/*! * Guards JavaScript jQuery Plugin v1.3.2 * https://github.com/on-site/guards.js * * Copyright 2010-2014, On-Site.com, http://www.on-site.com/ * Licensed under the MIT license. * * Includes code for email and phone number validation from the jQuery * Validation plugin. http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation * * Date: Sun Apr 13 17:05:11 2014 -0700 */ /** * This plugin is initially inspired by the standard Validation jQuery * plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/validation/). */ (function($) { /*jshint devel:true, jquery:true */ "use strict"; /** * @page Global Functions * @section guard * @signature jQuery.guard(selector) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard elements with the given selector when the form is guarded. This is the way to add * new guards to form inputs. It returns a Guards * instance which has chainable methods to define the attributes of the guard. *

* *
* * *

* Required field *

*/ $.guard = function(selector) { return $.guards.add(selector); }; $.guard.version = "1.3.2"; $.Guards = function() { var self = this; this._guards = []; this.named = {}; this.options = { stackErrors: false }; this.constants = { notChecked: "" }; this.defaults = { grouped: false, guard: "required", invalidClass: "invalid-field", liveCallback: function(e) { var $element = $(e.target); if (!$element.is(":guardable")) { return; } $element.clearErrors(); self.applyGuards(function(guard) { if (guard.isGrouped()) { if (guard.appliesTo($element)) { return self.parentContext($element).find(":guardable"); } else { return false; } } else { return $element; } }); }, messageClass: "error-message", messages: { "undefined": "Please fix this field." }, style: { field: { "background-color": "#ffff66" }, message: { color: "#ff0000", "margin-left": "10px" } }, submitCallback: function() { return self.guard($(this)); }, tag: "span", target: function(errorElement) { var last = $(this).filter(":last"); if (last.is(":radio,:checkbox") && last[0].nextSibling) { last = $(last[0].nextSibling); } var next = last.next(); while (next.size() > 0 && next[0].isGuardError) { last = next; next = last.next(); } errorElement.insertAfter(last); return false; } }; /** * @page Named Guards * @section allow * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Only values found in the given list are considered valid. Anything else triggers a failure. * This guard requires an array parameter of the valid values. *

* *
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* Allowed values: red, yellow, blue *

* *

* As of version 1.3.1, the allowed words can be specified via an object with a string property * named words delimited by spaces by default, or delimited with the * delimiter property. This is primarily to support the data attributes * form of guards. *

* *
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* Allowed values: red, yellow, blue *

* *

* Allowed values: United States, Canada *

*/ this.name("allow").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isAllowed)).message(this.wordsArrayMessage("Please enter one of: #{0}.")); /** * @page Named Guards * @section always * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Always fail, no matter what. For this guard to pass, either the guard must be removed, or * the element(s) guarded must be removed. No parameters are accepted. *

* *
* * *

* Always fails, no matter what *

*/ this.name("always").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.always)).message("There was an error."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section different * @since 1.0.0 * *

* This is a grouped guard where every field must have a different value. *

* *
* * *

* Each value must be unique *

*/ this.name("different").grouped().using(this.aggregate(this.passThrough, this.isDifferent)).message("These values must all be different."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section disallow * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard against specific values. This guard requires an array parameter * of the invalid values. *

* *
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* Disallowed values: red, yellow, blue *

* *

* As of version 1.3.1, the disallowed words can be specified via an object with a string property * named words delimited by spaces by default, or delimited with the * delimiter property. This is primarily to support the data attributes * form of guards. *

* *
* * *

* Disallowed values: red, yellow, blue *

* *

* Disallowed values: United States, Canada *

*/ this.name("disallow").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isDisallowed)).message(this.wordsArrayMessage("Please don't enter: #{0}.")); /** * @page Named Guards * @section dateUS * @since 1.1.0 * *

* Guard for a US date. Month and day value validations * exist, though may not conver all invalid dates (so, * 13/32/2013 is invalid, but 2/31/2013 might not properly * fail at this point in time). An empty value is * considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* US date of any value *

*/ this.name("dateUS").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidDateUS)).message("Please use: dd/mm/yyyy."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section timeUS * @since 1.1.0 * *

* Guard for a US time. Military time is not currently * supported. An empty value is considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* US time of any value *

*/ this.name("timeUS").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidTimeUS)).message("Please use: hh:mm am/pm."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section email * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard for a valid email address. An empty value is ignored, so only once a value exists will * this guard start checking for an email address. An optional argument of * { allowDisplay: true } is allowed that may specify whether display emails of the * form John Doe <john@example.com> are allowed. *

* *
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* Email address of the form "john@example.com" *

* *

* Email address of the form "John Doe <john@example.com>" *

*/ this.name("email").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidEmail)).message("Please enter a valid email address."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section float * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard for a floating point number. Optionally, an object parameter may be passed with * min and/or max. Min will restrict the minimum value, while * max restricts the maximum. An empty value is considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* A number of any value *

* *

* A number no smaller than -5.5 *

* *

* A number no bigger than 42 *

* *

* A number from 0 to 10 *

*/ this.name("float").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidFloat)).message(this.minMaxMessage({ minAndMax: "Please enter a number from #{0} to #{1}.", min: "Please enter a number no less than #{0}.", max: "Please enter a number no greater than #{0}.", invalid: "Please enter a number." })); /** * @page Named Guards * @section int * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard for an integer number. Optionally, an object parameter may be passed with * min and/or max. Min will restrict the minimum value, while * max restricts the maximum. An empty value is considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* An integer of any value *

* *

* An integer no smaller than -5 *

* *

* An integer no bigger than 42 *

* *

* An integer from 0 to 10 *

*/ this.name("int").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidInt)).message(this.minMaxMessage({ minAndMax: "Please enter a number from #{0} to #{1}.", min: "Please enter a number no less than #{0}.", max: "Please enter a number no greater than #{0}.", invalid: "Please enter a number." })); /** * @page Named Guards * @section moneyUS * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard for a US dollar amount. Optionally, an object parameter may be passed with * min and/or max. Min will restrict the minimum value, while * max restricts the maximum. An empty value is considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* US money of any value *

