMode') eq 'TeX') ? '\_\_' : '__';
my ($rows, $cols) = ($self->{ans_rows}, $self->{ans_cols});
my @array = ();
my $data = [ $self->value ];
my $errors = [];
my $OK = 1;
if ($self->{ColumnVector}) {
foreach my $x (@{$data}) { $x = [$x] }
$data = [$data] unless ref($data->[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
foreach my $i (0 .. $rows - 1) {
my @row = ();
my $entry;
foreach my $j (0 .. $cols - 1) {
if ($i || $j) {
$entry = $inputs->{ ANS_NAME($self->{ans_name}, $i, $j) };
} else {
$entry = $ans->{original_student_ans};
$ans->{student_formula} = $ans->{student_value} = undef unless $entry =~ m/\S/;
# Pass the mathQuillOpts on to each entry to ensure that the correct parsing is used for each entry.
# This really only needs to know if MathQuill is disabled or not, but it is more efficient to just pass on the reference.
# The value is safely ignored if $ans->{mathQuillOpts} does not match /^\s*disabled\s*$/i.
my $result =
$data->[$i][$j]->cmp(@ans_cmp_defaults, mathQuillOpts => $ans->{mathQuillOpts})->evaluate($entry);
$OK &= entryCheck($result, $blank);
$ans->{typeError} = 1 if $result->{typeError};
push(@row, $result->{student_formula});
entryMessage($result->{ans_message}, $errors, $i, $j, $rows, $cols);
push(@array, [@row]);
$ans->{student_formula} = [@array];
$ans->{ans_message} = $ans->{error_message} = "";
if (scalar(@{$errors})) {
$ans->{ans_message} = $ans->{error_message} =
. join(' |
', @{$errors})
. '
$OK = 0;
return $OK;
sub entryMessage {
my $message = shift;
return unless $message;
my ($errors, $i, $j, $rows, $cols) = @_;
my $title;
if ($rows == 1) { $title = "In entry $j" }
elsif ($cols == 1) { $title = "In entry $i" }
else { $title = "In entry ($i,$j)" }
"$title: | "
. "$message |
sub entryCheck {
my $ans = shift;
my $blank = shift;
return 1 if defined($ans->{student_value}) || $ans->{typeError};
if (!defined($ans->{student_formula})) {
$ans->{student_formula} = $ans->{student_ans};
$ans->{student_formula} = $blank unless $ans->{student_formula};
return 0;
# Get and Set values in context
sub contextSet {
my $context = shift;
my %set = (@_);
my $flags = $context->{flags};
my $get = {};
foreach my $id (keys %set) { $get->{$id} = $flags->{$id}; $flags->{$id} = $set{$id} }
return $get;
# Quote HTML characters
sub protectHTML {
my $string = shift;
return unless defined($string);
return $string if eval('$main::displayMode') eq 'TeX';
$string =~ s/&/\&/g;
$string =~ s/\</g;
$string =~ s/>/\>/g;
# Convert newlines to
sub preformat {
my $string = protectHTML(shift);
return unless defined $string;
$string =~ s!\n!
!g unless eval('$main::displayMode') eq 'TeX';
# names for numbers
sub NameForNumber {
my $self = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $name =
('zeroth', 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'sixth', 'seventh', 'eighth', 'ninth', 'tenth')[$n];
$name = "$n-th" if ($n > 10);
return $name;
# Get a value from the safe compartment
sub getPG {
my $self = shift;
# (WeBWorK::PG::Translator::PG_restricted_eval(shift))[0];
eval('package main; ' . shift); # faster
=head3 Value::Real
Usage ANS( Real(3.56)->cmp() )
Compares response to a real value using 'fuzzy' comparison
compareOptions and default values:
showTypeWarnings => 1,
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1,
package Value::Real;
sub cmp_defaults { (shift->SUPER::cmp_defaults(@_), ignoreInfinity => 1,) }
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 1 unless ref($other);
return 0 if Value::isFormula($other);
return 1 if $other->type eq 'Infinity' && $ans->{ignoreInfinity};
$self->type eq $other->type;
package Value::Infinity;
sub cmp_class {'a Number'}
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 1 unless ref($other);
return 0 if Value::isFormula($other);
return 1 if $other->type eq 'Number';
$self->type eq $other->type;
=head3 Value::String
Usage: $s = String("pole");
ANS($s->cmp(typeMatch => Complex("4+i")));
# compare to response 'pole', don't complain about complex number responses.
compareOptions and default values:
showTypeWarnings => 1,
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1, # don't complain about string-valued responses
typeMatch => 'Value::Real'
Initial and final spaces are ignored when comparing strings.
package Value::String;
sub cmp_defaults { (Value::Real->cmp_defaults(@_), typeMatch => 'Value::Real',) }
sub cmp_class {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $typeMatch = $ans->{typeMatch};
return 'a Word' if !Value::isValue($typeMatch) || $typeMatch->classMatch('String');
return $typeMatch->cmp_class;
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $typeMatch = $ans->{typeMatch};
return &$typeMatch($other, $ans) if ref($typeMatch) eq 'CODE';
return 1
if !Value::isValue($typeMatch)
|| $typeMatch->classMatch('String')
|| $self->type eq $other->type;
return $typeMatch->typeMatch($other, $ans);
