package; import; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.MockObjectTestCase; import org.jmock.core.Constraint; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import; import omero.grid.ImportLocation; import omero.model.OriginalFile; import omero.model.OriginalFileI; import omero.model.PermissionsI; import omero.sys.EventContext; import omero.util.TempFileManager; @Test(groups = {"fs"}) public class ManagedRepositoryITest extends MockObjectTestCase { private static class StringReprContains implements Constraint { final String containedString; StringReprContains(String containedString) { this.containedString = containedString; } public StringBuffer describeTo(StringBuffer arg0) { arg0.append("toString contains "); arg0.append(containedString); return arg0; } public boolean eval(Object arg0) { if (arg0 == null) { return containedString == null; } return arg0.toString().contains(containedString); } } Mock daoMock; /** * The temporary directory which is equivalent to /OMERO/ManagedRepository */ File tmpDir; /** * The "expanded" template directory which here is mocked to simply * "template". This should be used when touch()-ing files under * tmpDir. */ File templateDir; TestManagedRepositoryI tmri; Registry reg; Ice.Current curr; Calendar cal; /** * Overrides protected methods from parent class for testing * * @author bpindelski */ public class TestManagedRepositoryI extends ManagedRepositoryI { public TestManagedRepositoryI(String template, RepositoryDao repositoryDao) throws Exception { super(template, repositoryDao); File dir = TempFileManager.create_path("mng-repo.", ".test", true); initialize(new FileMaker(dir.getAbsolutePath()), -1L /*id*/, "fake-uuid"); } @Override public ImportLocation suggestOnConflict(String trueRoot, String relPath, String basePath, List paths, Ice.Current curr) throws omero.ServerError { return super.suggestOnConflict(trueRoot, relPath, basePath, paths, curr); } @Override public String commonRoot(List paths) { return super.commonRoot(paths); } @Override public List splitElements(String path) { return super.splitElements(path); } @Override public String expandTemplate(String template, Ice.Current curr) { return super.expandTemplate(template, curr); } @Override public String createTemplateDir(String template, Ice.Current curr) throws omero.ServerError { return super.createTemplateDir(template, curr); } public String concat(List elements) { return super.concat(elements); } } @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun=true) public void setup() throws Exception { = Calendar.getInstance(); this.tmpDir = TempFileManager.create_path("repo", "test", true); this.templateDir = new File(this.tmpDir, "template"); Mock mockReg = mock(Registry.class); this.daoMock = mock(RepositoryDao.class); this.reg = (Registry) mockReg.proxy(); this.tmri = new TestManagedRepositoryI("/%year%/%month%/%day%", (RepositoryDao) daoMock.proxy()); this.curr = new Ice.Current(); this.curr.ctx = new HashMap(); this.curr.ctx.put(omero.constants.SESSIONUUID.value, "TEST"); } private EventContext newEventContext() { EventContext ec = new EventContext(); ec.userName = ""; ec.userId = -1L; ec.groupName = ""; ec.groupId = -1L; ec.sessionUuid = ""; ec.sessionId = -1L; ec.eventId = -1L; ec.groupPermissions = new PermissionsI(); this.daoMock.expects(once()).method("getEventContext") .with(ANYTHING).will(returnValue(ec)); return ec; } private String getSuggestion(String base, String...paths) throws Exception { ImportLocation l = this.tmri.suggestOnConflict(this.tmpDir.getAbsolutePath(), "template", base, Arrays.asList(paths), curr); return new File(l.sharedPath).getName(); } private void assertReturnFile(String checkedPathString, Long id) { OriginalFile of = new OriginalFileI(id, false); daoMock.expects(once()).method("register") .with(ANYTHING /*uuid*/, new StringReprContains(checkedPathString), eq("Directory"), ANYTHING) .will(returnValue(of)); } /** * Ignores all argument paramters to register(). * @param id */ private void assertReturnFile(Long id) { OriginalFile of = new OriginalFileI(id, false); daoMock.expects(once()).method("register") .will(returnValue(of)); } private void assertRegisterFails(String checkedPathString) { daoMock.expects(once()).method("register") .with(ANYTHING /*uuid*/,new StringReprContains(checkedPathString), eq("Directory"), ANYTHING) .will(throwException( new omero.ResourceError(null, null, "register failed"))); } public void testSuggestOnConflictPassesWithNonconflictingPaths() throws Exception { assertReturnFile(0L); // template assertReturnFile(1L); // my assertReturnFile(2L); // path new File(this.tmpDir, "/my/path"); String expectedBasePath = "path"; String suggestedBasePath = getSuggestion("/my/path", "/my/path/foo", "/my/path/bar"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedBasePath, suggestedBasePath); } @Test public void testSuggestOnConflictReturnsNewPathOnConflict() throws Exception { assertReturnFile(0L); // template assertReturnFile(1L); // upload-1 File upload = new File(this.templateDir, "/upload"); upload.mkdirs(); FileUtils.touch(new File(upload, "foo")); String expectedBasePath = "upload-1"; String suggestedBasePath = getSuggestion("/upload", "/upload/foo", "/upload/bar"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedBasePath, suggestedBasePath); } @Test public void testSuggestOnConflictReturnsBasePathWithEmptyPathsList() throws Exception { assertReturnFile(0L); // template