* *

* US money no smaller than -$5.50 *

* *

* US money no bigger than $42.02 *

* *

* US money from $0 to $10 *

*/ this.name("moneyUS").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidMoneyUS)).message(this.minMaxMessage({ minAndMax: "Please enter a dollar amount from #{0} to #{1}.", min: "Please enter a dollar amount no less than #{0}.", max: "Please enter a dollar amount no greater than #{0}.", invalid: "Please enter a dollar amount." }, function(x) { return x.toFixed(2); })); /** * @page Named Guards * @section never * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Never fail, no matter what. For this guard to fail, it must be manually triggered via * guard.triggerError(selector). * This guard can be useful for marking a field as having an error immediately when the page * loads (such as for a server detected error). *

* *
* * *

* Never fails, except manually *

*/ this.name("never").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.never)).message("There was an error."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section oneRequired * @since 1.0.0 * *

* This is a grouped guard where a single field of all the selected fields must have a value. *

* *
* * *

* One value is required *

*/ this.name("oneRequired").grouped().using(this.aggregate(this.isAnyValid, this.isPresent)).message("Specify at least one."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section phoneUS * @since 1.0.0 * *

* The guarded field is considered valid if no value is given, or if the value given appears * to be a valid US phone number. The number must include an area code. Whitespace is ignored. *

* *
* * *

* A valid US phone number like (555) 555-1234 *

*/ this.name("phoneUS").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidPhoneUS)).message("Please enter a valid phone number."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section regex * @since 1.2.0 * *

* These guarded fields must match the provided regex to pass. An empty value is considered valid. *

* *
* * *

* abc with 1-3 digits is required, like 'abc123' *

* *

* As of version 1.3.1, the regex can be specified via an object with a string property named * pattern. This is primarily to support the data attributes * form of guards. *

* *
* * *

* abc with 1-3 digits is required, like 'abc123' *

*/ this.name("regex").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.matchesRegex)).message("Please enter valid input."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section required * @since 1.0.0 * *

* These guarded fields must have a value to pass. Only whitespace is not considered a value. * If no named or custom guard is defined, this is the default guard used. *

* *
* * *

* A value is required *

* *

* A value is required *

*/ this.name("required").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isPresent)).message("This field is required."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section same * @since 1.0.0 * *

* This is a grouped guard where every field must have the same value. For example, this guard can * be used to implement a password confirmation field. *

* *
* * *

* Each value must be the same *

*/ this.name("same").grouped().using(this.aggregate(this.passThrough, this.isSame)).message("These values must all match."); /** * @page Named Guards * @section string * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Validate the length of the string provided. This requires an object parameter with * min and/or max. Min will restrict the minimum length, while * max restricts the maximum length. *

* *
* * *

* A string with at lease 3 characters *

* *

* A string with no more than 7 characters *

* *

* A string with at least 2 characters and no more than 5 *

*/ this.name("string").using(this.aggregate(this.isAllValid, this.isValidString)).message(this.minMaxMessage({ minAndMax: "Please enter a string with length #{0} to #{1}.", min: "Please enter a string with length at least #{0}.", max: "Please enter a string with length no greater than #{0}." })); }; /** * @page Guards Type * @section version * @signature jQuery.guards.version * @since 1.0.0 * *

* This version of guards.js library as a string, like "1.0.0". *

*/ $.Guards.prototype.version = "1.3.2"; $.Guards.prototype.parentContext = function(element) { var $element = $(element); var context = $element.parents("form:first"); if (context.size() === 0) { context = $element.parents("*:last"); } return context; }; /** * @page Guards Type * @section name * @signature jQuery.guards.name(guardName) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Name a guard. This behaves the same way as * $.guard(selector), except it uses * the parameter to define a named guard with the given name, instead of defining a new * guard affecting the given selector. Any attributes applied to it will be passed on to * any guards that utilize this named guard. A named guard may be utilized by passing the * name on to the using method. *

* *
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* Anything except 'test' *

