* @author Bill Cernansky * @author Tony McCormick * @author Roberto Vasquez * @author Jerry Padgett * @author Brady Miller * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Rod Roark * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Brady Miller * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Jerry Padgett * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ // Updated by Growlingflea Software. now generates correct service and billing facility on statement. // any questions contact Daniel Pflieger at daniel@growlingflea.com require_once("../globals.php"); require_once("$srcdir/patient.inc.php"); require_once("$srcdir/appointments.inc.php"); require_once($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/statement.inc.php"); require_once("$srcdir/api.inc.php"); require_once("$srcdir/forms.inc.php"); require_once("$srcdir/../controllers/C_Document.class.php"); require_once("$srcdir/documents.php"); require_once("$srcdir/options.inc.php"); require_once "$srcdir/user.inc.php"; use Mpdf\Mpdf; use OpenEMR\Billing\InvoiceSummary; use OpenEMR\Billing\ParseERA; use OpenEMR\Billing\SLEOB; use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain; use OpenEMR\Common\Csrf\CsrfUtils; use OpenEMR\Common\Twig\TwigContainer; use OpenEMR\Common\Utils\FormatMoney; use OpenEMR\Core\Header; use OpenEMR\OeUI\OemrUI; use OpenEMR\Pdf\Config_Mpdf; if (!AclMain::aclCheckCore('acct', 'eob', '', 'write')) { echo (new TwigContainer(null, $GLOBALS['kernel']))->getTwig()->render('core/unauthorized.html.twig', ['pageTitle' => xl("EOB Posting - Search")]); exit; } $DEBUG = 0; // set to 0 for production, 1 to test $alertmsg = ''; $where = ''; $eraname = ''; $eracount = 0; $g_posting_adj_disable = $GLOBALS['posting_adj_disable'] ? 'checked' : ''; $posting_adj_disable = prevSetting('sl_eob_search.', 'posting_adj_disable', 'posting_adj_disable', $g_posting_adj_disable); $form_cb = false; /* Load dependencies only if we need them */ if (!empty($GLOBALS['portal_onsite_two_enable'])) { /* Addition of onsite portal patient notify of invoice and reformated invoice - sjpadgett 01/2017 */ require_once("../../portal/lib/portal_mail.inc.php"); require_once("../../portal/lib/appsql.class.php"); function is_auth_portal($pid = 0) { if ($pData = sqlQuery("SELECT id, allow_patient_portal, fname, lname FROM `patient_data` WHERE `pid` = ?", array($pid))) { if ($pData['allow_patient_portal'] != "YES") { return false; } else { $_SESSION['portalUser'] = strtolower($pData['fname']) . $pData['id']; return true; } } else { return false; } } function notify_portal($thispid, array $invoices, $template, $invid) { $builddir = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/onsite_portal_documents/templates/' . $thispid; if (!is_dir($builddir)) { mkdir($builddir, 0755, true); } if (fixup_invoice($template, $builddir . '/invoice' . $invid . '.tpl') != true) { return false; } if (SavePatientAudit($thispid, $invoices) != true) { return false; } // this is all the invoice data for portal auditing $note = xl('You have an invoice due for payment in your Patient Documents. There you may pay, download or print the invoice. Thank you.'); if (sendMail($_SESSION['authUser'], $note, xlt('Bill/Collect'), '', '0', $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['portalUser'], $invoices[0]['patient'], "New", '0') == 1) { // remind admin this was sent sendMail($_SESSION['portalUser'], $note, xlt('Bill/Collect'), '', '0', $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['portalUser'], $invoices[0]['patient'], "New", '0'); // notify patient } else { return false; } return true; } function fixup_invoice($template, $ifile) { $data = file_get_contents($template); if ($data == "") { return false; } if (!file_put_contents($ifile, $data)) { return false; } return true; } function SavePatientAudit($pid, $invs) { $appsql = new ApplicationTable(); try { $audit = array(); $audit['patient_id'] = $pid; $audit['activity'] = "invoice"; $audit['require_audit'] = "0"; $audit['pending_action'] = "payment"; $audit['action_taken'] = ""; $audit['status'] = "waiting transaction"; $audit['narrative'] = "Request patient online payment."; $audit['table_action'] = ''; $audit['table_args'] = json_encode($invs); $audit['action_user'] = $pid; $audit['action_taken_time'] = ""; $audit['checksum'] = ""; $edata = $appsql->getPortalAudit($pid, 'payment', 'invoice', "waiting transaction", 0); if ($edata['id'] > 0) { $appsql->portalAudit('update', $edata['id'], $audit); } else { $appsql->portalAudit('insert', '', $audit); } } catch (Exception $ex) { return $ex; } return true; } } // This is called back by ParseERA::parseERA() if we are processing X12 835's. function era_callback(&$out) { global $where, $eracount, $eraname; // print_r($out); // debugging ++$eracount; // $eraname = $out['isa_control_number']; // since it's always sent we use isa_sender_id if payer_id is not provided $eraname = $out['gs_date'] . '_' . ltrim($out['isa_control_number'], '0') . '_' . ltrim($out['payer_id'] ? $out['payer_id'] : $out['isa_sender_id'], '0'); if (!empty($out['our_claim_id'])) { list($pid, $encounter, $invnumber) = SLEOB::slInvoiceNumber($out); if ($pid && $encounter) { if ($where) { $where .= ' OR '; } $where .= "( f.pid = '" . add_escape_custom($pid) . "' AND f.encounter = '" . add_escape_custom($encounter) . "' )"; } } } function validEmail($email) { if (preg_match("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$^", $email)) { return true; } return false; } function emailLogin($patient_id, $message) { $patientData = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM `patient_data` WHERE `pid`=?", array($patient_id)); if ($patientData['hipaa_allowemail'] != "YES" || empty($patientData['email']) || empty($GLOBALS['patient_reminder_sender_email'])) { return false; } if (!(validEmail($patientData['email']))) { return false; } if (!(validEmail($GLOBALS['patient_reminder_sender_email']))) { return false; } if ($_SESSION['pc_facility']) { $sql = "select * from facility where id=?"; $facility = sqlQuery($sql, array($_SESSION['pc_facility'])); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM facility ORDER BY billing_location DESC LIMIT 1"; $facility = sqlQuery($sql); } $mail = new MyMailer(); $pt_name = $patientData['fname'] . ' ' . $patientData['lname']; $pt_email = $patientData['email']; $email_subject = ($facility['name'] . ' ' . xl('Patient Statement Bill')); $email_sender = $GLOBALS['patient_reminder_sender_email']; $mail->AddReplyTo($email_sender, $email_sender); $mail->SetFrom($email_sender, $email_sender); $mail->AddAddress($pt_email, $pt_name); $mail->Subject = $email_subject; $mail->MsgHTML("
" . $message . "
"); $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AltBody = $message; if ($mail->Send()) { return true; } else { $email_status = $mail->ErrorInfo; error_log("EMAIL ERROR: " . errorLogEscape($email_status), 0); return false; } } // Upload a file to the client's browser // function upload_file_to_client($file_to_send) { header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file_to_send)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($file_to_send)); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); readfile($file_to_send); // flush the content to the browser. If you don't do this, the text from the subsequent // output from this script will be in the file instead of sent to the browser. flush(); exit(); //added to exit from process properly in order to stop bad html code -ehrlive // sleep one second to ensure there's no follow-on. sleep(1); } function upload_file_to_client_email($ppid, $file_to_send) { $message = ""; global $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF; $file = fopen($file_to_send, "r");//this file contains the text to be converted to pdf. while (!feof($file)) { $OneLine = fgets($file);//one line is read $message = $message . $OneLine . '
