this.CKAN = this.CKAN || {}; this.CKAN.Client = (function (CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined) { // Client constructor. Creates a new client for communicating with // the CKAN API. function Client(config) { this._environment = {}; this.configure(config || Client.defaults); _.bindAll(this, 'syncDataset', '_datasetConverter', 'syncGroup'); } // Default config parameters for the Client. Client.defaults = { apiKey: '', endpoint: '' }; // Extend the Client prototype with Backbone.Events to provide .bind(), // .unbind() and .trigger() methods. _.extend(Client.prototype, Backbone.Events, { cache: { dataset: new Backbone.Collection(), group: new Backbone.Collection() }, // Allows the implementor to specify an object literal of settings to // configure the current client. Options include: // // - apiKey: The API key for the current user to create/edit datasets. // - endpoint: The API endpoint to connect to. configure: function (config) { config = config || {}; if (config.endpoint) { config.endpoint = config.endpoint.replace(/\/$/, ''); config.restEndpoint = config.endpoint + '/api/2/rest'; config.searchEndpoint = config.endpoint + '/api/2/search'; } return this.environment(config); }, // Client environment getter/setter. Environment variables can be retrieved // by providing a key string, if the key does not exist the method will // return `undefined`. To set keys either a key value pair can be provided // or an object literal containing multiple key/value pairs. environment: function (key, value) { if (typeof key === "string") { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this._environment[key]; } this._environment[key] = value; } else { _.extend(this._environment, key); } return this; }, // Helper method to fetch datasets from the server. Using this method to // fetch datasets will ensure that only one instance of a model per server // resource exists on the page at one time. // // The method accepts the dataset `"id"` and an object of `"options"`, these // can be any options accepted by the `.fetch()` method on `Backbone.Model`. // If the model already exists it will simply be returned otherwise an empty // model will be returned and the data requested from the server. // // var dataset = client.getDatasetById('my-data-id', { // success: function () { // // The model is now populated. // }, // error: function (xhr) { // // Something went wrong check response status etc. // } // }); // getDatasetById: function (id, options) { var cache = this.cache.dataset, dataset = cache.get(id); var ourOptions = options || {}; if (!dataset) { dataset = this.createDataset({id: id}); // Add the stub dataset to the global cache to ensure that only one // is ever created. cache.add(dataset); // Fetch the dataset from the server passing in any options provided. // Also set up a callback to remove the model from the cache in // case of error. ourOptions.error = function () { cache.remove(dataset); }; // TODO: RP not sure i understand what this does and why it is needed dataset.fetch(ourOptions); } return dataset; }, // Helper method to create a new instance of CKAN.Model.Dataset and // register a sync listener to update the representation on the server when // the model is created/updated/deleted. // // var myDataset = client.createDataset({ // title: "My new data set" // }); // // This ensures that the models are always saved with the latest environment // data. createDataset: function (attributes) { return (new CKAN.Model.Dataset(attributes)).bind('sync', this.syncDataset); }, // A wrapper around Backbone.sync() that adds additional ajax options to // each request. These include the API key and the request url rather than // using the model to generate it. syncDataset: function (method, model, options) { // Get the package url. var url = this.environment('restEndpoint') + '/package'; // Add additional request options. options = _.extend({}, { url: model.isNew() ? url : url + '/' +, headers: { 'X-CKAN-API-KEY': this.environment('apiKey') } }, options); Backbone.sync(method, model, options); return this; }, // Performs a search for datasets against the CKAN API. The `options` // argument can contain any keys supported by jQuery.ajax(). The query // parameters should be provided in the `options.query` property. // // var query = client.searchDatasets({ // success: function (datasets) { // console.log(datasets); // Logs a Backbone.Collection // } // }); // // The `options.success` method (and any other success callbacks) will // recieve a `SearchCollection` containing `Dataset` models. The method // returns a jqXHR object so that additional callbacks can be registered // with .success() and .error(). searchDatasets: function (options) { options = options || {}; = _.defaults(options.query, {'limit': 10, 'all_fields': 1}); delete options.query; return $.ajax(_.extend({ url: this.environment('searchEndpoint') + '/package', converters: { 'text json': this._datasetConverter } }, options)); }, // A "converter" method for jQuery.ajax() this is used to convert the // results from a search API request into models which in turn will be // passed into any registered success callbacks. We do this here so that // _all_ registered success callbacks recieve the same data rather than // just the callback registered when the search was made. _datasetConverter: function (raw) { var json = $.parseJSON(raw), models =, function (attributes) { return this.createDataset(attributes); }, this); return new CKAN.Model.SearchCollection(models, {total: json.count}); }, getGroupById: function (id, options) { var cache =, group = cache.get(id); var ourOptions = options || {}; if (!group) { group = this.createGroup({id: id}); // Add the stub group to the global cache to ensure that only one // is ever created. cache.add(group); // Fetch the group from the server passing in any options provided. // Also set up a callback to remove the model