assertReturnFile(1L); // upload String expectedBasePath = "upload"; String suggestedBasePath = getSuggestion("/upload"); Assert.assertEquals(expectedBasePath, suggestedBasePath); } @Test public void testCommonRootReturnsTopLevelWithUncommonPaths() { String expectedCommonRoot = "/"; String actualCommonRoot = this.tmri.commonRoot(Arrays.asList("/home/bob/1.jpg", "/data/alice/1.jpg")); Assert.assertEquals(expectedCommonRoot, actualCommonRoot); } @Test public void testCommonRootReturnsCommonRootForPathList() { String expectedCommonRoot = "/bob/files/dv"; String actualCommonRoot = this.tmri.commonRoot(Arrays.asList( expectedCommonRoot + "/file1.dv", expectedCommonRoot + "/file2.dv")); Assert.assertEquals(expectedCommonRoot, actualCommonRoot); } void assertSplit(String s, String...elements) { List values = this.tmri.splitElements(s); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { assertEquals("Unequal on " + i, elements[i], values.get(i)); } assertEquals("Found: " + values, elements.length, values.size()); } @Test public void testSplitElementsSlash() throws Exception { assertSplit("/", "/", "/"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsEmpty() throws Exception { assertSplit("", ".", ""); } @Test public void testSplitElementsBlank() throws Exception { assertSplit(" ", ".", " "); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsRelNoFinalSeparator() throws Exception { assertSplit("a/b", "a", "b"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsFinalRelSeparator() throws Exception { assertSplit("a/b/", "a", "b"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsFinalSeparatorRelThree() throws Exception { assertSplit("a/b/c", "a", "b", "c"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsAbsNoFinalSeparator() throws Exception { assertSplit("/a/b", "/a", "b"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsFinalAbsSeparator() throws Exception { assertSplit("/a/b/", "/a", "b"); } @Test public void testSplitElementsAppendsFinalSeparatorAbsThree() throws Exception { assertSplit("/a/b/c", "/a", "b", "c"); } // // expandTemplate() // @Test public void testExpandTemplateEmptyStringOnNullToken() { newEventContext(); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate(null, curr); Assert.assertEquals(0, actual.length()); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateTokenOnMalformedToken() { newEventContext(); String expected = "foo"; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate(expected, curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateYear() { newEventContext(); String expected = Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%year%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateMonth() { newEventContext(); String expected = Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%month%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateMonthName() { newEventContext(); DateFormatSymbols dateFormat = new DateFormatSymbols(); String expected = dateFormat.getMonths() [cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)]; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%monthname%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateDay() { newEventContext(); String expected = Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%day%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateUserName() { String expected = "user-1"; EventContext ecStub = newEventContext(); ecStub.userName = expected; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%user%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateGroupName() { String expected = "group-1"; EventContext ecStub = newEventContext(); ecStub.groupName = expected; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%group%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateGroupNamePerms() { String expected = "group-1-rwrwrw"; EventContext ecStub = newEventContext(); ecStub.groupName = "group-1"; ecStub.groupPermissions = new PermissionsI("rwrwrw"); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%group%-%perms%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateSession() { String expected = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); EventContext ecStub = newEventContext(); ecStub.sessionUuid = expected; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%session%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateEscape() { String expected = "%%"; newEventContext(); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateEscape2() { String expected = "%%-grp"; EventContext ecStub = newEventContext(); ecStub.groupName = "grp"; String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%%-%group%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateEscape3() { String expected = "%%george"; newEventContext(); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%%george", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void testExpandTemplateUnknown() { String expected = "%bjšrk%"; newEventContext(); String actual = this.tmri.expandTemplate("%bjšrk%", curr); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } // // createTemplateDir() // @Test public void testTemplateDirSimple() throws Exception { assertReturnFile(1L); assertEquals("test", this.tmri.createTemplateDir("test", curr)); } @Test public void testTemplateDir() throws Exception { assertRegisterFails("test"); assertReturnFile("test__1", 1L); assertEquals("test", this.tmri.createTemplateDir("test", curr)); } }