*/ $.Guards.prototype.name = function(name) { var guard = new $.Guard({ guards: this, named: true, name: name }); this.named[name] = guard; return guard; }; $.Guards.prototype.aggregate = function(aggregator, validator) { var self = this; var result = function() { var args = $.makeArray(arguments); return function(value) { return aggregator.call(self, value, function(v) { return validator.apply(self, $.merge([v], args)); }); }; }; result.acceptsArguments = true; return result; }; $.Guards.prototype.wordsArrayMessage = function(formatting) { var self = this; var formattingFn = this.arrayMessage(formatting); return function(array) { array = self.getWordsArray(array); return formattingFn(array); }; }; $.Guards.prototype.arrayMessage = function(formatting) { var self = this; return function(array) { return self.format(formatting, $.map(array, function(x) { return $.trim("" + x); }).join(", ")); }; }; $.Guards.prototype.minMaxMessage = function(formatting, minMaxFormat) { var self = this; return function(options) { if (self.isNullOrUndefined(options)) { options = {}; } if (!$.isFunction(minMaxFormat)) { minMaxFormat = function(x) { return x; }; } var minDefined = !self.isNullOrUndefined(options.min); var maxDefined = !self.isNullOrUndefined(options.max); if (minDefined && maxDefined) { return self.format(formatting.minAndMax, minMaxFormat(options.min), minMaxFormat(options.max)); } if (minDefined) { return self.format(formatting.min, minMaxFormat(options.min)); } if (maxDefined) { return self.format(formatting.max, minMaxFormat(options.max)); } if (formatting.invalid) { return formatting.invalid; } return self.defaults.messages["undefined"]; }; }; // Check if the name is valid as a data attribute based guard name $.Guards.prototype.isValidDataName = function(name) { return name && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/.test(name); }; // Alias for console.log, but check that such a thing exists. $.Guards.prototype.log = function(message) { if (console && console.log) { console.log(message); } }; // Utility method to trigger live events, but works against any // jQuery version that supports live events. $.Guards.prototype.on = function(selector, event, callback) { if ($.fn.on) { $(document).on(event, selector, callback); } else if ($.fn.delegate) { $(document).delegate(selector, event, callback); } else { this.log("Could not bind event handlers, probably because jQuery is too old."); } }; // Utility method to remove live events, but works against any // jQuery version that supports live events. $.Guards.prototype.off = function(selector, event, callback) { if ($.fn.off) { $(document).off(event, selector, callback); } else if ($.fn.undelegate) { $(document).undelegate(selector, event, callback); } else { this.log("Could not unbind event handlers, probably because jQuery is too old."); } }; // Implementation of $.enableGuards(selector); $.Guards.prototype.enableGuards = function(selector) { this.on(selector, "submit", this.defaults.submitCallback); }; // Implementation of $.disableGuards(selector); $.Guards.prototype.disableGuards = function(selector) { this.off(selector, "submit", this.defaults.submitCallback); }; // Implementation of $.liveGuard(selector); $.Guards.prototype.liveGuard = function(selector) { this.enableGuards(selector); this.on(selector, "change blur", this.defaults.liveCallback); }; // Implementation of $.disableLiveGuard(selector); $.Guards.prototype.disableLiveGuard = function(selector) { this.disableGuards(selector); this.off(selector, "change blur", this.defaults.liveCallback); }; $.Guards.prototype.camelize = function(word) { // This code is from jQuery, but it is not a public function // so let's juse reuse it. return word.replace(/-([\da-z])/gi, function(all, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); }; /** * Format all arguments into the first argument. This is a * convenience function similar to the C sprintf function, though * only with simple replacements. Replacements are formatted like * #{i} where i is a zero based index into the additional * arguments passed in to format beyond the first. * * Additional parameters not used will be ignored. * * Including formatting requests for parameters that don't exist * will throw an exception. * * The first argument must be the string that needs to be * formatted. Additional arguments are formatted into that * string. * * If any of the arguments to the format string include a string * that matches the #{i} format, the result could be erroneous. * * Example: $.guards.format("#{2} #{0} #{1}", "hello", "world", 3); // "3 hello world" * Example: $.guards.format("#{0} #{1}", "hello", "world", 3); // "hello world". * Example: $.guards.format("#{2} #{0} #{1}", "hello", "world"); // throws exception */ $.Guards.prototype.format = function() { var str = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var regex = "\\#\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}"; str = str.replace(new RegExp(regex, "g"), arguments[i]); } } if (/\#\{\d+\}/.test(str)) { throw new Error("Unmatched formatting found!"); } return str; }; /** * @page Guards Type * @section style * @signature jQuery.guards.style([customStyling]) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Insert a style element to the document head that will style guard errors and invalid fields. * This will default to styling .invalid-field with a background color of * #ffff66 and .error-message with a color of #ff0000 * and a left margin of 10px. *

* *

* There are 2 optional arguments for this method. The first is an optional css scope to restrict * the styling affects with. The second is an object expected to contain a field * and/or message property with css styles desired for that aspect of the styling. * The field property will add styling for invalid fields while the message * property will add styling for error messages. The properties of these objects may contain any * key that is a valid css attribute, with an appropriate value. *