'; $countline++; } emailLogin($ppid, $message); } function upload_file_to_client_pdf($file_to_send, $aPatFirstName = '', $aPatID = null, $flagCFN = false) { //modified for statement title name //Function reads a HTML file and converts to pdf. $aPatFName = convert_safe_file_dir_name($aPatFirstName); //modified for statement title name if ($flagCFN) { $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF = $GLOBALS['temporary_files_dir'] . "/Stmt_{$aPatFName}_{$aPatID}.pdf"; } else { global $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF; } global $srcdir; if ($GLOBALS['statement_appearance'] == '1') { $config_mpdf = Config_Mpdf::getConfigMpdf(); $pdf2 = new mPDF($config_mpdf); if ($_SESSION['language_direction'] == 'rtl') { $pdf2->SetDirectionality('rtl'); } ob_start(); // this file contains the HTML to be converted to pdf. readfile($file_to_send, "r"); $content = ob_get_clean(); $pdf2->WriteHTML($content); $temp_filename = $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF; $pdf2->Output($temp_filename, 'F'); } else { $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER');//pdf creation starts $pdf->ezSetMargins(45, 9, 36, 10); $pdf->selectFont('Courier'); $pdf->ezSetY($pdf->ez['pageHeight'] - $pdf->ez['topMargin']); $countline = 1; // this file contains the text to be converted to pdf. $file = fopen($file_to_send, "r"); while (!feof($file)) { // one line is read $OneLine = fgets($file); // form feed means we should start a new page. if (stristr($OneLine, "\014") == true && !feof($file)) { $pdf->ezNewPage(); $pdf->ezSetY($pdf->ez['pageHeight'] - $pdf->ez['topMargin']); str_replace("\014", "", $OneLine); } if ( stristr($OneLine, 'REMIT TO') == true || stristr($OneLine, 'Visit Date') == true || stristr($OneLine, 'Future Appointments') == true || stristr($OneLine, 'Current') == true ) { // lines are made bold when 'REMIT TO' or 'Visit Date' is there. $pdf->ezText('' . $OneLine . '', 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6)); } else { $pdf->ezText($OneLine, 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6)); } $countline++; } // stored to a pdf file $fh = @fopen($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF, 'w'); if ($fh) { fwrite($fh, $pdf->ezOutput()); fclose($fh); } } // this section outputs the pdf file to browser header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF)); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); readfile($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF); // flush the content to the browser. If you don't do this, the text from the subsequent // output from this script will be in the file instead of sent to the browser. flush(); // added to exit from process properly in order to stop bad html code -ehrlive exit(); // sleep one second to ensure there's no follow-on. sleep(1); } $today = date("Y-m-d"); // were any invoices selected? if (!empty($_REQUEST['form_cb'])) { $form_cb = true; } // Print or download statements if requested. if ( ( ( !empty($_REQUEST['form_print']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_download']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_email']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_pdf']) ) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_portalnotify']) ) && $form_cb ) { if (!CsrfUtils::verifyCsrfToken($_REQUEST["csrf_token_form"])) { CsrfUtils::csrfNotVerified(); } $fhprint = fopen($STMT_TEMP_FILE, 'w'); $sqlBindArray = array(); $where = ""; foreach ($_REQUEST['form_cb'] as $key => $value) { $where .= " OR f.id = ?"; array_push($sqlBindArray, $key); } if (!empty($where)) { $where = substr($where, 4); $where = '( ' . $where . ' ) AND'; } $res = sqlStatement("SELECT " . "f.id, f.date, f.pid, f.encounter, f.stmt_count, f.last_stmt_date, f.last_level_closed, f.last_level_billed, f.billing_note as enc_billing_note, " . "p.fname, p.mname, p.lname, p.street, p.city, p.state, p.postal_code, p.billing_note as pat_billing_note, f.provider_id " . "FROM form_encounter AS f, patient_data AS p " . "WHERE $where " . "p.pid = f.pid " . "ORDER BY p.lname, p.fname, f.pid, f.date, f.encounter", $sqlBindArray); $stmt = array(); $stmt_count = 0; $flagT = true; $aPatientFirstName = ''; $aPatientID = null; $multiplePatients = false; $usePatientNamePdf = false; // get pids for delimits // need to only use summary invoice for multi visits $inv_pid = array(); $inv_count = -1; if (!empty($_REQUEST['form_portalnotify'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['form_invpids'] as $key => $v) { if ($_REQUEST['form_cb'][$key]) { array_push($inv_pid, key($v)); } } } $rcnt = 0; while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) { $rows[] = $row; if (empty($inv_pid[$rcnt])) { array_push($inv_pid, $row['pid']); } $rcnt++; } // This loops once for each invoice/encounter. // for ($rcnt = 0; $row = $rows[$rcnt] ?? null; $rcnt++) { $svcdate = substr($row['date'], 0, 10); $duedate = $svcdate; // TBD? $duncount = $row['stmt_count']; $enc_note = $row['enc_billing_note']; if ($flagT) { $flagT = false; $aPatientFirstName = $row['fname']; $aPatientID = $row['pid']; $usePatientNamePdf = true; } elseif (!