# Remove the blank-check prefilter when the string is empty,
# and add a filter that removes leading and trailing whitespace.
# Also, properly quote the correct answer string.
sub cmp {
my $self = shift;
my $correct = ($self->{correct_ans} || $self->string);
my $cmp = $self->SUPER::cmp(
correct_ans => $self->quoteHTML($correct),
correct_ans_latex_string => $self->quoteTeX($correct),
if ($self->value =~ m/^\s*$/) {
$cmp->install_pre_filter(sub {
my $ans = shift;
$ans->{student_ans} =~ s/^\s+//g;
$ans->{student_ans} =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $ans;
return $cmp;
# Adjust student preview and anser strings so they display properly
sub cmp_preprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
if (defined $ans->{student_value}) {
$ans->{preview_latex_string} = $ans->{student_value}->TeX;
$ans->{student_ans} = $self->quoteHTML($ans->{student_value}->string);
=head3 Value::Point
Usage: $pt = Point("(3,6)"); # preferred
or $pt = Point(3,6);
or $pt = Point([3,6]);
showTypeWarnings => 1, # warns if student response is of incorrect type
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1,
showDimensionHints => 1, # reports incorrect number of coordinates
showCoordinateHints =>1, # flags individual coordinates that are incorrect
package Value::Point;
sub cmp_defaults { (
showDimensionHints => 1,
showCoordinateHints => 1,
) }
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return ref($other) && $other->type eq 'Point' && !$other->isFormula;
# Check for dimension mismatch and incorrect coordinates
sub cmp_postprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return unless $ans->{score} == 0 && !$ans->{isPreview};
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($student) || $student->type eq 'String');
if ($ans->{showDimensionHints} && $self->length != $student->length) {
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "The number of coordinates is incorrect");
if ($ans->{showCoordinateHints}) {
my @errors;
foreach my $i (1 .. $self->length) {
push(@errors, "The " . $self->NameForNumber($i) . " coordinate is incorrect")
if ($self->{data}[ $i - 1 ] != $student->{data}[ $i - 1 ]);
$self->cmp_Error($ans, @errors);
sub correct_ans {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::correct_ans unless $self->{ans_name};
Value::VERBATIM($self->format_matrix([ [ @{ $self->{data} } ] ], @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1));
my $self = shift;
my $extend = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $size = shift || 5;
my %options = @_;
my $def = $self->context->lists->get('Point');
my $open = $self->{open} || $def->{open};
my $close = $self->{close} || $def->{close};
$self->ans_matrix($extend, $name, 1, $self->length, $size, $open, $close, ',', '', %options);
sub ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, '', @_) }
sub named_ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, @_) }
sub named_ans_array_extension { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(1, @_) }
=head3 Value::Vector
Usage: $vec = Vector("<3,6,7>");
or $vec = Vector(3,6,7);
or $vec = Vector([3,6,7]);
showTypeWarnings => 1, # warns if student response is of incorrect type
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1,
showDimensionHints => 1, # reports incorrect number of coordinates
showCoordinateHints => 1, # flags individual coordinates which are incorrect
promotePoints => 0, # allow students to enter vectors as points (3,5,6)
parallel => 1, # response is correct if it is parallel to correct answer
sameDirection => 1, # response is correct if it has same orientation as correct answer
# (only has an effect when parallel => 1 is specified)
package Value::Vector;
sub cmp_defaults { (
showDimensionHints => 1,
showCoordinateHints => 1,
promotePoints => 0,
parallel => 0,
sameDirection => 0,
) }
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 0 unless ref($other) && !$other->isFormula;
return $other->type eq 'Vector'
|| ($ans->{promotePoints} && $other->type eq 'Point');
# check for dimension mismatch
# for parallel vectors, and
# for incorrect coordinates
sub cmp_postprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return unless $ans->{score} == 0 && !$ans->{isPreview};
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($student) || $student->type eq 'String');
if ($self->length != $student->length) {
($self, $student) = $self->cmp_pad($student);
if ($ans->{showDimensionHints} && $self->length != $student->length) {
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "The number of coordinates is incorrect");
if ($ans->{parallel}
&& !$student->isFormula
&& !$student->classMatch('String')
&& $self->isParallel($student, $ans->{sameDirection}))
if ($ans->{showCoordinateHints} && !$ans->{parallel}) {
my @errors;
foreach my $i (1 .. $self->length) {
push(@errors, "The " . $self->NameForNumber($i) . " coordinate is incorrect")
if ($self->{data}[ $i - 1 ] != $student->{data}[ $i - 1 ]);
$self->cmp_Error($ans, @errors);
# Pad the student or correct answer if either is in ijk notation
# and they are not the same dimension. Only add zeros when the other one
# also has zeros in those places.
sub cmp_pad {
my $self = shift;
my $student = shift;
if (($self->getFlag("ijk") || $student->getFlag("ijk")) && $self->getFlag("ijkAnyDimension")) {
$self = $self->copy;
$student = $student->copy;
while ($self->length > $student->length && $self->{data}[ $student->length ] == 0) {
push(@{ $student->{data} }, Value::Real->new(0));
while ($self->length < $student->length && $student->{data}[ $self->length ] == 0) {
push(@{ $self->{data} }, Value::Real->new(0));
return ($self, $student);
sub correct_ans {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::correct_ans unless $self->{ans_name};
return Value::VERBATIM($self->format_matrix([ [ $self->value ] ], @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1))
unless $self->{ColumnVector};
my @array = ();
foreach my $x ($self->value) { push(@array, [$x]) }
return Value::VERBATIM($self->format_matrix([@array], @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1));
my $self = shift;
my $extend = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $size = shift || 5;
my %options = @_;
my ($def, $open, $close);
$def = $self->context->lists->get('Matrix');
$open = $self->{open} || $def->{open};
$close = $self->{close} || $def->{close};
return $self->ans_matrix($extend, $name, $self->length, 1, $size, $open, $close, '',, '', %options)
if ($self->{ColumnVector});
$def = $self->context->lists->get('Vector');
$open = $self->{open} || $def->{open};
$close = $self->{close} || $def->{close};
$self->ans_matrix($extend, $name, 1, $self->length, $size, $open, $close, ',', '', %options);
sub ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, '', @_) }
sub named_ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, @_) }
sub named_ans_array_extension { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(1, @_) }
=head3 Value::Matrix
Usage $ma = Matrix([[3,6],[2,5]]) or $ma =Matrix([3,6],[2,5])
showTypeWarnings => 1, # warns if student response is of incorrect type
showEqualErrors => 1, # reports messages that occur during element comparisons