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*/ $.Guards.prototype.style = function() { $("head").append(this.styleHtml.apply(this, arguments)); }; // Retrieve the style html as a string to use for the $.guards.style() function. // The documentation for that function applies to this as well. $.Guards.prototype.styleHtml = function() { var fieldStyle = {}; var messageStyle = {}; var fieldSelector = "." + this.defaults.invalidClass; var messageSelector = "." + this.defaults.messageClass; var selectorScope, styles; if (this.defaults.style && this.defaults.style.field) { fieldStyle = this.defaults.style.field; } if (this.defaults.style && this.defaults.style.message) { messageStyle = this.defaults.style.message; } if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof(arguments[0]) === "string") { selectorScope = arguments[0]; } else { styles = arguments[0]; } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { selectorScope = arguments[0]; styles = arguments[1]; } if (styles && styles.field) { fieldStyle = styles.field; } if (styles && styles.message) { messageStyle = styles.message; } var result = ""; return result; }; /** * This guard test method is intended to always fail, thus it * returns false no matter what. */ $.Guards.prototype.always = function() { return false; }; /** * The given object will either already be an array, or will be an * object describing the array (a string words property with * implicitly " " delimiter, or an explicit delimiter property). */ $.Guards.prototype.getWordsArray = function(obj) { if ($.type(obj) === "object" && !this.isNullOrUndefined(obj.words)) { return obj.words.split(obj.delimiter || " "); } if ($.type(obj) === "array") { return obj; } throw new Error("Invalid type, expecting array or object with words property and optional delimiter property, got " + $.type(obj)); }; /** * Return whether or not the value exists in the given allowed * list. The allowed parameter must be an array of valid values. * Blank is considered invalid unless it exists in the list. * Whitespace is ignored. */ $.Guards.prototype.isAllowed = function(value, allowed) { value = $.trim(value); allowed = this.getWordsArray(allowed); return $.inArray(value, $.map(allowed, function(x) { return $.trim("" + x); })) !== -1; }; /** * If the given values is an array, this will return false if the * given fn returns false for any value in the array. If the * given values is not an array, the result of calling the given * fn on that value is returned directly. * * Example: $.guards.isAllValid([true, false, true], function(x) { return x; }); // false * Example: $.guards.isAllValid(true, function(x) { return x; }); // true */ $.Guards.prototype.isAllValid = function(values, fn) { if ($.isArray(values)) { var result = true; $.each(values, function(i, x) { if (!fn(x)) { result = false; return false; } }); return result; } return fn(values); }; /** * If the given values is an array, this will return true if the * given fn returns true for any value in the array. If the given * values is not an array, the result of calling the given fn on * that value is returned directly. * * Example: $.guards.isAnyValid([false, false, true], function(x) { return x; }); // true * Example: $.guards.isAnyValid(false, function(x) { return x; }); // false */ $.Guards.prototype.isAnyValid = function(values, fn) { if ($.isArray(values)) { var result = false; $.each(values, function(i, x) { if (fn(x)) { result = true; return false; } }); return result; } return fn(values); }; /** * Return true if the value is null, undefined, an empty string, * or a string of just spaces. */ $.Guards.prototype.isBlank = function(value) { return this.isNullOrUndefined(value) || $.trim(value) === ""; }; /** * Return whether all the values in the given array are different. */ $.Guards.prototype.isDifferent = function(values) { if (values.length < 2) { return true; } var found = {}; var result = true; $.each(values, function(i, x) { if (found[x] === true) { result = false; return false; } found[x] = true; }); return result; }; /** * Return whether or not the value doesn't exist in the given * disallowed list. The disallowed parameter must be an array of * invalid values. Blank is considered valid unless it exists in * the list. Whitespace is ignored. */ $.Guards.prototype.isDisallowed = function(value, disallowed) { return !this.isAllowed(value, disallowed); }; /** * Return true if the value is null or undefined. */ $.Guards.prototype.isNullOrUndefined = function(value) { return value === null || value === undefined; }; /** * Return the negation of calling isBlank(value). */ $.Guards.prototype.isPresent = function(value) { return !this.isBlank(value); }; /** * Return whether all the values in the given array are the same. */ $.Guards.prototype.isSame = function(values) { if (values.length < 2) { return true; } var value = values[0]; var result = true; $.each(values, function(i, x) { if (x !== value) { result = false; return false; } }); return result; }; /** * Return true if the given value is greater than or equal to * options.min (if options.min is defined) and less than or equal * to options.max (if options.max is defined). */ $.Guards.prototype.isInRange = function(value, options) { if (this.isNullOrUndefined(options)) { options = {}; } var bigEnough = this.isNullOrUndefined(options.min) || value >= options.min; var smallEnough = this.isNullOrUndefined(options.max) || value <= options.max; return bigEnough && smallEnough; }; /** * Return whether or not the value is a valid integer. * Appropriate options are min, max, both or neither. Blank is * valid as a number. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidInt = function(value, options) { value = $.trim(value); if (value === "") { return true; } if (!/^(-|\+)?\d+$/.test(value)) { return false; } value = parseInt(value, 10); return this.isInRange(value, options); }; /** * Return whether or not the value is a valid float. Appropriate * options are min, max, both or neither. Blank is valid as a * number. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidFloat = function(value, options) { value = $.trim(value); if (value === "") { return true; } if (!/^(-|\+)?(\d+)?\.?\d+$/.test(value)) { return false; } value = parseFloat(value); return this.isInRange(value, options); }; /** * Validates the given value is a valid US money value. It * optionally accepts min and max to specify the minimum or * maximum values. Blank is a valid money. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidMoneyUS = function(value, options) { value = $.trim(value); if (value === "") { return true; } if (!/^\$?(-|\+)?\$?([\d,]+)?\.?\d+$/.test(value)) { return false; } // Only allow 1 $. var $i = value.indexOf("$"); if ($i >= 0 && value.indexOf("$", $i + 1) >= 0) { return false; } // Ensure if there are commas they are every 3 digits if (value.indexOf(",") >= 0 && !/^\$?(-|\+)?\$?[1-9]\d{0,2}(,\d{3,3})+(\.\d+)?$/.test(value)) { return false; } // Ensure no more than 2 digits after decimal if (value.indexOf(".") >= 0 && /\.\d{3,}$/.test(value)) { return false; } value = parseFloat(value.replace(/[\$,]/g, "")); return this.isInRange(value, options); }; /** * Validates for a valid US date. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidDateUS = function(value) { value = $.trim(value); if (value === "") { return true; } return /^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0?[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])\/(\d{3}\d+)$/.test(value); }; /** * Validates for a valid US time. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidTimeUS = function(value) { value = $.trim(value); if (value === "") { return true; } return /^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2]):([0-5]\d)\s*(a|p)m$/i.test(value); }; /** * Validates the given value is a valid email. If options is * passed with allowDisplay as true, display emails will be * considered valid. A display email differs from a regular email * in that it can be contained with < and > with some text ahead * of that. Thus "John Doe " would be valid. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidEmail = function(value, options) { if (options && options.allowDisplay) { var result = /.*<([^>]+)>\s*$/.exec(value); if (result) { value = result[1]; } } return value === "" || /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i.test(value); }; /** * Validates the given value is a valid US phone number. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidPhoneUS = function(value) { value = value.replace(/\s+/g, ""); return value === "" || value.length > 9 && value.match(/^(1-?)?(\([2-9]\d{2}\)|[2-9]\d{2})-?[2-9]\d{2}-?\d{4}$/); }; /** * Return whether or not the value is a valid string. Appropriate * options are min or max (or both). Whitespace is not * considered. */ $.Guards.prototype.isValidString = function(value, options) { value = $.trim(value); return this.isValidInt("" + value.length, options); }; /** * Validates the given value matches the given regex. */ $.Guards.prototype.matchesRegex = function(value, regex) { if ($.type(regex) === "object" && regex.pattern) { regex = new RegExp(regex.pattern); } if ($.type(regex) !== "regexp") { throw new Error("The regex must be provided as an option!"); } return value === "" || regex.test(value); }; /** * This guard test method is intended to never fail, thus it * returns true no matter what. It is intended to be used to set * up a guard that is triggered manually via triggerError(). */ $.Guards.prototype.never = function() { return true; }; /** * This is a utility function to act like isAnyValid or * isAllValid, except instead of aggregating the function results, * it passes the arguments on to the function and returns the * results. It makes the argument an array always. * * Example: $.guards.passThrough([true, false, true], function(x) { return x[1]; }); // false * Example: $.guards.passThrough(true, function(x) { return x[0]; }); // true */ $.Guards.prototype.passThrough = function(values, fn) { if (!$.isArray(values)) { values = [values]; } return fn(values); }; /** * Guard all elements with the specified jQuery selector. Using * is implicitly called with $.guards.defaults.guard, which * defaults to "required". Note that it is simpler to use * $.guard(selector) instead of $.guards.add(selector). * * Example: $.guards.add(".validPhone").using("phoneUS"); * Example: $.guards.add(".custom").using(function(value, element) { * return value !== "invalid"; * }).message("Don't use the keyword 'invalid'."); * Example: $.guards.add(".custom").grouped().using(function(values, elements) { * return $.inArray("invalid", values) == -1; * }).target("#custom-error-location").tag("div") * .message("Don't use the keyword 'invalid'."); */ $.Guards.prototype.add = function(selector) { var guard = new $.Guard({ selector: selector, guards: this }); this._guards.push(guard); return guard; }; /** * Clear all errors on the form's guard fields, then invoke each * guard on the fields in order and guard them, adding errors * along the way as needed. Once done, focus the first visible * field with an error. */ $.Guards.prototype.guard = function(form) { var fields = form.guardableFields().clearErrors(); var result = this.applyGuards(function() { return fields; }); fields.filter(":visible:has-error").eq(0).focus(); return result; }; /** * Apply all the guards to the fields returned from the given * callback. The callback will receive the guard, and is expected * to return the fields to guard against. If it returns false, * that guard is skipped and does not affect the return value. */ $.Guards.prototype.applyGuards = function(callback) { var result = true; var self = this; $.each(this._guards, function(index, guard) { var fields = callback(guard); if (fields !== false && !self.test(guard, fields)) { result = false; } }); $.each(this.named, function(name, guard) { var fields = callback(guard); if (fields !== false && !self.test(guard, fields)) { result = false; } }); return result; }; /** * Use the given guard to test the given guarded fields. Errors * will be applied if the field doesn't have an error yet. */ $.Guards.prototype.test = function(guard, fields) { if (guard.isGrouped()) { return guard.test(fields); } var result = true; fields.each(function() { if (!guard.test(this)) { result = false; } }); return result; }; $.Guards.prototype.triggerImmediateDataErrors = function() { var self = this; $("[data-immediate-guard-error]").each(function() { var guard = new $.Guard({ selector: this, guards: self }); var $this = $(this); guard.using("never").message($this.data("immediate-guard-error") || ""); guard.triggerError(); $this.removeAttr("data-immediate-guard-error"); }); }; $.Guard = function(options) { this.name = options.name; this._named = options.named; this._guards = options.guards || $.guards; this._selector = options.selector; this._guard = null; if (options.named && !options.selector && this._guards.isValidDataName(options.name)) { this._selector = "[data-guard~='" + options.name + "']"; } if (!options.named) { this.using(this._guards.defaults.guard); } }; $.Guard.prototype.cloneGuard = function(guard, args) { var self = this; var namedGuard = this._guards.named[guard]; if (this._guards.isNullOrUndefined(namedGuard)) { throw new Error("There is no named guard '" + guard + "'"); } var copyAttribute = function(attribute) { if (self[attribute] !== undefined || namedGuard[attribute] === undefined) { return; } self[attribute] = namedGuard[attribute]; }; copyAttribute("_grouped"); copyAttribute("_tag"); copyAttribute("_messageClass"); copyAttribute("_invalidClass"); copyAttribute("_target"); copyAttribute("_precondition"); this._guard = namedGuard._guard; this._guardArguments = args; this.name = guard; return this.message(namedGuard._message); }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section using * @signature guard.using(name | customFunction) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Guard inputs with the specified name guard, or with a custom function. If the first argument * provided is a string, it must correspond to a named guard. This may be one of the * default named guards, or a guard named via * $.guards.name(name). Additional arguments * may be given as options to the named guard. All attributes specified by the named guard * will be copied over when the using method is invoked. *

