]> AccountingAndTaxation Agriculture It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to agriculture. AgricultureForestryFisheriesVeterinary It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and veterinary. A closer specification of an ontology domain can facilitate a more accurate ontology search, retrieval, and reuse. Thus, it is recommended to specify the domain-field as specific as possible. ArchitectureAndConstruction ArchitectureAndTownPlanning Arts It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to arts. ArtsAndHumanities It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to arts and humanities. AudioVisualAndMediaProduction It includes ontologies that are dealing with the subjects related to the audio-visual domain and media production. Biochemistry Biology BiologyBroad BuildingAndCivilEngineering BusinessAdministrationAndLaw BusinessAndAdministration CareOfElderlyAndDisabledAdults ChemicalEngineeringAndProcess Chemistry ChildCareAndYouthServices CommunitySanitation ComputerScience ComputerUse CropAndLivestockProduction It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to the crop and livestock production. DatabaseAndNetworkDesignAndAdministration Dentistry DomainField The Domain Field consists of pre-defined domain-specific classes that cluster ontologies according to the domain-subject. As some ontologies cover several domains, an ontology can belong to more than one domain field. The OMV recommendation, to follow the DMOZ and ACM specifications of domain subject, is advised in those cases in which none of pre-defined fields captures the ontology subject, in which case such an ontology should be described in metadata during its upload. DomesticServices EarthScience Economics Education EducationNarrow It includes ontologies that are dealing with the education of teachers. EducationScience ElectricityAndEnergy ElectronicsAndAutomation EngineeringAndEngineeringTrade EngineeringManufacturingAndConstruction Environment EnvironmentalProtectionTechnology EnvironmentalScience FashionAndInteriorAndIndustrialDesign The class includes ontologies that deal with design in general, while further specification of the spatial design categories can be found under the class Space, subclass Design. FinanceBankingAndInsurance FineArts Fisheries It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to fisheries. FoodProcessing Forestry It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to forestry. GlassProcessing HairAndBeautyServices Handicrafts Health HealthAndWelfare HistoryAndArchaeology Horticulture It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to horticulture. HotelRestaurantAndCatering Humanities HygieneAndOccupationalHealthServices ISOStandard InformationAndCommunicationTechnology InformationAndCommunicationTechnologyNarrow JournalismAndInformation JournalismAndReporting Language LanguageAcquisition Law LibraryInformationAndArchive LiteratureAndLinguistics ManagementAndAdministration MarketingAndAdvertising MaterialProcessing Mathematics MathematicsAndStatistics MechanicsAndMetalTrade MedicalDiagnosticAndTreatmentTechnology Medicine MethodAndResearchTechnique MilitaryAndDefence MiningAndExtraction MotorVehicleShipAircraft MusicAndPerformingArts NaturalEnvironmentAndWildlife NaturalScienceMathematicsAndStatistics NursingAndMidwifery OccupationalHealthAndSafety PaperProcessing PersonalServices Pharmacy PhilosophyAndEthics PhysicalScience Physics PlasticProcessing PoliticsAndCivics Process ProtectionOfPersonsAndProperty Psychology ReligionAndTheology SecretarialAndOfficeWork SecurityServices Services SocialAndBehaviouralScience SocialScienceJournalismAndInformation SocialWorkAndCounselling SociologyAndCulture SoftwareAndApplicationDevelopmentAndAnalysis Space Class 'Space' includes domain ontologies that are dealing with any of space related topics, e.g. geography, architecture etc. SpaceTimeAndProcess Sport Standard StandardMethodAndResearchTechnique Statistics TeacherTrainingWithSubjectSpecialisation TeacherTrainingWithoutSubjectSpecialisation TextileClothesFootwearLeather TherapyAndRehabilitation Time TraditionalAndComplementaryMedicineAndTherapy TrainingPreSchoolTeachers TransportServices TravelTourismAndLeisure Veterinary It includes ontologies that are dealing with the domain subjects related to veterinary. Welfare WholesaleAndRetailSales WoodProcessing WorkSkill