ignoreStrings => 1,
showDimensionHints => 1, # reports incorrect number of coordinates
showCoordinateHints => 1, # flags individual coordinates which are incorrect
package Value::Matrix;
sub cmp_defaults { (
showDimensionHints => 1,
showEqualErrors => 0,
) }
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 0 unless ref($other) && !$other->isFormula;
return $other->type eq 'Matrix'
|| ($other->type =~ m/^(Point|List)$/
&& $other->{open} . $other->{close} eq $self->{open} . $self->{close});
sub cmp_preprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
return if $student->type ne 'Matrix';
my @d1 = $self->dimensions;
my @d2 = $student->dimensions;
$ans->{student_value} = $student->make([ $student->value ])
if (scalar(@d2) == 1 && scalar(@d1) == 2);
sub cmp_postprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
unless $ans->{score} == 0
&& !$ans->{isPreview}
&& $ans->{showDimensionHints};
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($student) || $student->type eq 'String');
my @d1 = $self->dimensions;
my @d2 = $student->dimensions;
if (scalar(@d1) != scalar(@d2)) {
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "Matrix dimension is not correct");
} else {
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@d1) - 1) {
if ($d1[$i] != $d2[$i]) {
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "Matrix dimension is not correct");
sub correct_ans {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::correct_ans unless $self->{ans_name};
my @array = $self->value;
@array = ([@array]) if $self->isRow;
Value::VERBATIM($self->format_matrix([ $self->value ], @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1));
my $self = shift;
my $extend = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $size = shift || 5;
my %options = @_;
my $def = $self->context->lists->get('Matrix');
my $open = $self->{open} || $def->{open};
my $close = $self->{close} || $def->{close};
my $sep = '';
my $toplabels = ($self->{top_labels}) ? $self->{top_labels} : '';
my @d = $self->dimensions;
Value::Error("Can't create ans_array for %d-dimensional matrix", scalar(@d))
if (scalar(@d) > 2);
@d = (1, @d) if (scalar(@d) == 1);
$self->ans_matrix($extend, $name, @d, $size, $open, $close, $sep, $toplabels, %options);
sub ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, '', @_) }
sub named_ans_array { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(0, @_) }
sub named_ans_array_extension { my $self = shift; $self->ANS_MATRIX(1, @_) }
=head3 Value::Interval
Usage: $interval = Interval("(1,2]");
or $interval = Interval('(',1,2,']');
compareOptions and defaults:
showTypeWarnings => 1,
showEqualErrors => 1,
ignoreStrings => 1,
showEndpointHints => 1, # show hints about which end point values are correct
showEndTypeHints => 1, # show hints about endpoint types
requireParenMatch => 1,
package Value::Interval;
sub cmp_defaults { (
showEndpointHints => 1,
showEndTypeHints => 1,
requireParenMatch => 1,
) }
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return 0 if !Value::isValue($other) || $other->isFormula;
return $other->canBeInUnion;
# Check for unreduced sets and unions
sub cmp_compare {
my $self = shift;
my $student = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $error = $self->cmp_checkUnionReduce($student, $ans, @_);
if ($error) { $self->context->setError($error, '', undef, undef, $CMP_WARNING); return }
$self->SUPER::cmp_compare($student, $ans, @_);
# Check for wrong enpoints and wrong type of endpoints
sub cmp_postprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return unless $ans->{score} == 0 && !$ans->{isPreview};
my $other = $ans->{student_value};
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($other) || $other->type eq 'String');
return unless $other->classMatch('Interval');
my @errors;
if ($ans->{showEndpointHints}) {
push(@errors, "Your left endpoint is incorrect")
if ($self->{data}[0] != $other->{data}[0]);
push(@errors, "Your right endpoint is incorrect")
if ($self->{data}[1] != $other->{data}[1]);
if (scalar(@errors) == 0 && $ans->{showEndTypeHints} && $ans->{requireParenMatch}) {
push(@errors, "The type of interval is incorrect")
if ($self->{open} . $self->{close} ne $other->{open} . $other->{close});
$self->cmp_Error($ans, @errors);
=head3 Value::Set
Usage: $set = Set(5,6,'a', 'b')
or $set = Set("{5, 6, a, b}")
The object is a finite set of real numbers. It can be used with Union and
Examples: Interval("(-inf,inf)") - Set(0)
Compute("R-{0}") # in Interval context: Context("Interval");
package Value::Set;
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return 0 if !Value::isValue($other) || $other->isFormula;
return $other->canBeInUnion;
# Use the List checker for sets, in order to get
# partial credit. Set the various types for error
# messages.
sub cmp_defaults { (
typeMatch => 'Value::Real',
list_type => 'a set',
entry_type => 'a number',
removeParens => 0,
showParenHints => 1,
implicitList => 0,
) }
# Use the list checker if the student answer is a set
# otherwise use the standard compare (to get better
# error messages).
sub cmp_equal {
my ($self, $ans) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::cmp_equal($ans) unless $ans->{student_value}->type eq 'Set';
my $error = $self->cmp_checkUnionReduce($ans->{student_value}, $ans);
if ($error) { $self->cmp_Error($ans, $error); return }
return Value::List::cmp_equal(@_);
# Check for unreduced sets and unions
sub cmp_compare {
my $self = shift;
my $student = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $error = $self->cmp_checkUnionReduce($student, $ans, @_);
if ($error) { $self->context->setError($error, '', undef, undef, $CMP_WARNING); return }
$self->SUPER::cmp_compare($student, $ans, @_);
=head3 Value::Union
Usage: $union = Union("[4,5] U [6,7]");
or $union = Union(Interval("[4,5]",Interval("[6,7]"));
package Value::Union;
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return 0 unless ref($other) && !$other->isFormula;
$other->length == 2
&& ($other->{open} eq '(' || $other->{open} eq '[')
&& ($other->{close} eq ')' || $other->{close} eq ']')
if $other->type =~ m/^(Point|List)$/;
# Use the List checker for unions, in order to get
# partial credit. Set the various types for error
# messages.
my $typeMatchInterval = Value::Interval->make(0, 1);
sub cmp_defaults { (
typeMatch => $typeMatchInterval,
list_type => 'an interval, set or union',
short_type => 'a union',
entry_type => 'an interval or set',
) }
sub cmp_equal {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $error = $self->cmp_checkUnionReduce($ans->{student_value}, $ans);
if ($error) { $self->cmp_Error($ans, $error); return }
if ($self->typeMatch($ans->{student_value})) {
Value::List::cmp_equal($self, $ans);
} else {
# Check for unreduced sets and unions
sub cmp_compare {
my $self = shift;
my $student = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $error = $self->cmp_checkUnionReduce($student, $ans, @_);
if ($error) { $self->context->setError($error, '', undef, undef, $CMP_WARNING); return }
$self->SUPER::cmp_compare($student, $ans, @_);
=head3 Value::List
Usage: $lst = List("1, x, <4,5,6>"); # list of a real, a formula and a vector.