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* Alternatively, a function may be provided as the custom guard function. This function is invoked * when guards are being tested with the value of the element guarded, and the element being * guarded. If the guard is grouped, it will be an array of values with the corresponding array * of elements. *

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* Required field *

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* Field must not be 'invalid' *

* *

* One must be 'test' *

*/ $.Guard.prototype.using = function(guard) { if (typeof(guard) === "string") { var args = []; if (arguments.length > 1) { args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1); } return this.cloneGuard(guard, args); } this._guard = guard; return this.message(this._guards.defaults.messages["undefined"]); }; $.Guard.prototype.getPrecondition = function() { if (this._precondition === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.precondition; } return this._precondition; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section precondition * @signature guard.precondition(preconditionFunction) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Specify a precondition for this guard. A parameter is required with the precondition * function. This function accepts the element and element value as the parameters, like * a custom guard function. The precondition is executed before the guard when any given * input is about to be guarded. If the precondition returns false explicitly, the guard * will not be executed and the field will be considered valid. Any other return value * means the precondition passed (even no return). If the guard is grouped, the parameters * will be the array of values and elements (like for a custom guard function). *

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* *
* Guarded with required if the checkbox is checked *

*/ $.Guard.prototype.precondition = function(fn) { this._precondition = fn; return this; }; $.Guard.prototype.isGrouped = function() { if (this._grouped === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.grouped; } return this._grouped; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section grouped * @signature guard.grouped([true | false]) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Mark this guard as being grouped. A grouped guard will guard all affected elements * at once, instead of individually. Each guarded element with an error will still be marked * as an error, but only one error message will be added. Custom guard functions will receive * all elements and their values at once instead of individually. By default, a guard is * not considered grouped. Name guards, however, carry their grouped status on, so a guard * using oneRequired, * different, and * same will be grouped by default. *