from the cache in // case of error. ourOptions.error = function () { cache.remove(group); }; // TODO: RP not sure i understand what this does and why it is needed group.fetch(ourOptions); } return group; }, createGroup: function (attributes) { return (new CKAN.Model.Group(attributes)).bind('sync', this.syncGroup); }, // A wrapper around Backbone.sync() that adds additional ajax options to // each request. These include the API key and the request url rather than // using the model to generate it. syncGroup: function (method, model, options) { // Get the package url. var url = this.environment('restEndpoint') + '/group'; // Add additional request options. options = _.extend({}, { url: model.isNew() ? url : url + '/' +, headers: { 'X-CKAN-API-KEY': this.environment('apiKey') } }, options); Backbone.sync(method, model, options); return this; }, searchGroups: function (options) { options = options || {}; = _.defaults(options.query, {'limit': 10, 'all_fields': 1}); delete options.query; return $.ajax(_.extend({ url: this.environment('searchEndpoint') + '/package', converters: { 'text json': this._datasetConverter } }, options)); }, // Get a list of Groups by dataset count with option to filter by a specific existing group. getTopGroups: function(filterGroup, success, error) { var self = this; var data = { 'facet.field': 'groups', 'rows': 0 }; if (filterGroup) { data.fq = 'groups:' + filterGroup; } var options = { type: 'POST', offset: '/action/package_search', data: JSON.stringify(data), success: function(data) { var groups = processResults(data); success(groups); } }; function processResults(data) { var groups =, function(count, key) { return { id: key, count: count }; }); groups = _.sortBy(groups, function(item) { return -item.count; }); // TODO: exclude the group we filtered by ... var groupObjs =, function(groupInfo) { var group = self.getGroupById(; group.set({filtered_dataset_count: groupInfo.count}); return group; }); return groupObjs; } this.apiCall(options); }, // Performs a query on CKAN API. // The `options` argument can contain any keys supported by jQuery.ajax(). // In addition it should contain either a url or offset variable. If // offset provided it will be used to construct the full api url by // prepending the endpoint plus 'api' (i.e. offset of '/2/rest/package' // will become '{endpoint}/api/2/rest'. // // The `options.success` method (and any other success callbacks) will // recieve a `SearchCollection` containing `Dataset` models. The method // returns a jqXHR object so that additional callbacks can be registered // with .success() and .error(). apiCall: function (options) { options = options || {}; var offset = options.offset || ''; delete options.offset; // Add additional request options. options = _.extend({}, { url: this.environment('endpoint') + '/api' + offset, headers: { 'X-CKAN-API-KEY': this.environment('apiKey') } }, options); return $.ajax(options); }, // wrap CKAN /api/storage/auth/form - see // params and returns value are as for that API // key is file label/path getStorageAuthForm: function(key, options) { options.offset = '/storage/auth/form/' + key; this.apiCall(options); } }); return Client; })(this.CKAN, this.$, this._, this.Backbone); this.CKAN = this.CKAN || {}; // Global object that stores all CKAN models. CKAN.Model = function ($, _, Backbone, undefined) { var Model = {}; // Simple validator helper returns a `validate()` function that checks // the provided model keys and returns an error object if these do not // exist on the model or the attributes object provided.\ // // validate: validator('title', 'description', url) // function validator() { var required = arguments; return function (attrs) { var errors; if (attrs) { _.each(required, function (key) { if (!attrs[key] && !this.get(key)) { if (!errors) { errors = {}; } errors[key] = 'The "' + key + '" is required'; } }, this); } return errors; }; } // A Base model that all CKAN models inherit from. Methods that should be // shared across all models should be defined here. Model.Base = Backbone.Model.extend({ // Extend the default Backbone.Model constructor simply to provide a named // function. This improves debugging in consoles such as the Webkit inspector. constructor: function Base(attributes, options) { Backbone.Model.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, // Rather than letting the models connect to the server themselves we // leave this to the implementor to decide how models are saved. This allows // the API details such as API key and enpoints to change without having // to update the models. When `.save()` or `.destroy()` is called the // `"sync"` event will be published with the arguments provided to `.sync()`. // // var package = new Package({name: 'My Package Name'}); // package.bind('sync', Backbone.sync); // // This method returns itself for chaining. sync: function () { return this.trigger.apply(this, ['sync'].concat(_.toArray(arguments))); }, // Overrides the standard `toJSON()` method to serialise any nested // Backbone models and collections (or any other object that has a `toJSON()` // method). toJSON: function () { var obj = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments); _.each(obj, function (value, key) { if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.toJSON) { obj[key] = value.toJSON(); } }); return obj; } }); // Model objects Model.Dataset = Model.Base.extend({ constructor: function Dataset() { // Define an key/model mapping for child relationships. These will be // managed as a Backbone collection when setting/getting the key. this.children = { resources: Model.Resource, relationships: Model.Relationship }; Model.Base.