or $lst = List(Real(1), Formula("x"), Vector(4,5,6));
compareOptions and defaults:
showTypeWarnings => 1,
showEqualErrors => 1, # show errors produced when checking equality of entries
ignoreStrings => 1, # don't show type warnings for strings
studentsMustReduceUnions => 1,
showUnionReduceWarnings => 1,
showHints => undef, # automatically set to 1 if $showPartialCorrectAnswers == 1
showLengthHints => undef, # automatically set to 1 if $showPartialCorrectAnswers == 1
showParenHints => undef, # automatically set to 1 if $showPartialCorrectAnswers == 1
partialCredit => undef, # automatically set to 1 if $showPartialCorrectAnswers == 1
ordered => 0, # 1 = must be in same order as correct answer
entry_type => undef, # determined from first entry
list_type => undef, # determined automatically
typeMatch => $element, # used for type checking the entries
firstElement => $element,
extra => undef, # used to check syntax of incorrect answers
requireParenMatch => 1, # student parens must match correct parens
removeParens => 1, # remove outermost parens, if any
implicitList => 1, # force single answers to be lists (even if they ARE lists)
package Value::List;
sub cmp_defaults {
my $self = shift;
my %options = (@_);
my $element = Value::makeValue($self->{data}[0], context => $self->context);
$element = $self->Package("Formula")->new($element) unless Value::isValue($element);
return (
showHints => undef,
showLengthHints => undef,
showParenHints => undef,
partialCredit => undef,
ordered => 0,
entry_type => undef,
list_type => undef,
typeMatch => $element,
firstElement => $element,
extra => undef,
requireParenMatch => 1,
removeParens => 1,
implicitList => 1,
# Match anything but formulas
sub typeMatch { return !ref($other) || !$other->isFormula }
# Handle removal of outermost parens in correct answer.
sub cmp {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $cmp = $self->SUPER::cmp(@_);
if ($cmp->{rh_ans}{removeParens} && ($self->{open} || $self->{close})) {
$self->{open} = $self->{close} = '';
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_ans => $self->stringify)
unless defined($self->{correct_ans}) || defined($params{correct_ans});
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_ans_latex_string => $self->TeX)
unless defined($self->{correct_ans_latex_string}) || defined($params{correct_ans_latex_string});
return $cmp;
sub cmp_equal {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
$ans->{showPartialCorrectAnswers} = $self->getPG('$showPartialCorrectAnswers');
# get the paramaters
my $showHints = getOption($ans, 'showHints');
my $showLengthHints = getOption($ans, 'showLengthHints');
my $showParenHints = getOption($ans, 'showParenHints');
my $partialCredit = getOption($ans, 'partialCredit');
my $requireParenMatch = $ans->{requireParenMatch};
my $implicitList = $ans->{implicitList};
my $typeMatch = $ans->{typeMatch};
my $value = $ans->{entry_type};
my $ltype = $ans->{list_type} || lc($self->type);
my $stype = $ans->{short_type} || $ltype;
$value = (Value::isValue($typeMatch) ? lc($typeMatch->cmp_class) : 'a value')
unless defined($value);
$value =~ s/(real|complex) //;
$ans->{cmp_class} = $value;
$value =~ s/^an? //;
$value = 'formula' if $value =~ m/formula/;
$ltype =~ s/^an? //;
$stype =~ s/^an? //;
$showHints = $showLengthHints = 0 if $ans->{isPreview};
# Get the lists of correct and student answers
# (split formulas that return lists or unions)
my @correct = ();
my ($cOpen, $cClose);
if (!$self->isFormula) {
@correct = $self->value;
$cOpen = $ans->{correct_value}{open};
$cClose = $ans->{correct_value}{close};
} else {
@correct = Value::List->splitFormula($self, $ans);
$cOpen = $self->{tree}{open};
$cClose = $self->{tree}{close};
my $student = $ans->{student_value};
my @student = ($student);
my ($sOpen, $sClose) = ('', '');
if (Value::isFormula($student) && $student->type eq $self->type) {
if ($implicitList && $student->{tree}{open} ne '') {
@student = ($student);
} else {
@student = Value::List->splitFormula($student, $ans);
$sOpen = $student->{tree}{open};
$sClose = $student->{tree}{close};
} elsif (!$student->isFormula && $student->classMatch($self->type)) {
if ($implicitList && $student->{open} ne '') {
@student = ($student);
} else {
@student = @{ $student->{data} };
$sOpen = $student->{open};
$sClose = $student->{close};
return if $ans->{split_error};
foreach my $x (@correct) { $x->{equation} = $self }
foreach my $x (@student) { $x->{equation} = $self }
# Check for parenthesis match
if ($requireParenMatch && ($sOpen ne $cOpen || $sClose ne $cClose)) {
if ($showParenHints && !($ans->{ignoreStrings} && $student->type eq 'String')) {
my $message = "The parentheses for your $ltype ";
if (($cOpen || $cClose) && ($sOpen || $sClose)) { $message .= "are of the wrong type" }
elsif ($sOpen || $sClose) { $message .= "should be removed" }
else { $message .= "seem to be missing" }
$self->cmp_Error($ans, $message) unless $ans->{isPreview};
# Determine the maximum score
my $M = scalar(@correct);
my $m = scalar(@student);
my $maxscore = ($m > $M) ? $m : $M;
# Compare the two lists
# (Handle errors in user-supplied functions)
my ($score, @errors);
if (ref($ans->{list_checker}) eq 'CODE') {
eval { ($score, @errors) = &{ $ans->{list_checker} }([@correct], [@student], $ans, $value) };
if (!defined($score)) {
die $@ if $@ ne '' && $self->{context}{error}{flag} == 0;
$self->cmp_error($ans) if $self->{context}{error}{flag};
} else {
($score, @errors) = $self->cmp_list_compare([@correct], [@student], $ans, $value);
return unless defined($score);
# Give hints about extra or missing answers
if ($showLengthHints) {
$value =~ s/( or|,) /s$1 /g; # fix "interval or union"
push(@errors, "There should be more ${value}s in your $stype")
if ($score < $maxscore && $score == $m);
push(@errors, "There should be fewer ${value}s in your $stype")
if ($score < $maxscore && $score == $M && !$showHints);
# If all the entries are in error, don't give individual messages
if ($score == 0) {
my $i = 0;
while ($i <= $#errors) {
if ($errors[ $i++ ] =~ m/^Your .* is incorrect$/) { splice(@errors, --$i, 1) }