* *

* If no argument is given, the guard will be marked as grouped, otherwise the parameter is * exoected to be a boolean indicating whether the guard should be grouped. *

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* These are effectively guarded with 'required' now *

* *

* One must be 'test' *

*/ $.Guard.prototype.grouped = function() { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.grouped(true); } this._grouped = arguments[0]; return this; }; $.Guard.prototype.getTag = function() { if (this._tag === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.tag; } return this._tag; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section tag * @signature guard.tag(htmlTag) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Change the tag type that surrounds the error message. By default, a span tag is * used. *

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*/ $.Guard.prototype.tag = function(tag) { this._tag = tag; return this.resetMessageFn(); }; $.Guard.prototype.getMessageClass = function() { if (this._messageClass === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.messageClass; } return this._messageClass; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section messageClass * @signature guard.messageClass(cssClass) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Change what class is used for error messages added due to failed guards. By default, the * error element has the class error-message, but that class will not be userd * if a different one is specified with this method. *

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*/ $.Guard.prototype.messageClass = function(messageClass) { this._messageClass = messageClass; return this.resetMessageFn(); }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section message * @signature guard.message(errorMessage) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Customize the error message displayed if the guard fails. The * default named guards * have messages already defined, but they may be changed with this method. *

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*/ $.Guard.prototype.message = function(message) { this._message = message; return this.resetMessageFn(); }; $.Guard.prototype.getInvalidClass = function() { if (this._invalidClass === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.invalidClass; } return this._invalidClass; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section invalidClass * @signature guard.invalidClass(cssClass) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Change what class is added to invalid fields. By default, the invalid class added is * invalid, but that class will not be added if a different one is specified * with this method. *

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*/ $.Guard.prototype.invalidClass = function(invalidClass) { this._invalidClass = invalidClass; return this; }; $.Guard.prototype.resetMessageFn = function() { var self = this; return this.messageFn(function(elements) { var msg = self._message; var dataMsg = self.getGuardDataArguments(elements, "message", true); if (dataMsg !== null) { msg = dataMsg; } else if ($.isFunction(msg)) { msg = msg.apply(self, self.getGuardArguments(elements)); } return $('<' + self.getTag() + ' class="' + self.getMessageClass() + '"/>').html(msg); }); }; $.Guard.prototype.messageFn = function(messageFn) { this._messageFn = messageFn; return this; }; $.Guard.prototype.errorElement = function(elements) { var element = this._messageFn(elements); element[0].isGuardError = true; return element; }; $.Guard.prototype.attachError = function(elements, errorElement) { var target = this.getTarget(); if (target && $.isFunction(target)) { var result = target.call(elements, errorElement); if (result !== false) { errorElement.appendTo($(result).eq(0)); } } else if (target) { errorElement.appendTo($(target).eq(0)); } else { throw new Error("The target must be a function or selector!"); } }; $.Guard.prototype.getTarget = function() { if (this._target === undefined) { return this._guards.defaults.target; } return this._target; }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section target * @signature guard.target(selector | targetingFunction) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Specify where the error will be placed in the DOM when this guard fails. The argument can be * a jQuery selector, element, set of elements, jQuery selected set of elements, or a function. * If the argument is anything except a function, it will be passed to the jQuery function and * the first element will be retrieved and used as the place to append the error message. * If it is a function, the function may either insert the error message itself, or return the * location to place the error message. *

* *

* When provided a function, the function will be called when an error has happened. The function's * this reference will be set to the error element (or set of elements in the case of * a grouped guard) that had the error. The argument will be the error message element that will be * appended. When false is returned, the function is expected to have inserted the * provided error message in the DOM. Otherwise, the return value is expected to be a jQuery * selector, element, set of elements or jQuery selected set of elements of which the first will * have the error element appended to it. *

* *

* The default behavior is to append the error message after the last error element that is guarded. * If the last element is a radio button or checkbox, it will be appended after the first sibling * of the radio button or checkbox, which is expected to be the label for the radio button or * checkbox. If there is already a guard error message there, it will be appended after the last * guard error message (so guard messages show up in the proper order as they are specified). *

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* * Error message targeted with selector: * *

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* * Error message targeted with function: * *

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* * Error message inserted manually: * *