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, defaults: { title: '', name: '', notes: '', resources: [], tags: [] }, // Override the `set()` method on `Backbone.Model` to handle resources as // relationships. This will now manually update the `"resouces"` collection // (using `_updateResources()`) with any `Resource` models provided rather // than replacing the key. set: function (attributes, options) { var children, validated; // If not yet defined set the child collections. This will be done when // set is called for the first time in the constructor. this._createChildren(); // Check to see if any child keys are present in the attributes and // remove them from the object. Then update them seperately after the // parent `set()` method has been called. _.each(this.children, function (Model, key) { if (attributes && attributes[key]) { if (!(attributes[key] instanceof Backbone.Collection)) { if (!children) { children = {}; } children[key] = attributes[key]; delete attributes[key]; } } }, this); validated =, attributes, options); // Ensure validation passed before updating child models. if (validated && children) { this._updateChildren(children); } return validated; }, // Checks to see if our model instance has Backbone collections defined for // child keys. If they do not exist it creates them. _createChildren: function () { _.each(this.children, function (Model, key) { if (!this.get(key)) { var newColl = new Backbone.Collection(); this.attributes[key] = newColl; newColl.model = Model; // bind change events so updating the children trigger change on Dataset var self = this; // TODO: do we want to do all or be more selective newColl.bind('all', function() { self.trigger('change'); }); } }, this); return this; }, // Manages the one to many relationship between resources and the dataset. // Accepts an array of Resources (ideally model instances but will convert // object literals into resources for you). New models will be added to the // collection and existing ones updated. Any pre-existing models not found // in the new array will be removed. _updateChildren: function (children) { _.each(children, function (models, key) { var collection = this.get(key), ids = {}; // Add/Update models. _.each(models, function (model) { var existing = collection.get(, isLiteral = !(model instanceof this.children[key]); // Provide the dataset key if not already there and current model is // not a relationship. if (isLiteral && key !== 'relationships') { model.dataset = this; delete model.package_id; } if (!existing) { collection.add(model); } else if (existing && isLiteral) { existing.set(model); } ids[] = 1; }, this); // Remove missing models. collection.remove( (model) { return !ids[]; })); }, this); return this; }, // NOTE: Returns localised URL. toTemplateJSON: function () { var out = this.toJSON(); var title = this.get('title'); out.displaytitle = title ? title : 'No title ...'; var notes = this.get('notes'); // Don't use a global Showdown; CKAN doesn't need that library var showdown = new Showdown.converter(); out.notesHtml = showdown.makeHtml(notes ? notes : ''); out.snippet = this.makeSnippet(out.notesHtml); return out; }, makeSnippet: function (notesHtml) { var out = $(notesHtml).text(); if (out.length > 190) { out = out.slice(0, 190) + ' ...'; } return out; } }); // A model for working with resources. Each resource is _required_ to have a // parent `Dataset`. This must be provided under the `"dataset"` key when the // `Resource` is created. This is handled for you when creating resources // via the `Dataset` `set()` method. // // The `save()`, `fetch()` and `delete()` methods are mapped to the parent // dataset and can be used to update a Resource's metadata. // // var resource = new Model.Resource({ // name: 'myresource.csv', // url: '', // dataset: dataset // }); // // // Updates the resource name on the server by saving the parent dataset // resource.set({name: 'Some new name'}); // Model.Resource = Model.Base.extend({ constructor: function Resource() { Model.Base.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, // Override the `save()` method to update the Resource with attributes then // call the parent dataset and save that. Any `options` provided will be // passed on to the dataset `save()` method. save: function (attrs, options) { var validated = this.set(attrs); if (validated) { return this.get('dataset').save({}, options); } return validated; }, // Override the `fetch()` method to call `fetch()` on the parent dataset. fetch: function (options) { return this.get('dataset').fetch(options); }, // Override the `fetch()` method to trigger the `"destroy"` event which // will remove it from any collections then save the parent dataset. destroy: function (options) { return this.trigger('destroy', this).get('dataset').save({}, options); }, // Override the `toJSON()` method to set the `"package_id"` key required // by the server. toJSON: function () { // Call Backbone.Model rather than Base to break the circular reference. var obj = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments); if (obj.dataset) { obj.package_id =; delete obj.dataset; } else { obj.package_id = null; } return obj; }, toTemplateJSON: function() { var obj = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments); obj.displaytitle = obj.description ? obj.description : 'No description ...'; return obj; }, // Validates the provided attributes. Returns an object literal of // attribute/error pairs if invalid, `undefined` otherwise. validate: validator('url') }); // Helper function that returns a stub method that warns the devloper that // this method has not yet been implemented. function apiPlaceholder(method) { var console = window.console; return function () { if (console && console.warn) { console.warn('The method "' + method + '" has not yet been implemented'); } return this; }; } // A model for working with relationship objects. These are currently just the // realtionship objects returned by the server wrapped in a `Base` model // instance. Currently there is no save or delete functionality. Model.Relationship = Model.Base.extend({ constructor: function Relationship() { Model.Base.