;;; auto-shell-command.el --- Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file. ;; Copyright (C) 2012 ongaeshi ;; Author: ongaeshi ;; Keywords: shell, save, async, deferred, auto ;; Version: 1.0.2 ;; Package-Requires: ((deferred "20130312") (popwin "20130329")) ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file. ;; And there flymake autotest, is Guard as a similar tool. ;; Feature ;; 1. Speicify targete file's regexp and command to execute when the save ;; 2. Can temporarily suspend the execution of the command ;; 3. Emacs is running on the OS of all work ;; 4. It is possible to register a temporary command disappear restart Emacs ;; 5. Caused by rewriting the file does not occur by external tools, malfunctions of the command disappointing ;; URL ;; https://github.com/ongaeshi/auto-shell-command ;;; Install: ;; Require 'emacs-deferred' ;; (auto-install-from-url "https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-deferred/raw/master/deferred.el") ;; (auto-install-from-url "https://raw.github.com/ongaeshi/auto-shell-command/master/auto-shell-command.el") ;;; Initlial Setting: ;; (require 'auto-shell-command) ;; ;; Shortcut setting (Temporarily on/off auto-shell-command run) ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-m") 'ascmd:toggle) ; Temporarily on/off auto-shell-command run ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-,") 'ascmd:popup) ; Pop up '*Auto Shell Command*' ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-.") 'ascmd:exec) ; Exec-command specify file name ;; ;; Popup on errors ;; (push '("*Auto Shell Command*" :height 20 :noselect t) popwin:special-display-config) ;; ;; ;; Notification of results to Growl (optional) ;; ;; (defun ascmd:notify (msg) (deferred:process-shell (format "growlnotify -m %s -t emacs" msg)))) ;;; Command-list Setting: ;; ;; High priority under ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/to/dir" "make")) ; Exec 'make' ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/to/dir/.gitignore" "make run")) ; If you touch beneath the root folder '. gitignore' -> 'make run' ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/to/dir/doc" "make doc")) ; If you touch the folloing 'doc' -> 'make doc' ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/to/dir/BBB" "(cd /path/to/dir/AAA && make && cd ../BBB && make)")) ; When you build the BBB, need to build the first AAA ;; Configuration example of Ruby ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/test/runner.rb" "rake test")) ; If you touch 'test/runner.rb' -> 'rake test' (Take time) ;; (ascmd:add '("/path/test/test_/.*\.rb" "ruby -I../lib -I../test $FILE")) ; If you touch 'test/test_*.rb', test by itself only the edited file (Time-saving) ;; Cooperation with the browser ;; (ascmd:add '("Resources/.*\.js" "wget -O /dev/null")) ; If you touch the following: 'Resources/*.js' access to '' ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'deferred) (require 'popwin) ;;; Public: ;; Notify function ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:notify (msg) (message msg) ; emacs's message function ;;(deferred:process-shell (format "growlnotify -m %s -t emacs" msg)) ; Growl(OSX) ;;(deferred:process-shell (format "growlnotify %s /t:emacs" msg)) ; Growl(Win) ) ;; Toggle after-save-hook (Recommended to set the key bindings) ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:toggle () (interactive) (if ascmd:active (setq ascmd:active nil) (setq ascmd:active t)) (force-mode-line-update nil)) (defvar ascmd:active t) ;; Add to command list ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:add (&optional v) (interactive) (cond (v (push v ascmd:setting)) (t (let (path command) (setq path (read-file-name "Path: " nil (buffer-file-name))) (setq command (read-string "Command: ")) (let ((msg (format "(ascmd:add '(\"%s\" \"%s\"))" path command))) (kill-new msg) (message msg)) (push (list path command) ascmd:setting))))) ;; Remove first command ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:remove () (interactive) (let* ((cmd (pop ascmd:setting)) (msg (format "(ascmd:add '(\"%s\" \"%s\"))" (car cmd) (car (cdr cmd))))) (if cmd (progn (kill-new msg) (message (format "Remove : %s" msg))) (message "Command list is empty.")))) ;; Remove all command ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:remove-all () (interactive) (setq ascmd:setting nil)) ;; Result buffer name (defvar ascmd:buffer-name "*Auto Shell Command*") ;; Pop up '*Auto Shell Command*' ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:popup (n) (interactive "P") (let ((with-arg (consp n))) (if with-arg (progn (save-selected-window (if (one-window-p) (select-window (split-window-horizontally)) (other-window 1)) (switch-to-buffer ascmd:buffer-name))) ;; (display-buffer ascmd:buffer-name)))) (pop-to-buffer ascmd:buffer-name)))) ;; Exec-command specify file name ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:exec () (interactive) (unless (ascmd:exec-in (read-file-name "Specify target file : " nil (buffer-file-name) nil) nil) (error "Not found `ascmd:add`"))) ;;;###autoload (defun ascmd:process-count-clear () (interactive) (setq ascmd:process-queue nil)) ;;; Private: ;; Command list (defvar ascmd:setting nil) ;; Exec-command when you save file (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'ascmd:exec-on-save) (defun ascmd:exec-on-save () (if ascmd:active (ascmd:exec-in (buffer-file-name) nil))) (defun ascmd:exec-in (file-name find-file-p) (if find-file-p (find-file file-name)) (find-if '(lambda (v) (apply 'ascmd:exec1 file-name v)) ascmd:setting)) (defun ascmd:exec1 (file-name path command) (if (string-match (ascmd:expand-path path) (expand-file-name file-name)) (progn (let ((command (ascmd:query-reqplace command file-name t)) (process-exec-p (ascmd:process-exec-p))) (ascmd:add-command-queue command) (unless process-exec-p (ascmd:shell-deferred command))) t) nil)) (defun ascmd:expand-path (path) (if (string-match "^~" path) (expand-file-name path) path)) (defun ascmd:shell-deferred (arg &optional notify-start) (lexical-let ((arg arg) (notify-start notify-start) (result "success")) (deferred:$ ;; before (deferred:next (lambda () (if notify-start (ascmd:notify "start")))) ;; main (deferred:process-shell arg) (deferred:error it (lambda (err) (setq result "failed") (cadr err))) ;; after (deferred:nextc it (lambda (x) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create ascmd:buffer-name) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert x) (if (string-equal result "failed") (display-buffer ascmd:buffer-name) (if (ascmd:window-popup-p) (delete-window popwin:popup-window))) (save-selected-window (let ((win (get-buffer-window (get-buffer-create ascmd:buffer-name)))) (if (not (null win)) (progn (select-window win) (goto-char (point-max)) (recenter -1) ) )))) (ascmd:notify result) (pop ascmd:process-queue) (force-mode-line-update nil) (if (ascmd:process-exec-p) (ascmd:shell-deferred (car ascmd:process-queue)))))))) (defun ascmd:window-popup-p () (and (popwin:popup-window-live-p) (string-equal (buffer-name (window-buffer popwin:popup-window)) ascmd:buffer-name))) (defvar ascmd:process-queue nil) (defun ascmd:add-command-queue (arg) (if (or (<= (length ascmd:process-queue) 1) (not (string-equal (car (last ascmd:process-queue)) arg))) (setq ascmd:process-queue (append ascmd:process-queue (list arg))))) ;; query-replace special variable (defun ascmd:query-reqplace (command match-path &optional cd-prefix-p) (let ( (file-name (file-name-nondirectory match-path)) (dir-name (file-name-directory match-path)) (command (if cd-prefix-p (concat "cd $DIR && (" command ")") command))) (setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "$FILE" file-name command t)) (setq command (replace-regexp-in-string "$DIR" dir-name command t)) command)) ;; Display mode-line (defun ascmd:process-count () (length ascmd:process-queue)) (defun ascmd:process-exec-p () (not (null ascmd:process-queue))) (defun ascmd:display-process-count () (cond ((not ascmd:active) "[ascmd:stop]") ((ascmd:process-exec-p) (format "[ascmd:%d] " (ascmd:process-count))) )) (add-to-list 'mode-line-format '(:eval (ascmd:display-process-count))) (provide 'auto-shell-command) ;;; auto-shell-command.el ends here