*/ $.Guard.prototype.target = function(target) { this._target = target; return this; }; // Determine if the guard applies to given element(s) $.Guard.prototype.appliesTo = function(element) { return $(element).filter(this._selector).size() > 0; }; $.Guard.prototype.getGuardDataArguments = function(elements, attributeName, includeForm) { if (this._guards.isNullOrUndefined(elements)) { return null; } var $elements = $(elements); if ($elements.size() === 0 || this._guards.isNullOrUndefined(this.name) || !this._guards.isValidDataName(this.name)) { return null; } var dashedAttrPrefix = "guard-" + this.name + "-"; if (attributeName) { dashedAttrPrefix = dashedAttrPrefix + attributeName; } var result = null; var attrPrefix = this._guards.camelize(dashedAttrPrefix.replace(/-+$/, "")); var data = $elements.data() || {}; if (includeForm) { var formData = $elements.parents("form:first").data() || {}; data = $.extend({}, formData, data); } $.each(data, function(key, value) { var isDashed = key.indexOf(dashedAttrPrefix) === 0; if (key.indexOf(attrPrefix) !== 0 && !isDashed) { return; } var attrName; if (isDashed) { attrName = key.substring(dashedAttrPrefix.length, key.length); } else { attrName = key.substring(attrPrefix.length, key.length); } if (!isDashed) { // Un-capitalize the first letter attrName = attrName.replace(/^(.)/, function(all, letter) { return letter.toLowerCase(); }); } if (attributeName) { // Grabbing just this attribute, so must be an exact // match, and only 1 result if (attrName === "") { result = value; return false; } else { return; } } if (result === null) { result = {}; } result[attrName] = value; }); return result; }; $.Guard.prototype.getGuardArguments = function(elements) { var result = this._guardArguments; if (this._guards.isNullOrUndefined(result)) { result = []; } // Currently only support single argument hash types for data // attribute arguments overriding javascript arguments if (result.length > 1 || (result.length === 1 && $.type(result[0]) !== "object")) { return result; } var dataArgs = this.getGuardDataArguments(elements); if (!this._guards.isNullOrUndefined(dataArgs)) { if (result.length === 1) { result[0] = $.extend({}, result[0], dataArgs); } else { result.push(dataArgs); } } return result; }; // Tests this guard against element(s). Element(s) should be field elements. Returns false // but doesn't apply guard if there are already errors detected. Returns true if the selector // defined for this guard doesn't apply to this element(s). Otherwise applies and adds an // error if it fails. $.Guard.prototype.test = function(element) { var self = this; var $elements = $(element).filter(this._selector); if ($elements.size() === 0) { return true; } if (!this._guards.options.stackErrors && $elements.hasErrors()) { return false; } var result, elements, values; // Grouped expects a group of elements, while non-grouped // expects a single element. if (this.isGrouped()) { values = []; elements = []; $elements.each(function() { values.push($(this).inputValue(self._guards)); elements.push(this); }); } else { values = $elements.inputValue(this._guards); elements = element; } if (!this.testPrecondition(values, elements)) { result = true; } else { try { var guardFn = this._guard; if (guardFn.acceptsArguments) { guardFn = this._guard.apply(this._guards, this.getGuardArguments(elements)); } result = guardFn(values, elements); } catch(e) { this._guards.log("A guard threw an error: " + e); result = false; } } if (!result) { this.triggerError($elements); } return result; }; // Test the precondition, if there is one. Returns true if there is none, or if it // doesn't return false. Returns false if the precondition throws an exception or if // the precondition returns false. No return, undefined, null, 0 or anything else is // considered passing. $.Guard.prototype.testPrecondition = function(values, elements) { var precondition = this.getPrecondition(); if (!precondition) { return true; } try { return precondition(values, elements) !== false; } catch(e) { this._guards.log("A precondition threw an error: " + e); return false; } }; /** * @page Guard Type * @section triggerError * @signature guard.triggerError([selector]) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Exlicitly trigger an error for this guard on all elements provided to this function. * The argument provided is wrapped as a jQuery object, so it may be a selector, jQuery * object, element, or array of elements (or anything valid for a jQuery object). Note * that the elements provided will have the guard applied, regardless of whether they * match the guard selector. *

* *

* This method may alternatively be invoked with no arguments. If this is done, the * selector used with the guard is used to select the elents to trigger the guard error. *

* *
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* Triggered with a different selector *

* *

* Triggered using the guard's selector *

*/ $.Guard.prototype.triggerError = function() { var elements; if (arguments.length === 0) { elements = this._selector; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { elements = arguments[0]; } else { throw new Error("Expected 0 or 1 argument to triggerError, got " + arguments.length); } if (this.isGrouped()) { $(elements).addSingleError(this); } else { $(elements).addError(this); } return this; }; $.Guard.prototype.sendEvent = function(name, selectedElements, forForm, errorMessageElement) { var event = $.Event(name); event.guard = this; event.errorElements = selectedElements.toArray(); var target = selectedElements; if (forForm) { target = target.parents("form"); } if (errorMessageElement) { event.errorMessage = $(errorMessageElement)[0]; } target.trigger(event); return event; }; $.GuardError = function(guard, element, errorElement, linked) { this._guard = guard; this._element = element; this._errorElement = errorElement; this._linked = linked; this._cleared = false; }; /** * Clear this error and any errors linked with it (grouped guards * and radio buttons cause all elements involved to be linked). */ $.GuardError.prototype.clear = function(forLinked) { if (this._cleared) { return; } var selected = []; var $selected; if (!forLinked) { for (var i = 0; i < this._linked.length; i++) { selected.push(this._linked[i]._element); } $selected = $(selected); var clearGuardErrorPrevented = this._guard.sendEvent("clearGuardError", $selected, false, this._errorElement).isDefaultPrevented(); var clearGuardFormErrorPrevented = this._guard.sendEvent("clearGuardFormError", $selected, true, this._errorElement).isDefaultPrevented(); if (clearGuardErrorPrevented || clearGuardFormErrorPrevented) { return; } } this._errorElement.remove(); var index = $.inArray(this, this._element.errors); var $element = $(this._element); if (index >= 0) { this._element.errors.splice(index, 1); } if (!$element.hasErrorsWithInvalidClass(this._guard.getInvalidClass())) { $element.removeClass(this._guard.getInvalidClass()); } this._cleared = true; while (this._linked.length > 0) { this._linked.shift().clear(true); } if (!forLinked) { this._guard.sendEvent("afterClearGuardError", $selected, false); this._guard.sendEvent("afterClearGuardFormError", $selected, true); } }; /** * Find any applicable fields for this selected item. Applicable * fields are any inputs, textareas or selects. */ $.fn.guardableFields = function() { return this.find(":guardable"); }; /** * @page jQuery Methods * @section guard * @signature selected.guard() * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Clear any guard errors present on the form fields within the selected form (or other * containing element around form elements), and then test each element in order against * each guard in the order the guards were defined. If any of the fields had an error, * focus the first such field. *