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, // Add placeholder method that simply returns itself to all methods that // interact with the server. This will also log a warning message to the // developer into the console. save: apiPlaceholder('save'), fetch: apiPlaceholder('fetch'), destroy: apiPlaceholder('destroy'), // Validates the provided attributes. Returns an object literal of // attribute/error pairs if invalid, `undefined` otherwise. validate: validator('object', 'subject', 'type') }); // A model for working with relationship objects. These are currently just the // realtionship objects returned by the server wrapped in a `Base` model // instance. Currently there is no save or delete functionality. Model.Group = Model.Base.extend({ constructor: function Group() { Model.Base.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, toTemplateJSON: function () { var out = this.toJSON(); var description = this.get('description'); var showdown = new Showdown.converter(); out.descriptionHTML = showdown.makeHtml(description ? description : ''); out.snippet = this.makeSnippet(out.descriptionHTML); out.dataset_count = this.get('filtered_dataset_count') || this.get('packages').length; return out; }, makeSnippet: function (notesHtml) { var out = $(notesHtml).text(); if (out.length > 190) { out = out.slice(0, 190) + ' ...'; } return out; } }); Model.GroupCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ constructor: function GroupCollection(models, options) { Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } }); // Collection for managing results from the CKAN search API. An additional // `` parameter can be provided on initialisation to // indicate how many models there are on the server in total. This can // then be accessed via the `total` property. Model.SearchCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ constructor: function SearchCollection(models, options) { if (options) { =; } Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } }); return Model; }(this.jQuery, this._, this.Backbone); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.UI = function($) { var my = {}; my.Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "": "index", "search/:query/p:page": "search", "search/:query": "search", "search": "search", "dataset/:id/view": "datasetView", "dataset/:id/edit": "datasetEdit", "dataset/:datasetId/resource/:resourceId": "resourceView", "add-dataset": "datasetAdd", "add-resource": "resourceAdd", "config": "config" }, initialize: function(options) { var self = this; // nasty - we set this as global singleton in this namespace // want to change this but have dependency from resource create on CKAN.UI.workspace my.workspace = this; var defaultConfig = { endpoint: '', apiKey: '' }; var _cfg = options ? options.config : {}; this.config = _.extend({}, defaultConfig, _cfg); this.client = new CKAN.Client(this.config); if (this.config.fixtures && this.config.fixtures.datasets) { $.each(this.config.fixtures.datasets, function(idx, obj) { var collection = self.client.cache.dataset; collection.add(new CKAN.Model.Dataset(obj)); }); } var newPkg = this.client.createDataset(); var newCreateView = new CKAN.View.DatasetEditView({model: newPkg, el: $('#dataset-add-page')}); newCreateView.render(); var newResource = new CKAN.Model.Resource({ dataset: newPkg }); var newResourceEditView = new CKAN.View.ResourceEditView({model: newResource, el: $('#add-resource-page')}); newResourceEditView.render(); this.searchView = new CKAN.View.DatasetSearchView({ client: this.client, el: $('#search-page') }); // set up top bar search $('.search-form').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var _el = $(; var _q = _el.find('input[name="q"]').val();; }); var configView = new CKAN.View.ConfigView({ el: $('#config-page'), config: this.config }); $(document).bind('config:update', function(e, cfg) { self.client.configure(cfg); }); this.notificationView = new CKAN.View.NotificationView({ el: $('.flash-banner-box') }); }, switchView: function(view) { $('.page-view').hide(); $('#sidebar .widget-list').empty(); $('#minornavigation').empty(); $('#' + view + '-page').show(); }, index: function(query, page) { this.switchView("home"); }, search: function(query, page) { this.searchView.doSearch(query); this.navigate('search' + '/' + query); this.switchView('search'); $('.page-heading').html('Search'); }, _findDataset: function(id, callback) { var pkg = this.client.getDatasetById(id); if (pkg===undefined) { pkg = this.client.createDataset({id: id}); pkg.fetch({ success: callback, error: function() { alert('There was an error'); } }); } else { callback(pkg); } }, datasetView: function(id) { var self = this; self.switchView('view'); var $viewpage = $('#view-page'); this._findDataset(id, function (model) { var newView = new CKAN.View.DatasetFullView({ model: model, el: $viewpage }); newView.render(); }); }, datasetEdit: function(id) { this.switchView('dataset-edit'); $('.page-heading').html('Edit Dataset'); function _show(model) { var newView = new CKAN.View.DatasetEditView({model: model}); $('#dataset-edit-page').html(newView.render().el); } this._findDataset(id, _show) }, datasetAdd: function() { this.switchView('dataset-add'); $('.page-heading').html('Add Dataset'); $('#sidebar .widget-list').empty(); }, resourceView: function(datasetId, resourceId) { this.switchView('resource-view'); var $viewpage = $('#resource-view-page'); this._findDataset(datasetId, function (model) { var resource = model.get('resources').get(resourceId); var newView = new CKAN.View.ResourceView({ model: resource, el: $viewpage }); newView.render(); }); }, resourceAdd: function() { this.switchView('add-resource'); }, config: function() { this.switchView('config'); }, }); my.url = function(controller, action, id) { if (id) { return '#' + controller + '/' + id + '/' + action; } else { return '#' + controller + '/' + action; } } return my; }(jQuery); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.ConfigView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.cfg = {}; this.