local map = vim.keymap.set -- Don't copy when pasting over selection map("v", "p", '"_dP') map("v", "P", '"_dp') -- go to beginning and end map("i", "", "^i") -- "論 beginning of line" map("i", "", "") -- "壟 end of line", -- navigate within insert mode map("i", "", "") -- "  move left" map("i", "", "") -- " move right" map("i", "", "") -- " move down" map("i", "", "") -- " move up" }, map("n", "", "zz") map("n", "", " noh ") -- " no highlight") -- manage windows map("n", "", "5<") --" decrease width" map("n", "", "5>") --" increase width" map("n", "", "-") --" decrease height" map("n", "", "+") --" increase height" map("n", "", "w") --" window up" map("n", "", "W") --" window down" -- save map("n", "", " w ") --"﬚ save file" map("v", "", '"+y') --" copy selected text" map("v", "<", "", ">gv") --"move chunk without reset" map("t", "", "") --" escape terminal mode" map("t", "", "w") --" window down" map("t", "", "W") --" window up" -- bufferline map("n", "", " enew ") --"烙 new buffer" map("n", "", " BufferLineCycleNext ") --" cycle next buffer" map("n", "", " BufferLineCyclePrev ") --" cycle prev buffer" map("n", "", " BufferLineMoveNext ") --" cycle next buffer" map("n", "", " BufferLineMovePrev ") --" cycle prev buffer" map("n", "", " BufferLinePick ") map("n", "x", " bp|sp|bn|bd! ") --" close buffer" for i = 1, 9 do -- map("n", "", function() require("bufferline").go_to_buffer(i) end) map("n", "", "" .. i .. "tabn") end -- nvimtree map("n", "", " NvimTreeToggle ") -- " toggle nvimtree", map("n", "e", " NvimTreeFocus ") -- " focus nvimtree" -- telescope map("n", "ff", " Telescope") -- " find files" map("n", "fd", " Telescope find_files ") -- " find files" map("n", "fa", " Telescope find_files follow=true no_ignore=true hidden=true ") --" find all" map("n", "fw", " Telescope live_grep ") --" live grep" map("n", "fp", " Telescope pickers ") --" pickers" map("n", "fr", " Telescope registers ") --" pickers" map("n", "fb", " Telescope buffers ") --" find buffers" map("n", "fh", " Telescope help_tags ") --" help page" map("n", "fo", " Telescope oldfiles ") --" find oldfiles" -- git map("n", "cm", " Telescope git_commits ") --" git commits" map("n", "gt", " Telescope git_status ") --" git status" map("n", "pt", " Telescope terms ") --" pick hidden term" -- toggleterm map("t", "", ":ToggleTerm direction=float") --" toggle floating term" map("t", "", ":ToggleTerm direction=horizontal") --" new horizontal term" map("t", "", ":ToggleTerm direction=vertical") --" new vertical term" map("n", "", " ToggleTerm direction=float") --" toggle floating term" -- new map("n", "", " ToggleTerm direction=horizontal") --" new horizontal term" map("n", "", " ToggleTerm direction=vertical") --" new vertical term" -- lspsaga map("n", "gh", "Lspsaga lsp_finder") map("n", "ca", "Lspsaga code_action") map("v", "ca", "Lspsaga range_code_action") map("n", "K", "Lspsaga hover_doc") map("n", "", function() require("lspsaga.action").smart_scroll_with_saga(1) end) map("n", "", function() require("lspsaga.action").smart_scroll_with_saga(-1) end) -- map("n", "gs", "Lspsaga signature_help") map("n", "gr", "Lspsaga rename") map("n", "gd", "Lspsaga preview_definition") map("n", "cd", "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics") map("n", "cd", "Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics") map("n", "[e", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next") map("n", "]e", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_prev")