$multiplePatients) { if ($aPatientID != $row['pid']) { $multiplePatients = true; $aPatientFirstName = ''; $aPatientID = null; $usePatientNamePdf = false; } } // If this is a new patient then print the pending statement // and start a new one. This is an associative array: // // cid = same as pid // pid = OpenEMR patient ID // patient = patient name // amount = total amount due // adjust = adjustments (already applied to amount) // duedate = due date of the oldest included invoice // age = number of days from duedate to today // to = array of addressee name/address lines // lines = array of: // dos = date of service "yyyy-mm-dd" // desc = description // amount = charge less adjustments // paid = amount paid // notice = 1 for first notice, 2 for second, etc. // detail = array of details, see InvoiceSummary.php // if (empty($stmt['cid']) || ($stmt['cid'] != $row['pid'])) { if (!empty($stmt)) { ++$stmt_count; } $stmt['fid'] = $row['id']; $stmt['cid'] = $row['pid']; $stmt['pid'] = $row['pid']; $stmt['dun_count'] = $row['stmt_count']; $stmt['bill_note'] = $row['pat_billing_note']; $stmt['enc_bill_note'] = $row['enc_billing_note']; $stmt['bill_level'] = $row['last_level_billed']; $stmt['level_closed'] = $row['last_level_closed']; $stmt['patient'] = $row['fname'] . ' ' . $row['lname']; $stmt['encounter'] = $row['encounter']; $stmt['provider_id'] = $row['provider_id']; #If you use the field in demographics layout called #guardiansname this will allow you to send statements to the parent #of a child or a guardian etc if (empty($row['guardiansname'])) { $stmt['to'] = array($row['fname'] . ' ' . $row['lname']); } else { $stmt['to'] = array($row['guardiansname']); } if ($row['street']) { $stmt['to'][] = $row['street']; } $stmt['to'][] = $row['city'] . ", " . $row['state'] . " " . $row['postal_code']; $stmt['lines'] = array(); $stmt['amount'] = '0.00'; $stmt['ins_paid'] = 0; $stmt['today'] = $today; $stmt['duedate'] = $duedate; } else { // Report the oldest due date. if ($duedate < $stmt['duedate']) { $stmt['duedate'] = $duedate; } } // Recompute age at each invoice. $stmt['age'] = round((strtotime($today) - strtotime($stmt['duedate'])) / (24 * 60 * 60)); // grab last bill date from billing $bdrow = sqlQuery("select bill_date from billing where pid = ? AND encounter = ? limit 1", array($row['pid'], $row['encounter'])); $invlines = InvoiceSummary::arGetInvoiceSummary($row['pid'], $row['encounter'], true); foreach ($invlines as $key => $value) { $line = array(); $line['dos'] = $svcdate; if ($GLOBALS['use_custom_statement']) { $line['desc'] = ($key == 'CO-PAY') ? "Patient Payment" : $value['code_text']; } else { $line['desc'] = ($key == 'CO-PAY') ? "Patient Payment" : "Procedure $key"; } $line['amount'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['chg']); $line['adjust'] = sprintf("%.2f", ($value['adj'] ?? null)); $line['paid'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['chg'] - $value['bal']); $line['notice'] = $duncount + 1; $line['detail'] = $value['dtl']; $line['bill_date'] = $bdrow['bill_date']; $stmt['lines'][] = $line; $stmt['amount'] = sprintf("%.2f", $stmt['amount'] + $value['bal']); $stmt['ins_paid'] = $stmt['ins_paid'] + ($value['ins'] ?? null); } // Record that this statement was run. if (!$DEBUG && empty($_REQUEST['form_without'])) { sqlStatement("UPDATE form_encounter SET " . "last_stmt_date = ?, stmt_count = stmt_count + 1 " . "WHERE id = ?", array($today, $row['id'])); } $inv_count += 1; if (!empty($_REQUEST['form_portalnotify'])) { if (!is_auth_portal($stmt['pid'])) { $alertmsg = xlt('Notification FAILED: Not Portal Authorized'); break; } $pvoice[] = $stmt; // we don't want to send the portal multiple invoices, thus this. Last invoice for pid is summary. if ($inv_pid[$inv_count] != $inv_pid[$inv_count + 1]) { fwrite($fhprint, make_statement($stmt)); if (!notify_portal($stmt['pid'], $pvoice, $STMT_TEMP_FILE, $stmt['pid'] . "-" . $stmt['encounter'])) { $alertmsg = xlt('Notification FAILED'); break; } $pvoice = array(); flush(); ftruncate($fhprint, 0); } else { continue; } } else { if ($inv_pid[$inv_count] != ($inv_pid[$inv_count + 1] ?? null)) { if ($_REQUEST['form_category'] == 'Due Pt' && (get_patient_balance($stmt['pid']) < 0)) { // not printing statement if patient balance is less than zero even though // a single encounter may have a balance unset($stmt); } else { $tmp = make_statement($stmt); if (empty($tmp)) { $tmp = xlt("This EOB item does not meet minimum print requirements setup in Globals or there is an unknown error.") . " " . xlt("EOB Id") . ":" . text($inv_pid[$inv_count]) . " " . xlt("Encounter") . ":" . text($stmt['encounter']) . "\n"; $tmp .= "

"; } fwrite($fhprint, $tmp); // now save it to pt documents $d = new Document(); $doc_pid = $inv_pid[$inv_count]; $invoice_category_id = 0; $catrow = sqlQuery("SELECT id FROM categories WHERE name = ?", ['Invoices']); if (!empty($catrow['id'])) { $invoice_category_id = $catrow['id']; } // even if click download pdf the file content in $tmp is text // set mimetype and fileext based on statement appearance $isPdf = ($GLOBALS['statement_appearance'] == 1); $fileext = $isPdf ? '.pdf' : '.txt'; $inv_filename = 'Invoice-' . date('Y-m-d-H:i:s') . $fileext; $mimetype = $isPdf ? 'pdf' : 'text/plain'; if ($isPdf) { $pdf2 = new mPDF(Config_Mpdf::getConfigMpdf()); if ($_SESSION['language_direction'] == 'rtl') { $pdf2->SetDirectionality('rtl'); } $pdf2->WriteHTML($tmp); $tmp = $pdf2->Output('', 'S'); } $invoice = $d->createDocument( $doc_pid, $invoice_category_id, // TBD: Make sure not 0 $inv_filename, $mimetype, $tmp ); } } } } // end while if (!empty($stmt)) { ++$stmt_count; } fclose($fhprint); sleep(1); // Download or print the file, as selected if (!empty($_REQUEST['form_download'])) { upload_file_to_client($STMT_TEMP_FILE); } elseif ($_REQUEST['form_pdf']) { upload_file_to_client_pdf($STMT_TEMP_FILE, $aPatientFirstName, $aPatientID, $usePatientNamePdf); } elseif ($_REQUEST['form_email']) { upload_file_to_client_email($stmt['pid'], $STMT_TEMP_FILE); } elseif ($_REQUEST['form_portalnotify']) { if ($alertmsg == "") { $alertmsg = xl('Sending Invoice to Patient Portal Completed'); } } else { // Must be print! if ($DEBUG) { $alertmsg = xl("Printing skipped; see test output in") . ' ' . $STMT_TEMP_FILE; } else { exec(escapeshellcmd($STMT_PRINT_CMD) . " " . escapeshellarg($STMT_TEMP_FILE)); if ($_REQUEST['form_without']) { $alertmsg = xl('Now printing') . ' ' . $stmt_count . ' ' . xl('statements; invoices will not be updated.'); } else { $alertmsg = xl('Now printing') . ' ' . $stmt_count . ' ' . xl('statements and updating invoices.'); } } // end not debug } // end not form_download } // end statements requested // let biller know no why statement was not generated if ( ( ( !empty($_REQUEST['form_print']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_download']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_email']) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_pdf']) ) || !empty($_REQUEST['form_portalnotify']) ) && !$form_cb ) { echo ""; } ?> <?php echo xlt('EOB Posting - Search'); ?> xl('EOB Posting - Search'), 'include_patient_name' => false, 'expandable' => true, 'expandable_files' => array('sl_eob_search_xpd'),//all file names need suffix _xpd 'action' => "reset", 'action_title' => "", 'action_href' => "sl_eob_search.php",//only for actions - reset, link or back 'show_help_icon' => true, 'help_file_name' => "sl_eob_help.php" ); $oemr_ui = new OemrUI($arrOeUiSettings); ?>
pageHeading() . "\r\n"; ?>
\n"; echo " \n"; foreach ($insurancei as $iid => $iname) { echo "\n"; } echo " \n"; ?>
' title='' />
' onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)' title='' />
' onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)' title='' />
' title='' />
type="checkbox" name="only_with_debt" id="only_with_debt" />