$ckanUrl = this.el.find('input[name=ckan-url]'); this.$apikey = this.el.find('input[name=ckan-api-key]'); var cfg = this.options.config; this.$ckanUrl.val(cfg.endpoint); this.$apikey.val(cfg.apiKey); }, events: { 'submit #config-form': 'updateConfig' }, updateConfig: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.saveConfig(); CKAN.View.flash('Saved configuration'); }, saveConfig: function() { this.cfg = { 'endpoint': this.$ckanUrl.val(), 'apiKey': this.$apikey.val() }; $.event.trigger('config:update', this.cfg); } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.DatasetEditView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: ' \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ ', initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'saveData', 'render'); this.model.bind('change', this.render); }, render: function() { tmplData = { dataset: this.model.toTemplateJSON() } var tmpl = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData); $(this.el).html(tmpl); return this; }, events: { 'submit form.dataset': 'saveData', 'click .previewable-textarea a': 'togglePreview', 'click .dataset-form-navigation a': 'showFormPart' }, showFormPart: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var action = $([0].href.split('#')[1]; $('.dataset-form-navigation a').removeClass('selected'); $('.dataset-form-navigation a[href=#' + action + ']').addClass('selected'); }, saveData: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.set(this.getData());{}, { success: function(model) { CKAN.View.flash('Saved dataset'); window.location.hash = '#dataset/' + + '/view'; }, error: function(model, error) { CKAN.View.flash('Error saving dataset ' + error.responseText, 'error'); } }); }, getData: function() { var _data = $(this.el).find('form.dataset').serializeArray(); modelData = {}; $.each(_data, function(idx, value) { modelData['--')[1]] = value.value }); return modelData; }, togglePreview: function(e) { // set model data as we use it below for notesHtml this.model.set(this.getData()); e.preventDefault(); var el = $(; var action = el.attr('action'); var div = el.closest('.previewable-textarea'); div.find('.tabs a').removeClass('selected'); div.find('.tabs a[action='+action+']').addClass('selected'); var textarea = div.find('textarea'); var preview = div.find('.preview'); if (action=='preview') { preview.html(this.model.toTemplateJSON().notesHtml); textarea.hide();; } else {; preview.hide(); } return false; } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function (CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined) { CKAN.View.DatasetListing = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', constructor: function DatasetListing() { Backbone.View.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments); _.bindAll(this, 'addItem', 'removeItem'); this.el = $(this.el); this.setCollection(this.collection); }, setCollection: function (collection) { if (this.collection) { this.collection.unbind('add', this.addItem); this.collection.unbind('remove', this.removeItem); } this.collection = collection; if (collection) { this.collection.bind('add', this.addItem); this.collection.bind('remove', this.removeItem); } return this.render(); }, addItem: function (model) { var view = new CKAN.View.DatasetListingItem({ domian: this.options.domain, model: model });, view).append(view.render().el); return this; }, removeItem: function (model) { var view =; if (view) { view.remove(); } return this; }, render: function () { this.el.empty(); if (this.collection) { this.collection.each(this.addItem); } return this; }, remove: function () { this.setCollection(null); return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); } }); CKAN.View.DatasetListingItem = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'dataset summary', template: '\
\ \ {{displaytitle}} \ \
\ {{#formats.length}} \ \ {{/formats.length}} \
\ {{{snippet}}} \
\ {{#tags.length}} \ \ {{/tags.length}} \
\ ', initialize: function() { this.el = $(this.el); }, render: function () { var dataset = this.model.toTemplateJSON(); // if 'UI' mode ... var urls = {}; if (CKAN.UI) { urls.datasetView = CKAN.UI.url('dataset', 'view',; } else { urls.datasetView = dataset.ckan_url; } var data = _.extend(dataset, { dataset: dataset, formats: this._availableFormats(), urls: urls }); this.el.html(Mustache.render(this.template, data)); return this; }, _availableFormats: function () { var formats = this.model.get('resources').map(function (resource) { return resource.get('format'); }); return _.uniq(_.compact(formats)); } }); })(CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.DatasetSearchView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'submit .search-form': 'onSearch' }, initialize: function(options) { var view = this; // Temporarily provide the view with access to the client for searching. this.client = options.client; this.$results = this.el.find('.results'); this.$datasetList = this.$results.find('.datasets'); this.$dialog = this.el.find('.dialog'); this.resultView = new CKAN.View.DatasetListing({ collection: new Backbone.Collection(), el: this.$datasetList }); _.bindAll(this, "render"); }, render: function() { this.$('.count').html(this.totalResults); this.hideSpinner(); this.$; return this; }, onSearch: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var q = $(this.el).find('').val(); this.doSearch(q); }, doSearch: function (q) { $(this.el).find('').val(q), self = this; this.showSpinner(); this.$results.hide(); this.$results.find('.datasets').empty(); this.client.searchDatasets({ query: {q:q}, success: function (collection) { self.totalResults =; self.resultView.setCollection(collection); self.render(); } }); }, showSpinner: function() { this.$dialog.empty(); this.$dialog.html('