# Finalize the score
$score = 0 if ($score != $maxscore && !$partialCredit);
$ans->score($score / $maxscore);
push(@errors, "Score = $ans->{score}") if $ans->{debug};
my $error = join("\n", @errors);
$error =~ s!\n!!g;
$ans->{error_message} = $ans->{ans_message} = $error;
# Compare the contents of the list to see of they are equal
sub cmp_list_compare {
my $self = shift;
my $context = $self->context;
my $correct = shift;
my $student = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @correct = @{$correct};
my @student = @{$student};
my $m = scalar(@student);
my $ordered = $ans->{ordered};
my $showTypeWarnings = $ans->{showTypeWarnings} && !$ans->{isPreview};
my $typeMatch = $ans->{typeMatch};
my $extra =
defined($ans->{extra}) ? $ans->{extra} : (Value::isValue($typeMatch) ? $typeMatch : $ans->{firstElement});
$extra = $self->Package("List")->new() unless defined($extra);
my $showHints = getOption($ans, 'showHints') && !$ans->{isPreview};
my $error = $context->{error};
my $score = 0;
my @errors;
my $i = 0;
# Check for empty lists
if (scalar(@correct) == 0) { $ans->score($m == 0 ? 1 : 0); return }
# Loop through student answers looking for correct ones
ENTRY: foreach my $entry (@student) {
$entry = Value::makeValue($entry, $context);
$entry = $self->Package("Formula")->new($entry) if !Value::isValue($entry);
# Some words differ if there is only one entry in the student's list
my $nth = '';
my $answer = 'answer';
my $class = $ans->{list_type} || $ans->{cmp_class};
if ($m > 1) {
$nth = ' ' . $self->NameForNumber($i);
$class = $ans->{cmp_class};
$answer = 'value';
# See if the entry matches the correct answer
# and perform syntax checking if not
if ($ordered) {
if (scalar(@correct)) {
my $correct = shift(@correct);
if ($correct->typeMatch($entry) && $correct->cmp_compare($entry, $ans, $nth, $value)) {
next ENTRY;
} else {
# do syntax check
if (ref($extra) eq 'CODE') { &$extra($entry, $ans, $nth, $value) }
else { $extra->cmp_compare($entry, $ans, $nth, $value) }
if ($error->{flag} == $CMP_ERROR) { $self->cmp_error($ans); return }
} else {
foreach my $k (0 .. $#correct) {
if ($correct[$k]->typeMatch($entry) && $correct[$k]->cmp_compare($entry, $ans, $nth, $value)) {
splice(@correct, $k, 1);
next ENTRY;
if ($error->{flag} == $CMP_ERROR) { $self->cmp_error($ans); return }
# do syntax check
if (ref($extra) eq 'CODE') { &$extra($entry, $ans, $nth, $value) }
else { $extra->cmp_compare($entry, $ans, $nth, $value) }
# Give messages about incorrect answers
my $match = (ref($typeMatch) eq 'CODE') ? &$typeMatch($entry, $ans) : $typeMatch->typeMatch($entry, $ans);
if ($showTypeWarnings
&& !$match
&& !($ans->{ignoreStrings} && $entry->classMatch('String')))
push(@errors, "Your$nth $answer isn't " . lc($class) . " (it looks like " . lc($entry->showClass) . ")");
} elsif ($error->{flag} && $ans->{showEqualErrors}) {
my $message = $error->{message};
$message =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($m > 1 && $error->{flag} != $CMP_WARNING) {
"There is a problem with your$nth $value:",
'' . $message . '
} else {
push(@errors, $message);
} elsif ($showHints && $m > 1) {
push(@errors, "Your$nth $value is incorrect");
# Return the score and errors
return ($score, @errors);
# Split a formula that is a list or union into a
# list of formulas (or Value objects).
sub splitFormula {
my $self = shift;
my $formula = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my @formula;
my @entries;
if ($formula->type eq 'Union') { @entries = $formula->{tree}->makeUnion }
else { @entries = @{ $formula->{tree}{coords} } }
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $v = Parser::Formula($entry);
$v = Parser::Evaluate($v) if (defined($v) && $v->isConstant);
if (!defined($v)) { $ans->{split_error} = 1; $self->cmp_error($ans); return }
$v->{equation} = $self;
push(@formula, $v);
return @formula;
# Override for List ?
# Return the value if it is defined, otherwise use a default
sub getOption {
my $ans = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $value = $ans->{$name};
return $value if defined($value);
return $ans->{showPartialCorrectAnswers};
=head3 Value::Formula
Usage: $fun = Formula("x^2-x+1");
$set = Formula("[-1, x) U (x, 2]");
A formula can have any of the other math object types as its range.
Union, List, Number (Complex or Real),
package Value::Formula;
sub cmp_defaults {
my $self = shift;
return (
Value::Union::cmp_defaults($self, @_),
typeMatch => $self->Package("Formula")->new("(1,2]"),
showDomainErrors => 1,
) if $self->type eq 'Union';
my $type = $self->type;
$type = ($self->isComplex ? 'Complex' : 'Real') if $type eq 'Number';
$type = $self->Package($type) . '::';
return (
&{ $type . 'cmp_defaults' }($self, @_),
upToConstant => 0,
showDomainErrors => 1,
) if %$type && $self->type ne 'List';
my $element;
if ($self->{tree}->class eq 'List') { $element = $self->Package("Formula")->new($self->{tree}{coords}[0]) }
else { $element = $self->Package("Formula")->new(($self->createRandomPoints(1))[1]->[0]{data}[0]) }
return (
Value::List::cmp_defaults($self, @_),
removeParens => $self->{autoFormula},
typeMatch => $element,
showDomainErrors => 1,
# Get the types from the values of the formulas
# and compare those.
sub typeMatch {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return 1 if $self->type eq $other->type;
my $typeMatch = $self->getTypicalValue($self);
$other = $self->getTypicalValue($other, 1) if Value::isFormula($other);
return 1 unless defined($other); # can't really tell, so don't report type mismatch
return 1 if $typeMatch->classMatch('String') && Value::isFormula($ans->{typeMatch}); # avoid infinite loop
$typeMatch->typeMatch($other, $ans);
# Create a value from the formula (so we know the output type)
sub getTypicalValue {
my $self = shift;
my $f = shift;
my $noError = shift;
return $f->{test_values}[0] if $f->{test_values};
my $points = $f->{test_points} || $self->{test_points};
return ($f->createPointValues($points) || [])->[0] if $points;
return ((($f->createRandomPoints(1, undef, $noError))[1]) || [])->[0];