" . escapeshellarg($tmp_name)); unlink("$tmp_name.zip"); } echo "\n"; $erafullname = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/era/$eraname.edi"; $edihname = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/edi/history/f835/$eraname.835"; if (is_file($erafullname)) { $alertmsg .= "Warning: Set $eraname was already uploaded "; if (is_file($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/era/$eraname.html")) { $alertmsg .= "and processed. "; } else { $alertmsg .= "but not yet processed. "; } } rename($tmp_name, $erafullname); copy($erafullname, $edihname); } // End 835 upload if ($eracount) { // Note that ParseERA::parseERA() modified $eracount and $where. if (!$where) { $where = '1 = 2'; } } else { if ($form_name) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND "; } // Allow the last name to be followed by a comma and some part of a first name. if (preg_match('/^(.*\S)\s*,\s*(.*)/', $form_name, $matches)) { $where .= "p.lname LIKE '" . add_escape_custom($matches[1]) . "%' AND p.fname LIKE '" . add_escape_custom($matches[2]) . "%'"; // Allow a filter like "A-C" on the first character of the last name. } elseif (preg_match('/^(\S)\s*-\s*(\S)$/', $form_name, $matches)) { $tmp = '1 = 2'; while (ord($matches[1]) <= ord($matches[2])) { $tmp .= " OR p.lname LIKE '" . add_escape_custom($matches[1]) . "%'"; $matches[1] = chr(ord($matches[1]) + 1); } $where .= "( $tmp ) "; } else { $where .= "p.lname LIKE '%" . add_escape_custom($form_name) . "%'"; } } if ($form_pid) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND "; } $where .= "f.pid = '" . add_escape_custom($form_pid) . "'"; } if ($form_encounter) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND "; } $where .= "f.encounter = '" . add_escape_custom($form_encounter) . "'"; } if ($form_date) { if ($where) { $where .= " AND "; } if ($form_to_date) { $where .= "f.date >= '" . add_escape_custom($form_date) . "' AND f.date <= '" . add_escape_custom($form_to_date) . "'"; } else { $where .= "f.date = '" . add_escape_custom($form_date) . "'"; } } if (!$where) { if ($_REQUEST['form_category'] == 'All') { $alertmsg .= xlt("At least one search parameter is required if you select All."); } else { $where = "1 = 1"; } } } // Notes that as of release 4.1.1 the copays are stored // in the ar_activity table marked with a PCP in the account_code column. $query = "SELECT f.id, f.pid, f.encounter, f.date, " . "f.last_level_billed, f.last_level_closed, f.last_stmt_date, f.stmt_count, f.in_collection, " . "p.fname, p.mname, p.lname, p.pubpid, p.billing_note, " . "( SELECT SUM(b.fee) FROM billing AS b WHERE " . "b.pid = f.pid AND b.encounter = f.encounter AND " . "b.activity = 1 AND b.code_type != 'COPAY' ) AS charges, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.pay_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter AND a.deleted IS NULL AND a.payer_type = 0 AND a.account_code = 'PCP')*-1 AS copays, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.pay_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter AND a.deleted IS NULL AND a.account_code != 'PCP') AS payments, " . "( SELECT SUM(a.adj_amount) FROM ar_activity AS a WHERE " . "a.pid = f.pid AND a.encounter = f.encounter AND a.deleted IS NULL ) AS adjustments " . "FROM form_encounter AS f " . "JOIN patient_data AS p ON p.pid = f.pid " . "WHERE $where " . "ORDER BY p.lname, p.fname, p.mname, f.pid, f.encounter"; // Note that unlike the SQL-Ledger case, this query does not weed // out encounters that are paid up. Also the use of sub-selects // will require MySQL 4.1 or greater. $num_invoices = 0; // removed if condition on alert message so biller can see what's in the era $t_res = sqlStatement($query); $num_invoices = sqlNumRows($t_res); if ($eracount && $num_invoices != $eracount) { $alertmsg .= "Of $eracount remittances, there are $num_invoices " . "matching encounters in OpenEMR. "; } ?> 0); // An invoice is now due from the patient if money is owed and we are // not waiting for insurance to pay. // $isduept = ($duncount >= 0 && $isdueany && !$in_collections) ? " checked" : ""; // Skip invoices not in the desired "Due..." category. // if (substr($_REQUEST['form_category'], 0, 3) == 'Due' && !$isdueany) { continue; } if ($_REQUEST['form_category'] == 'Due Ins' && ($duncount >= 0 || !$isdueany)) { continue; } if ($_REQUEST['form_category'] == 'Due Pt' && ($duncount < 0 || !$isdueany)) { continue; } $bgcolor = ((++$orow & 1) ? "#ffdddd" : "#ddddff"); $svcdate = substr($row['date'], 0, 10); $last_stmt_date = empty($row['last_stmt_date']) ? '' : $row['last_stmt_date']; ?>
                ]' /> IC"; } ?> "); $is_portal = true; } ?>