Loading results...

'); this.$; }, hideSpinner: function() { this.$dialog.empty().hide(); } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; // // TODO: Move this somewhere more central if reused? Handlebars.registerHelper('eachkeys', function(context, options) { var fn = options.fn, inverse = options.inverse; var ret = ""; var empty = true; var value; for (key in context) { empty = false; break; } if (!empty) { for (key in context) { value = context[key]; // Make links clickable. if (value.match(/^http/)) { value = new Handlebars.SafeString("" + value + ""); } ret = ret + fn({ 'key': key, 'value': value}); } } else { ret = inverse(this); } return ret; }); (function(my, $) { my.DatasetFullView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: ' \
\ \


\ {{dataset.snippet}} \
\ {{#if dataset.resources}} \


\ \ \ \ \ \ \ {{#dataset.resources}} \ \ \ \ \ {{/dataset.resources}} \
\ \ {{name}} \ {{^name}} \ {{id}} \ {{/name}} \ \ {{#if description}} \ - {{description}} \ {{/if}} \ {{format}}Download \
\ {{/if}} \

Additional Information

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {{#eachkeys dataset.extras}} \ \ \ \ \ {{/eachkeys}} \ \


\ {{dataset.license_title}} \ {{#if dataset.isopen}} \ \ [Open Data] \ \ {{else}} \ \ None Not openly licensed. \ \ {{/if}} \
\ {{#if dataset.tags}} \


    \ {{#dataset.tags}} \
  • {{.}}
  • \ {{/dataset.tags}} \
\ {{/if}} \
\ ', templateSidebar: ' \
  • \