# Handle removal of outermost parens in a list.
# Evaluate answer, if the eval option is used.
# Handle the UpToConstant option.
sub cmp {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $cmp = $self->SUPER::cmp(@_);
if ($cmp->{rh_ans}{removeParens} && $self->type eq 'List' && ($self->{tree}{open} || $self->{tree}{close})) {
$self->{tree}{open} = $self->{tree}{close} = '';
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_ans => $self->stringify)
unless defined($self->{correct_ans}) || defined($params{correct_ans});
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_ans_latex_string => $self->stringify)
unless defined($self->{correct_ans_latex_string}) || defined($params{correct_ans_latex_string});
if ($cmp->{rh_ans}{eval} && $self->isConstant) {
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_value => $self->eval);
return $cmp;
if ($cmp->{rh_ans}{upToConstant}) {
my $current = Parser::Context->current();
my $context = $self->{context} = $self->{context}->copy;
Parser::Context->current(undef, $context);
$context->variables->add('C0' => 'Parameter');
my $f = $self->Package("Formula")->new('C0') + $self;
for (
'limits', 'test_points', 'test_values',
'test_at', 'num_points', 'granularity',
'resolution', 'checkUndefinedPoints', 'max_undefined'
$f->{$_} = $self->{$_} if defined($self->{$_});
$cmp->ans_hash(correct_value => $f);
Parser::Context->current(undef, $current);
$cmp->install_pre_filter(\&Value::cmp_call_filter, "cmp_prefilter");
$cmp->install_post_filter(\&Value::cmp_call_filter, "cmp_postfilter");
return $cmp;
sub cmp_prefilter {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
$ans->{_filter_name} = "fetch_previous_answer";
$ans->{prev_ans} = undef;
if (defined($ans->{ans_label})) {
my $label = "previous_" . $ans->{ans_label};
my $inputs = $self->getPG('$inputs_ref');
if (defined $inputs->{$label} and $inputs->{$label} =~ /\S/) {
$ans->{prev_ans} = $inputs->{$label};
#FIXME -- previous answer item is not always being updated in inputs_ref (which comes from formField)
return $ans;
sub cmp_postfilter {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
$ans->{_filter_name} = "produce_equivalence_message";
return $ans if $ans->{ans_message}; # don't overwrite other messages
return $ans unless defined($ans->{prev_ans}); # if prefilters are erased, don't do this check
return $ans if ($ans->{bypass_equivalence_test});
my $context = $self->context;
Parser::Context->current(undef, $context);
my $flags = Value::contextSet($context, $self->cmp_contextFlags($ans)); # save old context flags
$ans->{prev_formula} = Parser::Formula($ans->{prev_ans});
if (defined($ans->{prev_formula}) && defined($ans->{student_formula})) {
my $prev = eval { $self->promote($ans->{prev_formula})->inherit($self) }; # inherit limits, etc.
next unless defined($prev);
$context->{answerHash} = $ans; # values here can override context flags
$ans->{prev_equals_current} = $prev->typeMatch($ans->{student_formula})
&& $prev->cmp_compare($ans->{student_formula}, $ans);
$context->{answerHash} = undef;
if (
!$ans->{isPreview} # not preview mode
and $ans->{prev_equals_current} # equivalent
and $ans->{prev_ans} ne $ans->{original_student_ans}
) # but not identical
{ $ans->{ans_message} = "This answer is equivalent to the one you just submitted." }
Value::contextSet($context, %{$flags}); # restore context values
return $ans;
sub cmp_equal {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
# Get the problem's seed
$self->{context}->flags->set(random_seed => $self->getPG('$problemSeed'));
# Use the list checker if the formula is a list or union
# Otherwise use the normal checker
if ($self->type =~ m/^(List|Union|Set)$/) {
Value::List::cmp_equal($self, $ans);
} else {
sub cmp_postprocess {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
return unless $ans->{score} == 0;
eval { $ans->{student_formula}->reduce } if defined($ans->{student_formula}); # check for bad function calls
$self->cmp_error($ans) if $self->{context}{error}{flag}; # and report the error
return if $ans->{ans_message} || $ans->{isPreview};
if ($self->{domainMismatch} && $ans->{showDomainErrors}) {
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "The domain of your function doesn't match that of the correct answer");
return if !$ans->{showDimensionHints};
my $other = $ans->{student_value};
return if $ans->{ignoreStrings} && (!Value::isValue($other) || $other->type eq 'String');
return unless $other->type =~ m/^(Point|Vector|Matrix)$/;
return unless $self->type =~ m/^(Point|Vector|Matrix)$/;
return if Parser::Item::typeMatch($self->typeRef, $other->typeRef);
$self->cmp_Error($ans, "The dimension of your result is incorrect");
# Diagnostics for Formulas
sub cmp_diagnostics {
my $self = shift;
my $ans = shift;
my $isEvaluator = (ref($ans) =~ /Evaluator/) ? 1 : 0;
my $hash = $isEvaluator ? $ans->rh_ans : $ans;
my $diagnostics = $self->{context}->diagnostics->merge("formulas", $self, $hash);
my $formulas = $diagnostics->{formulas};
return unless $formulas->{show};
my $output = "";
if ($isEvaluator) {
# The tests to be performed when the answer checker is created
my ($inputs) = $self->getPG('$inputs_ref');
my $process = $inputs->{checkAnswers} || $inputs->{previewAnswers} || $inputs->{submitAnswers};
if ($formulas->{checkNumericStability} && !$process) {
### still needs to be written
} else {