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*/ $.fn.guard = function() { return $.guards.guard(this); }; /** * Explicitly trigger the given guard's error all the selected * elements. Note that the selected elements don't have to be * valid for this guard to be applied. This is equivalent to * calling guard.triggerError($this); */ $.fn.triggerError = function(guard) { guard.triggerError(this); }; /** * Add a single error message, but mark every selected element as * in error pointing to the single error message. This differs * from addError because addError will add a new error message for * each selected element instead of just 1. */ $.fn.addSingleError = function(guard) { if (this.size() === 0) { $.guards.log("Attempted to add error to nothing."); return this; } // Don't add the error if it is already there. if (this.hasError(guard)) { return this; } var guardErrorPrevented = guard.sendEvent("guardError", this).isDefaultPrevented(); var guardFormErrorPrevented = guard.sendEvent("guardFormError", this, true).isDefaultPrevented(); if (guardErrorPrevented || guardFormErrorPrevented) { return this; } var element = guard.errorElement(this); guard.attachError(this, element); this.addClass(guard.getInvalidClass()); var linked = []; this.each(function() { if (!this.errors) { this.errors = []; } var error = new $.GuardError(guard, this, element, linked); linked.push(error); this.errors.push(error); }); guard.sendEvent("afterGuardError", this, false, element); guard.sendEvent("afterGuardFormError", this, true, element); return this; }; /** * Add an error message to each of the selected elements, with an * optional error target to place it. The target can be a * selector, though it will use the first selected element as the * target. */ $.fn.addError = function(guard) { var radiosAdded = {}; return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.is(":radio")) { var name = $this.attr("name"); if (radiosAdded[name]) { return; } radiosAdded[name] = true; var context = guard._guards.parentContext($this); var radios = $("input[name='" + name + "']:radio", context); radios.addSingleError(guard); } else { $this.addSingleError(guard); } }); }; /** * Obtain all errors attached to the selected elements. */ $.fn.errors = function() { var result = []; this.each(function() { if (this.errors && this.errors.length > 0) { result.push.apply(result, this.errors); } }); return result; }; /** * @page jQuery Methods * @section clearErrors * @signature selected.clearErrors() * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Clear any guard errors on the selected elements. *

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*/ $.fn.clearErrors = function() { $.each(this.errors(), function(index, error) { error.clear(); }); return this; }; /** * Determine if the given guard already has an error in the * selected elements. */ $.fn.hasError = function(guard) { var result = false; $.each(this.errors(), function(i, error) { if (error._guard === guard) { result = true; return false; } }); return result; }; /** * Determine if any errors exist in the selected elements. */ $.fn.hasErrors = function() { return this.errors().length > 0; }; $.fn.hasErrorsWithInvalidClass = function(invalidClass) { var result = false; $.each(this.errors(), function(i, error) { if (error._guard.getInvalidClass() === invalidClass) { result = true; return false; } }); return result; }; /** * Obtain the value of the first selected input. This differs * from val() in that it will properly get the value of a set of * radio buttons. */ $.fn.inputValue = function(guards) { guards = guards || $.guards; if (this.is(":radio")) { var checked = $("input[name='" + this.attr("name") + "']:radio:checked", guards.parentContext(this)); if (checked.size() === 0) { return guards.constants.notChecked; } return checked.val(); } if (this.is(":checkbox")) { if (this.is(":checked")) { return this.val(); } return guards.constants.notChecked; } return this.val(); }; /** * Enable guards of this form by attaching a submit button to it * that returns the result of calling guard(). This will block * any other submit event handlers and prevent the form from being * submitted if guarding fails. */ $.fn.enableGuards = function() { return this.bind("submit", $.guards.defaults.submitCallback); }; /** * Disable form submit callbacks set up via the enableGuards * function. */ $.fn.disableGuards = function() { return this.unbind("submit", $.guards.defaults.submitCallback); }; /** * @page Global Functions * @section enableGuards * @signature jQuery.enableGuards(selector) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Enable guards for a given selector. This will turn on live submit events to guard * the children of the selected forms/elements. Since these are live events, this * function need not be called when the elements actually exist (so they need not be in * a DOM onready handler). *

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*/ $.enableGuards = function(selector) { $.guards.enableGuards(selector); }; /** * @page Global Functions * @section disableGuards * @signature jQuery.disableGuards(selector) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Disable guards that was previously enabled for the given selector. *

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*/ $.disableGuards = function(selector) { $.guards.disableGuards(selector); }; /** * @page Global Functions * @section liveGuard * @signature jQuery.liveGuard(selector) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Enable live guards for a given selector. This will turn on live submit, change and blur * events to guard the children of the selected forms/elements. Since these are live events, * this function need not be called when the elements actually exist (so they need not be in * a DOM onready handler). *

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*/ $.liveGuard = function(selector) { $.guards.liveGuard(selector); }; /** * @page Global Functions * @section disableLiveGuard * @signature jQuery.disableLiveGuard(selector) * @since 1.0.0 * *

* Disable live guards that was previously enabled for the given selector. *

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*/ $.disableLiveGuard = function(selector) { $.guards.disableLiveGuard(selector); }; $.extend($.expr[":"], { /** * @page jQuery Methods * @section :has-error * @signature jQuery("selector:has-error") * @since 1.0.0 * *

* This is a jQuery selector that can be used to select elements that currently have an error. *

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*/ "has-error": function(x) { return !!(x.errors && x.errors.length > 0); }, "guardable": function(x) { var tagName = x.tagName.toLowerCase(); return tagName === "input" || tagName === "textarea" || tagName === "select" || tagName === "button"; } }); $.guards = new $.Guards(); // Clear errors when the user expresses intent to fix the errors. var clearFn = function() { $(this).clearErrors(); }; $.guards.on(":has-error", "change", clearFn); $.guards.on(":has-error:radio,:has-error:checkbox", "mouseup", clearFn); $.guards.on("select:has-error", "mousedown", clearFn); // Make sure we don't clear it if there was no error when the // keydown happened, otherwise a submit on enter will have the // error flash and then go away on the keyup. $.guards.on(":has-error", "keydown", function() { this.clearable = true; }); $.guards.on(":has-error", "keyup", function() { if (this.clearable) { this.clearable = false; $(this).clearErrors(); } }); // Data driven guards $.liveGuard("[data-live-guarded]"); $.enableGuards("[data-guarded]"); $(function() { $.guards.triggerImmediateDataErrors(); }); })(jQuery);