    \ \ {{^dataset.relationships}} \ No connections to other datasets. \ {{/dataset.relationships}} \
  • \ ', initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'render'); this.model.bind('change', this.render); // slightly painful but we have to set this up here so // it has access to self because when called this will // be overridden and refer to the element in dom that // was being saved var self = this; this.saveFromEditable = function(value, settings) { var _attribute = $(this).attr('backbone-attribute'); var _data = {}; _data[_attribute] = value; self.model.set(_data);{}, { success: function(model) { CKAN.View.flash('Saved updated notes'); }, error: function(model, error) { CKAN.View.flash('Error saving notes ' + error.responseText, 'error'); } }); // do not worry too much about what we return here // because update of model will automatically lead to // re-render return value; }; }, events: { 'click .action-add-resource': 'showResourceAdd' }, render: function() { var tmplData = { domain: this.options.domain, dataset: this.model.toTemplateJSON(), }; var template = Handlebars.compile(this.template); t = template; $('.page-heading').html(tmplData.dataset.displaytitle); $('#sidebar .widget-list').html(Mustache.render(this.templateSidebar, tmplData)); this.el.html(template(tmplData)); this.setupEditable(); return this; }, setupEditable: function() { var self = this; this.el.find('.editable-area').editable( self.saveFromEditable, { type : 'textarea', cancel : 'Cancel', submit : 'OK', tooltip : 'Click to edit...', onblur : 'ignore', data : function(value, settings) { var _attribute = $(this).attr('backbone-attribute'); return self.model.get(_attribute); } } ); }, showResourceAdd: function(e) { var self = this; e.preventDefault(); var $el = $('
    ').addClass('resource-add-dialog'); $('body').append($el); var resource = new CKAN.Model.Resource({ 'dataset': self.model }); function handleNewResourceSave(model) { var res = self.model.get('resources'); res.add(model); $el.dialog('close');{}, { success: function(model) { CKAN.View.flash('Saved dataset'); // TODO: no need to re-render (should happen automatically) self.render(); } , error: function(model, error) { CKAN.View.flash('Failed to save: ' + error, 'error'); } }); } resource.bind('change', handleNewResourceSave); var resourceView = new CKAN.View.ResourceCreate({ el: $el, model: resource }); resourceView.render(); dialogOptions = { autoOpen: false, // does not seem to work for width ... position: ['center', 'center'], buttons: [], width: 660, resize: 'auto', modal: false, draggable: true, resizable: true }; dialogOptions.title = 'Add Data (File, API, ...)'; $el.dialog(dialogOptions); $el.dialog('open'); $el.bind("dialogbeforeclose", function () { self.el.find('.resource-add-dialog').remove(); }); } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.GroupSummaryList = Backbone.View.extend({ className: 'groups list', template: '\ {{#groups}} \

    \ {{title}} \



    \ Datasets {{dataset_count}} \
    \ {{/groups}} \ ', initialize: function() { this.el = $(this.el); _.bindAll(this, 'render'); this.collection.bind('change', this.render); }, render: function() { var tmplData = { groups: { return x.toTemplateJSON()}) }; var html = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData); this.el.html(html); } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { // Flash a notification message // // Parameters: msg, type. type is set as class on notification and should be one of success, error. // If type not defined defaults to success my.flash = function(msg, type) { if (type === undefined) { var type = 'success' } $.event.trigger('notification', [msg, type]); }; my.NotificationView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: '
    ', initialize: function() { var self = this; $(document).bind('notification', function(e, msg, type) { self.render(msg, type) }); }, events: { 'click .flash-banner button': 'hide' }, render: function(msg, type) { var _out = Mustache.render(this.template, {'message': msg, 'type': type}) this.el.html(_out); this.el.slideDown(400); }, hide: function() { this.el.slideUp(200); } }); return my; }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function (CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined) { CKAN.View.ResourceCreate = Backbone.View.extend({ template: ' \
    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

    Link to data already online



    Upload data

    \ ', initialize: function() { this.el = $(this.el); _.bindAll(this, 'renderMain'); this.renderMain(); this.$edit = $(this.el.find('.edit')[0]); this.$upload = $(this.el.find('.upload')[0]); this.editView = new CKAN.View.ResourceEditView({ model: this.model, el: this.$edit }); this.uploadView = new CKAN.View.ResourceUpload({ el: this.$upload, model: this.model, // TODO: horrible reverse depedency ... client: CKAN.UI.workspace.client }); }, renderMain: function () { this.el.empty(); tmplData = { }; var tmpl = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData); this.el.html(tmpl); return this; }, render: function () { this.editView.render(); this.uploadView.render(); } }); })(CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.ResourceEditView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: ' \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \

    Optional Info

    \ \
    \ \
    \ \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ \
    \ ', render: function() { var tmpl = Mustache.render(this.template, this.model.toJSON()); $(this.el).html(tmpl); return this; }, events: { 'submit form': 'saveData' }, saveData: function() { // only set rather than save as can only save resources as part of a dataset atm this.model.set(this.getData(), { error: function(model, error) { var msg = 'Failed to save, possibly due to invalid data '; msg += JSON.stringify(error); alert(msg); } }); return false; }, getData: function() { var _data = $(this.el).find('form.resource').serializeArray(); modelData = {}; $.each(_data, function(idx, value) { modelData['--')[1]] = value.value }); return modelData; } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery)); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function (CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined) { CKAN.View.ResourceUpload = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', template: ' \
    \ \
    \ \ \ \ \
    \ \
    \ ', // expects a client arguments in its options initialize: function(options) { this.el = $(this.el); this.client = options.client; _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'updateFormData', 'setMessage', 'uploadFile'); }, events: { 'click input[type="submit"]': 'uploadFile' }, render: function () { this.el.empty(); tmplData = { } var tmpl = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData); this.el.html(tmpl); this.$messages = this.el.find('.messages'); this.setupFileUpload(); return this; }, setupFileUpload: function() { var self = this; this.el.find('.fileupload').fileupload({ // needed because we are posting to remote url forceIframeTransport: true, replaceFileInput: false, autoUpload: false, fail: function(e, data) { alert('Upload failed'); }, add: function(e,data) { self.fileData = data; self.fileUploadData = data; self.key = self.makeUploadKey(data.files[0].name); self.updateFormData(self.key); }, send: function(e, data) { self.setMessage('Uploading file ... '); }, done: function(e, data) { self.onUploadComplete(self.key); } }) }, ISODateString: function(d) { function pad(n) {return n<10 ? '0'+n : n}; return d.getUTCFullYear()+'-' + pad(d.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-' + pad(d.getUTCDate())+'T' + pad(d.getUTCHours())+':' + pad(d.getUTCMinutes())+':' + pad(d.getUTCSeconds()); }, // Create an upload key/label for this file. // // Form: {current-date}/file-name. Do not just use the file name as this // would lead to collisions. // (Could add userid/username and/or a small random string to reduce // collisions but chances seem very low already) makeUploadKey: function(fileName) { // note that we put hh mm ss as hhmmss rather hh:mm:ss (former is 'basic // format') var now = new Date(); // replace ':' with nothing var str = this.ISODateString(now).replace(':', '').replace(':', ''); return str + '/' + fileName; }, updateFormData: function(key) { var self = this; self.setMessage('Checking upload permissions ... '); self.el.find('.fileinfo').text(key); self.client.getStorageAuthForm(key, { async: false, success: function(data) { self.el.find('form').attr('action', data.action); _tmpl = ''; var $hidden = $(self.el.find('form div.hidden-inputs')[0]); $.each(data.fields, function(idx, item) { $hidden.append(Mustache.render(_tmpl, item)); }); self.hideMessage(); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // TODO: more graceful error handling (e.g. of 409) self.setMessage('Failed to get credentials for storage upload. Upload cannot proceed', 'error'); } }); }, uploadFile: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.fileData) { alert('No file selected'); return; } var jqXHR = this.fileData.submit(); }, onUploadComplete: function(key) { var self = this; self.client.apiCall({ offset: '/storage/metadata/' + self.key, success: function(data) { var name = data._label; if (name && name.length > 0 && name[0] === '/') { name = name.slice(1); } var d = new Date(data._last_modified); var lastmod = self.ISODateString(d); self.model.set({ url: data._location , name: name , size: data._content_length , last_modified: lastmod , format: data._format , mimetype: data._format , resource_type: 'file.upload' , owner: data['uploaded-by'] , hash: data._checksum , cache_url: data._location , cache_url_updated: lastmod } , { error: function(model, error) { var msg = 'Filed uploaded OK but error adding resource: ' + error + '.'; msg += 'You may need to create a resource directly. Uploaded file at: ' + data._location; CKAN.View.flash(msg, 'error'); } } ); self.setMessage('File uploaded OK and resource added', 'success'); CKAN.View.flash('File uploaded OK and resource added'); } }); }, setMessage: function(msg, category) { var category = category || 'notice'; this.$messages.removeClass('notice success error'); this.$messages.addClass(category); this.$; this.$messages.html(msg); }, hideMessage: function() { this.$messages.hide('slow'); } }); })(CKAN, $, _, Backbone, undefined); var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.View = CKAN.View || {}; (function(my, $) { my.ResourceView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: ' \

    \ {{resource.url}} [{{resource.format}}] \

    \ {{resource.description}} \
    \ \

    Additional Information

    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {{#resourceDetails}} \ \ \ \ \ {{/resourceDetails}} \ \
    \ ', render: function() { var resourceData = this.model.toTemplateJSON(); var resourceDetails = {}; var exclude = [ 'resource_group_id', 'description', 'url', 'position', 'id', 'webstore', 'qa', 'dataset', 'displaytitle' ]; $.each(resourceData, function(key, value) { if (! _.contains(exclude, key)) { resourceDetails[key] = value; } }); tmplData = { resource: resourceData, resourceDetails: resourceDetails }; // HACK - for tests ... if (this.model.get('dataset')) { tmplData.dataset = this.model.get('dataset').toTemplateJSON(); } else { tmplData.dataset = { name: 'unknown' } } $('.page-heading').html( + ' / ' + tmplData.resource.displaytitle); var tmpl = Mustache.render(this.template, tmplData); $(this.el).html(tmpl); return this; }, events: { } }); }(CKAN.View, jQuery));