# The checks to be performed when an answer is submitted
my $student = $ans->{student_formula};
# Get the test points
my @names = $self->{context}->variables->names;
my $vx = (keys(%{ $self->{variables} }))[0];
my $vi = 0;
while ($names[$vi] ne $vx) { $vi++ }
my $points = [ map { $_->[$vi] } @{ $self->{test_points} } ];
my @params = $self->{context}->variables->parameters;
@names = $self->{context}->variables->variables;
# The graphs of the functions and errors
if ($formulas->{showGraphs}) {
my @G = ();
if ($formulas->{combineGraphs}) {
$diagnostics, [ $student, $self ],
title => 'Student Answer (red)
Correct Answer (green)
points => $points,
showDomain => 1
} else {
push(@G, $self->cmp_graph($diagnostics, $self, title => 'Correct Answer'));
push(@G, $self->cmp_graph($diagnostics, $student, title => 'Student Answer'));
my $cutoff = $self->Package("Formula")->new($self->getFlag('tolerance'));
if ($formulas->{graphAbsoluteErrors}) {
$diagnostics, [ CORE::abs($self - $student), $cutoff ],
clip => $formulas->{clipAbsoluteError},
title => 'Absolute Error',
points => $points
if ($formulas->{graphRelativeErrors}) {
$diagnostics, [ CORE::abs(($self - $student) / $self), $cutoff ],
clip => $formulas->{clipRelativeError},
title => 'Relative Error',
points => $points
$output .=
. ''
. join(' | ', @G)
. '
# The adaptive parameters
if ($formulas->{showParameters} && scalar(@params) > 0) {
$output .= '
Adaptive Parameters: ';
$output .= join(" ", map { " $params[$_]: " . $self->{parameters}[$_] } (0 .. $#params));
$output .= ' |
# The test points and values
my @rows = ();
my $colsep = ' | ';
my @P =
(map { (scalar(@{$_}) == 1) ? $_->[0] : $self->Package("Point")->make(@{$_}) } @{ $self->{test_points} });
my @i = sort { $P[$a] <=> $P[$b] } (0 .. $#P);
foreach $p (@P) {
if (Value::isValue($p) && $p->length > 2) { $p = $p->string; $p =~ s|,|, |g }
my $zeroLevelTol = $self->{context}{flags}{zeroLevelTol};
$self->{context}{flags}{zeroLevelTol} = 0; # always show full resolution in the tables below
my $names = join(',', @names);
$names = '(' . $names . ')' if scalar(@names) > 1;
$student->createPointValues($self->{test_points}, 0, 1, 1) unless $student->{test_values};
my $cv = $self->{test_values};
my $sv = $student->{test_values};
my $av = $self->{test_adapt} || $cv;
if ($formulas->{showTestPoints}) {
my @p = ("$names:", (map { $P[ $i[$_] ] } (0 .. $#P)));
push(@rows, ' | ' . join($colsep, @p) . ' |
push(@rows, '' . join($colsep, (" ") x scalar(@p)) . ' |
. join($colsep,
($av == $cv) ? "Correct Answer:" : "Adapted Answer:",
map { Value::isNumber($av->[ $i[$_] ]) ? $av->[ $i[$_] ] : "undefined" } (0 .. $#P))
. ' |
. join($colsep,
"Student Answer:",
map { Value::isNumber($sv->[ $i[$_] ]) ? $sv->[ $i[$_] ] : "undefined" } (0 .. $#P))
. ' |
# The absolute errors (colored by whether they are ok or too big)
if ($formulas->{showAbsoluteErrors}) {
my @p = ("Absolute Error:");
my $tolerance = $self->getFlag('tolerance');
my $tolType = $self->getFlag('tolType');
my $error;
foreach my $j (0 .. $#P) {
if (Value::isNumber($sv->[ $i[$j] ])) {
$error = CORE::abs($av->[ $i[$j] ] - $sv->[ $i[$j] ]);
$error =
. $error
. ''
if $tolType eq 'absolute';
} else {
$error = "---";
push(@p, $error);
push(@rows, '' . join($colsep, @p) . ' |
# The relative errors (colored by whether they are OK or too big)
if ($formulas->{showRelativeErrors}) {
my @p = ("Relative Error:");
my $tolerance = $self->getFlag('tolerance');
my $tol;
my $tolType = $self->getFlag('tolType');
my $error;
my $zeroLevel = $self->getFlag('zeroLevel');
foreach my $j (0 .. $#P) {
if (Value::isNumber($sv->[ $i[$j] ])) {
my $c = $av->[ $i[$j] ];
my $s = $sv->[ $i[$j] ];
if (CORE::abs($cv->[ $i[$j] ]->value) < $zeroLevel || CORE::abs($s->value) < $zeroLevel) {
$error = CORE::abs($c - $s);
$tol = $zeroLevelTol;
} else {
$error = CORE::abs(($c - $s) / ($c || 1E-10));
$tol = $tolerance;
$error = '' . $error . ''
if $tolType eq 'relative';
} else {
$error = "---";
push(@p, $error);
push(@rows, '' . join($colsep, @p) . ' |
$self->{context}{flags}{zeroLevelTol} = $zeroLevelTol;
# Put the data into a table
if (scalar(@rows)) {
$output .=
# Put all the diagnostic output into a frame
return unless $output;
$output =
. 'Diagnostics for '
. $self->string . ':'
. ''
. $output
. ' |
# Draw a graph from a given Formula object
sub cmp_graph {
my $self = shift;
my $diagnostics = shift;
my $F1 = shift;
my $F2;
($F1, $F2) = @{$F1} if (ref($F1) eq 'ARRAY');
# Get the various options
my %options = (title => '', points => [], @_);
my $graphs = $diagnostics->{graphs};
my $limits = $graphs->{limits};
my $size = $graphs->{size};
$size = [ $size, $size ] unless ref($size) eq 'ARRAY';
my $steps = $graphs->{divisions};
my $points = $options{points};
my $clip = $options{clip};
my ($my, $My) = (0, 0);
my ($mx, $Mx);
my $dx;
my $f;
my $y;
my @pnames = $self->{context}->variables->parameters;
my @pvalues = ($self->{parameters} ? @{ $self->{parameters} } : (0) x scalar(@pnames));
my $x = "";
# Find the max and min values of the function
foreach $f ($F1, $F2) {
next unless defined($f);
foreach my $v (keys(%{ $f->{variables} })) {
if ($v ne $x && !$f->{context}->variables->get($v)->{parameter}) {
if ($x) {
warn "Only formulas with one variable can be graphed" unless $self->{graphWarning};
$self->{graphWarning} = 1;
return "";
$x = $v;
unless ($f->typeRef->{length} == 1) {
warn "Only real-valued functions can be graphed" unless $self->{graphWarning};
$self->{graphWarning} = 1;
return "";
$x = ($f->{context}->variables->names)[0] unless $x;
$limits = [ $self->getVariableLimits($x) ] unless $limits;
$limits = $limits->[0] while ref($limits) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($limits->[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
($mx, $Mx) = @{$limits};
$dx = ($Mx - $mx) / $steps;
if ($f->isConstant) {
$y = $f->eval;
$my = $y if $y < $my;
$My = $y if $y > $My;
} else {
my $F = $f->perlFunction(undef, [ $x, @pnames ]);
foreach my $i (0 .. $steps - 1) {
$y = eval { &{$F}($mx + $i * $dx, @pvalues) };
next unless defined($y) && Value::isNumber($y);
$my = $y if $y < $my;
$My = $y if $y > $My;
$My = 1 if CORE::abs($My - $my) < 1E-5;
$my *= 1.1;
$My *= 1.1;
if ($clip) {
$my = -$clip if $my < -$clip;
$My = $clip if $My > $clip;
$my = -$My / 10 if $my > -$My / 10;
$My = -$my / 10 if $My < -$my / 10;
my $a = $self->Package("Real")->new(($My - $my) / ($Mx - $mx));
# Create the graph itself, with suitable title
my $grf = $self->getPG('$_grf_ = {n => 0}');
$grf->{Goptions} = [
$mx, $my, $Mx, $My,
axes => $graphs->{axes},
grid => $graphs->{grid},
size => $size,
$grf->{params} = {
names => [ $x, @pnames ],
values => { map { $pnames[$_] => $pvalues[$_] } (0 .. scalar(@pnames) - 1) },
$grf->{G} = $self->getPG('init_graph(@{$_grf_->{Goptions}})');
$grf->{G}->imageName($grf->{G}->imageName . '-' . time()); # avoid browser cache
$self->cmp_graph_function($grf, $F2, "green", $steps, $points) if defined($F2);
$self->cmp_graph_function($grf, $F1, "red", $steps, $points);
my $image = $self->getPG('alias(insertGraph($_grf_->{G}))');
$image =
my $title = $options{title};
$title .= '
' if $title;
$title .= "Domain: [$mx,$Mx]
" if $options{showDomain};
$title .= "Range: [$my,$My]
Aspect ratio: $a:1";
return '' . $image . ' ' . $title . ' | ';
# Add a function to a graph object, and plot the points
# that are used to test the function
sub cmp_graph_function {
my $self = shift;
my $grf = shift;
my $F = shift;
my $color = shift;
my $steps = shift;
my $points = shift;
my $Fn = "F" . $grf->{n};
$grf->{$Fn} = $F;
my $f;
if ($F->isConstant) {
my $y = $F->eval;
$f = $self->getPG('new Fun(sub {' . $y . '},$_grf_->{G})');
} else {
my $X = $grf->{params}{names}[0];
$f =
$self->getPG('new Fun(sub {Parser::Evaluate($_grf_->{'
. $Fn . '},'
. $X
. '=>shift,%{$_grf_->{params}{values}})},$_grf_->{G})');
foreach my $x (@{$points}) {
my $y = Parser::Evaluate($F, ($X) => $x, %{ $grf->{params}{values} });
next unless defined($y) && Value::isNumber($y);
$grf->{x} = $x;
$grf->{'y'} = $y;
my $C = $self->getPG('new Circle($_grf_->{x},$_grf_->{y},4,"' . $color . '","' . $color . '")');
# If an answer array was used, get the data from the
# Matrix, Vector or Point, and format the array of
# data using the original parameter
sub correct_ans {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::correct_ans unless $self->{ans_name};
my @array = ();
if ($self->{tree}->type eq 'Matrix') {
foreach my $row (@{ $self->{tree}{coords} }) {
my @row = ();
foreach my $x (@{ $row->coords }) { push(@row, $x->string) }
push(@array, [@row]);
} else {
foreach my $x (@{ $self->{tree}{coords} }) { push(@array, $x->string) }
if ($self->{tree}{ColumnVector}) {
foreach my $x (@array) { $x = [$x] }
} else {
@array = [@array];
Value::VERBATIM($self->format_matrix([@array], @{ $self->{format_options} }, tth_delims => 1));
# Get the size of the array and create the appropriate answer array
my $self = shift;
my $extend = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $size = shift || 5;
my %options = @_;
my $type = $self->type;
my $cols = $self->length;
my $rows = 1;
my $sep = ',';
if ($type eq 'Matrix') {
$sep = '';
$rows = $cols;
$cols = $self->{tree}->typeRef->{entryType}{length};
if ($self->{tree}{ColumnVector}) {
$sep = "";
$type = "Matrix";
my $tmp = $rows;
$rows = $cols;
$cols = $tmp;
$self->{ColumnVector} = 1;
my $def = $self->context->lists->get($type);
my $open = $self->{open} || $self->{tree}{open} || $def->{open};
my $close = $self->{close} || $self->{tree}{close} || $def->{close};
$self->ans_matrix($extend, $name, $rows, $cols, $size, $open, $close, $sep, '', %options);
sub ans_array {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::ans_array(@_) unless $self->array_OK;
$self->ANS_MATRIX(0, '', @_);
sub named_ans_array {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::named_ans_array(@_) unless $self->array_OK;
$self->ANS_MATRIX(0, @_);
sub named_ans_array_extension {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::named_ans_array_extension(@_) unless $self->array_OK;
$self->ANS_MATRIX(1, @_);
sub array_OK {
my $self = shift;
my $tree = $self->{tree};
return $tree->type =~ m/^(Point|Vector|Matrix)$/ && $tree->class eq 'List';
# Get an array of values from a Matrix, Vector or Point
# (this needs to be made more general)
sub value {
my $self = shift;
return $self unless defined $self->{tree}{coords};
my $context = $self->context;
my @array = ();
if ($self->{tree}->type eq 'Matrix') {
foreach my $row (@{ $self->{tree}->coords }) {
my @row = ();
foreach my $x (@{ $row->coords }) { push(@row, $context->Package("Formula")->new($context, $x)) }
push(@array, [@row]);
} else {
foreach my $x (@{ $self->{tree}->coords }) {
push(@array, $context->Package("Formula")->new($context, $x));
return @array;